| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // AES package |
| |
| package aes_pkg; |
| |
| // The initial key is always provided in two shares, independently whether the cipher core is |
| // masked or not. |
| parameter int unsigned NumSharesKey = 2; |
| |
| // Software updates IV in chunks of 32 bits, the counter updates 16 bits at a time. |
| parameter int unsigned SliceSizeCtr = 16; |
| parameter int unsigned NumSlicesCtr = aes_reg_pkg::NumRegsIv * 32 / SliceSizeCtr; |
| parameter int unsigned SliceIdxWidth = prim_util_pkg::vbits(NumSlicesCtr); |
| |
| // Widths of signals carrying pseudo-random data for clearing |
| parameter int unsigned WidthPRDClearing = 64; |
| parameter int unsigned NumChunksPRDClearing128 = 128/WidthPRDClearing; |
| parameter int unsigned NumChunksPRDClearing256 = 256/WidthPRDClearing; |
| |
| // Widths of signals carrying pseudo-random data for masking |
| parameter int unsigned WidthPRDSBox = 8; // Number PRD bits per S-Box. This includes the |
| // 8 bits for the output mask when using any of the |
| // masked Canright S-Box implementations. |
| parameter int unsigned WidthPRDData = 16*WidthPRDSBox; // 16 S-Boxes for the data path |
| parameter int unsigned WidthPRDKey = 4*WidthPRDSBox; // 4 S-Boxes for the key expand |
| parameter int unsigned WidthPRDMasking = WidthPRDData + WidthPRDKey; |
| |
| parameter int unsigned ChunkSizePRDMasking = WidthPRDMasking/5; |
| |
| // Clearing PRNG default LFSR seed and permutation |
| // These LFSR parameters have been generated with |
| // $ util/design/gen-lfsr-seed.py --width 64 --seed 31468618 --prefix "Clearing" |
| parameter int ClearingLfsrWidth = 64; |
| typedef logic [ClearingLfsrWidth-1:0] clearing_lfsr_seed_t; |
| typedef logic [ClearingLfsrWidth-1:0][$clog2(ClearingLfsrWidth)-1:0] clearing_lfsr_perm_t; |
| parameter clearing_lfsr_seed_t RndCnstClearingLfsrSeedDefault = 64'hc32d580f74f1713a; |
| parameter clearing_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstClearingLfsrPermDefault = { |
| 128'hb33fdfc81deb6292c21f8a3102585067, |
| 256'h9c2f4be1bbe937b4b7c9d7f4e57568d99c8ae291a899143e0d8459d31b143223 |
| }; |
| // A second permutation is needed for the second share. |
| parameter clearing_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstClearingSharePermDefault = { |
| 128'hf66fd61b27847edc2286706fb3a2e900, |
| 256'h9736b95ac3f3b5205caf8dc536aad73605d393c8dd94476e830e97891d4828d0 |
| }; |
| |
| // Masking PRNG default LFSR seed and permutation |
| // We use a single seed that is split down into chunks internally. |
| // These LFSR parameters have been generated with |
| // $ util/design/gen-lfsr-seed.py --width 160 --seed 31468618 --prefix "Masking" |
| parameter int MaskingLfsrWidth = 160; // = WidthPRDMasking = WidthPRDSBox * (16 + 4) |
| typedef logic [MaskingLfsrWidth-1:0] masking_lfsr_seed_t; |
| typedef logic [MaskingLfsrWidth-1:0][$clog2(MaskingLfsrWidth)-1:0] masking_lfsr_perm_t; |
| parameter masking_lfsr_seed_t RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeedDefault = |
| 160'hc132b5723c5a4cf4743b3c7c32d580f74f1713a; |
| parameter masking_lfsr_perm_t RndCnstMaskingLfsrPermDefault = { |
| 256'h17261943423e4c5c03872194050c7e5f8497081d96666d406f4b606473303469, |
| 256'h8e7c721c8832471f59919e0b128f067b25622768462e554d8970815d490d7f44, |
| 256'h048c867d907a239b20220f6c79071a852d76485452189f14091b1e744e396737, |
| 256'h4f785b772b352f6550613c58130a8b104a3f28019c9a380233956b00563a512c, |
| 256'h808d419d63982a16995e0e3b57826a36718a9329452492533d83115a75316e15 |
| }; |
| |
| typedef enum integer { |
| SBoxImplLut, // Unmasked LUT-based S-Box |
| SBoxImplCanright, // Unmasked Canright S-Box, see aes_sbox_canright.sv |
| SBoxImplCanrightMasked, // First-order masked Canright S-Box |
| // see aes_sbox_canright_masked.sv |
| SBoxImplCanrightMaskedNoreuse, // First-order masked Canright S-Box without mask reuse, |
| // see aes_sbox_canright_masked_noreuse.sv |
| SBoxImplDom // First-order masked S-Box using domain-oriented masking, |
| // see aes_sbox_canright_dom.sv |
| } sbox_impl_e; |
| |
| |
| // Parameters used for controlgroups in the coverage |
| parameter int AES_OP_WIDTH = 2; |
| parameter int AES_MODE_WIDTH = 6; |
| parameter int AES_KEYLEN_WIDTH = 3; |
| parameter int AES_PRNGRESEEDRATE_WIDTH = 3; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [AES_OP_WIDTH-1:0] { |
| AES_ENC = 2'b01, |
| AES_DEC = 2'b10 |
| } aes_op_e; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [AES_MODE_WIDTH-1:0] { |
| AES_ECB = 6'b00_0001, |
| AES_CBC = 6'b00_0010, |
| AES_CFB = 6'b00_0100, |
| AES_OFB = 6'b00_1000, |
| AES_CTR = 6'b01_0000, |
| AES_NONE = 6'b10_0000 |
| } aes_mode_e; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [AES_OP_WIDTH-1:0] { |
| CIPH_FWD = 2'b01, |
| CIPH_INV = 2'b10 |
| } ciph_op_e; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [AES_KEYLEN_WIDTH-1:0] { |
| AES_128 = 3'b001, |
| AES_192 = 3'b010, |
| AES_256 = 3'b100 |
| } key_len_e; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [AES_PRNGRESEEDRATE_WIDTH-1:0] { |
| PER_1 = 3'b001, |
| PER_64 = 3'b010, |
| PER_8K = 3'b100 |
| } prs_rate_e; |
| parameter int unsigned BlockCtrWidth = 13; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [31:7] unused; |
| logic alert_fatal_fault; |
| logic alert_recov_ctrl_update_err; |
| logic input_ready; |
| logic output_valid; |
| logic output_lost; |
| logic stall; |
| logic idle; |
| } status_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic recov_ctrl_update_err; |
| logic fatal_fault; |
| } alert_test_t; |
| |
| // Generic, sparse mux selector encodings |
| |
| // Encoding generated with: |
| // $ ./util/design/sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 3 -m 2 -n 3 \ |
| // -s 31468618 --language=sv |
| // |
| // Hamming distance histogram: |
| // |
| // 0: -- |
| // 1: -- |
| // 2: -- |
| // 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (100.00%) |
| // |
| // Minimum Hamming distance: 3 |
| // Maximum Hamming distance: 3 |
| // Minimum Hamming weight: 1 |
| // Maximum Hamming weight: 2 |
| // |
| parameter int Mux2SelWidth = 3; |
| typedef enum logic [Mux2SelWidth-1:0] { |
| MUX2_SEL_0 = 3'b011, |
| MUX2_SEL_1 = 3'b100 |
| } mux2_sel_e; |
| |
| // Encoding generated with: |
| // $ ./sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 3 -m 3 -n 5 \ |
| // -s 31468618 --language=sv |
| // |
| // Hamming distance histogram: |
| // |
| // 0: -- |
| // 1: -- |
| // 2: -- |
| // 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (66.67%) |
| // 4: |||||||||| (33.33%) |
| // 5: -- |
| // |
| // Minimum Hamming distance: 3 |
| // Maximum Hamming distance: 4 |
| // |
| parameter int Mux3SelWidth = 5; |
| typedef enum logic [Mux3SelWidth-1:0] { |
| MUX3_SEL_0 = 5'b01110, |
| MUX3_SEL_1 = 5'b11000, |
| MUX3_SEL_2 = 5'b00001 |
| } mux3_sel_e; |
| |
| // Encoding generated with: |
| // $ ./sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 3 -m 4 -n 5 \ |
| // -s 31468618 --language=sv |
| // |
| // Hamming distance histogram: |
| // |
| // 0: -- |
| // 1: -- |
| // 2: -- |
| // 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (66.67%) |
| // 4: |||||||||| (33.33%) |
| // 5: -- |
| // |
| // Minimum Hamming distance: 3 |
| // Maximum Hamming distance: 4 |
| // |
| parameter int Mux4SelWidth = 5; |
| typedef enum logic [Mux4SelWidth-1:0] { |
| MUX4_SEL_0 = 5'b01110, |
| MUX4_SEL_1 = 5'b11000, |
| MUX4_SEL_2 = 5'b00001, |
| MUX4_SEL_3 = 5'b10111 |
| } mux4_sel_e; |
| |
| // $ ./sparse-fsm-encode.py -d 3 -m 6 -n 6 \ |
| // -s 31468618 --language=sv |
| // |
| // Hamming distance histogram: |
| // |
| // 0: -- |
| // 1: -- |
| // 2: -- |
| // 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (53.33%) |
| // 4: ||||||||||||||| (40.00%) |
| // 5: || (6.67%) |
| // 6: -- |
| // |
| // Minimum Hamming distance: 3 |
| // Maximum Hamming distance: 5 |
| // |
| parameter int Mux6SelWidth = 6; |
| typedef enum logic [Mux6SelWidth-1:0] { |
| MUX6_SEL_0 = 6'b011101, |
| MUX6_SEL_1 = 6'b110000, |
| MUX6_SEL_2 = 6'b001000, |
| MUX6_SEL_3 = 6'b000011, |
| MUX6_SEL_4 = 6'b111110, |
| MUX6_SEL_5 = 6'b100101 |
| } mux6_sel_e; |
| |
| // Mux selector signal types. These use the generic types defined above. |
| |
| parameter int DIPSelNum = 2; |
| parameter int DIPSelWidth = Mux2SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [DIPSelWidth-1:0] { |
| } dip_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int SISelNum = 2; |
| parameter int SISelWidth = Mux2SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [SISelWidth-1:0] { |
| SI_ZERO = MUX2_SEL_0, |
| SI_DATA = MUX2_SEL_1 |
| } si_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int AddSISelNum = 2; |
| parameter int AddSISelWidth = Mux2SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [AddSISelWidth-1:0] { |
| ADD_SI_IV = MUX2_SEL_1 |
| } add_si_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int StateSelNum = 3; |
| parameter int StateSelWidth = Mux3SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [StateSelWidth-1:0] { |
| } state_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int AddRKSelNum = 3; |
| parameter int AddRKSelWidth = Mux3SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [AddRKSelWidth-1:0] { |
| } add_rk_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int KeyInitSelNum = 3; |
| parameter int KeyInitSelWidth = Mux3SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [KeyInitSelWidth-1:0] { |
| } key_init_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int IVSelNum = 6; |
| parameter int IVSelWidth = Mux6SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [IVSelWidth-1:0] { |
| IV_INPUT = MUX6_SEL_0, |
| IV_CTR = MUX6_SEL_4, |
| } iv_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int KeyFullSelNum = 4; |
| parameter int KeyFullSelWidth = Mux4SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [KeyFullSelWidth-1:0] { |
| } key_full_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int KeyDecSelNum = 2; |
| parameter int KeyDecSelWidth = Mux2SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [KeyDecSelWidth-1:0] { |
| } key_dec_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int KeyWordsSelNum = 4; |
| parameter int KeyWordsSelWidth = Mux4SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [KeyWordsSelWidth-1:0] { |
| KEY_WORDS_0123 = MUX4_SEL_0, |
| KEY_WORDS_2345 = MUX4_SEL_1, |
| KEY_WORDS_4567 = MUX4_SEL_2, |
| } key_words_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int RoundKeySelNum = 2; |
| parameter int RoundKeySelWidth = Mux2SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [RoundKeySelWidth-1:0] { |
| } round_key_sel_e; |
| |
| parameter int AddSOSelNum = 3; |
| parameter int AddSOSelWidth = Mux3SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [AddSOSelWidth-1:0] { |
| ADD_SO_IV = MUX3_SEL_1, |
| } add_so_sel_e; |
| |
| // Sparse two-value signal type sp2v_e |
| parameter int Sp2VNum = 2; |
| parameter int Sp2VWidth = Mux2SelWidth; |
| typedef enum logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] { |
| SP2V_HIGH = MUX2_SEL_0, |
| SP2V_LOW = MUX2_SEL_1 |
| } sp2v_e; |
| |
| typedef logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp2v_logic_t; |
| parameter sp2v_logic_t SP2V_LOGIC_HIGH = {SP2V_HIGH}; |
| |
| // Control register type |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic force_zero_masks; |
| logic manual_operation; |
| prs_rate_e prng_reseed_rate; |
| logic sideload; |
| key_len_e key_len; |
| aes_mode_e mode; |
| aes_op_e operation; |
| } ctrl_reg_t; |
| |
| parameter ctrl_reg_t CTRL_RESET = '{ |
| force_zero_masks: aes_reg_pkg::AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_FORCE_ZERO_MASKS_RESVAL, |
| manual_operation: aes_reg_pkg::AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MANUAL_OPERATION_RESVAL, |
| prng_reseed_rate: prs_rate_e'(aes_reg_pkg::AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_PRNG_RESEED_RATE_RESVAL), |
| sideload: aes_reg_pkg::AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_SIDELOAD_RESVAL, |
| key_len: key_len_e'(aes_reg_pkg::AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_KEY_LEN_RESVAL), |
| mode: aes_mode_e'(aes_reg_pkg::AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_MODE_RESVAL), |
| operation: aes_op_e'(aes_reg_pkg::AES_CTRL_SHADOWED_OPERATION_RESVAL) |
| }; |
| |
| // Multiplication by {02} (i.e. x) on GF(2^8) |
| // with field generating polynomial {01}{1b} (9'h11b) |
| // Sometimes also denoted by xtime(). |
| function automatic logic [7:0] aes_mul2(logic [7:0] in); |
| logic [7:0] out; |
| out[7] = in[6]; |
| out[6] = in[5]; |
| out[5] = in[4]; |
| out[4] = in[3] ^ in[7]; |
| out[3] = in[2] ^ in[7]; |
| out[2] = in[1]; |
| out[1] = in[0] ^ in[7]; |
| out[0] = in[7]; |
| return out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Multiplication by {04} (i.e. x^2) on GF(2^8) |
| // with field generating polynomial {01}{1b} (9'h11b) |
| function automatic logic [7:0] aes_mul4(logic [7:0] in); |
| return aes_mul2(aes_mul2(in)); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Division by {02} (i.e. x) on GF(2^8) |
| // with field generating polynomial {01}{1b} (9'h11b) |
| // This is the inverse of aes_mul2() or xtime(). |
| function automatic logic [7:0] aes_div2(logic [7:0] in); |
| logic [7:0] out; |
| out[7] = in[0]; |
| out[6] = in[7]; |
| out[5] = in[6]; |
| out[4] = in[5]; |
| out[3] = in[4] ^ in[0]; |
| out[2] = in[3] ^ in[0]; |
| out[1] = in[2]; |
| out[0] = in[1] ^ in[0]; |
| return out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Circular byte shift to the left |
| function automatic logic [31:0] aes_circ_byte_shift(logic [31:0] in, logic [1:0] shift); |
| logic [31:0] out; |
| logic [31:0] s; |
| s = {30'b0,shift}; |
| out = {in[8*((7-s)%4) +: 8], in[8*((6-s)%4) +: 8], |
| in[8*((5-s)%4) +: 8], in[8*((4-s)%4) +: 8]}; |
| return out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Transpose state matrix |
| function automatic logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] aes_transpose(logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] in); |
| logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] transpose; |
| transpose = '0; |
| for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) begin |
| for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin |
| transpose[i][j] = in[j][i]; |
| end |
| end |
| return transpose; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Extract single column from state matrix |
| function automatic logic [3:0][7:0] aes_col_get(logic [3:0][3:0][7:0] in, logic [1:0] idx); |
| logic [3:0][7:0] out; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin |
| out[i] = in[i][idx]; |
| end |
| return out; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Matrix-vector multiplication in GF(2^8): c = A * b |
| function automatic logic [7:0] aes_mvm( |
| logic [7:0] vec_b, |
| logic [7:0] mat_a [8] |
| ); |
| logic [7:0] vec_c; |
| vec_c = '0; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) begin |
| for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) begin |
| vec_c[i] = vec_c[i] ^ (mat_a[j][i] & vec_b[7-j]); |
| end |
| end |
| return vec_c; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Function for extracting LSBs of the per-S-Box pseudo-random data (PRD) from the output of the |
| // masking PRNG. |
| // |
| // The masking PRNG is used for generating both the PRD for the S-Boxes/SubBytes operation as |
| // well as for the input data masks. When using any of the masked Canright S-Box implementations, |
| // it is important that the SubBytes input masks (generated by the PRNG in Round X-1) and the |
| // SubBytes output masks (generated by the PRNG in Round X) are independent. Inside the PRNG, |
| // this is achieved by using multiple, separately re-seeded LFSR chunks and by selecting the |
| // separate LFSR chunks in alternating fashion. Since the input data masks become the SubBytes |
| // input masks in the first round, we select the same 8 bit lanes for the input data masks which |
| // are also used to form the SubBytes output mask for the masked Canright S-Box implementations, |
| // i.e., the 8 LSBs of the per S-Box PRD. In particular, we have: |
| // |
| // prng_output = { prd_key_expand, ... , sb_prd[4], sb_out_mask[4], sb_prd[0], sb_out_mask[0] } |
| // |
| // Where sb_out_mask[x] contains the SubBytes output mask for byte x (when using a masked |
| // Canright S-Box implementation) and sb_prd[x] contains additional PRD consumed by SubBytes for |
| // byte x. |
| // |
| // When using a masked S-Box implementation other than Canright, we still select the 8 LSBs of |
| // the per-S-Box PRD to form the input data mask of the corresponding byte. We do this to |
| // distribute the input data masks over all LFSR chunks of the masking PRNG. |
| |
| // For one row of the state matrix, extract the 8 LSBs of the per-S-Box PRD from the PRNG output. |
| // These bits are used as: |
| // - input data masks, and |
| // - SubBytes output mask when using a masked Canright S-Box implementation. |
| function automatic logic [3:0][7:0] aes_prd_get_lsbs( |
| logic [(4*WidthPRDSBox)-1:0] in |
| ); |
| logic [3:0][7:0] prd_lsbs; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin |
| prd_lsbs[i] = in[i*WidthPRDSBox +: 8]; |
| end |
| return prd_lsbs; |
| endfunction |
| |
| endpackage |