blob: a680119d1dc35890464047b7b39cd517c5ee7b89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// AES main control FSM
// This module contains the main control FSM handling the interplay of input/output registers and
// the AES cipher core.
`include ""
module aes_control_fsm
import aes_pkg::*;
import aes_reg_pkg::*;
parameter bit Masking = 0
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
// Main control signals
input logic ctrl_qe_i,
output logic ctrl_we_o,
input logic ctrl_err_storage_i,
input aes_op_e op_i,
input aes_mode_e mode_i,
input ciph_op_e cipher_op_i,
input logic sideload_i,
input prs_rate_e prng_reseed_rate_i,
input logic manual_operation_i,
input logic key_touch_forces_reseed_i,
input logic start_i,
input logic key_iv_data_in_clear_i,
input logic data_out_clear_i,
input logic prng_reseed_i,
input logic mux_sel_err_i,
input logic sp_enc_err_i,
input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_escalate_en_i,
input logic alert_fatal_i,
output logic alert_o,
// I/O register read/write enables
input logic key_sideload_valid_i,
input logic [NumSharesKey-1:0][NumRegsKey-1:0] key_init_qe_i,
input logic [NumRegsIv-1:0] iv_qe_i,
input logic [NumRegsData-1:0] data_in_qe_i,
input logic [NumRegsData-1:0] data_out_re_i,
output logic data_in_we_o,
output logic data_out_we_o, // Sparsify
// Previous input data register
output dip_sel_e data_in_prev_sel_o,
output logic data_in_prev_we_o, // Sparsify
// Cipher I/O muxes
output si_sel_e state_in_sel_o,
output add_si_sel_e add_state_in_sel_o,
output add_so_sel_e add_state_out_sel_o,
// Counter
output logic ctr_incr_o, // Sparsify
input logic ctr_ready_i, // Sparsify
input logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] ctr_we_i, // Sparsify
// Cipher core control and sync
output logic cipher_in_valid_o, // Sparsify
input logic cipher_in_ready_i, // Sparsify
input logic cipher_out_valid_i, // Sparsify
output logic cipher_out_ready_o, // Sparsify
output logic cipher_crypt_o, // Sparsify
input logic cipher_crypt_i, // Sparsify
output logic cipher_dec_key_gen_o, // Sparsify
input logic cipher_dec_key_gen_i, // Sparsify
output logic cipher_prng_reseed_o,
input logic cipher_prng_reseed_i,
output logic cipher_key_clear_o,
input logic cipher_key_clear_i,
output logic cipher_data_out_clear_o,
input logic cipher_data_out_clear_i,
// Initial key registers
output key_init_sel_e key_init_sel_o,
output logic [NumSharesKey-1:0][NumRegsKey-1:0] key_init_we_o, // Sparsify
// IV registers
output iv_sel_e iv_sel_o,
output logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] iv_we_o, // Sparsify
// Pseudo-random number generator interface
output logic prng_data_req_o,
input logic prng_data_ack_i,
output logic prng_reseed_req_o,
input logic prng_reseed_ack_i,
// Trigger register
output logic start_we_o,
output logic key_iv_data_in_clear_we_o,
output logic data_out_clear_we_o,
output logic prng_reseed_o,
output logic prng_reseed_we_o,
// Status register
output logic idle_o,
output logic idle_we_o,
output logic stall_o,
output logic stall_we_o,
input logic output_lost_i,
output logic output_lost_o,
output logic output_lost_we_o,
output logic output_valid_o,
output logic output_valid_we_o,
output logic input_ready_o,
output logic input_ready_we_o
// Encoding generated with:
// $ ./util/design/ -d 3 -m 7 -n 6 \
// -s 31468618 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (57.14%)
// 4: ||||||||||||||| (42.86%)
// 5: --
// 6: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 3
// Maximum Hamming distance: 4
// Minimum Hamming weight: 1
// Maximum Hamming weight: 5
localparam int StateWidth = 6;
typedef enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
IDLE = 6'b111100,
LOAD = 6'b101001,
PRNG_UPDATE = 6'b010000,
PRNG_RESEED = 6'b100010,
FINISH = 6'b011011,
CLEAR = 6'b110111,
ERROR = 6'b001110
} aes_ctrl_e;
// Signals
aes_ctrl_e aes_ctrl_ns, aes_ctrl_cs;
logic prng_reseed_done_d, prng_reseed_done_q;
logic key_init_clear;
logic key_init_new;
logic key_init_new_pulse;
logic key_init_load;
logic key_init_arm;
logic key_init_ready;
logic key_sideload;
logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] iv_qe;
logic iv_clear;
logic iv_load;
logic iv_arm;
logic iv_ready;
logic [NumRegsData-1:0] data_in_new_d, data_in_new_q;
logic data_in_new;
logic data_in_load;
logic [NumRegsData-1:0] data_out_read_d, data_out_read_q;
logic data_out_read;
logic output_valid_q;
logic cfg_valid;
logic no_alert;
logic cipher_op_err;
logic start_common, start_ecb, start_cbc, start_cfb, start_ofb, start_ctr;
logic start;
logic finish;
logic crypt;
logic cipher_out_done;
logic doing_cbc_enc, doing_cbc_dec;
logic doing_cfb_enc, doing_cfb_dec;
logic doing_ofb;
logic doing_ctr;
logic ctrl_we_q;
logic clear_in_out_status;
logic start_we;
logic key_iv_data_in_clear_we;
logic data_out_clear_we;
logic prng_reseed_we;
logic idle;
logic idle_we;
logic stall;
logic stall_we;
logic output_lost;
logic output_lost_we;
logic output_valid;
logic output_valid_we;
logic input_ready;
logic input_ready_we;
logic block_ctr_expr;
logic block_ctr_decr;
// Software updates IV in chunks of 32 bits, the counter updates SliceSizeCtr bits at a time.
// Convert word write enable to internal half-word write enable.
assign iv_qe = {iv_qe_i[3], iv_qe_i[3], iv_qe_i[2], iv_qe_i[2],
iv_qe_i[1], iv_qe_i[1], iv_qe_i[0], iv_qe_i[0]};
// The cipher core is only ever allowed to start or finish if the control register holds a valid
// configuration and if no fatal alert condition occured.
assign cfg_valid = ~((mode_i == AES_NONE) | ctrl_err_storage_i);
assign no_alert = ~alert_fatal_i;
// cipher_op_i is obtained from the configuration of the control register with additional logic.
assign cipher_op_err = ~(cipher_op_i == CIPH_FWD || cipher_op_i == CIPH_INV);
// Check common start conditions. These are needed for any mode, unless we are running in
// manual mode.
assign start_common = key_init_ready & data_in_new &
// If key sideload is enabled, we only start if the key is valid.
(sideload_i ? key_sideload_valid_i : 1'b1);
// Check mode-specific start conditions. If the IV (and counter) is needed, we only start if
// also the IV (and counter) is ready.
assign start_ecb = (mode_i == AES_ECB);
assign start_cbc = (mode_i == AES_CBC) & iv_ready;
assign start_cfb = (mode_i == AES_CFB) & iv_ready;
assign start_ofb = (mode_i == AES_OFB) & iv_ready;
assign start_ctr = (mode_i == AES_CTR) & iv_ready & ctr_ready_i;
// If set to start manually, we just wait for the trigger. Otherwise, check common as well as
// mode-specific start conditions.
assign start = cfg_valid & no_alert &
// Manual operation has priority.
(manual_operation_i ? start_i :
// Check start conditions for automatic operation.
((start_ecb |
start_cbc |
start_cfb |
start_ofb |
start_ctr) & start_common));
// If not set to overwrite data, we wait for any previous output data to be read. data_out_read
// synchronously clears output_valid_q, unless new output data is written in the exact same
// clock cycle.
assign finish = cfg_valid & no_alert &
// Manual operation has priority.
(manual_operation_i ? 1'b1 :
// Make sure previous output data has been read.
(~output_valid_q | data_out_read));
// Helper signals for FSM
assign crypt = cipher_crypt_o | cipher_crypt_i;
assign doing_cbc_enc = (mode_i == AES_CBC && op_i == AES_ENC) & crypt;
assign doing_cbc_dec = (mode_i == AES_CBC && op_i == AES_DEC) & crypt;
assign doing_cfb_enc = (mode_i == AES_CFB && op_i == AES_ENC) & crypt;
assign doing_cfb_dec = (mode_i == AES_CFB && op_i == AES_DEC) & crypt;
assign doing_ofb = (mode_i == AES_OFB) & crypt;
assign doing_ctr = (mode_i == AES_CTR) & crypt;
// FSM
always_comb begin : aes_ctrl_fsm
// Previous input data register control
data_in_prev_sel_o = DIP_CLEAR;
data_in_prev_we_o = 1'b0;
// Cipher I/O mux control
state_in_sel_o = SI_DATA;
add_state_in_sel_o = ADD_SI_ZERO;
add_state_out_sel_o = ADD_SO_ZERO;
// Counter control
ctr_incr_o = 1'b0;
// Cipher core control
cipher_in_valid_o = 1'b0;
cipher_out_ready_o = 1'b0;
cipher_out_done = 1'b0;
cipher_crypt_o = 1'b0;
cipher_dec_key_gen_o = 1'b0;
cipher_prng_reseed_o = 1'b0;
cipher_key_clear_o = 1'b0;
cipher_data_out_clear_o = 1'b0;
// Initial key registers
key_init_sel_o = sideload_i ? KEY_INIT_KEYMGR : KEY_INIT_INPUT;
key_init_we_o = {NumSharesKey * NumRegsKey{1'b0}};
// IV registers
iv_sel_o = IV_INPUT;
iv_we_o = {NumSlicesCtr{1'b0}};
// Control register
ctrl_we_o = 1'b0;
// Alert
alert_o = 1'b0;
// Pseudo-random number generator control
prng_data_req_o = 1'b0;
prng_reseed_req_o = 1'b0;
// Trigger register control
start_we = 1'b0;
key_iv_data_in_clear_we = 1'b0;
data_out_clear_we = 1'b0;
prng_reseed_we = 1'b0;
// Status register
idle = 1'b0;
idle_we = 1'b0;
stall = 1'b0;
stall_we = 1'b0;
// Key, data I/O register control
data_in_load = 1'b0;
data_in_we_o = 1'b0;
data_out_we_o = 1'b0;
// Register status tracker control
key_init_clear = 1'b0;
key_init_load = 1'b0;
key_init_arm = 1'b0;
iv_clear = 1'b0;
iv_load = 1'b0;
iv_arm = 1'b0;
// Block counter
block_ctr_decr = 1'b0;
// FSM
aes_ctrl_ns = aes_ctrl_cs;
prng_reseed_done_d = prng_reseed_done_q | prng_reseed_ack_i;
unique case (aes_ctrl_cs)
IDLE: begin
idle = ~(start | key_iv_data_in_clear_i | data_out_clear_i | prng_reseed_i);
idle_we = 1'b1;
if (idle) begin
// Initial key and IV updates are ignored if we are not idle. If key sideload is enabled,
// software writes to the initial key registers are ignored.
key_init_we_o = sideload_i ? {NumSharesKey * NumRegsKey{key_sideload}} : key_init_qe_i;
iv_we_o = iv_qe;
// Updates to the control register are only allowed if we are idle and we don't have a
// storage error. A storage error is unrecoverable and requires a reset.
ctrl_we_o = !ctrl_err_storage_i ? ctrl_qe_i : 1'b0;
// Control register updates clear all register status trackers.
key_init_clear = ctrl_we_o;
iv_clear = ctrl_we_o;
if (prng_reseed_i) begin
// PRNG reseeding has highest priority.
if (!Masking) begin
prng_reseed_done_d = 1'b0;
aes_ctrl_ns = PRNG_RESEED;
end else begin
// In case masking is enabled, also the masking PRNG inside the cipher core needs to
// be reseeded.
cipher_prng_reseed_o = 1'b1;
// Perform handshake.
cipher_in_valid_o = 1'b1;
if (cipher_in_ready_i) begin
prng_reseed_done_d = 1'b0;
aes_ctrl_ns = PRNG_RESEED;
end else if (key_iv_data_in_clear_i || data_out_clear_i) begin
// To clear registers, we must first request fresh pseudo-random data.
aes_ctrl_ns = PRNG_UPDATE;
end else if (start) begin
// Signal that we want to start encryption/decryption.
cipher_crypt_o = 1'b1;
// Signal if the cipher core shall reseed the masking PRNG.
cipher_prng_reseed_o = block_ctr_expr;
// We got a new initial key, but want to do decryption. The cipher core must first
// generate the start key for decryption.
cipher_dec_key_gen_o = (cipher_op_i == CIPH_INV) ? key_init_new : 1'b0;
// Previous input data register control
data_in_prev_sel_o = doing_cbc_dec ? DIP_DATA_IN :
doing_cfb_enc ? DIP_DATA_IN :
doing_cfb_dec ? DIP_DATA_IN :
doing_ofb ? DIP_DATA_IN :
doing_ctr ? DIP_DATA_IN : DIP_CLEAR;
data_in_prev_we_o = doing_cbc_dec |
doing_cfb_enc |
doing_cfb_dec |
doing_ofb |
// State input mux control
state_in_sel_o = doing_cfb_enc ? SI_ZERO :
doing_cfb_dec ? SI_ZERO :
doing_ofb ? SI_ZERO :
doing_ctr ? SI_ZERO : SI_DATA;
// State input additon mux control
add_state_in_sel_o = doing_cbc_enc ? ADD_SI_IV :
doing_cfb_enc ? ADD_SI_IV :
doing_cfb_dec ? ADD_SI_IV :
doing_ofb ? ADD_SI_IV :
doing_ctr ? ADD_SI_IV : ADD_SI_ZERO;
// We have work for the cipher core, perform handshake.
cipher_in_valid_o = 1'b1;
if (cipher_in_ready_i) begin
// Do not yet clear a possible start trigger if we are just starting the generation of
// the start key for decryption.
start_we = ~cipher_dec_key_gen_o;
aes_ctrl_ns = LOAD;
LOAD: begin
// Signal that we have used the current key, IV, data input to register status tracking.
key_init_load = cipher_dec_key_gen_i; // This key is no longer "new", but still clean.
key_init_arm = ~cipher_dec_key_gen_i; // The key is still "new", prevent partial updates.
iv_load = ~cipher_dec_key_gen_i & (doing_cbc_enc |
doing_cbc_dec |
doing_cfb_enc |
doing_cfb_dec |
doing_ofb |
data_in_load = ~cipher_dec_key_gen_i;
// Trigger counter increment.
ctr_incr_o = doing_ctr;
// Unless we are just generating the start key for decryption, we must update the PRNG.
aes_ctrl_ns = !cipher_dec_key_gen_i ? PRNG_UPDATE : FINISH;
// Fresh pseudo-random data is used to:
// - clear the state in the final cipher round,
// - clear any other registers in the CLEAR state.
// IV control in case of ongoing encryption/decryption
// - CTR: IV registers are updated by counter during cipher operation
iv_sel_o = doing_ctr ? IV_CTR : IV_INPUT;
iv_we_o = doing_ctr ? ctr_we_i : {NumSlicesCtr{1'b0}};
// Request fresh pseudo-random data, perform handshake.
prng_data_req_o = 1'b1;
if (prng_data_ack_i) begin
// Ongoing encryption/decryption operations have the highest priority. The clear triggers
// might have become asserted after the handshake with the cipher core.
if (cipher_crypt_i) begin
aes_ctrl_ns = FINISH;
end else if (key_iv_data_in_clear_i || data_out_clear_i) begin
// To clear the output data registers, we re-use the muxing resources of the cipher
// core. To clear all key material, some key registers inside the cipher core need to
// be cleared.
cipher_key_clear_o = key_iv_data_in_clear_i;
cipher_data_out_clear_o = data_out_clear_i;
// We have work for the cipher core, perform handshake.
cipher_in_valid_o = 1'b1;
if (cipher_in_ready_i) begin
aes_ctrl_ns = CLEAR;
end else begin
// Another write to the trigger register must have overwritten the trigger bits that
// actually caused us to enter this state. Just return.
aes_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
end // cipher_crypt_i
end // prng_data_ack_i
// Request a reseed of the clearing PRNG.
prng_reseed_req_o = ~prng_reseed_done_q;
if (!Masking) begin
if (prng_reseed_done_q) begin
// Clear the trigger and return.
prng_reseed_we = 1'b1;
prng_reseed_done_d = 1'b0;
aes_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
end else begin
// In case masking is used, we must also wait for the cipher core to reseed the internal
// masking PRNG. Perform handshake.
cipher_out_ready_o = prng_reseed_done_q;
if (cipher_out_ready_o && cipher_out_valid_i) begin
// Clear the trigger and return.
prng_reseed_we = 1'b1;
prng_reseed_done_d = 1'b0;
aes_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
FINISH: begin
// Wait for cipher core to finish.
if (cipher_dec_key_gen_i) begin
// We are ready.
cipher_out_ready_o = 1'b1;
if (cipher_out_valid_i) begin
block_ctr_decr = 1'b1;
aes_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
end else begin
// Handshake signals: We are ready once the output data registers can be written. Don't
// let data propagate in case of mux selector or sparsely encoded signals taking on
// invalid values.
cipher_out_ready_o = finish;
cipher_out_done = finish & cipher_out_valid_i &
~mux_sel_err_i & ~sp_enc_err_i & ~cipher_op_err;
// Signal if the cipher core is stalled (because previous output has not yet been read).
stall = ~finish & cipher_out_valid_i;
stall_we = 1'b1;
// State out addition mux control
add_state_out_sel_o = doing_cbc_dec ? ADD_SO_IV :
doing_cfb_enc ? ADD_SO_DIP :
doing_cfb_dec ? ADD_SO_DIP :
doing_ofb ? ADD_SO_DIP :
doing_ctr ? ADD_SO_DIP : ADD_SO_ZERO;
// IV control
// - CBC/CFB/OFB: IV registers are only updated when cipher finishes.
// - CTR: IV registers are updated by counter during cipher operation.
iv_sel_o = doing_cbc_enc ? IV_DATA_OUT :
doing_cbc_dec ? IV_DATA_IN_PREV :
doing_cfb_enc ? IV_DATA_OUT :
doing_cfb_dec ? IV_DATA_IN_PREV :
doing_ofb ? IV_DATA_OUT_RAW :
doing_ctr ? IV_CTR : IV_INPUT;
iv_we_o = doing_cbc_enc ||
doing_cbc_dec ||
doing_cfb_enc ||
doing_cfb_dec ||
doing_ofb ? {NumSlicesCtr{cipher_out_done}} :
doing_ctr ? ctr_we_i : {NumSlicesCtr{1'b0}};
// Arm the IV status tracker: After finishing, the IV registers can be written again
// by software. We need to make sure software does not partially update the IV.
iv_arm = (doing_cbc_enc |
doing_cbc_dec |
doing_cfb_enc |
doing_cfb_dec |
doing_ofb |
doing_ctr) & cipher_out_done;
// Proceed upon successful handshake.
if (cipher_out_done) begin
block_ctr_decr = 1'b1;
data_out_we_o = 1'b1;
aes_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
CLEAR: begin
// Initial Key, IV and input data registers can be cleared right away.
if (key_iv_data_in_clear_i) begin
// Initial Key
key_init_sel_o = KEY_INIT_CLEAR;
key_init_we_o = {NumSharesKey * NumRegsKey{1'b1}};
key_init_clear = 1'b1;
// IV
iv_sel_o = IV_CLEAR;
iv_we_o = {NumSlicesCtr{1'b1}};
iv_clear = 1'b1;
// Input data
data_in_we_o = 1'b1;
data_in_prev_sel_o = DIP_CLEAR;
data_in_prev_we_o = 1'b1;
// Perform handshake with cipher core.
cipher_out_ready_o = 1'b1;
if (cipher_out_valid_i) begin
// Full Key and Decryption Key registers are cleared by the cipher core.
// key_iv_data_in_clear_i is acknowledged by the cipher core with cipher_key_clear_i.
if (cipher_key_clear_i) begin
// Clear the trigger bit.
key_iv_data_in_clear_we = 1'b1;
// To clear the output data registers, we re-use the muxing resources of the cipher core.
// data_out_clear_i is acknowledged by the cipher core with cipher_data_out_clear_i.
if (cipher_data_out_clear_i) begin
// Clear output data and the trigger bit. Don't release data from cipher core in case
// of mux selector or sparsely encoded signals taking on invalid values.
data_out_we_o = ~mux_sel_err_i & ~sp_enc_err_i & ~cipher_op_err;
data_out_clear_we = 1'b1;
aes_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
ERROR: begin
// Terminal error state
alert_o = 1'b1;
// We should never get here. If we do (e.g. via a malicious glitch), error out immediately.
default: begin
aes_ctrl_ns = ERROR;
// Unconditionally jump into the terminal error state in case a mux selector or a sparsely
// encoded signal becomes invalid, or if the life cycle controller triggers an escalation.
if (mux_sel_err_i || sp_enc_err_i || cipher_op_err ||
lc_escalate_en_i != lc_ctrl_pkg::Off) begin
aes_ctrl_ns = ERROR;
// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the
// flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations.
logic [StateWidth-1:0] aes_ctrl_cs_raw;
assign aes_ctrl_cs = aes_ctrl_e'(aes_ctrl_cs_raw);
prim_sparse_fsm_flop #(
) u_state_regs (
.state_i ( aes_ctrl_ns ),
.state_o ( aes_ctrl_cs_raw )
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_fsm
if (!rst_ni) begin
prng_reseed_done_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
prng_reseed_done_q <= prng_reseed_done_d;
// Status Tracking //
// We only take a new sideload key if sideload is enabled, if the provided sideload key is marked
// as valid, and after the control register has been written. After that point we don't update
// the key anymore, as we don't have a notion of when it actually changes. This would be required
// to trigger decryption key generation for ECB/CBC decryption.
// To update the sideload key, software has to:
// 1) wait unitl AES is idle,
// 2) wait for the key manager to provide the new key,
// 3) start a new message by writing the control register and providing the IV (if needed).
assign key_sideload = sideload_i & key_sideload_valid_i & ctrl_we_q;
// We only use clean initial keys. Either software/counter has updated
// - all initial key registers, or
// - none of the initial key registers but the registers were updated in the past.
aes_reg_status #(
.Width ( $bits(key_init_we_o) )
) u_reg_status_key_init (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.we_i ( key_init_we_o ),
.use_i ( key_init_load ),
.clear_i ( key_init_clear ),
.arm_i ( key_init_arm ),
.new_o ( key_init_new ),
.new_pulse_o ( key_init_new_pulse ),
.clean_o ( key_init_ready )
// We only use clean and unused IVs. Either software/counter has updated
// - all IV registers, or
// - none of the IV registers but the registers were updated in the past
// and this particular IV has not yet been used.
aes_reg_status #(
.Width ( $bits(iv_we_o) )
) u_reg_status_iv (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.we_i ( iv_we_o ),
.use_i ( iv_load ),
.clear_i ( iv_clear ),
.arm_i ( iv_arm ),
.new_o ( iv_ready ),
.new_pulse_o ( ),
.clean_o ( )
// Input and output data register status tracking detects if:
// - A complete new data input block is available, and
// - An output data block has been read completely.
// The status tracking needs to be cleared upon writes to the control register. The clearing is
// applied one cycle later here to avoid zero-latency loops. This additional delay is not
// relevant as if we are about to start encryption/decryption, we anyway don't allow writes
// to the control register.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_ctrl_we
if (!rst_ni) begin
ctrl_we_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
ctrl_we_q <= ctrl_we_o;
assign clear_in_out_status = ctrl_we_q;
// Collect writes to data input registers. Cleared if:
// - data is loaded into cipher core,
// - clearing data input registers with random data,
// - clearing the status tracking.
assign data_in_new_d = data_in_load || data_in_we_o || clear_in_out_status ? '0 :
data_in_new_q | data_in_qe_i;
assign data_in_new = &data_in_new_d;
// Collect reads of data output registers. data_out_read is high for one clock cycle only and
// clears output_valid_q unless new output is written in the exact same cycle. Cleared if:
// - clearing data ouput registers with random data,
// - clearing the status tracking.
assign data_out_read_d = &data_out_read_q || clear_in_out_status ? '0 :
data_out_read_q | data_out_re_i;
assign data_out_read = &data_out_read_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_edge_detection
if (!rst_ni) begin
data_in_new_q <= '0;
data_out_read_q <= '0;
end else begin
data_in_new_q <= data_in_new_d;
data_out_read_q <= data_out_read_d;
// Status register bits for data input and output
// Cleared to 1 if:
// - data is loaded into cipher core,
// - clearing data input registers with random data,
// - clearing the status tracking.
assign input_ready = ~data_in_new;
assign input_ready_we = data_in_new | data_in_load | data_in_we_o | clear_in_out_status;
// Cleared if:
// - all data output registers have been read (unless new output is written in the same cycle),
// - clearing data ouput registers with random data,
// - clearing the status tracking.
assign output_valid = data_out_we_o & ~data_out_clear_we;
assign output_valid_we = data_out_we_o | data_out_read | data_out_clear_we |
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_output_valid
if (!rst_ni) begin
output_valid_q <= '0;
end else if (output_valid_we) begin
output_valid_q <= output_valid;
// Output lost status register bit
// Cleared when updating the Control Register. Set when overwriting previous output data that has
// not yet been read.
assign output_lost = ctrl_we_o ? 1'b0 :
output_lost_i ? 1'b1 : output_valid_q & ~data_out_read;
assign output_lost_we = ctrl_we_o | data_out_we_o;
// Status Register //
// Fatal alerts clear all other bits in the status register.
assign idle_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b0 : idle;
assign idle_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : idle_we;
assign stall_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b0 : stall;
assign stall_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : stall_we;
assign output_lost_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b0 : output_lost;
assign output_lost_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : output_lost_we;
assign output_valid_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b0 : output_valid;
assign output_valid_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : output_valid_we;
assign input_ready_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b0 : input_ready;
assign input_ready_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : input_ready_we;
// Trigger Register //
// Most triggers are only ever cleared by control. Fatal alerts clear all bits in the trigger
// register.
assign start_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : start_we;
assign key_iv_data_in_clear_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : key_iv_data_in_clear_we;
assign data_out_clear_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 : data_out_clear_we;
// If configured, trigger the reseeding of the PRNGs used for clearing and masking purposes after
// the key has been updated.
assign prng_reseed_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b0 :
key_init_new_pulse ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign prng_reseed_we_o = alert_fatal_i ? 1'b1 :
key_init_new_pulse ? key_touch_forces_reseed_i : prng_reseed_we;
// PRNG Reseeding Counter //
// Count the number of blocks since the start of the message to determine when the masking PRNG
// inside the cipher core needs to be reseeded.
if (Masking) begin : gen_block_ctr
logic block_ctr_set;
logic [BlockCtrWidth-1:0] block_ctr_d, block_ctr_q;
assign block_ctr_expr = block_ctr_q == '0;
assign block_ctr_set = ctrl_we_q | (block_ctr_decr & (block_ctr_expr | cipher_prng_reseed_i));
assign block_ctr_d =
block_ctr_set ?
(prng_reseed_rate_i == PER_1 ? BlockCtrWidth'(0) :
prng_reseed_rate_i == PER_64 ? BlockCtrWidth'(63) :
prng_reseed_rate_i == PER_8K ? BlockCtrWidth'(8191) : BlockCtrWidth'(0)) :
block_ctr_decr ? block_ctr_q - BlockCtrWidth'(1) : block_ctr_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_block_ctr
if (!rst_ni) begin
block_ctr_q <= '0;
end else begin
block_ctr_q <= block_ctr_d;
end else begin : gen_no_block_ctr
assign block_ctr_expr = 1'b0;
// Tie off unused signals.
logic unused_block_ctr_decr;
prs_rate_e unused_prng_reseed_rate;
logic unused_cipher_prng_reseed;
assign unused_block_ctr_decr = block_ctr_decr;
assign unused_prng_reseed_rate = prng_reseed_rate_i;
assign unused_cipher_prng_reseed = cipher_prng_reseed_i;
// Assertions //
// Selectors must be known/valid
`ASSERT(AesModeValid, !ctrl_err_storage_i |-> mode_i inside {
`ASSERT(AesOpValid, !ctrl_err_storage_i |-> op_i inside {
`ASSERT(AesCiphOpValid, !cipher_op_err |-> cipher_op_i inside {
`ASSERT(AesControlStateValid, !alert_o |-> aes_ctrl_cs inside {
// Check parameters
`ASSERT_INIT(AesNumSlicesCtr, NumSlicesCtr == 8)