| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // AES main control |
| // |
| // This module controls the interplay of input/output registers and the AES cipher core. |
| |
| module aes_control |
| import aes_pkg::*; |
| import aes_reg_pkg::*; |
| #( |
| parameter bit Masking = 0, |
| parameter int unsigned SecStartTriggerDelay = 0 |
| ) ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| |
| // Main control signals |
| input logic ctrl_qe_i, |
| output logic ctrl_we_o, |
| input logic ctrl_err_storage_i, |
| input aes_op_e op_i, |
| input aes_mode_e mode_i, |
| input ciph_op_e cipher_op_i, |
| input logic sideload_i, |
| input prs_rate_e prng_reseed_rate_i, |
| input logic manual_operation_i, |
| input logic key_touch_forces_reseed_i, |
| input logic start_i, |
| input logic key_iv_data_in_clear_i, |
| input logic data_out_clear_i, |
| input logic prng_reseed_i, |
| input logic mux_sel_err_i, |
| input logic sp_enc_err_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_escalate_en_i, |
| input logic alert_fatal_i, |
| output logic alert_o, |
| |
| // I/O register read/write enables |
| input logic key_sideload_valid_i, |
| input logic [NumRegsKey-1:0] key_init_qe_i [NumSharesKey], |
| input logic [NumRegsIv-1:0] iv_qe_i, |
| input logic [NumRegsData-1:0] data_in_qe_i, |
| input logic [NumRegsData-1:0] data_out_re_i, |
| output logic data_in_we_o, |
| output sp2v_e data_out_we_o, |
| |
| // Previous input data register |
| output dip_sel_e data_in_prev_sel_o, |
| output sp2v_e data_in_prev_we_o, |
| |
| // Cipher I/O muxes |
| output si_sel_e state_in_sel_o, |
| output add_si_sel_e add_state_in_sel_o, |
| output add_so_sel_e add_state_out_sel_o, |
| |
| // Counter |
| output sp2v_e ctr_incr_o, |
| input sp2v_e ctr_ready_i, |
| input sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] ctr_we_i, |
| |
| // Cipher core control and sync |
| output sp2v_e cipher_in_valid_o, |
| input sp2v_e cipher_in_ready_i, |
| input sp2v_e cipher_out_valid_i, |
| output sp2v_e cipher_out_ready_o, |
| output sp2v_e cipher_crypt_o, |
| input sp2v_e cipher_crypt_i, |
| output sp2v_e cipher_dec_key_gen_o, |
| input sp2v_e cipher_dec_key_gen_i, |
| output logic cipher_prng_reseed_o, |
| input logic cipher_prng_reseed_i, |
| output logic cipher_key_clear_o, |
| input logic cipher_key_clear_i, |
| output logic cipher_data_out_clear_o, |
| input logic cipher_data_out_clear_i, |
| |
| // Initial key registers |
| output key_init_sel_e key_init_sel_o, |
| output sp2v_e [NumRegsKey-1:0] key_init_we_o [NumSharesKey], |
| |
| // IV registers |
| output iv_sel_e iv_sel_o, |
| output sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] iv_we_o, |
| |
| // Pseudo-random number generator interface |
| output logic prng_data_req_o, |
| input logic prng_data_ack_i, |
| output logic prng_reseed_req_o, |
| input logic prng_reseed_ack_i, |
| |
| // Trigger register |
| output logic start_o, |
| output logic start_we_o, |
| output logic key_iv_data_in_clear_o, |
| output logic key_iv_data_in_clear_we_o, |
| output logic data_out_clear_o, |
| output logic data_out_clear_we_o, |
| output logic prng_reseed_o, |
| output logic prng_reseed_we_o, |
| |
| // Status register |
| output logic idle_o, |
| output logic idle_we_o, |
| output logic stall_o, |
| output logic stall_we_o, |
| input logic output_lost_i, |
| output logic output_lost_o, |
| output logic output_lost_we_o, |
| output logic output_valid_o, |
| output logic output_valid_we_o, |
| output logic input_ready_o, |
| output logic input_ready_we_o |
| ); |
| |
| // Optional delay of manual start trigger |
| logic start_trigger; |
| if (SecStartTriggerDelay > 0) begin : gen_start_delay |
| // Delay the manual start trigger input for SCA measurements. |
| localparam int unsigned WidthCounter = $clog2(SecStartTriggerDelay+1); |
| logic [WidthCounter-1:0] count_d, count_q; |
| |
| // Clear counter when input goes low. Keep value if the specified delay is reached. |
| assign count_d = !start_i ? '0 : |
| start_trigger ? count_q : count_q + 1'b1; |
| assign start_trigger = (count_q == SecStartTriggerDelay[WidthCounter-1:0]) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| count_q <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| count_q <= count_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Create a lint error to reduce the risk of accidentally enabling this feature. |
| logic sec_start_trigger_delay; |
| assign sec_start_trigger_delay = count_q[0]; |
| |
| end else begin : gen_no_start_delay |
| // Directly forward the manual start trigger input. |
| assign start_trigger = start_i; |
| end |
| |
| // Signals |
| sp2v_e ctr_ready; |
| sp2v_e [NumSlicesCtr-1:0] ctr_we; |
| sp2v_e cipher_in_ready; |
| sp2v_e cipher_out_valid; |
| sp2v_e cipher_crypt; |
| sp2v_e cipher_dec_key_gen; |
| logic mux_sel_err; |
| logic mr_err; |
| logic sp_enc_err; |
| |
| // Sparsified FSM signals. These are needed for connecting the individual bits of the Sp2V |
| // signals to the single-rail FSMs. |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_data_out_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_data_in_prev_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_ctr_incr; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_ctr_ready; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_cipher_in_valid; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_cipher_in_ready; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_cipher_out_valid; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_cipher_out_ready; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_in_cipher_crypt; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_out_cipher_crypt; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_in_cipher_dec_key_gen; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp_out_cipher_dec_key_gen; |
| |
| // Multi-rail signals. These are outputs of the single-rail FSMs and need combining. |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_ctrl_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_alert; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_data_in_we; |
| dip_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_data_in_prev_sel; |
| si_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_state_in_sel; |
| add_si_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_add_state_in_sel; |
| add_so_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_add_state_out_sel; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_cipher_prng_reseed; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_cipher_key_clear; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_cipher_data_out_clear; |
| key_init_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_key_init_sel; |
| iv_sel_e [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_iv_sel; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_prng_data_req; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_prng_reseed_req; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_start_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_key_iv_data_in_clear_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_data_out_clear_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_prng_reseed; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_prng_reseed_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_idle; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_idle_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_stall; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_stall_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_output_lost; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_output_lost_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_output_valid; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_output_valid_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_input_ready; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0] mr_input_ready_we; |
| |
| // To ease interfacing with the individual FSM rails, some signals need to be converted to packed |
| // arrays. |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0][NumSharesKey-1:0][NumRegsKey-1:0] int_key_init_we; |
| logic [NumSharesKey-1:0][NumRegsKey-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0] log_key_init_we; |
| logic [NumSharesKey-1:0][NumRegsKey-1:0] int_key_init_qe; |
| for (genvar s = 0; s < NumSharesKey; s++) begin : gen_conv_key_init_wqe_shares |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumRegsKey; i++) begin : gen_conv_key_init_wqe_regs |
| assign int_key_init_qe[s][i] = key_init_qe_i[s][i]; |
| for (genvar j = 0; j < Sp2VWidth; j++) begin : gen_conv_key_init_wqe_log |
| assign log_key_init_we[s][i][j] = int_key_init_we[j][s][i]; |
| end |
| assign key_init_we_o[s][i] = sp2v_e'(log_key_init_we[s][i]); |
| end |
| end |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0][NumSlicesCtr-1:0] int_ctr_we; |
| logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0] log_ctr_we; |
| logic [Sp2VWidth-1:0][NumSlicesCtr-1:0] int_iv_we; |
| logic [NumSlicesCtr-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0] log_iv_we; |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumSlicesCtr; i++) begin : gen_conv_ctr_iv_we_slices |
| assign log_ctr_we[i] = {ctr_we[i]}; |
| for (genvar j = 0; j < Sp2VWidth; j++) begin : gen_conv_ctr_iv_we_log |
| assign int_ctr_we[j][i] = log_ctr_we[i][j]; |
| assign log_iv_we[i][j] = int_iv_we[j][i]; |
| end |
| assign iv_we_o[i] = sp2v_e'(log_iv_we[i]); |
| end |
| |
| ///////// |
| // FSM // |
| ///////// |
| |
| // Convert sp2v_e signals to sparsified inputs. |
| assign sp_ctr_ready = {ctr_ready}; |
| assign sp_cipher_in_ready = {cipher_in_ready}; |
| assign sp_cipher_out_valid = {cipher_out_valid}; |
| assign sp_in_cipher_crypt = {cipher_crypt}; |
| assign sp_in_cipher_dec_key_gen = {cipher_dec_key_gen}; |
| |
| // For every bit in the Sp2V signals, one separate rail is instantiated. The inputs and outputs |
| // of every rail are buffered to prevent aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < Sp2VWidth; i++) begin : gen_fsm |
| if (SP2V_LOGIC_HIGH[i] == 1'b1) begin : gen_fsm_p |
| aes_control_fsm_p #( |
| .Masking ( Masking ) |
| ) u_aes_control_fsm_i ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| |
| .ctrl_qe_i ( ctrl_qe_i ), |
| .ctrl_we_o ( mr_ctrl_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .ctrl_err_storage_i ( ctrl_err_storage_i ), |
| .op_i ( op_i ), |
| .mode_i ( mode_i ), |
| .cipher_op_i ( cipher_op_i ), |
| .sideload_i ( sideload_i ), |
| .prng_reseed_rate_i ( prng_reseed_rate_i ), |
| .manual_operation_i ( manual_operation_i ), |
| .key_touch_forces_reseed_i ( key_touch_forces_reseed_i ), |
| .start_i ( start_trigger ), |
| .key_iv_data_in_clear_i ( key_iv_data_in_clear_i ), |
| .data_out_clear_i ( data_out_clear_i ), |
| .prng_reseed_i ( prng_reseed_i ), |
| .mux_sel_err_i ( mux_sel_err ), |
| .sp_enc_err_i ( sp_enc_err ), |
| .lc_escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en_i ), |
| .alert_fatal_i ( alert_fatal_i ), |
| .alert_o ( mr_alert[i] ), // OR-combine |
| |
| .key_sideload_valid_i ( key_sideload_valid_i ), |
| .key_init_qe_i ( int_key_init_qe ), |
| .iv_qe_i ( iv_qe_i ), |
| .data_in_qe_i ( data_in_qe_i ), |
| .data_out_re_i ( data_out_re_i ), |
| .data_in_we_o ( mr_data_in_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .data_out_we_o ( sp_data_out_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .data_in_prev_sel_o ( mr_data_in_prev_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .data_in_prev_we_o ( sp_data_in_prev_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .state_in_sel_o ( mr_state_in_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .add_state_in_sel_o ( mr_add_state_in_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .add_state_out_sel_o ( mr_add_state_out_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| |
| .ctr_incr_o ( sp_ctr_incr[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .ctr_ready_i ( sp_ctr_ready[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .ctr_we_i ( int_ctr_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .cipher_in_valid_o ( sp_cipher_in_valid[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_in_ready_i ( sp_cipher_in_ready[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_out_valid_i ( sp_cipher_out_valid[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_out_ready_o ( sp_cipher_out_ready[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_crypt_o ( sp_out_cipher_crypt[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_crypt_i ( sp_in_cipher_crypt[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_dec_key_gen_o ( sp_out_cipher_dec_key_gen[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_dec_key_gen_i ( sp_in_cipher_dec_key_gen[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_prng_reseed_o ( mr_cipher_prng_reseed[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .cipher_prng_reseed_i ( cipher_prng_reseed_i ), |
| .cipher_key_clear_o ( mr_cipher_key_clear[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .cipher_key_clear_i ( cipher_key_clear_i ), |
| .cipher_data_out_clear_o ( mr_cipher_data_out_clear[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .cipher_data_out_clear_i ( cipher_data_out_clear_i ), |
| |
| .key_init_sel_o ( mr_key_init_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .key_init_we_o ( int_key_init_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .iv_sel_o ( mr_iv_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .iv_we_o ( int_iv_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .prng_data_req_o ( mr_prng_data_req[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .prng_data_ack_i ( prng_data_ack_i ), |
| .prng_reseed_req_o ( mr_prng_reseed_req[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .prng_reseed_ack_i ( prng_reseed_ack_i ), |
| |
| .start_we_o ( mr_start_we[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .key_iv_data_in_clear_we_o ( mr_key_iv_data_in_clear_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .data_out_clear_we_o ( mr_data_out_clear_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .prng_reseed_o ( mr_prng_reseed[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .prng_reseed_we_o ( mr_prng_reseed_we[i] ), // OR-combine |
| |
| .idle_o ( mr_idle[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .idle_we_o ( mr_idle_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .stall_o ( mr_stall[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .stall_we_o ( mr_stall_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_lost_i ( output_lost_i ), // AND-combine |
| .output_lost_o ( mr_output_lost[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_lost_we_o ( mr_output_lost_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_valid_o ( mr_output_valid[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_valid_we_o ( mr_output_valid_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .input_ready_o ( mr_input_ready[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .input_ready_we_o ( mr_input_ready_we[i] ) // AND-combine |
| ); |
| end else begin : gen_fsm_n |
| aes_control_fsm_n #( |
| .Masking ( Masking ) |
| ) u_aes_control_fsm_i ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| |
| .ctrl_qe_i ( ctrl_qe_i ), |
| .ctrl_we_o ( mr_ctrl_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .ctrl_err_storage_i ( ctrl_err_storage_i ), |
| .op_i ( op_i ), |
| .mode_i ( mode_i ), |
| .cipher_op_i ( cipher_op_i ), |
| .sideload_i ( sideload_i ), |
| .prng_reseed_rate_i ( prng_reseed_rate_i ), |
| .manual_operation_i ( manual_operation_i ), |
| .key_touch_forces_reseed_i ( key_touch_forces_reseed_i ), |
| .start_i ( start_trigger ), |
| .key_iv_data_in_clear_i ( key_iv_data_in_clear_i ), |
| .data_out_clear_i ( data_out_clear_i ), |
| .prng_reseed_i ( prng_reseed_i ), |
| .mux_sel_err_i ( mux_sel_err ), |
| .sp_enc_err_i ( sp_enc_err ), |
| .lc_escalate_en_i ( lc_escalate_en_i ), |
| .alert_fatal_i ( alert_fatal_i ), |
| .alert_o ( mr_alert[i] ), // OR-combine |
| |
| .key_sideload_valid_i ( key_sideload_valid_i ), |
| .key_init_qe_i ( int_key_init_qe ), |
| .iv_qe_i ( iv_qe_i ), |
| .data_in_qe_i ( data_in_qe_i ), |
| .data_out_re_i ( data_out_re_i ), |
| .data_in_we_o ( mr_data_in_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .data_out_we_no ( sp_data_out_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .data_in_prev_sel_o ( mr_data_in_prev_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .data_in_prev_we_no ( sp_data_in_prev_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .state_in_sel_o ( mr_state_in_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .add_state_in_sel_o ( mr_add_state_in_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .add_state_out_sel_o ( mr_add_state_out_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| |
| .ctr_incr_no ( sp_ctr_incr[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .ctr_ready_ni ( sp_ctr_ready[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .ctr_we_ni ( int_ctr_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .cipher_in_valid_no ( sp_cipher_in_valid[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_in_ready_ni ( sp_cipher_in_ready[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_out_valid_ni ( sp_cipher_out_valid[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_out_ready_no ( sp_cipher_out_ready[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_crypt_no ( sp_out_cipher_crypt[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_crypt_ni ( sp_in_cipher_crypt[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_dec_key_gen_no ( sp_out_cipher_dec_key_gen[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_dec_key_gen_ni ( sp_in_cipher_dec_key_gen[i] ), // Sparsified |
| .cipher_prng_reseed_o ( mr_cipher_prng_reseed[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .cipher_prng_reseed_i ( cipher_prng_reseed_i ), |
| .cipher_key_clear_o ( mr_cipher_key_clear[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .cipher_key_clear_i ( cipher_key_clear_i ), |
| .cipher_data_out_clear_o ( mr_cipher_data_out_clear[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .cipher_data_out_clear_i ( cipher_data_out_clear_i ), |
| |
| .key_init_sel_o ( mr_key_init_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .key_init_we_no ( int_key_init_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .iv_sel_o ( mr_iv_sel[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .iv_we_no ( int_iv_we[i] ), // Sparsified |
| |
| .prng_data_req_o ( mr_prng_data_req[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .prng_data_ack_i ( prng_data_ack_i ), |
| .prng_reseed_req_o ( mr_prng_reseed_req[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .prng_reseed_ack_i ( prng_reseed_ack_i ), |
| |
| .start_we_o ( mr_start_we[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .key_iv_data_in_clear_we_o ( mr_key_iv_data_in_clear_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .data_out_clear_we_o ( mr_data_out_clear_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .prng_reseed_o ( mr_prng_reseed[i] ), // OR-combine |
| .prng_reseed_we_o ( mr_prng_reseed_we[i] ), // OR-combine |
| |
| .idle_o ( mr_idle[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .idle_we_o ( mr_idle_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .stall_o ( mr_stall[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .stall_we_o ( mr_stall_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_lost_i ( output_lost_i ), // AND-combine |
| .output_lost_o ( mr_output_lost[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_lost_we_o ( mr_output_lost_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_valid_o ( mr_output_valid[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .output_valid_we_o ( mr_output_valid_we[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .input_ready_o ( mr_input_ready[i] ), // AND-combine |
| .input_ready_we_o ( mr_input_ready_we[i] ) // AND-combine |
| ); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Convert sparsified outputs to sp2v_e type. |
| assign data_out_we_o = sp2v_e'(sp_data_out_we); |
| assign data_in_prev_we_o = sp2v_e'(sp_data_in_prev_we); |
| assign ctr_incr_o = sp2v_e'(sp_ctr_incr); |
| assign cipher_in_valid_o = sp2v_e'(sp_cipher_in_valid); |
| assign cipher_out_ready_o = sp2v_e'(sp_cipher_out_ready); |
| assign cipher_crypt_o = sp2v_e'(sp_out_cipher_crypt); |
| assign cipher_dec_key_gen_o = sp2v_e'(sp_out_cipher_dec_key_gen); |
| |
| // Combine single-bit FSM outputs. |
| // OR: One bit is sufficient to drive the corresponding output bit high. |
| assign alert_o = |mr_alert; |
| assign cipher_prng_reseed_o = |mr_cipher_prng_reseed; |
| assign cipher_key_clear_o = |mr_cipher_key_clear; |
| assign cipher_data_out_clear_o = |mr_cipher_data_out_clear; |
| assign prng_data_req_o = |mr_prng_data_req; |
| assign prng_reseed_req_o = |mr_prng_reseed_req; |
| assign start_we_o = |mr_start_we; |
| assign prng_reseed_o = |mr_prng_reseed; |
| assign prng_reseed_we_o = |mr_prng_reseed_we; |
| |
| // AND: Only if all bits are high, the corresponding action should be triggered. |
| assign ctrl_we_o = &mr_ctrl_we; |
| assign data_in_we_o = &mr_data_in_we; |
| assign key_iv_data_in_clear_we_o = &mr_key_iv_data_in_clear_we; |
| assign data_out_clear_we_o = &mr_data_out_clear_we; |
| assign idle_o = &mr_idle; |
| assign idle_we_o = &mr_idle_we; |
| assign stall_o = &mr_stall; |
| assign stall_we_o = &mr_stall_we; |
| assign output_lost_o = &mr_output_lost; |
| assign output_lost_we_o = &mr_output_lost_we; |
| assign output_valid_o = &mr_output_valid; |
| assign output_valid_we_o = &mr_output_valid_we; |
| assign input_ready_o = &mr_input_ready; |
| assign input_ready_we_o = &mr_input_ready_we; |
| |
| // Combine multi-bit, sparse FSM outputs. We simply OR them together. If the FSMs don't provide |
| // the same outputs, two cases are possible: |
| // - An invalid encoding results: A downstream checker will fire, see mux_sel_err_i. |
| // - A valid encoding results: The outputs are compared below to cover this case, see mr_err; |
| always_comb begin : combine_sparse_signals |
| data_in_prev_sel_o = dip_sel_e'({DIPSelWidth{1'b0}}); |
| state_in_sel_o = si_sel_e'({SISelWidth{1'b0}}); |
| add_state_in_sel_o = add_si_sel_e'({AddSISelWidth{1'b0}}); |
| add_state_out_sel_o = add_so_sel_e'({AddSOSelWidth{1'b0}}); |
| key_init_sel_o = key_init_sel_e'({KeyInitSelWidth{1'b0}}); |
| iv_sel_o = iv_sel_e'({IVSelWidth{1'b0}}); |
| mr_err = 1'b0; |
| |
| for (int i = 0; i < Sp2VWidth; i++) begin |
| data_in_prev_sel_o = dip_sel_e'({data_in_prev_sel_o} | {mr_data_in_prev_sel[i]}); |
| state_in_sel_o = si_sel_e'({state_in_sel_o} | {mr_state_in_sel[i]}); |
| add_state_in_sel_o = add_si_sel_e'({add_state_in_sel_o} | {mr_add_state_in_sel[i]}); |
| add_state_out_sel_o = add_so_sel_e'({add_state_out_sel_o} | {mr_add_state_out_sel[i]}); |
| key_init_sel_o = key_init_sel_e'({key_init_sel_o} | {mr_key_init_sel[i]}); |
| iv_sel_o = iv_sel_e'({iv_sel_o} | {mr_iv_sel[i]}); |
| |
| if (data_in_prev_sel_o != mr_data_in_prev_sel[i] || |
| state_in_sel_o != mr_state_in_sel[i] || |
| add_state_in_sel_o != mr_add_state_in_sel[i] || |
| add_state_out_sel_o != mr_add_state_out_sel[i] || |
| key_init_sel_o != mr_key_init_sel[i] || |
| iv_sel_o != mr_iv_sel[i]) begin |
| mr_err = 1'b1; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Collect errors in mux selector signals. |
| assign mux_sel_err = mux_sel_err_i | mr_err; |
| |
| ////////////////////////////// |
| // Sparsely Encoded Signals // |
| ////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // We use sparse encodings for various critical signals and must ensure that: |
| // 1. The synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the sparse encoding. |
| // 2. The sparsely encoded signal is always valid. More precisely, an alert or SVA is triggered |
| // if a sparse signal takes on an invalid value. |
| // 3. The alert signal remains asserted until reset even if the sparse signal becomes valid again |
| // This is achieved by driving the control FSM into the terminal error state whenever any |
| // sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid. |
| // |
| // If any sparsely encoded signal becomes invalid, the controller further immediately de-asserts |
| // data_out_we_o and other write-enable signals to prevent any data from being released. |
| |
| // We use vectors of sparsely encoded signals to reduce code duplication. |
| localparam int unsigned NumSp2VSig = 5 + NumSlicesCtr; |
| sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig; |
| sp2v_e [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig_chk; |
| logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0][Sp2VWidth-1:0] sp2v_sig_chk_raw; |
| logic [NumSp2VSig-1:0] sp2v_sig_err; |
| |
| assign sp2v_sig[0] = cipher_in_ready_i; |
| assign sp2v_sig[1] = cipher_out_valid_i; |
| assign sp2v_sig[2] = cipher_crypt_i; |
| assign sp2v_sig[3] = cipher_dec_key_gen_i; |
| assign sp2v_sig[4] = ctr_ready_i; |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumSlicesCtr; i++) begin : gen_use_ctr_we_i |
| assign sp2v_sig[5+i] = ctr_we_i[i]; |
| end |
| |
| // Individually check sparsely encoded signals. |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumSp2VSig; i++) begin : gen_sel_buf_chk |
| aes_sel_buf_chk #( |
| .Num ( Sp2VNum ), |
| .Width ( Sp2VWidth ) |
| ) u_aes_sp2v_sig_buf_chk_i ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .sel_i ( sp2v_sig[i] ), |
| .sel_o ( sp2v_sig_chk_raw[i] ), |
| .err_o ( sp2v_sig_err[i] ) |
| ); |
| assign sp2v_sig_chk[i] = sp2v_e'(sp2v_sig_chk_raw[i]); |
| end |
| |
| assign cipher_in_ready = sp2v_sig_chk[0]; |
| assign cipher_out_valid = sp2v_sig_chk[1]; |
| assign cipher_crypt = sp2v_sig_chk[2]; |
| assign cipher_dec_key_gen = sp2v_sig_chk[3]; |
| assign ctr_ready = sp2v_sig_chk[4]; |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NumSlicesCtr; i++) begin : gen_ctr_we |
| assign ctr_we[i] = sp2v_sig_chk[5+i]; |
| end |
| |
| // Collect encoding errors. |
| // We instantiate the checker modules as close as possible to where the sparsely encoded signals |
| // are used. Here, we collect also encoding errors detected in other places of the core. |
| assign sp_enc_err = |sp2v_sig_err | sp_enc_err_i; |
| |
| ////////////////////// |
| // Trigger Register // |
| ////////////////////// |
| // Most triggers are only ever cleared by control. |
| assign start_o = 1'b0; |
| assign key_iv_data_in_clear_o = 1'b0; |
| assign data_out_clear_o = 1'b0; |
| |
| endmodule |