blob: bb391e8badd0dc0cf9193bb145133afcc760165f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// AES cipher core control FSM
// This module contains the AES cipher core control FSM.
`include ""
module aes_cipher_control_fsm import aes_pkg::*;
parameter bit Masking = 0,
parameter sbox_impl_e SBoxImpl = SBoxImplLut
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
// Input handshake signals
input logic in_valid_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic in_ready_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
// Output handshake signals
output logic out_valid_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
input logic out_ready_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
// Control and sync signals
input logic cfg_valid_i, // Used for SVAs only.
input ciph_op_e op_i,
input key_len_e key_len_i,
input logic crypt_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
input logic dec_key_gen_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
input logic prng_reseed_i,
input logic key_clear_i,
input logic data_out_clear_i,
input logic mux_sel_err_i,
input logic sp_enc_err_i,
input logic op_err_i,
output logic alert_o,
// Control signals for masking PRNG
output logic prng_update_o,
output logic prng_reseed_req_o,
input logic prng_reseed_ack_i,
// Control and sync signals for cipher data path
output state_sel_e state_sel_o,
output logic state_we_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic sub_bytes_en_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
input logic sub_bytes_out_req_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic sub_bytes_out_ack_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output add_rk_sel_e add_rk_sel_o,
// Control and sync signals for key expand data path
output key_full_sel_e key_full_sel_o,
output logic key_full_we_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output key_dec_sel_e key_dec_sel_o,
output logic key_dec_we_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic key_expand_en_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
input logic key_expand_out_req_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic key_expand_out_ack_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic key_expand_clear_o,
output key_words_sel_e key_words_sel_o,
output round_key_sel_e round_key_sel_o,
// Register signals
input logic [3:0] rnd_ctr_q_i,
output logic [3:0] rnd_ctr_d_o,
input logic [3:0] rnd_ctr_rem_q_i,
output logic [3:0] rnd_ctr_rem_d_o,
input logic [3:0] num_rounds_q_i,
output logic [3:0] num_rounds_d_o,
input logic rnd_ctr_err_i,
input logic crypt_q_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic crypt_d_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
input logic dec_key_gen_q_i, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
output logic dec_key_gen_d_o, // Sparsify using multi-rail.
input logic prng_reseed_q_i,
output logic prng_reseed_d_o,
input logic key_clear_q_i,
output logic key_clear_d_o,
input logic data_out_clear_q_i,
output logic data_out_clear_d_o
// Types
// Encoding generated with:
// $ ./util/design/ -d 3 -m 8 -n 6 \
// -s 31468618 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (57.14%)
// 4: ||||||||||||||| (42.86%)
// 5: --
// 6: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 3
// Maximum Hamming distance: 4
// Minimum Hamming weight: 1
// Maximum Hamming weight: 5
localparam int StateWidth = 6;
typedef enum logic [StateWidth-1:0] {
IDLE = 6'b001001,
INIT = 6'b100011,
ROUND = 6'b111101,
FINISH = 6'b010000,
PRNG_RESEED = 6'b100100,
CLEAR_S = 6'b111010,
CLEAR_KD = 6'b001110,
ERROR = 6'b010111
} aes_cipher_ctrl_e;
// cfg_valid_i is used for SVAs only.
logic unused_cfg_valid;
assign unused_cfg_valid = cfg_valid_i;
// Tie off unused inputs.
if (!Masking) begin : gen_unused_prng_reseed
logic unused_prng_reseed;
assign unused_prng_reseed = prng_reseed_i;
// Signals
aes_cipher_ctrl_e aes_cipher_ctrl_ns, aes_cipher_ctrl_cs;
logic advance;
logic [2:0] cyc_ctr_d, cyc_ctr_q;
logic prng_reseed_done_d, prng_reseed_done_q;
logic [3:0] num_rounds_regular;
// Use separate signal for number of regular rounds.
assign num_rounds_regular = num_rounds_q_i - 4'd1;
// FSM
always_comb begin : aes_cipher_ctrl_fsm
// Handshake signals
in_ready_o = 1'b0;
out_valid_o = 1'b0;
// Masking PRNG signals
prng_update_o = 1'b0;
prng_reseed_req_o = 1'b0;
// Cipher data path
state_sel_o = STATE_ROUND;
state_we_o = 1'b0;
add_rk_sel_o = ADD_RK_ROUND;
sub_bytes_en_o = 1'b0;
sub_bytes_out_ack_o = 1'b0;
// Key expand data path
key_full_sel_o = KEY_FULL_ROUND;
key_full_we_o = 1'b0;
key_dec_sel_o = KEY_DEC_EXPAND;
key_dec_we_o = 1'b0;
key_expand_en_o = 1'b0;
key_expand_out_ack_o = 1'b0;
key_expand_clear_o = 1'b0;
key_words_sel_o = KEY_WORDS_ZERO;
round_key_sel_o = ROUND_KEY_DIRECT;
// FSM
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = aes_cipher_ctrl_cs;
num_rounds_d_o = num_rounds_q_i;
rnd_ctr_d_o = rnd_ctr_q_i;
rnd_ctr_rem_d_o = rnd_ctr_rem_q_i;
crypt_d_o = crypt_q_i;
dec_key_gen_d_o = dec_key_gen_q_i;
prng_reseed_d_o = prng_reseed_q_i;
key_clear_d_o = key_clear_q_i;
data_out_clear_d_o = data_out_clear_q_i;
prng_reseed_done_d = prng_reseed_done_q | prng_reseed_ack_i;
advance = 1'b0;
cyc_ctr_d = (SBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom) ? cyc_ctr_q + 3'd1 : 3'd0;
// Alert
alert_o = 1'b0;
unique case (aes_cipher_ctrl_cs)
IDLE: begin
cyc_ctr_d = 3'd0;
// Signal that we are ready, wait for handshake.
in_ready_o = 1'b1;
if (in_valid_i) begin
if (Masking && prng_reseed_i && !dec_key_gen_i && !crypt_i) begin
// Reseed the masking PRNG without starting encryption/decryption or generation of the
// start key for decryption.
prng_reseed_d_o = 1'b1;
prng_reseed_done_d = 1'b0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = PRNG_RESEED;
end else if (key_clear_i || data_out_clear_i) begin
// Clear internal key registers. The cipher core muxes are used to clear the data
// output registers.
key_clear_d_o = key_clear_i;
data_out_clear_d_o = data_out_clear_i;
// To clear the data output registers, we must first clear the state.
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = data_out_clear_i ? CLEAR_S : CLEAR_KD;
end else if (dec_key_gen_i || crypt_i) begin
// Start encryption/decryption or generation of start key for decryption.
crypt_d_o = ~dec_key_gen_i & crypt_i;
dec_key_gen_d_o = dec_key_gen_i;
// Latch whether we shall reseed the masking PRNG.
prng_reseed_d_o = Masking & prng_reseed_i;
// Load input data to state
state_sel_o = dec_key_gen_i ? STATE_CLEAR : STATE_INIT;
state_we_o = 1'b1;
// Make the masking PRNG advance. The current pseudo-random data is used to mask the
// input data.
prng_update_o = dec_key_gen_i ? 1'b0 : Masking;
// Init key expand
key_expand_clear_o = 1'b1;
// Load full key
key_full_sel_o = dec_key_gen_i ? KEY_FULL_ENC_INIT :
key_full_we_o = 1'b1;
// Load num_rounds, initialize round counters.
num_rounds_d_o = (key_len_i == AES_128) ? 4'd10 :
(key_len_i == AES_192) ? 4'd12 :
rnd_ctr_rem_d_o = num_rounds_d_o;
rnd_ctr_d_o = '0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = INIT;
end else begin
// Handshake without a valid command. We should never get here. If we do (e.g. via a
// malicious glitch), error out immediately.
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = ERROR;
INIT: begin
// Initial round: just add key to state
add_rk_sel_o = ADD_RK_INIT;
// Select key words for initial add_round_key
key_words_sel_o = (dec_key_gen_q_i) ? KEY_WORDS_ZERO :
(key_len_i == AES_128) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 :
(key_len_i == AES_192 && op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 :
(key_len_i == AES_192 && op_i == CIPH_INV) ? KEY_WORDS_2345 :
(key_len_i == AES_256 && op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 :
(key_len_i == AES_256 && op_i == CIPH_INV) ? KEY_WORDS_4567 : KEY_WORDS_ZERO;
// Clear masking PRNG reseed status.
prng_reseed_done_d = 1'b0;
// AES-256 has two round keys available right from beginning. Pseudo-random data is
// required by KeyExpand only.
if (key_len_i != AES_256) begin
// Advance in sync with KeyExpand. Based on the S-Box implementation, it can take
// multiple cycles to finish. Wait for handshake. The DOM S-Boxes consume fresh PRD
// only in the first clock cycle. By requesting the PRNG update in any clock cycle
// other than the last one, the PRD fed into the DOM S-Boxes is guaranteed to be stable.
// This is better in terms of SCA resistance. Request the PRNG update in the first cycle.
advance = key_expand_out_req_i;
prng_update_o = (SBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom) ? cyc_ctr_q == 3'd0 : Masking;
key_expand_en_o = 1'b1;
if (advance) begin
key_expand_out_ack_o = 1'b1;
state_we_o = ~dec_key_gen_q_i;
key_full_we_o = 1'b1;
rnd_ctr_d_o = rnd_ctr_q_i + 4'b0001;
rnd_ctr_rem_d_o = rnd_ctr_rem_q_i - 4'b0001;
cyc_ctr_d = 3'd0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = ROUND;
end else begin
state_we_o = ~dec_key_gen_q_i;
rnd_ctr_d_o = rnd_ctr_q_i + 4'b0001;
rnd_ctr_rem_d_o = rnd_ctr_rem_q_i - 4'b0001;
cyc_ctr_d = 3'd0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = ROUND;
ROUND: begin
// Normal rounds
// Select key words for add_round_key
key_words_sel_o = (dec_key_gen_q_i) ? KEY_WORDS_ZERO :
(key_len_i == AES_128) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 :
(key_len_i == AES_192 && op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? KEY_WORDS_2345 :
(key_len_i == AES_192 && op_i == CIPH_INV) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 :
(key_len_i == AES_256 && op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? KEY_WORDS_4567 :
(key_len_i == AES_256 && op_i == CIPH_INV) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 : KEY_WORDS_ZERO;
// Keep requesting PRNG reseeding until it is acknowledged.
prng_reseed_req_o = Masking & prng_reseed_q_i & ~prng_reseed_done_q;
// Select round key: direct or mixed (equivalent inverse cipher)
round_key_sel_o = (op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? ROUND_KEY_DIRECT :
// Advance in sync with SubBytes and KeyExpand. Based on the S-Box implementation, both can
// take multiple cycles to finish. Wait for handshake. The DOM S-Boxes consume fresh PRD
// only in the first clock cycle. By requesting the PRNG update in any clock cycle other
// than the last one, the PRD fed into the DOM S-Boxes is guaranteed to be stable. This is
// better in terms of SCA resistance. Request the PRNG update in the first cycle. Non-DOM
// S-Boxes need fresh PRD in every clock cycle.
advance = (dec_key_gen_q_i | sub_bytes_out_req_i) & key_expand_out_req_i;
prng_update_o = (SBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom) ? cyc_ctr_q == 3'd0 : Masking;
sub_bytes_en_o = ~dec_key_gen_q_i;
key_expand_en_o = 1'b1;
if (advance) begin
sub_bytes_out_ack_o = ~dec_key_gen_q_i;
key_expand_out_ack_o = 1'b1;
state_we_o = ~dec_key_gen_q_i;
key_full_we_o = 1'b1;
// Update round
rnd_ctr_d_o = rnd_ctr_q_i + 4'b0001;
rnd_ctr_rem_d_o = rnd_ctr_rem_q_i - 4'b0001;
cyc_ctr_d = 3'd0;
// Are we doing the last regular round?
if (rnd_ctr_q_i == num_rounds_regular) begin
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = FINISH;
if (dec_key_gen_q_i) begin
// Write decryption key.
key_dec_we_o = 1'b1;
// Indicate that we are done, try to perform the handshake. But we don't wait here.
// If we don't get the handshake now, we will wait in the finish state. When using
// masking, we only finish if the masking PRNG has been reseeded.
out_valid_o = Masking ? (prng_reseed_q_i ? prng_reseed_done_q : 1'b1) : 1'b1;
if (out_valid_o && out_ready_i) begin
// Go to idle state directly.
dec_key_gen_d_o = 1'b0;
prng_reseed_d_o = 1'b0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
end // rnd_ctr_q_i
end // SubBytes/KeyExpand REQ/ACK
FINISH: begin
// Final round
// Select key words for add_round_key
key_words_sel_o = (dec_key_gen_q_i) ? KEY_WORDS_ZERO :
(key_len_i == AES_128) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 :
(key_len_i == AES_192 && op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? KEY_WORDS_2345 :
(key_len_i == AES_192 && op_i == CIPH_INV) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 :
(key_len_i == AES_256 && op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? KEY_WORDS_4567 :
(key_len_i == AES_256 && op_i == CIPH_INV) ? KEY_WORDS_0123 : KEY_WORDS_ZERO;
// Skip mix_columns
add_rk_sel_o = ADD_RK_FINAL;
// Keep requesting PRNG reseeding until it is acknowledged.
prng_reseed_req_o = Masking & prng_reseed_q_i & ~prng_reseed_done_q;
// Once we're done, we won't need the state anymore. We actually clear it when progressing
// to the next state.
state_sel_o = STATE_CLEAR;
// Advance in sync with SubBytes. Based on the S-Box implementation, it can take multiple
// cycles to finish. Only indicate that we are done if:
// - we have valid output (SubBytes finished),
// - the masking PRNG has been reseeded (if masking is used),
// - all mux selector signals are valid (don't release data in case of errors), and
// - all sparsely encoded signals are valid (don't release data in case of errors).
// Perform both handshakes simultaneously.
advance = sub_bytes_out_req_i | dec_key_gen_q_i;
sub_bytes_en_o = ~dec_key_gen_q_i;
out_valid_o = (mux_sel_err_i || sp_enc_err_i || op_err_i) ? 1'b0 :
Masking ? (prng_reseed_q_i ? prng_reseed_done_q & advance : advance) : advance;
// Stop updating the cycle counter once we have valid output.
cyc_ctr_d = (SBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom) ? (!advance ? cyc_ctr_q + 3'd1 : cyc_ctr_q) : 3'd0;
// The DOM S-Boxes consume fresh PRD only in the first clock cycle. By requesting the PRNG
// update in any clock cycle other than the last one, the PRD fed into the DOM S-Boxes is
// guaranteed to be stable. This is better in terms of SCA resistance. Request the PRNG
// update in the first cycle. We update it only once and in the last cycle for non-DOM
// S-Boxes where otherwise updating the PRNG while being stalled would cause the S-Boxes
// to be re-evaluated, thereby creating additional SCA leakage.
prng_update_o = (SBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom) ? cyc_ctr_q == 3'd0 : out_valid_o & out_ready_i;
if (out_valid_o && out_ready_i) begin
sub_bytes_out_ack_o = ~dec_key_gen_q_i;
// Clear the state.
state_we_o = 1'b1;
crypt_d_o = 1'b0;
cyc_ctr_d = 3'd0;
// If we were generating the decryption key and didn't get the handshake in the last
// regular round, we should clear dec_key_gen now.
dec_key_gen_d_o = 1'b0;
prng_reseed_d_o = 1'b0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
// Keep requesting PRNG reseeding until it is acknowledged.
prng_reseed_req_o = prng_reseed_q_i & ~prng_reseed_done_q;
// Once we're done, wait for handshake.
out_valid_o = prng_reseed_done_q;
if (out_valid_o && out_ready_i) begin
prng_reseed_d_o = 1'b0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
CLEAR_S: begin
// Clear the state with pseudo-random data.
state_we_o = 1'b1;
state_sel_o = STATE_CLEAR;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = CLEAR_KD;
CLEAR_KD: begin
// Clear internal key registers and/or external data output registers.
if (key_clear_q_i) begin
key_full_sel_o = KEY_FULL_CLEAR;
key_full_we_o = 1'b1;
key_dec_sel_o = KEY_DEC_CLEAR;
key_dec_we_o = 1'b1;
if (data_out_clear_q_i) begin
// Forward the state (previously cleared with psuedo-random data).
add_rk_sel_o = ADD_RK_INIT;
key_words_sel_o = KEY_WORDS_ZERO;
round_key_sel_o = ROUND_KEY_DIRECT;
// Indicate that we are done, wait for handshake.
out_valid_o = 1'b1;
if (out_ready_i) begin
key_clear_d_o = 1'b0;
data_out_clear_d_o = 1'b0;
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = IDLE;
ERROR: begin
// Terminal error state
alert_o = 1'b1;
// We should never get here. If we do (e.g. via a malicious glitch), error out immediately.
default: begin
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = ERROR;
// Unconditionally jump into the terminal error state in case a mux selector or a sparsely
// encoded signal becomes invalid, or in case we have detected a fault in the round counter.
if (mux_sel_err_i || sp_enc_err_i || rnd_ctr_err_i || op_err_i) begin
aes_cipher_ctrl_ns = ERROR;
// This primitive is used to place a size-only constraint on the
// flops in order to prevent FSM state encoding optimizations.
logic [StateWidth-1:0] aes_cipher_ctrl_cs_raw;
assign aes_cipher_ctrl_cs = aes_cipher_ctrl_e'(aes_cipher_ctrl_cs_raw);
prim_sparse_fsm_flop #(
) u_state_regs (
.state_i ( aes_cipher_ctrl_ns ),
.state_o ( aes_cipher_ctrl_cs_raw )
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_fsm
if (!rst_ni) begin
prng_reseed_done_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
prng_reseed_done_q <= prng_reseed_done_d;
if (SBoxImpl == SBoxImplDom) begin : gen_reg_cyc_ctr
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_cyc_ctr
if (!rst_ni) begin
cyc_ctr_q <= 3'd0;
end else begin
cyc_ctr_q <= cyc_ctr_d;
end else begin : gen_no_cyc_ctr
logic [2:0] unused_cyc_ctr;
assign cyc_ctr_q = cyc_ctr_d;
assign unused_cyc_ctr = cyc_ctr_q;
// Assertions //
// Selectors must be known/valid
`ASSERT(AesCiphOpValid, cfg_valid_i |-> op_i inside {
`ASSERT(AesKeyLenValid, cfg_valid_i |-> key_len_i inside {
`ASSERT(AesCipherControlStateValid, !alert_o |-> aes_cipher_ctrl_cs inside {