| # run on new infrastructure |
| # required packages to install |
| - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test |
| - RISCV="/home/travis/riscv_install" |
| - VERILATOR_ROOT="/home/travis/verilator-4.018" |
| - export CXX=g++-7 CC=gcc-7 |
| - export PATH=$RISCV/bin:$VERILATOR_ROOT/bin:$PATH |
| - export LIBRARY_PATH=$RISCV/lib |
| - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$RISCV/lib |
| - export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$RISCV/include:$VERILATOR_ROOT/share/verilator/include |
| - export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$RISCV/include:$VERILATOR_ROOT/share/verilator/include |
| - export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$VERILATOR_ROOT/share/pkgconfig |
| # number of parallel jobs to use for make commands and simulation |
| - git submodule update --init --recursive |
| - ci/download-pulp-gcc.sh |
| - ci/install-verilator.sh |
| name: run openocd debug module tests |
| - ci/veri-run-openocd-compliance.sh |
| # extra time during long builds |