blob: d7df539b4585b7ddf2e4b9a2781d9fac4f055b70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// The alert receiver primitive decodes alerts that have been differentially
// encoded and transmitted via a handshake protocol on alert_p/n and
// ack_p/n. In case an alert handshake is initiated, the output alert_o will
// immediately be asserted (even before completion of the handshake).
// In case the differential input is not correctly encoded, this module will
// raise an error by asserting integ_fail_o.
// Further, the module supports ping testing of the alert diff pair. In order to
// initiate a ping test, ping_req_i shall be set to 1'b1 until ping_ok_o is
// asserted for one cycle. The signal may be de-asserted (e.g. after a long)
// timeout period. However note that all ping responses that come in after
// deasserting ping_req_i will be treated as native alerts.
// The protocol works in both asynchronous and synchronous cases. In the
// asynchronous case, the parameter AsyncOn must be set to 1'b1 in order to
// instantiate additional synchronization logic. Further, it must be ensured
// that the timing skew between all diff pairs is smaller than the shortest
// clock period of the involved clocks.
// Note that in case of synchronous operation, alerts on the diffpair are
// decoded combinationally and forwarded on alert_o within the same cycle.
// See also: prim_alert_sender, prim_diff_decode, alert_handler
`include ""
module prim_alert_receiver
import prim_alert_pkg::*;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t;
// enables additional synchronization logic
parameter bit AsyncOn = 1'b0
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// if set to lc_ctrl_pkg::On, this triggers the in-band alert channel
// reset, which resets both the sender and receiver FSMs into IDLE.
input mubi4_t init_trig_i,
// this triggers a ping test. keep asserted
// until ping_ok_o is asserted.
input ping_req_i,
output logic ping_ok_o,
// asserted if signal integrity issue detected
output logic integ_fail_o,
// alert output (pulsed high) if a handshake is initiated
// on alert_p/n and no ping request is outstanding
output logic alert_o,
// ping input diff pair and ack diff pair
output alert_rx_t alert_rx_o,
// alert output diff pair
input alert_tx_t alert_tx_i
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_true_strict;
// decode differential signals //
logic alert_level, alert_sigint, alert_p, alert_n;
// This prevents further tool optimizations of the differential signal.
prim_sec_anchor_buf #(
) u_prim_buf_in (
prim_diff_decode #(
) u_decode_alert (
.diff_pi ( alert_p ),
.diff_ni ( alert_n ),
.level_o ( alert_level ),
.rise_o ( ),
.fall_o ( ),
.event_o ( ),
.sigint_o ( alert_sigint )
// main protocol FSM that drives the diff outputs //
typedef enum logic [2:0] {Idle, HsAckWait, Pause0, Pause1, InitReq, InitAckWait} state_e;
state_e state_d, state_q;
logic ping_rise;
logic ping_tog_pd, ping_tog_pq, ping_tog_dn, ping_tog_nq;
logic ack_pd, ack_pq, ack_dn, ack_nq;
logic ping_req_d, ping_req_q;
logic ping_pending_d, ping_pending_q;
logic send_init;
logic send_ping;
// signal ping request upon positive transition on ping_req_i
// signalling is performed by a level change event on the diff output
assign ping_req_d = ping_req_i;
assign ping_rise = ping_req_d && !ping_req_q;
assign ping_tog_pd = (send_init) ? 1'b0 :
(send_ping) ? ~ping_tog_pq : ping_tog_pq;
// in-band reset is performed by sending out an integrity error on purpose.
assign ack_dn = (send_init) ? ack_pd : ~ack_pd;
assign ping_tog_dn = ~ping_tog_pd;
// This prevents further tool optimizations of the differential signal.
prim_sec_anchor_flop #(
.Width (2),
) u_prim_generic_flop_ack (
prim_sec_anchor_flop #(
.Width (2),
) u_prim_generic_flop_ping (
// the ping pending signal is used in the FSM to distinguish whether the
// incoming handshake shall be treated as an alert or a ping response.
// it is important that this is only set on a rising ping_en level change, since
// otherwise the ping enable signal could be abused to "mask" all native alerts
// as ping responses by constantly tying it to 1.
assign ping_pending_d = ping_rise | ((~ping_ok_o) & ping_req_i & ping_pending_q);
// diff pair outputs
assign alert_rx_o.ack_p = ack_pq;
assign alert_rx_o.ack_n = ack_nq;
assign alert_rx_o.ping_p = ping_tog_pq;
assign alert_rx_o.ping_n = ping_tog_nq;
// this FSM receives the four phase handshakes from the alert receiver
// note that the latency of the alert_p/n input diff pair is at least one
// cycle until it enters the receiver FSM. the same holds for the ack_* diff
// pair outputs.
always_comb begin : p_fsm
// default
state_d = state_q;
ack_pd = 1'b0;
ping_ok_o = 1'b0;
integ_fail_o = 1'b0;
alert_o = 1'b0;
send_init = 1'b0;
// by default, a ping request leads to a toogle on the differential ping pair
send_ping = ping_rise;
unique case (state_q)
Idle: begin
// wait for handshake to be initiated
if (alert_level) begin
state_d = HsAckWait;
ack_pd = 1'b1;
// signal either an alert or ping received on the output
if (ping_pending_q) begin
ping_ok_o = 1'b1;
end else begin
alert_o = 1'b1;
// waiting for deassertion of alert to complete HS
HsAckWait: begin
if (!alert_level) begin
state_d = Pause0;
end else begin
ack_pd = 1'b1;
// pause cycles between back-to-back handshakes
Pause0: state_d = Pause1;
Pause1: state_d = Idle;
// this state is only reached if an in-band reset is
// requested via the low-power logic.
InitReq: begin
// we deliberately place a sigint error on the ack and ping lines in this case.
send_init = 1'b1;
// suppress any toggles on the ping line while we are in the init phase.
send_ping = 1'b0;
// As long as init req is asserted, we remain in this state and acknowledge all incoming
// ping requests. As soon as the init request is dropped however, ping requests are not
// acked anymore such that the ping mechanism can also flag alert channels that got stuck
// in the initialization sequence.
if (mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i)) begin
ping_ok_o = ping_pending_q;
// the sender will respond to the sigint error above with a sigint error on the alert lines.
// hence we treat the alert_sigint like an acknowledgement in this case.
end else if (alert_sigint) begin
state_d = InitAckWait;
// We get here if the sender has responded with alert_sigint, and init_trig_i==lc_ctrl_pkg::On
// has been deasserted. At this point, we need to wait for the alert_sigint to drop again
// before resuming normal operation.
InitAckWait: begin
// suppress any toggles on the ping line while we are in the init phase.
send_ping = 1'b0;
if (!alert_sigint) begin
state_d = Pause0;
// If we get a ping request in this cycle, or if we realize that there is an unhandled
// ping request that came in during initialization (but after init_trig_i has been
// deasserted), we signal this to the alert sender by toggling the request line.
send_ping = ping_rise || ping_pending_q;
default: state_d = Idle;
// once the initialization sequence has been triggered,
// overrides are not allowed anymore until the initialization has been completed.
if (!(state_q inside {InitReq, InitAckWait})) begin
// in this case, abort and jump into the initialization sequence
if (mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i)) begin
state_d = InitReq;
ack_pd = 1'b0;
ping_ok_o = 1'b0;
integ_fail_o = 1'b0;
alert_o = 1'b0;
send_init = 1'b1;
// if we're not busy with an init request, we clamp down all outputs
// and indicate an integrity failure.
end else if (alert_sigint) begin
state_d = Idle;
ack_pd = 1'b0;
ping_ok_o = 1'b0;
integ_fail_o = 1'b1;
alert_o = 1'b0;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : p_reg
if (!rst_ni) begin
// Reset into the init request so that an alert handler reset implicitly
// triggers an in-band reset of all alert channels.
state_q <= InitReq;
ping_req_q <= 1'b0;
ping_pending_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
state_q <= state_d;
ping_req_q <= ping_req_d;
ping_pending_q <= ping_pending_d;
// assertions //
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_test_false_loose;
// check whether all outputs have a good known state after reset
`ASSERT_KNOWN(PingOkKnownO_A, ping_ok_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(IntegFailKnownO_A, integ_fail_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(AlertKnownO_A, alert_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(PingPKnownO_A, alert_rx_o)
// check encoding of outgoing diffpairs. note that during init, the outgoing diffpairs are
// supposed to be incorrectly encoded on purpose.
// shift sequence two cycles to the right to avoid reset effects.
`ASSERT(PingDiffOk_A, alert_rx_o.ping_p ^ alert_rx_o.ping_n)
`ASSERT(AckDiffOk_A, ##2 $past(send_init) ^ alert_rx_o.ack_p ^ alert_rx_o.ack_n)
`ASSERT(InitReq_A, mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i) &&
!(state_q inside {InitReq, InitAckWait}) |=> send_init)
// ping request at input -> need to see encoded ping request
`ASSERT(PingRequest0_A, ##1 $rose(ping_req_i) && !state_q inside {InitReq, InitAckWait}
|=> $changed(alert_rx_o.ping_p))
// ping response implies it has been requested
`ASSERT(PingResponse0_A, ping_ok_o |-> ping_pending_q)
// correctly latch ping request
`ASSERT(PingPending_A, ##1 $rose(ping_req_i) |=> ping_pending_q)
if (AsyncOn) begin : gen_async_assert
// signal integrity check propagation
alert_tx_i.alert_p == alert_tx_i.alert_n [*2] ##2
!(state_q inside {InitReq, InitAckWait}) &&
// TODO: need to add skewed cases as well, the assertions below assume no skew at the moment
// ping response
##1 $rose(alert_tx_i.alert_p) &&
(alert_tx_i.alert_p ^ alert_tx_i.alert_n) ##2
state_q == Idle && ping_pending_q
clk_i, !rst_ni || integ_fail_o || mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i))
// alert
##1 $rose(alert_tx_i.alert_p) &&
(alert_tx_i.alert_p ^ alert_tx_i.alert_n) ##2
state_q == Idle &&
##[0:1] alert_o,
clk_i, !rst_ni || integ_fail_o || mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i))
end else begin : gen_sync_assert
// signal integrity check propagation
alert_tx_i.alert_p == alert_tx_i.alert_n &&
!(state_q inside {InitReq, InitAckWait}) &&
// ping response
##1 $rose(alert_tx_i.alert_p) &&
state_q == Idle &&
clk_i, !rst_ni || integ_fail_o || mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i))
// alert
##1 $rose(alert_tx_i.alert_p) &&
state_q == Idle &&
clk_i, !rst_ni || integ_fail_o || mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i))
// check in-band init request is always accepted
mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i) &&
state_q != InitAckWait
state_q == InitReq)
// check in-band init sequence moves FSM into IDLE state
(state_q == InitReq &&
mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i)) ##1
(alert_sigint &&
mubi4_test_false_loose(init_trig_i)) [*1:$] ##1
(!alert_sigint &&
mubi4_test_false_loose(init_trig_i)) [*3]
state_q == Idle)
// check there are no spurious alerts during init
mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i) ||
(state_q inside {InitReq, InitAckWait})
// check that there are no spurious ping OKs
(mubi4_test_true_strict(init_trig_i) ||
(state_q inside {InitReq, InitAckWait})) &&
// check ping request is bypassed when in init state
$rose(ping_req_i) ##1
state_q == InitReq &&
endmodule : prim_alert_receiver