blob: 72fbb1b5abb7ce242d70f31cdd81ca0820668e91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// clang-format off
// ------------------- W A R N I N G: A U T O - G E N E R A T E D C O D E !! -------------------//
// util/ -t hw/top_earlgrey/data/top_earlgrey.hjson
// -o hw/top_earlgrey
#include <limits.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/csr.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_adc_ctrl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_alert_handler.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_aon_timer.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_csrng.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_edn.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_entropy_src.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_flash_ctrl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_gpio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_hmac.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_i2c.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_keymgr.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_kmac.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_otbn.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_otp_ctrl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_pattgen.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_pwrmgr.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_rv_plic.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_rv_timer.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_sensor_ctrl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_spi_device.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_spi_host.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_sysrst_ctrl.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_uart.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_usbdev.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/ibex.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/irq.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/check.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/rv_plic_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/ottf_main.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/status.h"
#include "hw/top_earlgrey/sw/autogen/top_earlgrey.h"
static dif_adc_ctrl_t adc_ctrl_aon;
static dif_alert_handler_t alert_handler;
static dif_aon_timer_t aon_timer_aon;
static dif_csrng_t csrng;
static dif_edn_t edn0;
static dif_edn_t edn1;
static dif_entropy_src_t entropy_src;
static dif_flash_ctrl_t flash_ctrl;
static dif_gpio_t gpio;
static dif_hmac_t hmac;
static dif_i2c_t i2c0;
static dif_i2c_t i2c1;
static dif_i2c_t i2c2;
static dif_keymgr_t keymgr;
static dif_kmac_t kmac;
static dif_otbn_t otbn;
static dif_otp_ctrl_t otp_ctrl;
static dif_pattgen_t pattgen;
static dif_pwrmgr_t pwrmgr_aon;
static dif_rv_timer_t rv_timer;
static dif_sensor_ctrl_t sensor_ctrl;
static dif_spi_device_t spi_device;
static dif_spi_host_t spi_host0;
static dif_spi_host_t spi_host1;
static dif_sysrst_ctrl_t sysrst_ctrl_aon;
static dif_uart_t uart0;
static dif_uart_t uart1;
static dif_uart_t uart2;
static dif_uart_t uart3;
static dif_usbdev_t usbdev;
static dif_rv_plic_t plic;
static const top_earlgrey_plic_target_t kHart = kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0;
* Flag indicating which peripheral is under test.
* Declared volatile because it is referenced in the main program flow as well
* as the ISR.
static volatile top_earlgrey_plic_peripheral_t peripheral_expected;
* Flags indicating the IRQ expected to have triggered and serviced within the
* peripheral.
* Declared volatile because it is referenced in the main program flow as well
* as the ISR.
static volatile dif_adc_ctrl_irq_t adc_ctrl_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_adc_ctrl_irq_t adc_ctrl_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_alert_handler_irq_t alert_handler_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_alert_handler_irq_t alert_handler_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_aon_timer_irq_t aon_timer_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_aon_timer_irq_t aon_timer_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_csrng_irq_t csrng_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_csrng_irq_t csrng_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_edn_irq_t edn_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_edn_irq_t edn_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_entropy_src_irq_t entropy_src_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_entropy_src_irq_t entropy_src_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_flash_ctrl_irq_t flash_ctrl_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_flash_ctrl_irq_t flash_ctrl_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_gpio_irq_t gpio_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_gpio_irq_t gpio_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_hmac_irq_t hmac_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_hmac_irq_t hmac_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_i2c_irq_t i2c_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_i2c_irq_t i2c_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_keymgr_irq_t keymgr_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_keymgr_irq_t keymgr_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_kmac_irq_t kmac_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_kmac_irq_t kmac_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_otbn_irq_t otbn_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_otbn_irq_t otbn_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_otp_ctrl_irq_t otp_ctrl_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_otp_ctrl_irq_t otp_ctrl_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_pattgen_irq_t pattgen_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_pattgen_irq_t pattgen_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_pwrmgr_irq_t pwrmgr_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_pwrmgr_irq_t pwrmgr_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_rv_timer_irq_t rv_timer_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_rv_timer_irq_t rv_timer_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_t sensor_ctrl_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_t sensor_ctrl_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_spi_device_irq_t spi_device_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_spi_device_irq_t spi_device_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_spi_host_irq_t spi_host_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_spi_host_irq_t spi_host_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_t sysrst_ctrl_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_t sysrst_ctrl_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_uart_irq_t uart_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_uart_irq_t uart_irq_serviced;
static volatile dif_usbdev_irq_t usbdev_irq_expected;
static volatile dif_usbdev_irq_t usbdev_irq_serviced;
* Provides external IRQ handling for this test.
* This function overrides the default OTTF external ISR.
* For each IRQ, it performs the following:
* 1. Claims the IRQ fired (finds PLIC IRQ index).
* 2. Checks that the index belongs to the expected peripheral.
* 3. Checks that the correct and the only IRQ from the expected peripheral
* triggered.
* 4. Clears the IRQ at the peripheral.
* 5. Completes the IRQ service at PLIC.
void ottf_external_isr(void) {
dif_rv_plic_irq_id_t plic_irq_id;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_plic_irq_claim(&plic, kHart, &plic_irq_id));
top_earlgrey_plic_peripheral_t peripheral = (top_earlgrey_plic_peripheral_t)
CHECK(peripheral == peripheral_expected,
"Interrupt from incorrect peripheral: exp = %d, obs = %d",
peripheral_expected, peripheral);
switch (peripheral) {
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralAdcCtrlAon: {
dif_adc_ctrl_irq_t irq = (dif_adc_ctrl_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == adc_ctrl_irq_expected,
"Incorrect adc_ctrl_aon IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
adc_ctrl_irq_expected, irq);
adc_ctrl_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_adc_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_adc_ctrl_irq_get_state(&adc_ctrl_aon, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_adc_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only adc_ctrl_aon IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_adc_ctrl_irq_force(&adc_ctrl_aon, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_adc_ctrl_irq_acknowledge(&adc_ctrl_aon, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralAlertHandler: {
dif_alert_handler_irq_t irq = (dif_alert_handler_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == alert_handler_irq_expected,
"Incorrect alert_handler IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
alert_handler_irq_expected, irq);
alert_handler_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_alert_handler_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_alert_handler_irq_get_state(&alert_handler, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_alert_handler_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only alert_handler IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_alert_handler_irq_force(&alert_handler, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_alert_handler_irq_acknowledge(&alert_handler, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralAonTimerAon: {
dif_aon_timer_irq_t irq = (dif_aon_timer_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == aon_timer_irq_expected,
"Incorrect aon_timer_aon IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
aon_timer_irq_expected, irq);
aon_timer_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_aon_timer_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aon_timer_irq_get_state(&aon_timer_aon, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_aon_timer_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only aon_timer_aon IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aon_timer_irq_force(&aon_timer_aon, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aon_timer_irq_acknowledge(&aon_timer_aon, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralCsrng: {
dif_csrng_irq_t irq = (dif_csrng_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == csrng_irq_expected,
"Incorrect csrng IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
csrng_irq_expected, irq);
csrng_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_csrng_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_csrng_irq_get_state(&csrng, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_csrng_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only csrng IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_csrng_irq_force(&csrng, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_csrng_irq_acknowledge(&csrng, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralEdn0: {
dif_edn_irq_t irq = (dif_edn_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == edn_irq_expected,
"Incorrect edn0 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
edn_irq_expected, irq);
edn_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_edn_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_get_state(&edn0, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_edn_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only edn0 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_force(&edn0, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_acknowledge(&edn0, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralEdn1: {
dif_edn_irq_t irq = (dif_edn_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == edn_irq_expected,
"Incorrect edn1 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
edn_irq_expected, irq);
edn_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_edn_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_get_state(&edn1, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_edn_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only edn1 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_force(&edn1, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_acknowledge(&edn1, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralEntropySrc: {
dif_entropy_src_irq_t irq = (dif_entropy_src_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == entropy_src_irq_expected,
"Incorrect entropy_src IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
entropy_src_irq_expected, irq);
entropy_src_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_entropy_src_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_entropy_src_irq_get_state(&entropy_src, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_entropy_src_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only entropy_src IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_entropy_src_irq_force(&entropy_src, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_entropy_src_irq_acknowledge(&entropy_src, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralFlashCtrl: {
dif_flash_ctrl_irq_t irq = (dif_flash_ctrl_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == flash_ctrl_irq_expected,
"Incorrect flash_ctrl IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
flash_ctrl_irq_expected, irq);
flash_ctrl_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_flash_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_flash_ctrl_irq_get_state(&flash_ctrl, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_flash_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only flash_ctrl IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_flash_ctrl_irq_force(&flash_ctrl, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_flash_ctrl_irq_acknowledge(&flash_ctrl, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralGpio: {
dif_gpio_irq_t irq = (dif_gpio_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == gpio_irq_expected,
"Incorrect gpio IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
gpio_irq_expected, irq);
gpio_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_gpio_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_gpio_irq_get_state(&gpio, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_gpio_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only gpio IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_gpio_irq_force(&gpio, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_gpio_irq_acknowledge(&gpio, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralHmac: {
dif_hmac_irq_t irq = (dif_hmac_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == hmac_irq_expected,
"Incorrect hmac IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
hmac_irq_expected, irq);
hmac_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_hmac_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_hmac_irq_get_state(&hmac, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_hmac_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only hmac IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_hmac_irq_force(&hmac, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_hmac_irq_acknowledge(&hmac, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralI2c0: {
dif_i2c_irq_t irq = (dif_i2c_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == i2c_irq_expected,
"Incorrect i2c0 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
i2c_irq_expected, irq);
i2c_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_i2c_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_get_state(&i2c0, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_i2c_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only i2c0 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_force(&i2c0, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_acknowledge(&i2c0, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralI2c1: {
dif_i2c_irq_t irq = (dif_i2c_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == i2c_irq_expected,
"Incorrect i2c1 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
i2c_irq_expected, irq);
i2c_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_i2c_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_get_state(&i2c1, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_i2c_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only i2c1 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_force(&i2c1, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_acknowledge(&i2c1, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralI2c2: {
dif_i2c_irq_t irq = (dif_i2c_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == i2c_irq_expected,
"Incorrect i2c2 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
i2c_irq_expected, irq);
i2c_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_i2c_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_get_state(&i2c2, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_i2c_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only i2c2 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_force(&i2c2, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_acknowledge(&i2c2, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralKeymgr: {
dif_keymgr_irq_t irq = (dif_keymgr_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == keymgr_irq_expected,
"Incorrect keymgr IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
keymgr_irq_expected, irq);
keymgr_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_keymgr_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_keymgr_irq_get_state(&keymgr, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_keymgr_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only keymgr IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_keymgr_irq_force(&keymgr, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_keymgr_irq_acknowledge(&keymgr, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralKmac: {
dif_kmac_irq_t irq = (dif_kmac_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == kmac_irq_expected,
"Incorrect kmac IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
kmac_irq_expected, irq);
kmac_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_kmac_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_kmac_irq_get_state(&kmac, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_kmac_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only kmac IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_kmac_irq_force(&kmac, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_kmac_irq_acknowledge(&kmac, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralOtbn: {
dif_otbn_irq_t irq = (dif_otbn_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == otbn_irq_expected,
"Incorrect otbn IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
otbn_irq_expected, irq);
otbn_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_otbn_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_irq_get_state(&otbn, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_otbn_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only otbn IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_irq_force(&otbn, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_irq_acknowledge(&otbn, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralOtpCtrl: {
dif_otp_ctrl_irq_t irq = (dif_otp_ctrl_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == otp_ctrl_irq_expected,
"Incorrect otp_ctrl IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
otp_ctrl_irq_expected, irq);
otp_ctrl_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_otp_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otp_ctrl_irq_get_state(&otp_ctrl, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_otp_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only otp_ctrl IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otp_ctrl_irq_force(&otp_ctrl, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otp_ctrl_irq_acknowledge(&otp_ctrl, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralPattgen: {
dif_pattgen_irq_t irq = (dif_pattgen_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == pattgen_irq_expected,
"Incorrect pattgen IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
pattgen_irq_expected, irq);
pattgen_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_pattgen_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pattgen_irq_get_state(&pattgen, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_pattgen_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only pattgen IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pattgen_irq_force(&pattgen, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pattgen_irq_acknowledge(&pattgen, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralPwrmgrAon: {
dif_pwrmgr_irq_t irq = (dif_pwrmgr_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == pwrmgr_irq_expected,
"Incorrect pwrmgr_aon IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
pwrmgr_irq_expected, irq);
pwrmgr_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_pwrmgr_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pwrmgr_irq_get_state(&pwrmgr_aon, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_pwrmgr_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only pwrmgr_aon IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pwrmgr_irq_force(&pwrmgr_aon, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pwrmgr_irq_acknowledge(&pwrmgr_aon, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralRvTimer: {
dif_rv_timer_irq_t irq = (dif_rv_timer_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == rv_timer_irq_expected,
"Incorrect rv_timer IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
rv_timer_irq_expected, irq);
rv_timer_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_rv_timer_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_timer_irq_get_state(&rv_timer, kHart, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_rv_timer_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only rv_timer IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_timer_irq_force(&rv_timer, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_timer_irq_acknowledge(&rv_timer, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSensorCtrl: {
dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_t irq = (dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == sensor_ctrl_irq_expected,
"Incorrect sensor_ctrl IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
sensor_ctrl_irq_expected, irq);
sensor_ctrl_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_get_state(&sensor_ctrl, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only sensor_ctrl IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_force(&sensor_ctrl, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_acknowledge(&sensor_ctrl, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSpiDevice: {
dif_spi_device_irq_t irq = (dif_spi_device_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == spi_device_irq_expected,
"Incorrect spi_device IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
spi_device_irq_expected, irq);
spi_device_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_spi_device_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_device_irq_get_state(&spi_device, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_spi_device_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only spi_device IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_device_irq_force(&spi_device, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_device_irq_acknowledge(&spi_device, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSpiHost0: {
dif_spi_host_irq_t irq = (dif_spi_host_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == spi_host_irq_expected,
"Incorrect spi_host0 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
spi_host_irq_expected, irq);
spi_host_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_spi_host_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_get_state(&spi_host0, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_spi_host_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only spi_host0 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_force(&spi_host0, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_acknowledge(&spi_host0, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSpiHost1: {
dif_spi_host_irq_t irq = (dif_spi_host_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == spi_host_irq_expected,
"Incorrect spi_host1 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
spi_host_irq_expected, irq);
spi_host_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_spi_host_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_get_state(&spi_host1, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_spi_host_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only spi_host1 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_force(&spi_host1, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_acknowledge(&spi_host1, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSysrstCtrlAon: {
dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_t irq = (dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == sysrst_ctrl_irq_expected,
"Incorrect sysrst_ctrl_aon IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
sysrst_ctrl_irq_expected, irq);
sysrst_ctrl_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_get_state(&sysrst_ctrl_aon, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only sysrst_ctrl_aon IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_force(&sysrst_ctrl_aon, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_acknowledge(&sysrst_ctrl_aon, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart0: {
dif_uart_irq_t irq = (dif_uart_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == uart_irq_expected,
"Incorrect uart0 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
uart_irq_expected, irq);
uart_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_get_state(&uart0, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only uart0 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart0, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_acknowledge(&uart0, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart1: {
dif_uart_irq_t irq = (dif_uart_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == uart_irq_expected,
"Incorrect uart1 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
uart_irq_expected, irq);
uart_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_get_state(&uart1, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only uart1 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart1, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_acknowledge(&uart1, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart2: {
dif_uart_irq_t irq = (dif_uart_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == uart_irq_expected,
"Incorrect uart2 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
uart_irq_expected, irq);
uart_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_get_state(&uart2, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only uart2 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart2, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_acknowledge(&uart2, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart3: {
dif_uart_irq_t irq = (dif_uart_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == uart_irq_expected,
"Incorrect uart3 IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
uart_irq_expected, irq);
uart_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_get_state(&uart3, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only uart3 IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart3, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_acknowledge(&uart3, irq));
case kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUsbdev: {
dif_usbdev_irq_t irq = (dif_usbdev_irq_t)(
plic_irq_id -
CHECK(irq == usbdev_irq_expected,
"Incorrect usbdev IRQ triggered: exp = %d, obs = %d",
usbdev_irq_expected, irq);
usbdev_irq_serviced = irq;
dif_usbdev_irq_state_snapshot_t snapshot;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_usbdev_irq_get_state(&usbdev, &snapshot));
CHECK(snapshot == (dif_usbdev_irq_state_snapshot_t)(1 << irq),
"Only usbdev IRQ %d expected to fire. Actual interrupt "
"status = %x",
irq, snapshot);
// TODO: Check Interrupt type then clear INTR_TEST if needed.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_usbdev_irq_force(&usbdev, irq, false));
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_usbdev_irq_acknowledge(&usbdev, irq));
LOG_FATAL("ISR is not implemented!");
// Complete the IRQ at PLIC.
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_plic_irq_complete(&plic, kHart, plic_irq_id));
* Initializes the handles to all peripherals.
static void peripherals_init(void) {
mmio_region_t base_addr;
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_ADC_CTRL_AON_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_adc_ctrl_init(base_addr, &adc_ctrl_aon));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_ALERT_HANDLER_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_alert_handler_init(base_addr, &alert_handler));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_AON_TIMER_AON_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aon_timer_init(base_addr, &aon_timer_aon));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_CSRNG_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_csrng_init(base_addr, &csrng));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_EDN0_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_init(base_addr, &edn0));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_EDN1_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_init(base_addr, &edn1));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_ENTROPY_SRC_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_entropy_src_init(base_addr, &entropy_src));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_FLASH_CTRL_CORE_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_flash_ctrl_init(base_addr, &flash_ctrl));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_GPIO_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_gpio_init(base_addr, &gpio));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_HMAC_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_hmac_init(base_addr, &hmac));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_I2C0_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_init(base_addr, &i2c0));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_I2C1_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_init(base_addr, &i2c1));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_I2C2_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_init(base_addr, &i2c2));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_KEYMGR_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_keymgr_init(base_addr, &keymgr));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_KMAC_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_kmac_init(base_addr, &kmac));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_OTBN_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_init(base_addr, &otbn));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_OTP_CTRL_CORE_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otp_ctrl_init(base_addr, &otp_ctrl));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_PATTGEN_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pattgen_init(base_addr, &pattgen));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_PWRMGR_AON_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pwrmgr_init(base_addr, &pwrmgr_aon));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_RV_TIMER_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_timer_init(base_addr, &rv_timer));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_SENSOR_CTRL_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sensor_ctrl_init(base_addr, &sensor_ctrl));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_SPI_DEVICE_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_device_init(base_addr, &spi_device));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_SPI_HOST0_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_init(base_addr, &spi_host0));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_SPI_HOST1_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_init(base_addr, &spi_host1));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_SYSRST_CTRL_AON_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sysrst_ctrl_init(base_addr, &sysrst_ctrl_aon));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_UART0_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_init(base_addr, &uart0));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_UART1_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_init(base_addr, &uart1));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_UART2_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_init(base_addr, &uart2));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_UART3_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_init(base_addr, &uart3));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_USBDEV_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_usbdev_init(base_addr, &usbdev));
base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_RV_PLIC_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_plic_init(base_addr, &plic));
* Clears pending IRQs in all peripherals.
static void peripheral_irqs_clear(void) {
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_timer_irq_acknowledge_all(&rv_timer, kHart));
* Enables all IRQs in all peripherals.
static void peripheral_irqs_enable(void) {
dif_adc_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t adc_ctrl_irqs =
dif_alert_handler_irq_state_snapshot_t alert_handler_irqs =
dif_csrng_irq_state_snapshot_t csrng_irqs =
dif_edn_irq_state_snapshot_t edn_irqs =
dif_entropy_src_irq_state_snapshot_t entropy_src_irqs =
dif_flash_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t flash_ctrl_irqs =
dif_gpio_irq_state_snapshot_t gpio_irqs =
dif_hmac_irq_state_snapshot_t hmac_irqs =
dif_i2c_irq_state_snapshot_t i2c_irqs =
dif_keymgr_irq_state_snapshot_t keymgr_irqs =
dif_kmac_irq_state_snapshot_t kmac_irqs =
dif_otbn_irq_state_snapshot_t otbn_irqs =
dif_otp_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t otp_ctrl_irqs =
dif_pattgen_irq_state_snapshot_t pattgen_irqs =
dif_pwrmgr_irq_state_snapshot_t pwrmgr_irqs =
dif_rv_timer_irq_state_snapshot_t rv_timer_irqs =
dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t sensor_ctrl_irqs =
dif_spi_device_irq_state_snapshot_t spi_device_irqs =
dif_spi_host_irq_state_snapshot_t spi_host_irqs =
dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_state_snapshot_t sysrst_ctrl_irqs =
dif_uart_irq_state_snapshot_t uart_irqs =
dif_usbdev_irq_state_snapshot_t usbdev_irqs =
dif_adc_ctrl_irq_restore_all(&adc_ctrl_aon, &adc_ctrl_irqs));
dif_alert_handler_irq_restore_all(&alert_handler, &alert_handler_irqs));
dif_csrng_irq_restore_all(&csrng, &csrng_irqs));
dif_edn_irq_restore_all(&edn0, &edn_irqs));
dif_edn_irq_restore_all(&edn1, &edn_irqs));
dif_entropy_src_irq_restore_all(&entropy_src, &entropy_src_irqs));
dif_flash_ctrl_irq_restore_all(&flash_ctrl, &flash_ctrl_irqs));
dif_gpio_irq_restore_all(&gpio, &gpio_irqs));
dif_hmac_irq_restore_all(&hmac, &hmac_irqs));
dif_i2c_irq_restore_all(&i2c0, &i2c_irqs));
dif_i2c_irq_restore_all(&i2c1, &i2c_irqs));
dif_i2c_irq_restore_all(&i2c2, &i2c_irqs));
dif_keymgr_irq_restore_all(&keymgr, &keymgr_irqs));
dif_kmac_irq_restore_all(&kmac, &kmac_irqs));
dif_otbn_irq_restore_all(&otbn, &otbn_irqs));
dif_otp_ctrl_irq_restore_all(&otp_ctrl, &otp_ctrl_irqs));
dif_pattgen_irq_restore_all(&pattgen, &pattgen_irqs));
dif_pwrmgr_irq_restore_all(&pwrmgr_aon, &pwrmgr_irqs));
dif_rv_timer_irq_restore_all(&rv_timer, kHart, &rv_timer_irqs));
dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_restore_all(&sensor_ctrl, &sensor_ctrl_irqs));
dif_spi_device_irq_restore_all(&spi_device, &spi_device_irqs));
dif_spi_host_irq_restore_all(&spi_host0, &spi_host_irqs));
dif_spi_host_irq_restore_all(&spi_host1, &spi_host_irqs));
dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_restore_all(&sysrst_ctrl_aon, &sysrst_ctrl_irqs));
// lowrisc/opentitan#8656: Skip UART0 in non-DV setups due to interference
// from the logging facility.
if (kDeviceType == kDeviceSimDV) {
dif_uart_irq_restore_all(&uart0, &uart_irqs));
dif_uart_irq_restore_all(&uart1, &uart_irqs));
dif_uart_irq_restore_all(&uart2, &uart_irqs));
dif_uart_irq_restore_all(&uart3, &uart_irqs));
dif_usbdev_irq_restore_all(&usbdev, &usbdev_irqs));
* Triggers all IRQs in all peripherals one by one.
* Walks through all instances of all peripherals and triggers an interrupt one
* by one, by forcing with the `intr_test` CSR. On trigger, the CPU instantly
* jumps into the ISR. The main flow of execution thus proceeds to check that
* the correct IRQ was serviced immediately. The ISR, in turn checks if the
* expected IRQ from the expected peripheral triggered.
static void peripheral_irqs_trigger(void) {
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralAdcCtrlAon;
for (dif_adc_ctrl_irq_t irq = kDifAdcCtrlIrqMatchDone;
irq <= kDifAdcCtrlIrqMatchDone; ++irq) {
adc_ctrl_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering adc_ctrl_aon IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_adc_ctrl_irq_force(&adc_ctrl_aon, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(adc_ctrl_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from adc_ctrl_aon is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralAlertHandler;
for (dif_alert_handler_irq_t irq = kDifAlertHandlerIrqClassa;
irq <= kDifAlertHandlerIrqClassd; ++irq) {
alert_handler_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering alert_handler IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_alert_handler_irq_force(&alert_handler, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(alert_handler_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from alert_handler is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralAonTimerAon;
for (dif_aon_timer_irq_t irq = kDifAonTimerIrqWkupTimerExpired;
irq <= kDifAonTimerIrqWdogTimerBark; ++irq) {
aon_timer_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering aon_timer_aon IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_aon_timer_irq_force(&aon_timer_aon, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(aon_timer_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from aon_timer_aon is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralCsrng;
for (dif_csrng_irq_t irq = kDifCsrngIrqCsCmdReqDone;
irq <= kDifCsrngIrqCsFatalErr; ++irq) {
csrng_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering csrng IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_csrng_irq_force(&csrng, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(csrng_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from csrng is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralEdn0;
for (dif_edn_irq_t irq = kDifEdnIrqEdnCmdReqDone;
irq <= kDifEdnIrqEdnFatalErr; ++irq) {
edn_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering edn0 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_force(&edn0, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(edn_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from edn0 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralEdn1;
for (dif_edn_irq_t irq = kDifEdnIrqEdnCmdReqDone;
irq <= kDifEdnIrqEdnFatalErr; ++irq) {
edn_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering edn1 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_edn_irq_force(&edn1, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(edn_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from edn1 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralEntropySrc;
for (dif_entropy_src_irq_t irq = kDifEntropySrcIrqEsEntropyValid;
irq <= kDifEntropySrcIrqEsFatalErr; ++irq) {
entropy_src_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering entropy_src IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_entropy_src_irq_force(&entropy_src, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(entropy_src_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from entropy_src is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralFlashCtrl;
for (dif_flash_ctrl_irq_t irq = kDifFlashCtrlIrqProgEmpty;
irq <= kDifFlashCtrlIrqCorrErr; ++irq) {
flash_ctrl_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering flash_ctrl IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_flash_ctrl_irq_force(&flash_ctrl, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(flash_ctrl_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from flash_ctrl is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralGpio;
for (dif_gpio_irq_t irq = kDifGpioIrqGpio0;
irq <= kDifGpioIrqGpio31; ++irq) {
gpio_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering gpio IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_gpio_irq_force(&gpio, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(gpio_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from gpio is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralHmac;
for (dif_hmac_irq_t irq = kDifHmacIrqHmacDone;
irq <= kDifHmacIrqHmacErr; ++irq) {
hmac_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering hmac IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_hmac_irq_force(&hmac, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(hmac_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from hmac is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralI2c0;
for (dif_i2c_irq_t irq = kDifI2cIrqFmtThreshold;
irq <= kDifI2cIrqHostTimeout; ++irq) {
i2c_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering i2c0 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_force(&i2c0, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(i2c_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from i2c0 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralI2c1;
for (dif_i2c_irq_t irq = kDifI2cIrqFmtThreshold;
irq <= kDifI2cIrqHostTimeout; ++irq) {
i2c_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering i2c1 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_force(&i2c1, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(i2c_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from i2c1 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralI2c2;
for (dif_i2c_irq_t irq = kDifI2cIrqFmtThreshold;
irq <= kDifI2cIrqHostTimeout; ++irq) {
i2c_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering i2c2 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_i2c_irq_force(&i2c2, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(i2c_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from i2c2 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralKeymgr;
for (dif_keymgr_irq_t irq = kDifKeymgrIrqOpDone;
irq <= kDifKeymgrIrqOpDone; ++irq) {
keymgr_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering keymgr IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_keymgr_irq_force(&keymgr, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(keymgr_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from keymgr is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralKmac;
for (dif_kmac_irq_t irq = kDifKmacIrqKmacDone;
irq <= kDifKmacIrqKmacErr; ++irq) {
kmac_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering kmac IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_kmac_irq_force(&kmac, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(kmac_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from kmac is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralOtbn;
for (dif_otbn_irq_t irq = kDifOtbnIrqDone;
irq <= kDifOtbnIrqDone; ++irq) {
otbn_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering otbn IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_irq_force(&otbn, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(otbn_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from otbn is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralOtpCtrl;
for (dif_otp_ctrl_irq_t irq = kDifOtpCtrlIrqOtpOperationDone;
irq <= kDifOtpCtrlIrqOtpError; ++irq) {
otp_ctrl_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering otp_ctrl IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otp_ctrl_irq_force(&otp_ctrl, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(otp_ctrl_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from otp_ctrl is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralPattgen;
for (dif_pattgen_irq_t irq = kDifPattgenIrqDoneCh0;
irq <= kDifPattgenIrqDoneCh1; ++irq) {
pattgen_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering pattgen IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pattgen_irq_force(&pattgen, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(pattgen_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from pattgen is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralPwrmgrAon;
for (dif_pwrmgr_irq_t irq = kDifPwrmgrIrqWakeup;
irq <= kDifPwrmgrIrqWakeup; ++irq) {
pwrmgr_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering pwrmgr_aon IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_pwrmgr_irq_force(&pwrmgr_aon, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(pwrmgr_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from pwrmgr_aon is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralRvTimer;
for (dif_rv_timer_irq_t irq = kDifRvTimerIrqTimerExpiredHart0Timer0;
irq <= kDifRvTimerIrqTimerExpiredHart0Timer0; ++irq) {
rv_timer_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering rv_timer IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_timer_irq_force(&rv_timer, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(rv_timer_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from rv_timer is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSensorCtrl;
for (dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_t irq = kDifSensorCtrlIrqIoStatusChange;
irq <= kDifSensorCtrlIrqInitStatusChange; ++irq) {
sensor_ctrl_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering sensor_ctrl IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sensor_ctrl_irq_force(&sensor_ctrl, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(sensor_ctrl_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from sensor_ctrl is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSpiDevice;
for (dif_spi_device_irq_t irq = kDifSpiDeviceIrqGenericRxFull;
irq <= kDifSpiDeviceIrqTpmHeaderNotEmpty; ++irq) {
spi_device_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering spi_device IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_device_irq_force(&spi_device, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(spi_device_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from spi_device is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSpiHost0;
for (dif_spi_host_irq_t irq = kDifSpiHostIrqError;
irq <= kDifSpiHostIrqSpiEvent; ++irq) {
spi_host_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering spi_host0 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_force(&spi_host0, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(spi_host_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from spi_host0 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSpiHost1;
for (dif_spi_host_irq_t irq = kDifSpiHostIrqError;
irq <= kDifSpiHostIrqSpiEvent; ++irq) {
spi_host_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering spi_host1 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_spi_host_irq_force(&spi_host1, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(spi_host_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from spi_host1 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralSysrstCtrlAon;
for (dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_t irq = kDifSysrstCtrlIrqEventDetected;
irq <= kDifSysrstCtrlIrqEventDetected; ++irq) {
sysrst_ctrl_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering sysrst_ctrl_aon IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_sysrst_ctrl_irq_force(&sysrst_ctrl_aon, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(sysrst_ctrl_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from sysrst_ctrl_aon is serviced.", irq);
// lowrisc/opentitan#8656: Skip UART0 in non-DV setups due to interference
// from the logging facility.
if (kDeviceType == kDeviceSimDV) {
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart0;
for (dif_uart_irq_t irq = kDifUartIrqTxWatermark;
irq <= kDifUartIrqRxParityErr; ++irq) {
uart_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering uart0 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart0, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(uart_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from uart0 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart1;
for (dif_uart_irq_t irq = kDifUartIrqTxWatermark;
irq <= kDifUartIrqRxParityErr; ++irq) {
uart_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering uart1 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart1, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(uart_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from uart1 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart2;
for (dif_uart_irq_t irq = kDifUartIrqTxWatermark;
irq <= kDifUartIrqRxParityErr; ++irq) {
uart_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering uart2 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart2, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(uart_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from uart2 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUart3;
for (dif_uart_irq_t irq = kDifUartIrqTxWatermark;
irq <= kDifUartIrqRxParityErr; ++irq) {
uart_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering uart3 IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_uart_irq_force(&uart3, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(uart_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from uart3 is serviced.", irq);
peripheral_expected = kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralUsbdev;
for (dif_usbdev_irq_t irq = kDifUsbdevIrqPktReceived;
irq <= kDifUsbdevIrqLinkOutErr; ++irq) {
usbdev_irq_expected = irq;
LOG_INFO("Triggering usbdev IRQ %d.", irq);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_usbdev_irq_force(&usbdev, irq, true));
// This avoids a race where *irq_serviced is read before
// entering the ISR.
IBEX_SPIN_FOR(usbdev_irq_serviced == irq, 1);
LOG_INFO("IRQ %d from usbdev is serviced.", irq);
* Checks that the target ID corresponds to the ID of the hart on which
* this test is executed on. This check is meant to be used in a
* single-hart system only.
static void check_hart_id(uint32_t exp_hart_id) {
uint32_t act_hart_id;
CSR_READ(CSR_REG_MHARTID, &act_hart_id);
CHECK(act_hart_id == exp_hart_id, "Processor has unexpected HART ID.");
bool test_main(void) {
&plic, kHart, kTopEarlgreyPlicIrqIdNone + 1, kTopEarlgreyPlicIrqIdLast);
return true;
// clang-format on