blob: 472ba4c67114f103df54e83856d165ff1c11f396 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/otbn_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_base.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_otbn.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/check.h"
enum {
* Data width of big number subset, in bytes.
kOtbnWlenBytes = 256 / 8,
void otbn_testutils_wait_for_done(const dif_otbn_t *otbn,
dif_otbn_err_bits_t expected_err_bits) {
bool busy = true;
dif_otbn_status_t status;
while (busy) {
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_get_status(otbn, &status));
busy = status != kDifOtbnStatusIdle && status != kDifOtbnStatusLocked;
// Error out if OTBN is locked.
CHECK(status == kDifOtbnStatusIdle, "OTBN is locked.");
// Get instruction count so that, if error bits are unexpected, we can print
// it to help with debugging.
uint32_t instruction_count;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_get_insn_cnt(otbn, &instruction_count));
dif_otbn_err_bits_t err_bits;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_get_err_bits(otbn, &err_bits));
CHECK(err_bits == expected_err_bits,
"OTBN error bits: got: 0x%08x, expected: 0x%08x.\nInstruction count: "
err_bits, expected_err_bits, instruction_count);
* Checks if the OTBN application's IMEM and DMEM address parameters are valid.
* IMEM and DMEM ranges must not be "backwards" in memory, with the end address
* coming before the start address, and the IMEM range must additionally be
* non-empty. Finally, separate sections in DMEM must not overlap each other
* when converted to DMEM address space.
* @param app the OTBN application to check
static void check_app_address_ranges(const otbn_app_t *app) {
// IMEM must have a strictly positive range (cannot be backwards or empty)
CHECK(app->imem_end > app->imem_start);
// Initialised DMEM section must not be backwards
CHECK(app->dmem_data_end >= app->dmem_data_start);
void otbn_testutils_load_app(const dif_otbn_t *otbn, const otbn_app_t app) {
const size_t imem_size = app.imem_end - app.imem_start;
const size_t data_size = app.dmem_data_end - app.dmem_data_start;
// Memory images and offsets must be multiples of 32b words.
CHECK(imem_size % sizeof(uint32_t) == 0);
CHECK(data_size % sizeof(uint32_t) == 0);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_imem_write(otbn, 0, app.imem_start, imem_size));
// Write initialized data
if (data_size > 0) {
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_dmem_write(otbn, 0, app.dmem_data_start, data_size));
void otbn_testutils_execute(const dif_otbn_t *otbn) {
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_write_cmd(otbn, kDifOtbnCmdExecute));
void otbn_testutils_write_data(const dif_otbn_t *otbn, size_t len_bytes,
const void *src, otbn_addr_t dest) {
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_dmem_write(otbn, dest, src, len_bytes));
void otbn_testutils_read_data(const dif_otbn_t *otbn, size_t len_bytes,
otbn_addr_t src, void *dest) {
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_dmem_read(otbn, src, dest, len_bytes));
void otbn_dump_dmem(const dif_otbn_t *otbn, uint32_t max_addr) {
CHECK(max_addr % kOtbnWlenBytes == 0);
if (max_addr == 0) {
max_addr = dif_otbn_get_dmem_size_bytes(otbn);
for (int i = 0; i < max_addr; i += kOtbnWlenBytes) {
uint32_t data[kOtbnWlenBytes / sizeof(uint32_t)];
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_dmem_read(otbn, i, data, kOtbnWlenBytes));
LOG_INFO("DMEM @%04d: 0x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x",
i / kOtbnWlenBytes, data[7], data[6], data[5], data[4], data[3],
data[2], data[1], data[0]);