blob: f5f21060445bf90ff28a2c13440a1ea05d1d92d1 [file] [log] [blame]
cargo-raze crate build file.
DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
# buildifier: disable=load
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
# buildifier: disable=load
package(default_visibility = [
# Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
# Prefer access through "//third_party/cargo", which limits external
# visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
"notice", # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
# Generated Targets
# Unsupported target "compress_file" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "deflatedecoder-bufread" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "deflatedecoder-read" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "deflatedecoder-write" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "deflateencoder-bufread" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "deflateencoder-read" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "deflateencoder-write" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzbuilder" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzdecoder-bufread" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzdecoder-read" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzdecoder-write" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzencoder-bufread" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzencoder-read" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzencoder-write" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzmultidecoder-bufread" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "gzmultidecoder-read" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "zlibdecoder-bufread" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "zlibdecoder-read" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "zlibdecoder-write" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "zlibencoder-bufread" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "zlibencoder-read" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "zlibencoder-write" with type "example" omitted
name = "flate2",
srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
crate_features = [
crate_root = "src/",
data = [],
edition = "2018",
rustc_flags = [
tags = [
version = "1.0.22",
# buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [
# Unsupported target "async-reader" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "early-flush" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "empty-read" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "gunzip" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "tokio" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "zero-write" with type "test" omitted