blob: e7370e82025f11387ba176c91042bfcde9a462ec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for chip_earlgrey_asic
waive -rules {MULTI_DRIVEN} -location {} -regexp {'(IOA2|IOA3)' has 2 drivers, also driven at} \
-comment "These two pads are shorted to AST, hence this multiple driver warning is OK."
waive -rules {COMBO_LOOP} -location {} \
-regexp {port 'u_passthrough.host_s_i.*' driven in module 'spi_device'} \
-comment "In the passthrough mode, SPI 4 lines are connected from pads to pads."
waive -rules {CLOCK_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'mio_in_raw[28]' is driven by instance 'u_padring' of module 'padring', and used as a clock 'clk_ast_ext_i' at ast_dft} \
-comment "This is due to the external clock input pin."
waive -rules {CLOCK_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'mio_in_raw_o[28]' driven in module 'padring' by port 'gen_mio_pads[28].u_mio_pad.in_raw_o' at padring} \
-comment "This is due to the external clock input pin."
waive -rules {CLOCK_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'in_raw_o' driven in module 'prim_pad_wrapper' by port 'gen_.*.u_impl_.*.in_raw_o' at prim_pad_wrapper} \
-comment "This is due to the external clock input pin."
waive -rules {CLOCK_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'in_raw_o' driven in module 'prim_.*_pad_wrapper' by port} \
-comment "This is due to the external clock input pin."
waive -rules {CLOCK_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'ast_base_clks.clk_io' is driven by instance 'u_ast' of module 'ast', and used as a clock} \
-comment "This is a clock source."
waive -rules {CLOCK_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'clk_src_io_o' driven in module 'ast' by port 'u_ast_dft.clk_src_io_o' at ast} \
-comment "This is a clock source."
waive -rules {CLOCK_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'clk_src_io_o' driven in module 'ast_dft' at ast_dft} \
-comment "This is a clock source."
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE} -location {} \
-msg {'mio_in_raw[28]' is used for some other purpose, and as clock 'clk_ast_ext_i' at ast_dft} \
-comment "This is due to the external clock input pin."
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE} -location {} \
-msg {'clks_ast.clk_ast_usbdev_usb_peri' is connected to 'ast' port 'clk_ast_usb_i', and used as a clock} \
-comment "This is a valid clock signal."
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE} -location {} \
-msg {'clks_ast.clk_ast_usbdev_usb_peri' is connected to 'ast' port 'clk_ast_usb_i', and used as a clock} \
-comment "This is a valid clock signal."
waive -rules {RESET_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'scan_rst_n' is driven by instance 'u_ast' of module 'ast', and used as an asynchronous reset} \
-comment "This is a valid reset signal."
waive -rules {RESET_DRIVER} -location {} \
-msg {'scan_reset_no' driven in module 'ast' at ast} \
-comment "This is a valid reset signal."