blob: 3cbafde51a0fdfe71d88171d46713a03b740e00c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdint.h>
* @file
* @brief This header contains declarations of device-specific information.
* This header contains "device-specific" declarations, i.e., information that
* all devices are known to provide, but which is specific to the particular
* choice of platform, which can range from a software simulation, like
* Verilator or a DV testbench, to real harware, like an FPGA or ASIC.
* Definitions for these symbols can be found in other files in this directory,
* which should be linked in depending on which platform an executable is
* intended for.
* A `device_type_t` represents a particular device type for which
* device-specific symbols are available.
typedef enum device_type {
* Represents "DV", i.e. running th test in a DV simulation testbench.
* Represents the "Verilator" device, i.e., a synthesis of the OpenTitan
* design by Verilator into C++.
* Represents the "Nexys Video FPGA" device, i.e., the particular FPGA board
* blessed for OpenTitan development, containing a Xilinx FPGA.
} device_type_t;
* Indicates the device that this program has been linked for.
* This can be used, for example, for conditioning an operation on the precise
* device type.
extern const device_type_t kDeviceType;
* The CPU clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
* This is the operating clock for the main processing host.
extern const uint64_t kClockFreqCpuHz;
* The peripheral clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
* This is the operating clock used by timers, uarts,
* other peripheral interfaces and the software interface
* to the USB controller.
extern const uint64_t kClockFreqPeripheralHz;
* The USB clock frequency of the device, in hertz.
* This is the operating clock used by the USB phy interface.
extern const uint64_t kClockFreqUsbHz;
* The baudrate of the UART peripheral (if such a thing is present).
extern const uint64_t kUartBaudrate;
* An address to write to to cause execution to stop.
* If this is zero, there is no address you can write to to stop execution.
extern const uintptr_t kDeviceStopAddress;
* An address to write to to report test status.
* If this is zero, there is no address to write to to report test status.
* @see #test_status_set
extern const uintptr_t kDeviceTestStatusAddress;
* An address to write use for UART logging bypass
* If this is zero, there is no address to write to to bypass UART logging.
* @see #LOG
extern const uintptr_t kDeviceLogBypassUartAddress;