blob: 6aeb69e95c353b1dac290e830c213413cc36c991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// RISC-V Platform-Level Interrupt Generator for Target
// This module basically doing IE & IP based on priority and threshold.
// Keep in mind that increasing MAX_PRIO affects logic size a lot.
// The module implements a binary tree to find the maximal entry. the solution
// has O(N) area and O(log(N)) delay complexity, and thus scales well with
// many input sources.
`include ""
module rv_plic_target #(
parameter int N_SOURCE = 32,
parameter int MAX_PRIO = 7,
// Local param (Do not change this through parameter
localparam int unsigned SRCW = $clog2(N_SOURCE+1), // derived parameter
localparam int unsigned PRIOW = $clog2(MAX_PRIO+1) // derived parameter
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input [N_SOURCE-1:0] ip,
input [N_SOURCE-1:0] ie,
input [PRIOW-1:0] prio [N_SOURCE],
input [PRIOW-1:0] threshold,
output logic irq,
output logic [SRCW-1:0] irq_id
// this only works with 2 or more sources
`ASSERT_INIT(NumSources_A, N_SOURCE >= 2)
// align to powers of 2 for simplicity
// a full binary tree with N levels has 2**N + 2**N-1 nodes
localparam int unsigned N_LEVELS = $clog2(N_SOURCE);
logic [2**(N_LEVELS+1)-2:0] is_tree;
logic [2**(N_LEVELS+1)-2:0][SRCW-1:0] id_tree;
logic [2**(N_LEVELS+1)-2:0][PRIOW-1:0] max_tree;
for (genvar level = 0; level < N_LEVELS+1; level++) begin : gen_tree
// level+1 c0 c1 <- "base1" points to the first node on "level+1",
// \ / these nodes are the children of the nodes one level below
// level pa <- "base0", points to the first node on "level",
// these nodes are the parents of the nodes one level above
// hence we have the following indices for the pa, c0, c1 nodes:
// pa = 2**level - 1 + offset = base0 + offset
// c0 = 2**(level+1) - 1 + 2*offset = base1 + 2*offset
// c1 = 2**(level+1) - 1 + 2*offset + 1 = base1 + 2*offset + 1
localparam int unsigned base0 = (2**level)-1;
localparam int unsigned base1 = (2**(level+1))-1;
for (genvar offset = 0; offset < 2**level; offset++) begin : gen_level
localparam int unsigned pa = base0 + offset;
localparam int unsigned c0 = base1 + 2*offset;
localparam int unsigned c1 = base1 + 2*offset + 1;
// this assigns the gated interrupt source signals, their
// corresponding IDs and priorities to the tree leafs
if (level == N_LEVELS) begin : gen_leafs
if (offset < N_SOURCE) begin : gen_assign
assign is_tree[pa] = ip[offset] & ie[offset];
assign id_tree[pa] = offset+1'b1;
assign max_tree[pa] = prio[offset];
end else begin : gen_tie_off
assign is_tree[pa] = '0;
assign id_tree[pa] = '0;
assign max_tree[pa] = '0;
// this creates the node assignments
end else begin : gen_nodes
// NOTE: the code below has been written in this way in order to work
// around a synthesis issue in Vivado 2018.3 and 2019.2 where the whole
// module would be optimized away if these assign statements contained
// ternary statements to implement the muxes.
// TODO: rewrite these lines with ternary statmements onec the problem
// has been fixed in the tool.
// See also originating issue:
// Xilinx issue:
logic sel; // local helper variable
// in case only one of the parent has a pending irq, forward that one
// in case both irqs are pending, forward the one with higher priority
assign sel = (~is_tree[c0] & is_tree[c1]) |
(is_tree[c0] & is_tree[c1] & logic'(max_tree[c1] > max_tree[c0]));
// forwarding muxes
assign is_tree[pa] = (sel & is_tree[c1]) | ((~sel) & is_tree[c0]);
assign id_tree[pa] = ({SRCW{sel}} & id_tree[c1]) | ({SRCW{~sel}} & id_tree[c0]);
assign max_tree[pa] = ({PRIOW{sel}} & max_tree[c1]) | ({PRIOW{~sel}} & max_tree[c0]);
end : gen_level
end : gen_tree
logic irq_d, irq_q;
logic [SRCW-1:0] irq_id_d, irq_id_q;
// the results can be found at the tree root
assign irq_d = (max_tree[0] > threshold) ? is_tree[0] : 1'b0;
assign irq_id_d = (is_tree[0]) ? id_tree[0] : '0;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : gen_regs
if (!rst_ni) begin
irq_q <= 1'b0;
irq_id_q <= '0;
end else begin
irq_q <= irq_d;
irq_id_q <= irq_id_d;
assign irq = irq_q;
assign irq_id = irq_id_q;