blob: 433b69e7aa83bbf33cb6c134cdcbdb83a6a5e969 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// prim_keccak is single round permutation module
module prim_keccak #(
parameter int Width = 1600, // b= {25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600}
// Derived
localparam int W = Width/25,
localparam int L = $clog2(W),
localparam int MaxRound = 12 + 2*L, // Keccak-f only
localparam int RndW = $clog2(MaxRound) // Representing up to MaxRound-1
) (
input [RndW-1:0] rnd_i, // Current Round
input [Width-1:0] s_i,
output logic [Width-1:0] s_o
// Types //
// x y z
typedef logic [4:0][4:0][W-1:0] box_t; // (x,y,z) state
typedef logic [W-1:0] lane_t; // (z)
typedef logic [4:0] [W-1:0] plane_t; // (x,z)
typedef logic [4:0][4:0] slice_t; // (x,y)
typedef logic [4:0][W-1:0] sheet_t; // (y,z) identical to plane_t
typedef logic [4:0] row_t; // (x)
typedef logic [4:0] col_t; // (y) identical to row_t
// Keccak_f //
box_t state_in, keccak_f;
box_t theta_data, rho_data, pi_data, chi_data, iota_data;
assign state_in = bitarray_to_box(s_i);
assign theta_data = theta(state_in);
// Commented out rho function as vcs complains z-Offset%W isn't constant
//assign rho_data = rho(theta_data);
assign pi_data = pi(rho_data);
assign chi_data = chi(pi_data);
assign iota_data = iota(chi_data, rnd_i);
assign keccak_f = iota_data;
assign s_o = box_to_bitarray(keccak_f);
// Rho ======================================================================
// As RhoOffset[x][y] is considered as variable int in VCS,
// it is replaced with generate statement.
localparam int RhoOffset [5][5] = '{
//y 0 1 2 3 4 x
'{ 0, 36, 3, 105, 210},// 0
'{ 1, 300, 10, 45, 66},// 1
'{ 190, 6, 171, 15, 253},// 2
'{ 28, 55, 153, 21, 120},// 3
'{ 91, 276, 231, 136, 78} // 4
for (genvar x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin : rho_x
for (genvar y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++) begin : rho_y
localparam int Offset = RhoOffset[x][y]%W;
localparam int ShiftAmt = W- Offset;
if (Offset == 0) begin
assign rho_data[x][y][W-1:0] = theta_data[x][y][W-1:0];
end else begin
assign rho_data[x][y][W-1:0] = {theta_data[x][y][0+:ShiftAmt],
// Assertions //
`ASSERT_INIT(ValidWidth_A, Width inside {25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600})
`ASSERT_INIT(ValidW_A, W inside {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64})
`ASSERT_INIT(ValidL_A, L inside {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})
`ASSERT_INIT(ValidRound_A, MaxRound <= 24) // Keccak-f only
// Functions //
// Convert bitarray to 3D box
// Please take a look at FIPS PUB 202
// > For all triples (x,y,z) such that 0<=x<5, 0<=y<5, and 0<=z<w,
// > A[x,y,z]=S[w(5y+x)+z]
function automatic box_t bitarray_to_box(logic [Width-1:0] s_in);
automatic box_t box;
for (int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++) begin
for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
for (int z = 0 ; z < W ; z++) begin
box[x][y][z] = s_in[W*(5*y+x) + z];
return box;
endfunction : bitarray_to_box
// Convert 3D cube to bitarray
function automatic logic [Width-1:0] box_to_bitarray(box_t state);
automatic logic [Width-1:0] bitarray;
for (int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++) begin
for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
for (int z = 0 ; z < W ; z++) begin
bitarray[W*(5*y+x)+z] = state[x][y][z];
return bitarray;
endfunction : box_to_bitarray
// Step Mapping =============================================================
// theta(θ)
// XOR each bit in the state with the parity of two columns
// C[x,z] = A[x,0,z] ^ A[x,1,z] ^ A[x,2,z] ^ A[x,3,z] ^ A[x,4,z]
// D[x,z] = C[x-1,z] ^ C[x+1,z-1]
// theta = A[x,y,z] ^ D[x,z]
function automatic box_t theta(box_t state);
plane_t c;
plane_t d;
box_t result;
for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
for (int z = 0 ; z < W ; z++) begin
c[x][z] = state[x][0][z] ^ state[x][1][z]
^ state[x][2][z] ^ state[x][3][z] ^ state[x][4][z];
for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
int index_x1, index_x2;
index_x1 = (x == 0) ? 4 : x-1; // (x-1)%5
index_x2 = (x == 4) ? 0 : x+1; // (x+1)%5
for (int z = 0 ; z < W ; z++) begin
int index_z;
index_z = (z == 0) ? W-1 : z-1; // (z+1)%W
d[x][z] = c[index_x1][z] ^ c[index_x2][index_z];
for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
for (int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++) begin
for (int z = 0 ; z < W ; z++) begin
result[x][y][z] = state[x][y][z] ^ d[x][z];
return result;
endfunction : theta
// rho
// Commented out entire rho function due to VCS elaboration error.
// (z-RhoOffset[x][y]%W) isn't considered as a constant in VCS.
// Even changing it to W-RhoOffset[x][y]%W and assign to ShiftAmt
// creates same error.
// Offset : Look at Table 2 in FIPS PUB 202
//localparam int RhoOffset [5][5] = '{
// //y 0 1 2 3 4 x
// '{ 0, 36, 3, 105, 210},// 0
// '{ 1, 300, 10, 45, 66},// 1
// '{ 190, 6, 171, 15, 253},// 2
// '{ 28, 55, 153, 21, 120},// 3
// '{ 91, 276, 231, 136, 78} // 4
// rotate bits of each lane by offset
// 1. rho[0,0,z] = A[0,0,z]
// 2. Offset swap
// a. (x,y) := (1,0)
// b. for t [0..23]
// i. rho[x,y,z] = A[x,y,z-(t+1)(t+2)/2]
// ii. (x,y) = (y, (2x+3y))
//function automatic box_t rho(box_t state);
// box_t result;
// for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
// for (int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++) begin
// for (int z = 0 ; z < W ; z++) begin
// automatic int index_z;
// index_z = (z-RhoOffset[x][y])%W;
// result[x][y][z] = state[x][y][(z-RhoOffset[x][y])%W];
// end
// end
// end
// return result;
//endfunction : rho
// pi
// rearrange the position of lanes
// pi[x,y,z] = state[(x+3y),x,z]
localparam int PiRotate [5][5] = '{
//y 0 1 2 3 4 x
'{ 0, 3, 1, 4, 2},// 0
'{ 1, 4, 2, 0, 3},// 1
'{ 2, 0, 3, 1, 4},// 2
'{ 3, 1, 4, 2, 0},// 3
'{ 4, 2, 0, 3, 1} // 4
function automatic box_t pi(box_t state);
box_t result;
for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
for (int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++) begin
int index_x;
result[x][y][W-1:0] = state[PiRotate[x][y]][x][W-1:0];
return result;
endfunction : pi
// chi
// chi[x,y,z] = state[x,y,z] ^ ((state[x+1,y,z] ^ 1) & state[x+2,y,z])
function automatic box_t chi(box_t state);
box_t result;
for (int x = 0 ; x < 5 ; x++) begin
int index_x1, index_x2;
index_x1 = (x == 4) ? 0 : x+1;
index_x2 = (x >= 3) ? x-3 : x+2;
for (int y = 0 ; y < 5 ; y++) begin
for (int z = 0 ; z < W ; z++) begin
result[x][y][z] = state[x][y][z] ^
& state[index_x2][y][z]);
return result;
endfunction : chi
// iota
// XOR (x,y) = (0,0) with round constant
// RC parameter: Precomputed by util/ Only up-to 0..L-1 is used
// RC = '0
// RC[2**j-1] = rc(j+7*rnd)
// rc(t) =
// 1. t%255 == 0 -> 1
// 2. R[0:7] = 'b10000000
// 3. for i = [1..t%255]
// a. R = 0 || R
// b. R[0] = R[0] ^ R[8]
// c. R[4] = R[4] ^ R[8]
// d. R[5] = R[5] ^ R[8]
// e. R[6] = R[6] ^ R[8]
// f. R = R[0:7]
// 4. return R[0]
// RC has L = [0..6]
// for lower L case, only chopping lower part of 64bit RC is sufficient.
localparam logic [63:0] RC [24] = '{
64'h 0000_0000_0000_0001, // Round 0
64'h 0000_0000_0000_8082, // Round 1
64'h 8000_0000_0000_808A, // Round 2
64'h 8000_0000_8000_8000, // Round 3
64'h 0000_0000_0000_808B, // Round 4
64'h 0000_0000_8000_0001, // Round 5
64'h 8000_0000_8000_8081, // Round 6
64'h 8000_0000_0000_8009, // Round 7
64'h 0000_0000_0000_008A, // Round 8
64'h 0000_0000_0000_0088, // Round 9
64'h 0000_0000_8000_8009, // Round 10
64'h 0000_0000_8000_000A, // Round 11
64'h 0000_0000_8000_808B, // Round 12
64'h 8000_0000_0000_008B, // Round 13
64'h 8000_0000_0000_8089, // Round 14
64'h 8000_0000_0000_8003, // Round 15
64'h 8000_0000_0000_8002, // Round 16
64'h 8000_0000_0000_0080, // Round 17
64'h 0000_0000_0000_800A, // Round 18
64'h 8000_0000_8000_000A, // Round 19
64'h 8000_0000_8000_8081, // Round 20
64'h 8000_0000_0000_8080, // Round 21
64'h 0000_0000_8000_0001, // Round 22
64'h 8000_0000_8000_8008 // Round 23
// iota: XOR with RC for (x,y) = (0,0)
function automatic box_t iota(box_t state, logic [RndW-1:0] rnd);
box_t result;
result = state;
result[0][0][W-1:0] = state[0][0][W-1:0] ^ RC[rnd][W-1:0];
return result;
endfunction : iota
// Round function : Rnd(A,i_r)
// Not used due to rho function issue described above.
//function automatic box_t keccak_rnd(box_t state, logic [RndW-1:0] rnd);
// box_t keccak_state;
// keccak_state = iota(chi(pi(rho(theta(state)))), rnd);
// return keccak_state;
//endfunction : keccak_rnd