blob: 605bc6cc1fcace103bac057cad015fb65a333be9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// AES top-level wrapper
`include ""
module aes #(
parameter bit AES192Enable = 1, // Can be 0 (disable), or 1 (enable).
parameter SBoxImpl = "lut" // Can be "lut" (LUT-based SBox), or "canright".
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// Bus Interface
input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i,
output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o
import aes_reg_pkg::*;
aes_reg2hw_t reg2hw;
aes_hw2reg_t hw2reg;
aes_reg_top u_reg (
aes_core #(
.AES192Enable ( AES192Enable ),
.SBoxImpl ( SBoxImpl )
) aes_core (
// All outputs should have a known value after reset
`ASSERT_KNOWN(TlODValidKnown, tl_o.d_valid)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(TlOAReadyKnown, tl_o.a_ready)