blob: add8477ba4002d90d640c117700b0d5bad0c1da0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`include ""
module tlul_err import tlul_pkg::*; (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input tl_h2d_t tl_i,
output logic err_o
localparam int IW = $bits(tl_i.a_source);
localparam int SZW = $bits(tl_i.a_size);
localparam int DW = $bits(tl_i.a_data);
localparam int MW = $bits(tl_i.a_mask);
localparam int SubAW = $clog2(DW/8);
logic opcode_allowed, a_config_allowed;
logic op_full, op_partial, op_get;
assign op_full = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData);
assign op_partial = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData);
assign op_get = (tl_i.a_opcode == Get);
// Anything that doesn't fall into the permitted category, it raises an error
assign err_o = ~(opcode_allowed & a_config_allowed);
// opcode check
assign opcode_allowed = (tl_i.a_opcode == PutFullData)
| (tl_i.a_opcode == PutPartialData)
| (tl_i.a_opcode == Get);
// a channel configuration check
logic addr_sz_chk; // address and size alignment check
logic mask_chk; // inactive lane a_mask check
logic fulldata_chk; // PutFullData should have size match to mask
logic [MW-1:0] mask;
assign mask = (1 << tl_i.a_address[SubAW-1:0]);
always_comb begin
addr_sz_chk = 1'b0;
mask_chk = 1'b0;
fulldata_chk = 1'b0; // Only valid when opcode is PutFullData
if (tl_i.a_valid) begin
unique case (tl_i.a_size)
'h0: begin // 1 Byte
addr_sz_chk = 1'b1;
mask_chk = ~|(tl_i.a_mask & ~mask);
fulldata_chk = |(tl_i.a_mask & mask);
'h1: begin // 2 Byte
addr_sz_chk = ~tl_i.a_address[0];
// check inactive lanes if lower 2B, check a_mask[3:2], if uppwer 2B, a_mask[1:0]
mask_chk = (tl_i.a_address[1]) ? ~|(tl_i.a_mask & 4'b0011)
: ~|(tl_i.a_mask & 4'b1100);
fulldata_chk = (tl_i.a_address[1]) ? &tl_i.a_mask[3:2] : &tl_i.a_mask[1:0] ;
'h2: begin // 4 Byte
addr_sz_chk = ~|tl_i.a_address[SubAW-1:0];
mask_chk = 1'b1;
fulldata_chk = &tl_i.a_mask[3:0];
default: begin // else
addr_sz_chk = 1'b0;
mask_chk = 1'b0;
fulldata_chk = 1'b0;
end else begin
addr_sz_chk = 1'b0;
mask_chk = 1'b0;
fulldata_chk = 1'b0;
assign a_config_allowed = addr_sz_chk
& mask_chk
& (op_get | op_partial | fulldata_chk) ;
// Only 32 bit data width for current tlul_err
`ASSERT_INIT(dataWidthOnly32_A, DW == 32)