blob: 63fbe5b33ff6b9ccb0c3a459303a9d6d7c27b1dd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
all: build
## build targets ##
build: compile_result
@echo "[make]: gen_sv_flist"
cd ${build_dir} && ${sv_flist_gen_cmd} ${sv_flist_gen_opts}
pre_compile: gen_sv_flist
@echo "[make]: pre_compile"
mkdir -p ${build_dir}
env | sort > ${build_dir}/env_vars
cp -Ru ${tool_srcs} ${sv_flist_gen_dir}
compile: pre_compile
@echo "[make]: compile"
# we check the status in the parse script below
cd ${sv_flist_gen_dir} && ${build_cmd} ${build_opts} 2>&1 | tee ${build_dir}/fpv.log
post_compile: compile
@echo "[make]: post_compile"
# Parse out result
compile_result: post_compile
@echo "[make]: compile_result"
${report_cmd} ${report_opts}
build \
run \
pre_compile \
compile \
post_compile \