blob: 26d34a69e5f211df72155bbd89fe48e75d032d5f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
r"""OTP memory image class, used to create preload images for the OTP
memory for simulations and FPGA emulation.
import copy
import logging as log
import random
from typing import Tuple
from lib.common import (check_bool, check_int, ecc_encode, permute_bits,
from lib.LcStEnc import LcStEnc
from lib.OtpMemMap import OtpMemMap
from lib.Present import Present
from mubi.prim_mubi import mubi_value_as_int
# Seed diversification constant for OtpMemImg (this enables to use
# the same seed for different classes)
OTP_IMG_SEED_DIVERSIFIER = 1941661965323525198146
def _present_64bit_encrypt(plain, key):
'''Scramble a 64bit block with PRESENT cipher'''
# Make sure data is within 64bit range
assert (plain >= 0) and (plain < 2**64), \
'Data block is out of 64bit range'
# Make sure key is within 128bit range
assert (key >= 0) and (key < 2**128), \
'Key is out of 128bit range'
# Make sure inputs are integers
assert isinstance(plain, int) and isinstance(key, int), \
'Data and key need to be of type int'
cipher = Present(key, rounds=32, keylen=128)
return cipher.encrypt(plain)
def _present_64bit_digest(data_blocks, iv, const):
'''Compute digest over multiple 64bit data blocks'''
# Make a deepcopy since we're going to modify and pad the list.
data_blocks = copy.deepcopy(data_blocks)
# We need to align the number of data blocks to 2x64bit
# for the digest to work properly.
if len(data_blocks) % 2 == 1:
# Append finalization constant.
data_blocks.append(const & 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF)
data_blocks.append((const >> 64) & 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF)
# This computes a digest according to a Merkle-Damgard construction
# that uses the Davies-Meyer scheme to turn the PRESENT cipher into
# a one-way compression function. Digest finalization consists of
# a final digest round with a 128bit constant.
# See also:
state = iv
last_b64 = None
for b64 in data_blocks:
if last_b64 is None:
last_b64 = b64
b128 = last_b64 + (b64 << 64)
state ^= _present_64bit_encrypt(state, b128)
last_b64 = None
assert last_b64 is None
return state
def _to_memfile_with_ecc(data, annotation, config,
data_perm) -> Tuple[str, int]:
'''Compute ECC and convert into MEM file''''Convert to MEM file.')
data_width = config['secded']['data_width']
ecc_width = config['secded']['ecc_width']
assert data_width % 8 == 0, \
'OTP data width must be a multiple of 8'
assert data_width <= 64, \
'OTP data width cannot be larger than 64'
num_words = len(data) * 8 // data_width
bytes_per_word = data_width // 8
# Byte aligned total width after adding ECC bits
bytes_per_word_ecc = (data_width + ecc_width + 7) // 8
bit_padding = bytes_per_word_ecc * 8 - data_width - ecc_width
bin_format_str = '0' + str(data_width) + 'b'
hex_format_str = '0' + str(bytes_per_word_ecc * 2) + 'x'
bitness = bytes_per_word_ecc * 8
mem_lines = [
'// OTP MEM file with {} x {}bit layout'.format(num_words, bitness),
]'Memory layout is {} x {}bit (with ECC)'.format(
num_words, bitness))
for i_word in range(num_words):
# Assemble native OTP word and uniquify annotation for comments
word_address = i_word * bytes_per_word
word = 0
word_annotations = set()
for i_byte in range(bytes_per_word):
byte_address = word_address + i_byte
word += data[byte_address] << (i_byte * 8)
# ECC encode
word_bin = format(word, bin_format_str)
word_bin = ecc_encode(config, word_bin)
# Pad to word boundary and permute data if needed
word_bin = ('0' * bit_padding) + word_bin
word_bin = permute_bits(word_bin, data_perm)
word_hex = format(int(word_bin, 2), hex_format_str)
# Build a MEM line containing this word's address in the memory map and
# its value. Because this file will be read by Verilog's $readmemh, the
# address is a *word* offset, not a byte offset. The address does not
# count ECC bits. In a comment, we also include any annotations
# associated with the word.
line = '@{:06x} {} // {}'.format(i_word, word_hex,
', '.join(word_annotations))
return ('\n'.join(mem_lines), bitness)
def _check_unused_keys(dict_to_check, msg_postfix=""):
'''If there are unused keys, print their names and error out'''
for key in dict_to_check.keys():"Unused key {} in {}".format(key, msg_postfix))
if dict_to_check:
raise RuntimeError('Aborting due to unused keys in config dict')
class OtpMemImg(OtpMemMap):
def __init__(self, lc_state_config, otp_mmap_config, img_config,
# Initialize memory map
# Initialize the LC state and OTP memory map objects first, since
# validation and image generation depends on them
self.lc_state = LcStEnc(lc_state_config)
# Validate memory image configuration'')'Parse OTP image specification.')
# Encryption smoke test with known test vector
enc_test = _present_64bit_encrypt(0x0123456789abcdef,
assert enc_test == 0x0e9d28685e671dd6, \
'Encryption module test failed'
otp_width = self.config['otp']['width'] * 8
secded_width = self.lc_state.config['secded']['data_width']
if otp_width != secded_width:
raise RuntimeError('OTP width and SECDED data width must be equal')
if 'seed' not in img_config:
raise RuntimeError('Missing seed in configuration.')
img_config['seed'] = check_int(img_config['seed'])'Seed: {0:x}'.format(img_config['seed']))'')
# Re-initialize with seed to make results reproducible.
random.seed(OTP_IMG_SEED_DIVERSIFIER + img_config['seed'])
if 'partitions' not in img_config:
raise RuntimeError('Missing partitions key in configuration.')
for part in img_config['partitions']:
self.merge_part_data(part)'Adding values to {} partition.'.format(part['name']))
for item in part['items']:
self.merge_item_data(part, item)
# Key accounting
img_config_check = img_config.copy()
del img_config_check['seed']
del img_config_check['partitions']
_check_unused_keys(img_config_check, 'in image config')'')'Parsing OTP image successfully completed.')
def merge_part_data(self, part):
'''This validates and merges the partition data into the memory map dict'''
part.setdefault('items', [])
if not isinstance(part['items'], list):
raise RuntimeError('the "items" key must contain a list')
# Check if partition name exists in memory map
part.setdefault('name', 'unknown_name')
mmap_part = self.get_part(part['name'])
if mmap_part is None:
raise RuntimeError('Partition {} does not exist'.format(
# Only partitions with a hardware digest can be locked.
part.setdefault('lock', 'false')
part['lock'] = check_bool(part['lock'])
if part['lock'] and not \
raise RuntimeError(
'Partition {} does not contain a hardware digest'.format(
# Augment memory map datastructure with lock bit.
mmap_part['lock'] = part['lock']
if part['name'] == 'LIFE_CYCLE':
part.setdefault('state', 'RAW')
part.setdefault('count', 0)
part['count'] = check_int(part['count'])
if len(part['items']) > 0:
raise RuntimeError(
'Life cycle items cannot directly be overridden')
if part['lock']:
raise RuntimeError('Life cycle partition cannot be locked')
if part['count'] == 0 and part['state'] != "RAW":
raise RuntimeError(
'Life cycle transition counter can only be zero in the RAW state'
# Augment life cycle partition with correct life cycle encoding
state = self.lc_state.encode('lc_state', str(part['state']))
count = self.lc_state.encode('lc_cnt', str(part['count']))
part['items'] = [{
'name': 'LC_STATE',
'value': '0x{:X}'.format(state)
}, {
'value': '0x{:X}'.format(count)
# Key accounting
part_check = part.copy()
del part_check['state']
del part_check['count']
# Key accounting
part_check = part.copy()
if len(part['items']) == 0:
log.warning("Partition does not contain any items.")
# Key accounting
del part_check['items']
del part_check['name']
del part_check['lock']
_check_unused_keys(part_check, "in partition {}".format(part['name']))
def merge_item_data(self, part, item):
'''This validates and merges the item data into the memory map dict'''
item.setdefault('name', 'unknown_name')
mmap_item = self.get_item(part['name'], item['name'])
if mmap_item is None:
raise RuntimeError('Item {} does not exist'.format(item['name']))
item_size = mmap_item['size']
item_width = item_size * 8
# if needed, resolve the mubi value first
if mmap_item['ismubi']:
mubi_str = "mubi "
mubi_val_str = " kMultiBitBool{}".format(item_width)
item.setdefault("value", "false")
item["value"] = check_bool(item["value"])
mubi_val_str += "True" if item["value"] else "False"
item["value"] = mubi_value_as_int(item["value"], item_width)
mubi_str = ""
mubi_val_str = ""
item.setdefault('value', '0x0')
random_or_hexvalue(item, 'value', item_width)
mmap_item['value'] = item['value']'> Adding {}item {} with size {}B and value{}:'.format(
mubi_str, item['name'], item_size, mubi_val_str))
fmt_str = '{:0' + str(item_size * 2) + 'x}'
value_str = fmt_str.format(item['value'])
bytes_per_line = 8
j = 0
while value_str:
# Print out max 64bit per line
line_str = ''
for k in range(bytes_per_line):
num_chars = min(len(value_str), 2)
line_str += value_str[-num_chars:]
if k < bytes_per_line - 1:
line_str += ' '
value_str = value_str[:len(value_str) - num_chars]' {:06x}: '.format(j) + line_str)
j += bytes_per_line
# Key accounting
item_check = item.copy()
del item_check['name']
del item_check['value']
_check_unused_keys(item_check, 'in item {}'.format(item['name']))
def override_data(self, img_config):
'''Override specific partition items'''
if 'partitions' not in img_config:
raise RuntimeError('Missing partitions key in configuration.')
if not isinstance(img_config['partitions'], list):
raise RuntimeError('the "partitions" key must contain a list')
for part in img_config['partitions']:
self.merge_part_data(part)'Overriding values of {} partition.'.format(part['name']))
for item in part['items']:
self.merge_item_data(part, item)
# Key accounting
img_config_check = img_config.copy()
del img_config_check['partitions']
_check_unused_keys(img_config_check, 'in image config')
def streamout_partition(self, part):
'''Scramble and stream out partition data as a list of bytes'''
part_name = part['name']'Streamout of partition {}'.format(part_name))
part_offset = part['offset']
part_size = part['size']
assert part_size % 8 == 0, 'Partition must be 64bit aligned'
# First chop up all items into individual bytes.
data_bytes = [0] * part_size
# Annotation is propagated into the MEM file as comments
annotation = ['unallocated'] * part_size
# Need to keep track of defined items for the scrambling.
# Undefined regions are left blank (0x0) in the memory.
defined = [False] * part_size
for item in part['items']:
for k in range(item['size']):
idx = item['offset'] - part_offset + k
annotation[idx] = part_name + ': ' + item['name']
if 'value' in item:
data_bytes[idx] = ((item['value'] >> (8 * k)) & 0xFF)
assert not defined[idx], "Unexpected item collision"
defined[idx] = True
# Reshape this into 64bit blocks (this must be aligned at this point)
assert len(data_bytes) % 8 == 0, 'data_bytes must be 64bit aligned'
data_blocks = []
data_block_defined = []
for k, b in enumerate(data_bytes):
if (k % 8) == 0:
data_blocks[k // 8] += (b << 8 * (k % 8))
# If any of the individual bytes are defined, the
# whole block is considered defined.
data_block_defined[k // 8] |= defined[k]
# Check if scrambling is needed
if part['secret']:
part_name = part['name']
key_sel = part['key_sel']'> Scramble partition with key "{}"'.format(key_sel))
for key in self.config['scrambling']['keys']:
if key['name'] == key_sel:
raise RuntimeError(
'Scrambling key cannot be found {}'.format(key_sel))
for k in range(len(data_blocks)):
if data_block_defined[k]:
data_blocks[k] = _present_64bit_encrypt(
data_blocks[k], key['value'])
# Check if digest calculation is needed
if part['hw_digest']:
# Make sure that this HW-governed digest has not been
# overridden manually
if data_blocks[-1] != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
'Digest of partition {} cannot be overridden manually'.
# Digest is stored in last block of a partition
if part.setdefault('lock', False):'> Lock partition by computing digest')
# Digest constants at index 0 are used to compute the
# consistency digest
iv = self.config['scrambling']['digests'][0]['iv_value']
const = self.config['scrambling']['digests'][0]['cnst_value']
data_blocks[-1] = _present_64bit_digest(
data_blocks[0:-1], iv, const)
'> Partition is not locked, hence no digest is computed')
# Convert to a list of bytes to make final packing into
# OTP memory words independent of the cipher block size.
data = []
for block in data_blocks:
for k in range(8):
data.append((block >> (8 * k)) & 0xFF)
# Make sure this has the right size
assert len(data) == part['size'], 'Partition size mismatch'
# The annotation list contains a string for each byte
# that can be used to print out informative comments
# in the memory hex file.
return data, annotation
def validate_data_perm(self, data_perm):
'''Validate data permutation option'''
# Byte aligned total width after adding ECC bits
secded_cfg = self.lc_state.config['secded']
raw_bitlen = secded_cfg['data_width'] + secded_cfg['ecc_width']
total_bitlen = ((raw_bitlen + 7) // 8) * 8
# If the permutation is undefined, use the default mapping.
self.data_perm = list(
range(total_bitlen)) if not data_perm else data_perm
# Check for bijectivity
if len(self.data_perm) != total_bitlen:
raise RuntimeError(
'Data permutation "{}" is not bijective, since'
'it does not have the same length as the data.'.format(
for k in self.data_perm:
if k >= total_bitlen:
raise RuntimeError(
'Data permutation "{}" is not bijective,'
'since the index {} is out of bounds.'.format(
data_perm, k))
if len(set(self.data_perm)) != total_bitlen:
raise RuntimeError(
'Data permutation "{}" is not bijective,'
'since it contains duplicated indices.'.format(data_perm))
def streamout_memfile(self) -> Tuple[str, int]:
'''Streamout of memory image in MEM file format
Returns a tuple of the file contents and architecture bitness.
''''Scramble and stream out partitions.')'')
otp_size = self.config['otp']['size']
data = [0] * otp_size
annotation = [''] * otp_size
for part in self.config['partitions']:
part_data, part_annotation = self.streamout_partition(part)
assert part['offset'] <= otp_size, \
'Partition offset out of bounds'
idx_low = part['offset']
idx_high = part['offset'] + part['size']
data[idx_low:idx_high] = part_data
annotation[idx_low:idx_high] = part_annotation'')'Streamout successfully completed.')
# Smoke checks
assert len(data) <= otp_size, 'Data size mismatch'
assert len(annotation) <= otp_size, 'Annotation size mismatch'
assert len(data) == len(annotation), 'Data/Annotation size mismatch'
return _to_memfile_with_ecc(data, annotation, self.lc_state.config,