blob: 2e6a3c8b4ce1cc6ad9e1eff12f98da5fd63ef784 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Faux Flash Erase Control
module flash_ctrl_erase import flash_ctrl_pkg::*; (
// Software Interface
input op_start_i,
input flash_erase_e op_type_i,
input [BusAddrW-1:0] op_addr_i,
input op_addr_oob_i,
output logic op_done_o,
output flash_ctrl_err_t op_err_o,
output logic [BusAddrW-1:0] op_err_addr_o,
// Flash Macro Interface
output logic flash_req_o,
output logic [BusAddrW-1:0] flash_addr_o,
output flash_erase_e flash_op_o,
input flash_done_i,
input flash_mp_err_i
localparam int WordsBitWidth = $clog2(BusWordsPerPage);
localparam int PagesBitWidth = $clog2(PagesPerBank);
// The *AddrMask below masks out the bits that are not required
// e.g, assume we have an address 0x5_0004_345C
// 0x5 represents bank address
// 0x0004 represents page address
// PageAddrMask would be 0xF_FFFF_0000
// BankAddrMask would be 0xF_0000_0000
localparam logic[BusAddrW-1:0] PageAddrMask = ~(('h1 << WordsBitWidth) - 1'b1);
localparam logic[BusAddrW-1:0] BankAddrMask = ~(('h1 << (PagesBitWidth + WordsBitWidth)) - 1'b1);
// out of bounds condition, the initial starting address is beyond the flash
logic oob_err;
assign oob_err = op_start_i & op_addr_oob_i;
// IO assignments
assign op_done_o = flash_req_o & (flash_done_i | oob_err);
always_comb begin
op_err_o = '0;
op_err_o.oob_err = op_done_o & oob_err;
op_err_o.mp_err = op_done_o & flash_mp_err_i;
// Flash Interface assignments
assign flash_req_o = op_start_i & ~op_addr_oob_i;
assign flash_op_o = op_type_i;
assign flash_addr_o = (op_type_i == FlashErasePage) ?
op_addr_i & PageAddrMask :
op_addr_i & BankAddrMask;
assign op_err_addr_o = flash_addr_o;
// unused bus
logic [WordsBitWidth-1:0] unused_addr_i;
assign unused_addr_i = op_addr_i[WordsBitWidth-1:0];
endmodule // flash_ctrl_erase