blob: 033a3b1a1bc5ea7827c630d2eedf2e8d3d818770 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package chip_env_pkg;
// dep packages
import uvm_pkg::*;
import top_pkg::*;
import flash_ctrl_pkg::*;
import otp_ctrl_pkg::*;
import sram_ctrl_pkg::*;
import dv_utils_pkg::*;
import dv_base_reg_pkg::*;
import csr_utils_pkg::*;
import tl_agent_pkg::*;
import uart_agent_pkg::*;
import jtag_agent_pkg::*;
import spi_agent_pkg::*;
import dv_lib_pkg::*;
import cip_base_pkg::*;
import chip_ral_pkg::*;
import sw_test_status_pkg::*;
import xbar_env_pkg::*;
import bus_params_pkg::*;
import str_utils_pkg::*;
// macro includes
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
`include "dv_macros.svh"
// include auto-generated alert related parameters
`include "autogen/"
// local parameters and types
parameter uint NUM_GPIOS = 16;
// Buffer is half of SPI_DEVICE Dual Port SRAM
parameter uint SPI_FRAME_BYTE_SIZE = spi_device_reg_pkg::SPI_DEVICE_BUFFER_SIZE/2;
// SW constants - use unmapped address space with at least 32 bytes.
parameter bit [TL_AW-1:0] SW_DV_START_ADDR = 32'h3000_0000;
parameter bit [TL_AW-1:0] SW_DV_TEST_STATUS_ADDR = SW_DV_START_ADDR + 0;
parameter bit [TL_AW-1:0] SW_DV_LOG_ADDR = SW_DV_START_ADDR + 4;
typedef virtual pins_if #(NUM_GPIOS) gpio_vif;
typedef virtual sw_logger_if sw_logger_vif;
typedef virtual sw_test_status_if sw_test_status_vif;
// backdoors
typedef virtual mem_bkdr_if mem_bkdr_vif;
typedef virtual mem_bkdr_if #(.MEM_PARITY(1)) parity_mem_bkdr_vif;
typedef virtual mem_bkdr_if #(.MEM_ECC(prim_secded_pkg::SecdedHamming_22_16)) ecc_mem_bkdr_vif;
// Types of memories in the chip.
typedef enum {
} chip_mem_e;
// On OpenTitan, we deal with 4 types of SW - ROM, the main test, the OTBN test and the OTP image.
// This basically puts these SW types into 'slots' that the external regression tool can set.
typedef enum {
SwTypeRom, // Ibex SW - first stage boot ROM.
SwTypeTest, // Ibex SW - actual test SW.
SwTypeOtbn, // Otbn SW.
SwTypeOtp // OTP image.
} sw_type_e;
// functions
function automatic bit [bus_params_pkg::BUS_AW-1:0] get_chip_mem_base_addr(chip_mem_e mem);
case (mem)
Rom: return top_earlgrey_pkg::TOP_EARLGREY_ROM_CTRL_ROM_BASE_ADDR;
RamMain:return top_earlgrey_pkg::TOP_EARLGREY_RAM_MAIN_BASE_ADDR;
RamRet: return top_earlgrey_pkg::TOP_EARLGREY_RAM_RET_AON_BASE_ADDR;
FlashBank0, FlashBank0Info: return top_earlgrey_pkg::TOP_EARLGREY_EFLASH_BASE_ADDR;
FlashBank1, FlashBank1Info: return top_earlgrey_pkg::TOP_EARLGREY_EFLASH_BASE_ADDR +
flash_ctrl_pkg::PagesPerBank *
flash_ctrl_pkg::WordsPerPage *
flash_ctrl_pkg::DataWidth / 8;
SpiMem: return top_earlgrey_pkg::TOP_EARLGREY_SPI_DEVICE_BASE_ADDR
+ spi_device_reg_pkg::SPI_DEVICE_BUFFER_OFFSET ; // TODO
default:`uvm_fatal("chip_env_pkg", {"Invalid input: ",})
// Extracts the address and size of a const symbol in a SW test (supplied as an ELF file).
// Used by a testbench to modify the given symbol in an executable (elf) generated for an embedded
// CPU within the DUT. This function only returns the extracted address and size of the symbol
// using the readelf utility. Readelf comes with binutils, a package typically available on user
// / corp machines. If not available, the assumption is, it can be relatively easily installed.
// The actual job of writing the new value into the symbol is handled externally (often via a
// backdoor mechanism to write the memory).
function automatic void sw_symbol_get_addr_size(input string elf_file,
input string symbol,
output longint unsigned addr,
output longint unsigned size);
string msg_id = "sw_symbol_get_addr_size";
`DV_CHECK_STRNE_FATAL(elf_file, "", "Input arg \"elf_file\" cannot be an empty string", msg_id)
`DV_CHECK_STRNE_FATAL(symbol, "", "Input arg \"symbol\" cannot be an empty string", msg_id)
int ret;
string line;
int out_file_d = 0;
string out_file = $sformatf("%0s.dat", symbol);
string cmd = $sformatf(
// use `--wide` to avoid truncating the output, in case of long symbol name
"/usr/bin/readelf -s --wide %0s | grep %0s | awk \'{print $2\" \"$3}\' > %0s",
elf_file, symbol, out_file);
// TODO #3838: shell pipes are bad 'mkay?
ret = $system(cmd);
`DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(ret, 0, $sformatf("Command \"%0s\" failed with exit code %0d", cmd, ret),
out_file_d = $fopen(out_file, "r");
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(out_file_d, $sformatf("Failed to open \"%0s\"", out_file), msg_id)
ret = $fgets(line, out_file_d);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(ret, $sformatf("Failed to read line from \"%0s\"", out_file), msg_id)
// The first line should have the addr in hex followed by its size as integer.
ret = $sscanf(line, "%h %d", addr, size);
`DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(ret, 2, $sformatf("Failed to extract {addr size} from line \"%0s\"", line),
// Attempt to read the next line should be met with EOF.
void'($fgets(line, out_file_d));
ret = $feof(out_file_d);
`DV_CHECK_FATAL(ret, $sformatf("EOF expected to be reached for \"%0s\"", out_file), msg_id)
ret = $system($sformatf("rm -rf %0s", out_file));
`DV_CHECK_EQ_FATAL(ret, 0, $sformatf("Failed to delete \"%0s\"", out_file), msg_id)
// package sources
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""