blob: 04f3d3b7e38409826ebb9d458c8c77ce005aafaf [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
.section .text.start
* Standalone RSA 1024 encrypt
* Uses OTBN modexp bignum lib to encrypt the message from the .data segment
* in this file with the public key consisting of e=65537 and modulus from
* .data segment in this file.
* Copies the encrypted message to wide registers for comparison (starting at
* w0). See comment at the end of the file for expected values.
jal x1, modexp_var
/* pointer to out buffer */
lw x21, 28(x0)
/* copy all limbs of result to wide reg file */
li x8, 0
loop x30, 2
bn.lid x8, 0(x21++)
addi x8, x8, 1
* The words below are used by the code above, but the linker can't tell
* because we reference them by absolute address. Make a global symbol
* (cfg_data), which will refer to the whole lot and ensure that gc-sections
* doesn't discard them.
.globl cfg_data
/* exponent of the exponent (e') (Full exponent is e=2^e'+1) */
.word 0x00000010
/* number of limbs (N) */
.word 0x0000000C
/* pointer to m0' (dptr_m0d) */
.word 0x00000280
/* pointer to RR (dptr_rr) */
.word 0x000002c0
/* load pointer to modulus (dptr_m) */
.word 0x00000080
/* pointer to base bignum buffer (dptr_in) */
.word 0x000004c0
/* pointer to exponent buffer (dptr_exp, unused for encrypt) */
.word 0x000006c0
/* pointer to out buffer (dptr_out) */
.word 0x000008c0
/* Modulus */
.org 0x80
.word 0x6a6a75e1
.word 0xa018ddc5
.word 0x687bb168
.word 0x8e8205a5
.word 0x7dbfffa7
.word 0xc8722ac5
.word 0xf84d21cf
.word 0xe1312531
.word 0x0ce3f8a3
.word 0xa825f988
.word 0x57f51964
.word 0xb27e206a
.word 0x8e1dd008
.word 0x1c4fb8d7
.word 0x824fb142
.word 0x1c8be7b3
.word 0x7b9d6366
.word 0xc56ad0f2
.word 0xef762d5b
.word 0x4b1431e3
.word 0x8ae28eb9
.word 0xd41db7aa
.word 0x43cccdf7
.word 0x91b74a84
.word 0x80183850
.word 0x30e74d0d
.word 0xb62ed015
.word 0x235574d2
.word 0x8c28f251
.word 0x4f40def2
.word 0x24e2efdb
.word 0x9ebd1ff2
.word 0xfa7b49ee
.word 0x2819a938
.word 0x6e66b8c8
.word 0x24e41546
.word 0x4d783a7c
.word 0xd2947d3d
.word 0x1ab269e9
.word 0xfad39f16
.word 0xaab78f7b
.word 0x49d8b510
.word 0x35bf0dfb
.word 0xeb274754
.word 0x069eccc9
.word 0xc13c437e
.word 0xe3bc0f60
.word 0xc9e0e12f
.word 0xc253ac43
.word 0x89c240e0
.word 0xc4aba4e5
.word 0xedf34bc0
.word 0x5402c462
.word 0x4021b0bd
.word 0x996b6241
.word 0xc3d9945f
.word 0xa137ac60
.word 0xf0250bf5
.word 0xc8c7100f
.word 0xb70d6b88
.word 0x78916a8c
.word 0x33370e5d
.word 0x3970dcb9
.word 0xaf4c58b4
.word 0x5f78cb0d
.word 0xb02d90b7
.word 0xeb6c3d05
.word 0x04afc71a
.word 0x45185f0f
.word 0x987caa5b
.word 0x33976249
.word 0x565afdbc
.word 0x80a85056
.word 0x59e07655
.word 0x9a29e77d
.word 0x7a8dfb7f
.word 0x782e0204
.word 0x4d6713ff
.word 0x131000ea
.word 0xe18e1206
.word 0x21f57f30
.word 0xf24f038b
.word 0x59cf874d
.word 0x24c50525
.word 0xb52f170d
.word 0x46c9adde
.word 0x90e82c73
.word 0x1344ceaf
.word 0x663209f2
.word 0x24bd4fbf
.word 0x5e4ed04d
.word 0x0fce770a
.word 0x81f78793
.word 0xa792e13e
.word 0xa6c7bf58
.word 0xe1df9be8
/* Montgomery constant m0' */
.org 0x280
.word 0xf09b71df
.word 0xfd3e34f7
.word 0x0b908e3b
.word 0x95d310b2
.word 0x49659950
.word 0xa96ced37
.word 0x711cad8b
.word 0x1dfc9779
.word 0xcdf1cc06
.word 0x12e25f1f
.word 0x8f25ef95
.word 0xc90a2582
.word 0xbda827cf
.word 0x1406fb58
.word 0xadf07cd1
.word 0x7da9803a
/* Squared Mongomery Radix RR = (2^3072)^2 mod N */
.org 0x2c0
.word 0xa3eb77fa
.word 0x9db9a2ac
.word 0x2c19d4ae
.word 0xfb5be1e7
.word 0xdd38f5fb
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.word 0x73f5cf6b
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.word 0x4043add6
.word 0x7516d8b7
.word 0x5c7070ff
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.word 0xf209e123
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.word 0x04e452fc
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.word 0xa277ef0e
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.word 0xeaee3c24
.word 0x87993424
.word 0xfcb49693
.word 0x21e64d84
.word 0x9e2dcea8
/* signature */
.org 0x4c0
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/* Full key for reference:
modulus n = 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
private exponent d = 0x6041730707bffad6947efef72cdaa80f6f3e7cb351f2434984bd1a5585ff1006f5d82e3e5a41dee37748ae0c48e91ae93280b58b2fc545335dedf7241d222a045232c1928e20154bc41587cba852eef02aac03ffe25a3638d08adbd2df239b2cd7db29e34097243f19b912be176965e51809b28f51c14c15f6f8cc01a1317052d21ff67343414a06b081276184e66f622d060e8bf987ff5bd36a6e38cc6dd5cb5cdb05a461d485c829c4d1b5352e82b36814f4f4debb08e7fab769ff7e40bb19514af9168c9b773570c58f2c3e177edfe43d4e29ae72329a25d7da234ce73407d2619e5072dffbec1d9601446417d968de1e8772ce4b46fd5224cc0a6ddc889aedec8247de9a6b93f166df6981c487dc111b4eb0ec7bc15782db65570158da4523eab41c7455bd70c72a52e015a7cba482581bed16fef89213158c94f15592482069a742973b55372ced7d20dc9312980ce4696fa4d5715098c927fc12ab013af8df4b83869ef22b53c176f4a83b89cab93ce7f6e619ae0c59d7e511bebf06e3
public exponent e = 65537
squared Montgomery radix RR = 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
Montgomery constant d0inv = 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