blob: de87a9c5dd710ad4447d15edf2ab140e1071140e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
* This library contains arithmetic for the finite field modulo the prime
* p = 2^255-19, which is used for both the X25519 key exchange and the Ed25519
* signature scheme.
* Fully reduce a 510-bit number modulo p.
* Returns c = a mod p.
* Uses Solinas/pseudo-Mersenne reduction, which is based on the observation
* that if a large number x is split into two so that the lower 255 bits are x0
* and all bits above 255 are x1, then:
* x = x0 + (2^255 * x1) \equiv (x0 + (19 * x1)) (mod p)
* If x is large, then x0 + 19 * x1 will be much smaller than x, because 19 <<
* 2^255. This step can be repeated as necessary until a conditional
* subtraction is enough to fully reduce.
* Note about register notations: in this code, [a:b] indicates that the
* registers are adjacent and their contents can be logically concatenated to
* get a single larger value. Otherwise, the notation is [a,b].
* This routine runs in constant time.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] w19: constant, w19 = 19
* @param[in] [w21:w20]: a, number to be reduced (a < 2^510)
* @param[in] MOD: p, modulus = 2^255 - 19
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[out] w22: c, result = a mod p
* clobbered registers: w18, w20 to w22
* clobbered flag groups: FG0
/* First Solinas step (reducing modulo 2p = 2^256-38). */
/* Multiply the high bits by 38 (fits in 64bx256b multiply). Note that the
last multiplication result is zero; it exists only to write back the
accumulator from previous multiplies.
w18,w22 <= 19 * (2 * w21) = 38 * a[509:256] */
bn.add w18, w21, w21
bn.mulqacc.z w19.0, w18.0, 0 w22.L, w19.0, w18.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w19.0, w18.2, 0 w22.U, w19.0, w18.3, 64
bn.mulqacc.wo w18, w19.0, w31.0, 0
/* Add to low bits.
[w21:w20] <= w20 + [w18,w22] = a[255:0] + (38 * a[509:256]) = r1 */
bn.add w20, w20, w22
bn.addc w21, w31, w18
/* First Solinas step is complete. At this point, the new intermediate result
r1 is at most 261 bits, because:
a[509:256] = 254 bits
38 * a[509:256] = 260 bits
a[255:0] + 38 * a[509:256] = 261 bits */
/* Begin second Solinas step (reducing by p = 2^255 - 19 this time). */
/* Extract the high 6 bits.
w21 <= [w21:w20] >> 255 = r1[260:255] */
bn.rshi w21, w21, w20 >> 255
/* Extract the low 255 bits.
w20 <= r1[254:0] */
bn.rshi w20, w20, w31 >> 255
bn.rshi w20, w31, w20 >> 1
/* Multiply the high bits by 19 (fits in 64bx64b multiply).
w21 <= w19 * w21 = 19 * r1[260:255] */
bn.mulqacc.wo.z w21, w19.0, w21.0, 0
/* Add to low bits (guaranteed by bounds not to carry).
w20 <= r1[254:0] + (19 * r1[260:255]) = r2 */
bn.add w20, w20, w21
/* Second Solinas step is complete. At this point, we know r2 < 2 * p,
because of bounds implied by bit lengths:
r1[254:0] + 19 * r1[260:255] <= 2^255 - 1 + 19 * (2^6 - 1) < 2 * p */
/* Conditionally subtract modulus if p <= r2.
w22 <= r2 mod p = a mod p */
bn.addm w22, w20, w31
* Multiply two field elements and reduce modulo p.
* Returns c = (a * b) mod p.
* The inputs a and b must be at most 2^255 bits, although it is not necessary
* for them to be fully reduced modulo p. This routine runs in constant time.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] w19: constant, w19 = 19
* @param[in] w22: a, first operand, a < 2^255
* @param[in] w23: b, second operand, b < 2^255
* @param[in] MOD: p, modulus = 2^255 - 19
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[out] w22: c, result
* clobbered registers: w18, w20 to w22
* clobbered flag groups: FG0
.globl fe_mul
/* Compute the raw 510-bit product.
[w21:w20] <= a * b */
bn.mulqacc.z w22.0, w23.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.1, w23.0, 64 w20.L, w22.0, w23.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w22.2, w23.0, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.1, w23.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.0, w23.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.3, w23.0, 64
bn.mulqacc w22.2, w23.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w22.1, w23.2, 64 w20.U, w22.0, w23.3, 64
bn.mulqacc w22.3, w23.1, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.2, w23.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.1, w23.3, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.3, w23.2, 64 w21.L, w22.2, w23.3, 64 w21.U, w22.3, w23.3, 0
/* Reduce modulo p.
w22 <= [w21:w20] mod p = (a * b) mod p */
jal x1, fe_reduce
* Square a field element and reduce modulo p.
* Returns c = (a * a) mod p.
* The input a must be at most 2^255 bits, although it is not necessary for it
* to be fully reduced modulo p. This specialized squaring procedure is
* slightly faster than fe_mul, because duplicated partial products can be
* multiplied by two instead of being computed separately. By optimizing for
* this special case, we can use 10 multiplications and 4 additions instead of
* 16 multiplications to compute the raw product.
* Note that this is only 2 instructions faster than fe_mul; if we need to cut
* down on code size, we could try not using a specialized square. However,
* this routine is called many, many times (especially in the inverse
* computation) so those two instructions might add up to quite a bit in the
* end.
* This routine runs in constant time.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] w19: constant, w19 = 19
* @param[in] w22: a, operand, a < 2^255
* @param[in] MOD: p, modulus = 2^255 - 19
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[out] w22: c, result
* clobbered registers: w17, w18, w20 to w22
* clobbered flag groups: FG0
.globl fe_square
/* Compute the partial products that do NOT need to be multiplied by 2.
[w21:w20] <= a0^2 + (a1^2 << 128) + (a2^2 << 256) + (a3^2 << 384) */ w20.L, w22.0, w22.0, 0 w20.U, w22.1, w22.1, 0 w21.L, w22.2, w22.2, 0 w21.U, w22.3, w22.3, 0
/* Compute the partial products that do need to be multiplied by 2.
[w18:w17] <= (a0a1 << 64) + (a0a2 << 128) + (a0a3 << 192)
+ (a1a2 << 192) + (a1a3 << 256)
+ (a2a3 << 320) */ w17.L, w22.0, w22.1, 64
bn.mulqacc w22.0, w22.2, 0
bn.mulqacc w22.0, w22.3, 64 w17.U, w22.1, w22.2, 64
bn.mulqacc w22.1, w22.3, 0
bn.mulqacc.wo w18, w22.2, w22.3, 64
/* Add the partial products.
[w21:w20] <= [w21:w20] + [w18:w17] * 2 = a * a */
bn.add w20, w20, w17
bn.addc w21, w21, w18
bn.add w20, w20, w17
bn.addc w21, w21, w18
/* Reduce modulo p.
w22 <= [w21:w20] mod p = (a * a) mod p */
jal x1, fe_reduce
* Compute the inverse of an element in the finite field modulo (2^255-19).
* Returns c = (a^(-1)) mod p.
* Uses Fermat's Little Theorem, which states that for any nonzero element a of
* the finite field modulo a prime p, then a^(p-1) mod p = 1. A corrolary of
* this theorem is that (a * (a^(p-2))) mod p = 1, so a^(p-2) is a
* multiplicative inverse of a modulo p.
* To compute a^(p-2), we use a square-and-multiply algorithm. This chain of
* squares and multiplies is modified from curve25519-donna
* (,
* which is in turn a modified version of the (qhasm) reference implementation
* published with the original paper.
* The main difference between this implementation and donna is that we attempt
* to minimize instructions by making sure multiplies/squares always use
* the same temporary variables/registers.
* This routine runs in constant time.
* Flags: Flags have no meaning beyond the scope of this subroutine.
* @param[in] w19: constant, w19 = 19
* @param[in] w16: a, first operand, a < p
* @param[in] MOD: p, modulus = 2^255 - 19
* @param[in] w31: all-zero
* @param[out] w22: c, result
* clobbered registers: w14, w15, w17, w18, w20 to w23
* clobbered flag groups: FG0
.globl fe_inv
/* w22 <= w16^2 = a^2 */ w22, w16
jal x1, fe_square
/* w23 <= w22 = a^2 */ w23, w22
/* w22 <= w22^4 = a^8 */
jal x1, fe_square
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w23 = a^10 */
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w15 <= w22 = a^10 */ w15, w22
/* w22 <= w22 * w16 = a^11 */ w23, w16
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w14 <= w22 <= a^11 */ w14, w22
/* w22 <= w15^2 = a^20 */ w22, w15
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w14 = a^31 = a^(2^5 - 1) */ w23, w14
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w23 <= w22 = a^(2^5 - 1) */ w23, w22
/* w22 <= w22^(2^5) = a^(2^10-2^5) */
loopi 5,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w23 = a^(2^10-1) */
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w23 <= w22 <= a^(2^10-1) */ w23, w22
/* w15 <= w22 <= a^(2^10-1) */ w15, w22
/* w22 <= w22^(2^10) = a^(2^20-2^10) */
loopi 10,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w23 = a^(2^20-1) */
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w23 <= w22 <= a^(2^20-1) */ w23, w22
/* w22 <= w22^(2^20) = a^(2^40-2^20) */
loopi 20,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w23 = a^(2^40-1) */
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w22 <= w22^(2^10) = a^(2^50-2^10) */
loopi 10,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w15 = a^(2^50-1) */ w23, w15
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w23 <= w22 <= a^(2^50-1) */ w23, w22
/* w15 <= w22 <= a^(2^50-1) */ w15, w22
/* w22 <= w22^(2^50) = a^(2^100-2^50) */
loopi 50,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w23 = a^(2^100-1) */
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w23 <= w22 <= a^(2^100-1) */ w23, w22
/* w22 <= w22^(2^100) = a^(2^200-2^100) */
loopi 100,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w23 = a^(2^200-1) */
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w22 <= w22^(2^50) = a^(2^250-2^50) */
loopi 50,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w15 = a^(2^250-1) */ w23, w15
jal x1, fe_mul
/* w22 <= w22^(2^5) = a^(2^255-2^5) */
loopi 5,2
jal x1, fe_square
/* w22 <= w22 * w14 = a^(2^255 - 2^5 + 11) = a^(2^255 - 21) = a^(p-2) */ w23, w14
jal x1, fe_mul