| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // ------------------- W A R N I N G: A U T O - G E N E R A T E D C O D E !! -------------------// |
| // |
| // util/topgen.py -t hw/top_earlgrey/data/top_earlgrey.hjson \ |
| // -o hw/top_earlgrey/ \ |
| // --rnd_cnst_seed 4881560218908238235 |
| |
| module top_earlgrey #( |
| // Auto-inferred parameters |
| parameter OtpCtrlMemInitFile = "", |
| parameter pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxAonTargetCfg = pinmux_pkg::DefaultTargetCfg, |
| parameter bit SramCtrlRetAonInstrExec = 1, |
| parameter bit AesMasking = 1'b1, |
| parameter aes_pkg::sbox_impl_e AesSBoxImpl = aes_pkg::SBoxImplDom, |
| parameter int unsigned SecAesStartTriggerDelay = 0, |
| parameter bit SecAesAllowForcingMasks = 1'b0, |
| parameter bit SecAesSkipPRNGReseeding = 1'b0, |
| parameter bit KmacEnMasking = 0, |
| parameter int KmacReuseShare = 0, |
| parameter aes_pkg::sbox_impl_e CsrngSBoxImpl = aes_pkg::SBoxImplCanright, |
| parameter bit SramCtrlMainInstrExec = 1, |
| parameter otbn_pkg::regfile_e OtbnRegFile = otbn_pkg::RegFileFF, |
| |
| // Manually defined parameters |
| parameter ibex_pkg::regfile_e IbexRegFile = ibex_pkg::RegFileFF, |
| parameter bit IbexICache = 1, |
| parameter bit IbexPipeLine = 0, |
| parameter BootRomInitFile = "" |
| ) ( |
| // Reset, clocks defined as part of intermodule |
| input rst_ni, |
| |
| // Multiplexed I/O |
| input [43:0] mio_in_i, |
| output logic [43:0] mio_out_o, |
| output logic [43:0] mio_oe_o, |
| // Dedicated I/O |
| input [20:0] dio_in_i, |
| output logic [20:0] dio_out_o, |
| output logic [20:0] dio_oe_o, |
| |
| // pad attributes to padring |
| output logic[pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] |
| [pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr_o, |
| output logic[pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] |
| [pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr_o, |
| |
| |
| // Inter-module Signal External type |
| output ast_pkg::adc_ast_req_t adc_req_o, |
| input ast_pkg::adc_ast_rsp_t adc_rsp_i, |
| input edn_pkg::edn_req_t ast_edn_req_i, |
| output edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t ast_edn_rsp_o, |
| output lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t ast_lc_dft_en_o, |
| input prim_ram_1p_pkg::ram_1p_cfg_t ram_1p_cfg_i, |
| input prim_ram_2p_pkg::ram_2p_cfg_t ram_2p_cfg_i, |
| input prim_rom_pkg::rom_cfg_t rom_cfg_i, |
| input logic clk_main_i, |
| input logic clk_io_i, |
| input logic clk_usb_i, |
| input logic clk_aon_i, |
| output logic clk_main_jitter_en_o, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_clk_byp_ack_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t flash_bist_enable_i, |
| input logic flash_power_down_h_i, |
| input logic flash_power_ready_h_i, |
| input logic [3:0] flash_test_mode_a_i, |
| input logic flash_test_voltage_h_i, |
| output entropy_src_pkg::entropy_src_rng_req_t es_rng_req_o, |
| input entropy_src_pkg::entropy_src_rng_rsp_t es_rng_rsp_i, |
| output lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_clk_byp_req_o, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t ast_tl_req_o, |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t ast_tl_rsp_i, |
| output pinmux_pkg::dft_strap_test_req_t dft_strap_test_o, |
| output pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_ast_req_t pwrmgr_ast_req_o, |
| input pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_ast_rsp_t pwrmgr_ast_rsp_i, |
| output otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_ast_req_t otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_o, |
| input otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_ast_rsp_t otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i, |
| input ast_pkg::ast_alert_req_t sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_req_i, |
| output ast_pkg::ast_alert_rsp_t sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_rsp_o, |
| input ast_pkg::ast_status_t sensor_ctrl_ast_status_i, |
| output logic [9:0] pinmux2ast_o, |
| input logic [9:0] ast2pinmux_i, |
| output logic usbdev_usb_ref_val_o, |
| output logic usbdev_usb_ref_pulse_o, |
| output clkmgr_pkg::clkmgr_ast_out_t clks_ast_o, |
| output rstmgr_pkg::rstmgr_ast_out_t rsts_ast_o, |
| input scan_rst_ni, // reset used for test mode |
| input scan_en_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t scanmode_i // lc_ctrl_pkg::On for Scan |
| ); |
| |
| // JTAG IDCODE for development versions of this code. |
| // Manufacturers of OpenTitan chips must replace this code with one of their |
| // own IDs. |
| // Field structure as defined in the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) specification, |
| // section 12.1.1. |
| localparam logic [31:0] JTAG_IDCODE = { |
| 4'h0, // Version |
| 16'h4F54, // Part Number: "OT" |
| 11'h426, // Manufacturer Identity: Google |
| 1'b1 // (fixed) |
| }; |
| |
| import tlul_pkg::*; |
| import top_pkg::*; |
| import tl_main_pkg::*; |
| // Compile-time random constants |
| import top_earlgrey_rnd_cnst_pkg::*; |
| |
| // Signals |
| logic [58:0] mio_p2d; |
| logic [62:0] mio_d2p; |
| logic [62:0] mio_d2p_en; |
| logic [20:0] dio_p2d; |
| logic [20:0] dio_d2p; |
| logic [20:0] dio_d2p_en; |
| // uart0 |
| logic cio_uart0_rx_p2d; |
| logic cio_uart0_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_uart0_tx_en_d2p; |
| // uart1 |
| logic cio_uart1_rx_p2d; |
| logic cio_uart1_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_uart1_tx_en_d2p; |
| // uart2 |
| logic cio_uart2_rx_p2d; |
| logic cio_uart2_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_uart2_tx_en_d2p; |
| // uart3 |
| logic cio_uart3_rx_p2d; |
| logic cio_uart3_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_uart3_tx_en_d2p; |
| // gpio |
| logic [31:0] cio_gpio_gpio_p2d; |
| logic [31:0] cio_gpio_gpio_d2p; |
| logic [31:0] cio_gpio_gpio_en_d2p; |
| // spi_device |
| logic cio_spi_device_sck_p2d; |
| logic cio_spi_device_csb_p2d; |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_device_sd_p2d; |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_device_sd_d2p; |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_device_sd_en_d2p; |
| // spi_host0 |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_host0_sd_p2d; |
| logic cio_spi_host0_sck_d2p; |
| logic cio_spi_host0_sck_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_spi_host0_csb_d2p; |
| logic cio_spi_host0_csb_en_d2p; |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_host0_sd_d2p; |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_host0_sd_en_d2p; |
| // spi_host1 |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_host1_sd_p2d; |
| logic cio_spi_host1_sck_d2p; |
| logic cio_spi_host1_sck_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_spi_host1_csb_d2p; |
| logic cio_spi_host1_csb_en_d2p; |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_host1_sd_d2p; |
| logic [3:0] cio_spi_host1_sd_en_d2p; |
| // i2c0 |
| logic cio_i2c0_sda_p2d; |
| logic cio_i2c0_scl_p2d; |
| logic cio_i2c0_sda_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c0_sda_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c0_scl_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c0_scl_en_d2p; |
| // i2c1 |
| logic cio_i2c1_sda_p2d; |
| logic cio_i2c1_scl_p2d; |
| logic cio_i2c1_sda_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c1_sda_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c1_scl_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c1_scl_en_d2p; |
| // i2c2 |
| logic cio_i2c2_sda_p2d; |
| logic cio_i2c2_scl_p2d; |
| logic cio_i2c2_sda_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c2_sda_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c2_scl_d2p; |
| logic cio_i2c2_scl_en_d2p; |
| // pattgen |
| logic cio_pattgen_pda0_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_pattgen_pda0_tx_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_pattgen_pcl0_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_pattgen_pcl0_tx_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_pattgen_pda1_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_pattgen_pda1_tx_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_pattgen_pcl1_tx_d2p; |
| logic cio_pattgen_pcl1_tx_en_d2p; |
| // rv_timer |
| // usbdev |
| logic cio_usbdev_sense_p2d; |
| logic cio_usbdev_d_p2d; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dp_p2d; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dn_p2d; |
| logic cio_usbdev_se0_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_se0_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dp_pullup_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dp_pullup_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dn_pullup_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dn_pullup_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_tx_mode_se_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_tx_mode_se_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_suspend_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_suspend_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_d_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_d_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dp_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dp_en_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dn_d2p; |
| logic cio_usbdev_dn_en_d2p; |
| // otp_ctrl |
| // lc_ctrl |
| // alert_handler |
| // pwrmgr_aon |
| // rstmgr_aon |
| // clkmgr_aon |
| // adc_ctrl_aon |
| // pinmux_aon |
| // aon_timer_aon |
| // sensor_ctrl_aon |
| logic [9:0] cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_in_p2d; |
| logic [9:0] cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out_d2p; |
| logic [9:0] cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out_en_d2p; |
| // sram_ctrl_ret_aon |
| // flash_ctrl |
| logic cio_flash_ctrl_tck_p2d; |
| logic cio_flash_ctrl_tms_p2d; |
| logic cio_flash_ctrl_tdi_p2d; |
| logic cio_flash_ctrl_tdo_d2p; |
| logic cio_flash_ctrl_tdo_en_d2p; |
| // rv_plic |
| // aes |
| // hmac |
| // kmac |
| // keymgr |
| // csrng |
| // entropy_src |
| // edn0 |
| // edn1 |
| // sram_ctrl_main |
| // otbn |
| |
| |
| logic [176:0] intr_vector; |
| // Interrupt source list |
| logic intr_uart0_tx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart0_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart0_tx_empty; |
| logic intr_uart0_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_uart0_rx_frame_err; |
| logic intr_uart0_rx_break_err; |
| logic intr_uart0_rx_timeout; |
| logic intr_uart0_rx_parity_err; |
| logic intr_uart1_tx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart1_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart1_tx_empty; |
| logic intr_uart1_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_uart1_rx_frame_err; |
| logic intr_uart1_rx_break_err; |
| logic intr_uart1_rx_timeout; |
| logic intr_uart1_rx_parity_err; |
| logic intr_uart2_tx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart2_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart2_tx_empty; |
| logic intr_uart2_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_uart2_rx_frame_err; |
| logic intr_uart2_rx_break_err; |
| logic intr_uart2_rx_timeout; |
| logic intr_uart2_rx_parity_err; |
| logic intr_uart3_tx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart3_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_uart3_tx_empty; |
| logic intr_uart3_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_uart3_rx_frame_err; |
| logic intr_uart3_rx_break_err; |
| logic intr_uart3_rx_timeout; |
| logic intr_uart3_rx_parity_err; |
| logic [31:0] intr_gpio_gpio; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxf; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxlvl; |
| logic intr_spi_device_txlvl; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxerr; |
| logic intr_spi_device_rxoverflow; |
| logic intr_spi_device_txunderflow; |
| logic intr_spi_host0_error; |
| logic intr_spi_host0_spi_event; |
| logic intr_spi_host1_error; |
| logic intr_spi_host1_spi_event; |
| logic intr_i2c0_fmt_watermark; |
| logic intr_i2c0_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_i2c0_fmt_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c0_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c0_nak; |
| logic intr_i2c0_scl_interference; |
| logic intr_i2c0_sda_interference; |
| logic intr_i2c0_stretch_timeout; |
| logic intr_i2c0_sda_unstable; |
| logic intr_i2c0_trans_complete; |
| logic intr_i2c0_tx_empty; |
| logic intr_i2c0_tx_nonempty; |
| logic intr_i2c0_tx_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c0_acq_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c0_ack_stop; |
| logic intr_i2c0_host_timeout; |
| logic intr_i2c1_fmt_watermark; |
| logic intr_i2c1_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_i2c1_fmt_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c1_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c1_nak; |
| logic intr_i2c1_scl_interference; |
| logic intr_i2c1_sda_interference; |
| logic intr_i2c1_stretch_timeout; |
| logic intr_i2c1_sda_unstable; |
| logic intr_i2c1_trans_complete; |
| logic intr_i2c1_tx_empty; |
| logic intr_i2c1_tx_nonempty; |
| logic intr_i2c1_tx_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c1_acq_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c1_ack_stop; |
| logic intr_i2c1_host_timeout; |
| logic intr_i2c2_fmt_watermark; |
| logic intr_i2c2_rx_watermark; |
| logic intr_i2c2_fmt_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c2_rx_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c2_nak; |
| logic intr_i2c2_scl_interference; |
| logic intr_i2c2_sda_interference; |
| logic intr_i2c2_stretch_timeout; |
| logic intr_i2c2_sda_unstable; |
| logic intr_i2c2_trans_complete; |
| logic intr_i2c2_tx_empty; |
| logic intr_i2c2_tx_nonempty; |
| logic intr_i2c2_tx_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c2_acq_overflow; |
| logic intr_i2c2_ack_stop; |
| logic intr_i2c2_host_timeout; |
| logic intr_pattgen_done_ch0; |
| logic intr_pattgen_done_ch1; |
| logic intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0; |
| logic intr_usbdev_pkt_received; |
| logic intr_usbdev_pkt_sent; |
| logic intr_usbdev_disconnected; |
| logic intr_usbdev_host_lost; |
| logic intr_usbdev_link_reset; |
| logic intr_usbdev_link_suspend; |
| logic intr_usbdev_link_resume; |
| logic intr_usbdev_av_empty; |
| logic intr_usbdev_rx_full; |
| logic intr_usbdev_av_overflow; |
| logic intr_usbdev_link_in_err; |
| logic intr_usbdev_rx_crc_err; |
| logic intr_usbdev_rx_pid_err; |
| logic intr_usbdev_rx_bitstuff_err; |
| logic intr_usbdev_frame; |
| logic intr_usbdev_connected; |
| logic intr_usbdev_link_out_err; |
| logic intr_otp_ctrl_otp_operation_done; |
| logic intr_otp_ctrl_otp_error; |
| logic intr_alert_handler_classa; |
| logic intr_alert_handler_classb; |
| logic intr_alert_handler_classc; |
| logic intr_alert_handler_classd; |
| logic intr_pwrmgr_aon_wakeup; |
| logic intr_adc_ctrl_aon_debug_cable; |
| logic intr_aon_timer_aon_wkup_timer_expired; |
| logic intr_aon_timer_aon_wdog_timer_bark; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_prog_empty; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_prog_lvl; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_rd_full; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_rd_lvl; |
| logic intr_flash_ctrl_op_done; |
| logic intr_hmac_hmac_done; |
| logic intr_hmac_fifo_empty; |
| logic intr_hmac_hmac_err; |
| logic intr_kmac_kmac_done; |
| logic intr_kmac_fifo_empty; |
| logic intr_kmac_kmac_err; |
| logic intr_keymgr_op_done; |
| logic intr_csrng_cs_cmd_req_done; |
| logic intr_csrng_cs_entropy_req; |
| logic intr_csrng_cs_hw_inst_exc; |
| logic intr_csrng_cs_fatal_err; |
| logic intr_entropy_src_es_entropy_valid; |
| logic intr_entropy_src_es_health_test_failed; |
| logic intr_entropy_src_es_fatal_err; |
| logic intr_edn0_edn_cmd_req_done; |
| logic intr_edn0_edn_fatal_err; |
| logic intr_edn1_edn_cmd_req_done; |
| logic intr_edn1_edn_fatal_err; |
| logic intr_otbn_done; |
| |
| |
| |
| logic [0:0] irq_plic; |
| logic [0:0] msip; |
| logic [7:0] irq_id[1]; |
| logic [7:0] unused_irq_id[1]; |
| |
| // this avoids lint errors |
| assign unused_irq_id = irq_id; |
| |
| // Alert list |
| prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_tx; |
| prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_rx; |
| |
| |
| // define inter-module signals |
| prim_ram_1p_pkg::ram_1p_cfg_t ast_ram_1p_cfg; |
| prim_ram_2p_pkg::ram_2p_cfg_t ast_ram_2p_cfg; |
| prim_rom_pkg::rom_cfg_t ast_rom_cfg; |
| alert_pkg::alert_crashdump_t alert_handler_crashdump; |
| prim_esc_pkg::esc_rx_t [3:0] alert_handler_esc_rx; |
| prim_esc_pkg::esc_tx_t [3:0] alert_handler_esc_tx; |
| csrng_pkg::csrng_req_t [1:0] csrng_csrng_cmd_req; |
| csrng_pkg::csrng_rsp_t [1:0] csrng_csrng_cmd_rsp; |
| entropy_src_pkg::entropy_src_hw_if_req_t csrng_entropy_src_hw_if_req; |
| entropy_src_pkg::entropy_src_hw_if_rsp_t csrng_entropy_src_hw_if_rsp; |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_req_t flash_ctrl_flash_req; |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::flash_rsp_t flash_ctrl_flash_rsp; |
| flash_ctrl_pkg::keymgr_flash_t flash_ctrl_keymgr; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::flash_otp_key_req_t flash_ctrl_otp_req; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::flash_otp_key_rsp_t flash_ctrl_otp_rsp; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t flash_ctrl_rma_req; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t flash_ctrl_rma_ack; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_flash_rma_seed_t flash_ctrl_rma_seed; |
| sram_ctrl_pkg::sram_scr_req_t sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_req; |
| sram_ctrl_pkg::sram_scr_rsp_t sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_rsp; |
| sram_ctrl_pkg::sram_scr_req_t sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_req; |
| sram_ctrl_pkg::sram_scr_rsp_t sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_instr_en_t sram_ctrl_main_en_ifetch; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_instr_en_t sram_ctrl_ret_aon_en_ifetch; |
| logic ram_main_intg_error; |
| logic ram_ret_aon_intg_error; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_otp_key_req_t [1:0] otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_req; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::sram_otp_key_rsp_t [1:0] otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_rsp; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_flash_req_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash_req; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_flash_rsp_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash_rsp; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_rst_req_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst_req; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_rst_rsp_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst_rsp; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_clk_req_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk_req; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_clk_rsp_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk_rsp; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_otp_req_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp_req; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_otp_rsp_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp_rsp; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_lc_req_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc_req; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_lc_rsp_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc_rsp; |
| logic pwrmgr_aon_strap; |
| logic pwrmgr_aon_low_power; |
| ibex_pkg::crash_dump_t rv_core_ibex_crash_dump; |
| logic usbdev_usb_out_of_rst; |
| logic usbdev_usb_aon_wake_en; |
| logic usbdev_usb_aon_wake_ack; |
| logic usbdev_usb_suspend; |
| usbdev_pkg::awk_state_t pinmux_aon_usb_state_debug; |
| edn_pkg::edn_req_t [6:0] edn0_edn_req; |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t [6:0] edn0_edn_rsp; |
| edn_pkg::edn_req_t [6:0] edn1_edn_req; |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t [6:0] edn1_edn_rsp; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_keymgr_key_t otp_ctrl_otp_keymgr_key; |
| keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t keymgr_kmac_key; |
| keymgr_pkg::kmac_data_req_t keymgr_kmac_data_req; |
| keymgr_pkg::kmac_data_rsp_t keymgr_kmac_data_rsp; |
| logic [3:0] clkmgr_aon_idle; |
| jtag_pkg::jtag_req_t pinmux_aon_lc_jtag_req; |
| jtag_pkg::jtag_rsp_t pinmux_aon_lc_jtag_rsp; |
| jtag_pkg::jtag_req_t pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_req; |
| jtag_pkg::jtag_rsp_t pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_rsp; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_lc_data_t otp_ctrl_otp_lc_data; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::lc_otp_program_req_t lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program_req; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::lc_otp_program_rsp_t lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program_rsp; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::lc_otp_token_req_t lc_ctrl_lc_otp_token_req; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::lc_otp_token_rsp_t lc_ctrl_lc_otp_token_rsp; |
| otp_ctrl_part_pkg::otp_hw_cfg_t otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_keymgr_div_t lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_div; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_nvm_debug_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_check_byp_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_ack; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en; |
| lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en; |
| logic [3:0] pwrmgr_aon_wakeups; |
| logic pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t rom_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t rom_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t ram_main_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t ram_main_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t eflash_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t eflash_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t main_tl_peri_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t main_tl_peri_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t flash_ctrl_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t flash_ctrl_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t hmac_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t hmac_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t kmac_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t kmac_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t aes_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t aes_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t entropy_src_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t entropy_src_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t csrng_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t csrng_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t edn0_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t edn0_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t edn1_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t edn1_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t rv_plic_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t rv_plic_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t otbn_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t otbn_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t keymgr_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t keymgr_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t sram_ctrl_main_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t sram_ctrl_main_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t uart0_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t uart0_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t uart1_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t uart1_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t uart2_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t uart2_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t uart3_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t uart3_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t i2c0_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t i2c0_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t i2c1_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t i2c1_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t i2c2_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t i2c2_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t pattgen_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t pattgen_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t gpio_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t gpio_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t spi_device_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t spi_device_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t spi_host0_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t spi_host0_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t spi_host1_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t spi_host1_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t rv_timer_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t rv_timer_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t usbdev_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t usbdev_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t pwrmgr_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t pwrmgr_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t rstmgr_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t rstmgr_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t clkmgr_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t clkmgr_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t pinmux_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t pinmux_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t ram_ret_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t ram_ret_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t otp_ctrl_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t otp_ctrl_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t lc_ctrl_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t lc_ctrl_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t sensor_ctrl_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t sensor_ctrl_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t alert_handler_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t alert_handler_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t aon_timer_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t aon_timer_aon_tl_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t adc_ctrl_aon_tl_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t adc_ctrl_aon_tl_rsp; |
| rstmgr_pkg::rstmgr_out_t rstmgr_aon_resets; |
| rstmgr_pkg::rstmgr_cpu_t rstmgr_aon_cpu; |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_cpu_t pwrmgr_aon_pwr_cpu; |
| clkmgr_pkg::clkmgr_out_t clkmgr_aon_clocks; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t main_tl_corei_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t main_tl_corei_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t main_tl_cored_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t main_tl_cored_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t main_tl_dm_sba_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t main_tl_dm_sba_rsp; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t main_tl_debug_mem_req; |
| tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t main_tl_debug_mem_rsp; |
| |
| // define mixed connection to port |
| assign edn0_edn_req[2] = ast_edn_req_i; |
| assign ast_edn_rsp_o = edn0_edn_rsp[2]; |
| assign ast_lc_dft_en_o = lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en; |
| assign ast_ram_1p_cfg = ram_1p_cfg_i; |
| assign ast_ram_2p_cfg = ram_2p_cfg_i; |
| assign ast_rom_cfg = rom_cfg_i; |
| |
| // define partial inter-module tie-off |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t unused_edn1_edn_rsp1; |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t unused_edn1_edn_rsp2; |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t unused_edn1_edn_rsp3; |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t unused_edn1_edn_rsp4; |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t unused_edn1_edn_rsp5; |
| edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t unused_edn1_edn_rsp6; |
| |
| // assign partial inter-module tie-off |
| assign unused_edn1_edn_rsp1 = edn1_edn_rsp[1]; |
| assign unused_edn1_edn_rsp2 = edn1_edn_rsp[2]; |
| assign unused_edn1_edn_rsp3 = edn1_edn_rsp[3]; |
| assign unused_edn1_edn_rsp4 = edn1_edn_rsp[4]; |
| assign unused_edn1_edn_rsp5 = edn1_edn_rsp[5]; |
| assign unused_edn1_edn_rsp6 = edn1_edn_rsp[6]; |
| assign edn1_edn_req[1] = '0; |
| assign edn1_edn_req[2] = '0; |
| assign edn1_edn_req[3] = '0; |
| assign edn1_edn_req[4] = '0; |
| assign edn1_edn_req[5] = '0; |
| assign edn1_edn_req[6] = '0; |
| |
| |
| // Unused reset signals |
| logic unused_d0_rst_por_aon; |
| logic unused_d0_rst_por; |
| logic unused_d0_rst_por_io; |
| logic unused_d0_rst_por_io_div2; |
| logic unused_d0_rst_por_io_div4; |
| logic unused_d0_rst_por_usb; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_lc; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_lc_io_div4; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_sys; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_spi_device; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_spi_host0; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_spi_host1; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_usb; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_i2c0; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_i2c1; |
| logic unused_daon_rst_i2c2; |
| assign unused_d0_rst_por_aon = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| assign unused_d0_rst_por = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| assign unused_d0_rst_por_io = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| assign unused_d0_rst_por_io_div2 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_div2_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| assign unused_d0_rst_por_io_div4 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| assign unused_d0_rst_por_usb = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_usb_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_lc = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_lc_io_div4 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_sys = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_spi_device = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_device_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_spi_host0 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host0_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_spi_host1 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host1_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_usb = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_usb_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_i2c0 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c0_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_i2c1 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c1_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| assign unused_daon_rst_i2c2 = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c2_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| // Non-debug module reset == reset for everything except for the debug module |
| logic ndmreset_req; |
| |
| // debug request from rv_dm to core |
| logic debug_req; |
| |
| // processor core |
| rv_core_ibex #( |
| .PMPEnable (1), |
| .PMPGranularity (0), // 2^(PMPGranularity+2) == 4 byte granularity |
| .PMPNumRegions (16), |
| .MHPMCounterNum (10), |
| .MHPMCounterWidth (32), |
| .RV32E (0), |
| .RV32M (ibex_pkg::RV32MSingleCycle), |
| .RV32B (ibex_pkg::RV32BNone), |
| .RegFile (IbexRegFile), |
| .BranchTargetALU (1), |
| .WritebackStage (1), |
| .ICache (IbexICache), |
| .ICacheECC (1), |
| .BranchPredictor (0), |
| .DbgTriggerEn (1), |
| .SecureIbex (0), |
| .DmHaltAddr (ADDR_SPACE_DEBUG_MEM + dm::HaltAddress[31:0]), |
| .DmExceptionAddr (ADDR_SPACE_DEBUG_MEM + dm::ExceptionAddress[31:0]), |
| .PipeLine (IbexPipeLine) |
| ) u_rv_core_ibex ( |
| // clock and reset |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_proc_main), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk_esc_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers), |
| .rst_esc_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .test_en_i (1'b0), |
| .ram_cfg_i (ast_ram_1p_cfg), |
| // static pinning |
| .hart_id_i (32'b0), |
| .boot_addr_i (ADDR_SPACE_ROM), |
| // TL-UL buses |
| .tl_i_o (main_tl_corei_req), |
| .tl_i_i (main_tl_corei_rsp), |
| .tl_d_o (main_tl_cored_req), |
| .tl_d_i (main_tl_cored_rsp), |
| // interrupts |
| .irq_software_i (msip), |
| .irq_timer_i (intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0), |
| .irq_external_i (irq_plic), |
| // escalation input from alert handler (NMI) |
| .esc_tx_i (alert_handler_esc_tx[0]), |
| .esc_rx_o (alert_handler_esc_rx[0]), |
| // debug interface |
| .debug_req_i (debug_req), |
| // crash dump interface |
| .crash_dump_o (rv_core_ibex_crash_dump), |
| // CPU control signals |
| .lc_cpu_en_i (lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en), |
| .core_sleep_o (pwrmgr_aon_pwr_cpu.core_sleeping) |
| ); |
| |
| // Debug Module (RISC-V Debug Spec 0.13) |
| // |
| |
| rv_dm #( |
| .NrHarts (1), |
| .IdcodeValue (JTAG_IDCODE) |
| ) u_dm_top ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_proc_main), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .hw_debug_en_i (lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| .ndmreset_o (ndmreset_req), |
| .dmactive_o (), |
| .debug_req_o (debug_req), |
| .unavailable_i (1'b0), |
| |
| // bus device with debug memory (for execution-based debug) |
| .tl_d_i (main_tl_debug_mem_req), |
| .tl_d_o (main_tl_debug_mem_rsp), |
| |
| // bus host (for system bus accesses, SBA) |
| .tl_h_o (main_tl_dm_sba_req), |
| .tl_h_i (main_tl_dm_sba_rsp), |
| |
| //JTAG |
| .jtag_req_i (pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_req), |
| .jtag_rsp_o (pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_rsp) |
| ); |
| |
| assign rstmgr_aon_cpu.ndmreset_req = ndmreset_req; |
| assign rstmgr_aon_cpu.rst_cpu_n = rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]; |
| |
| // ROM device |
| logic rom_req; |
| logic [11:0] rom_addr; |
| logic [39:0] rom_rdata; |
| logic rom_rvalid; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(12), |
| .SramDw(32), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .ErrOnWrite(1), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(1) // TODO: Needs to be updated for intgerity passthrough |
| ) u_tl_adapter_rom ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| |
| .tl_i (rom_tl_req), |
| .tl_o (rom_tl_rsp), |
| .en_ifetch_i (tlul_pkg::InstrEn), |
| .req_o (rom_req), |
| .gnt_i (1'b1), // Always grant as only one requester exists |
| .we_o (), |
| .addr_o (rom_addr), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .wmask_o (), |
| .intg_error_o(), // Connect to ROM checker and ROM scramble later |
| .rdata_i (rom_rdata[31:0]), |
| .rvalid_i (rom_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (2'b00) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_rom_adv #( |
| .Width(40), |
| .Depth(4096), |
| .MemInitFile(BootRomInitFile) |
| ) u_rom_rom ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .req_i (rom_req), |
| .addr_i (rom_addr), |
| .rdata_o (rom_rdata), |
| .rvalid_o (rom_rvalid), |
| .cfg_i (rom_cfg_i) |
| ); |
| |
| // sram device |
| logic ram_main_req; |
| logic ram_main_gnt; |
| logic ram_main_we; |
| logic ram_main_intg_err; |
| logic [14:0] ram_main_addr; |
| logic [31:0] ram_main_wdata; |
| logic [31:0] ram_main_wmask; |
| logic [38:0] ram_main_rdata; |
| logic ram_main_rvalid; |
| logic [1:0] ram_main_rerror; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(15), |
| .SramDw(32), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(1) // TODO: Needs to be updated for integrity passthrough |
| ) u_tl_adapter_ram_main ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .tl_i (ram_main_tl_req), |
| .tl_o (ram_main_tl_rsp), |
| .en_ifetch_i (sram_ctrl_main_en_ifetch), |
| .req_o (ram_main_req), |
| .gnt_i (ram_main_gnt), |
| .we_o (ram_main_we), |
| .addr_o (ram_main_addr), |
| .wdata_o (ram_main_wdata), |
| .wmask_o (ram_main_wmask), |
| .intg_error_o(ram_main_intg_err), |
| .rdata_i (ram_main_rdata[31:0]), |
| .rvalid_i (ram_main_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (ram_main_rerror) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_ram_1p_scr #( |
| .Width(39), |
| .Depth(32768), |
| .EnableParity(0) |
| ) u_ram1p_ram_main ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| |
| .key_valid_i (sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_req.valid), |
| .key_i (sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_req.key), |
| .nonce_i (sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_req.nonce), |
| |
| .req_i (ram_main_req), |
| .intg_error_i(ram_main_intg_err), |
| .gnt_o (ram_main_gnt), |
| .write_i (ram_main_we), |
| .addr_i (ram_main_addr), |
| .wdata_i (39'(ram_main_wdata)), |
| .wmask_i (39'(ram_main_wmask)), |
| .rdata_o (ram_main_rdata), |
| .rvalid_o (ram_main_rvalid), |
| .rerror_o (ram_main_rerror), |
| .raddr_o (sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_rsp.raddr), |
| .intg_error_o(ram_main_intg_error), |
| .cfg_i (ram_1p_cfg_i) |
| ); |
| |
| assign sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_rsp.rerror = ram_main_rerror; |
| |
| // sram device |
| logic ram_ret_aon_req; |
| logic ram_ret_aon_gnt; |
| logic ram_ret_aon_we; |
| logic ram_ret_aon_intg_err; |
| logic [9:0] ram_ret_aon_addr; |
| logic [31:0] ram_ret_aon_wdata; |
| logic [31:0] ram_ret_aon_wmask; |
| logic [38:0] ram_ret_aon_rdata; |
| logic ram_ret_aon_rvalid; |
| logic [1:0] ram_ret_aon_rerror; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(10), |
| .SramDw(32), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(1) // TODO: Needs to be updated for integrity passthrough |
| ) u_tl_adapter_ram_ret_aon ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .tl_i (ram_ret_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o (ram_ret_aon_tl_rsp), |
| .en_ifetch_i (sram_ctrl_ret_aon_en_ifetch), |
| .req_o (ram_ret_aon_req), |
| .gnt_i (ram_ret_aon_gnt), |
| .we_o (ram_ret_aon_we), |
| .addr_o (ram_ret_aon_addr), |
| .wdata_o (ram_ret_aon_wdata), |
| .wmask_o (ram_ret_aon_wmask), |
| .intg_error_o(ram_ret_aon_intg_err), |
| .rdata_i (ram_ret_aon_rdata[31:0]), |
| .rvalid_i (ram_ret_aon_rvalid), |
| .rerror_i (ram_ret_aon_rerror) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_ram_1p_scr #( |
| .Width(39), |
| .Depth(1024), |
| .EnableParity(0) |
| ) u_ram1p_ram_ret_aon ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| |
| .key_valid_i (sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_req.valid), |
| .key_i (sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_req.key), |
| .nonce_i (sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_req.nonce), |
| |
| .req_i (ram_ret_aon_req), |
| .intg_error_i(ram_ret_aon_intg_err), |
| .gnt_o (ram_ret_aon_gnt), |
| .write_i (ram_ret_aon_we), |
| .addr_i (ram_ret_aon_addr), |
| .wdata_i (39'(ram_ret_aon_wdata)), |
| .wmask_i (39'(ram_ret_aon_wmask)), |
| .rdata_o (ram_ret_aon_rdata), |
| .rvalid_o (ram_ret_aon_rvalid), |
| .rerror_o (ram_ret_aon_rerror), |
| .raddr_o (sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_rsp.raddr), |
| .intg_error_o(ram_ret_aon_intg_error), |
| .cfg_i (ram_1p_cfg_i) |
| ); |
| |
| assign sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_rsp.rerror = ram_ret_aon_rerror; |
| |
| |
| // host to flash communication |
| logic flash_host_req; |
| logic flash_host_req_rdy; |
| logic flash_host_req_done; |
| logic flash_host_rderr; |
| logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::BusWidth-1:0] flash_host_rdata; |
| logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrW-1:0] flash_host_addr; |
| |
| tlul_adapter_sram #( |
| .SramAw(flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrW), |
| .SramDw(flash_ctrl_pkg::BusWidth), |
| .Outstanding(2), |
| .ByteAccess(0), |
| .ErrOnWrite(1), |
| .CmdIntgCheck(1), |
| .EnableRspIntgGen(1), |
| .EnableDataIntgGen(1) |
| ) u_tl_adapter_eflash ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| |
| .tl_i (eflash_tl_req), |
| .tl_o (eflash_tl_rsp), |
| .en_ifetch_i (tlul_pkg::InstrEn), // tie this to secure boot somehow |
| .req_o (flash_host_req), |
| .gnt_i (flash_host_req_rdy), |
| .we_o (), |
| .addr_o (flash_host_addr), |
| .wdata_o (), |
| .wmask_o (), |
| .intg_error_o(), // TODO: connect to flash controller and flash scramble later |
| .rdata_i (flash_host_rdata), |
| .rvalid_i (flash_host_req_done), |
| .rerror_i ({flash_host_rderr,1'b0}) |
| ); |
| |
| flash_phy u_flash_eflash ( |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .host_req_i (flash_host_req), |
| .host_addr_i (flash_host_addr), |
| .host_req_rdy_o (flash_host_req_rdy), |
| .host_req_done_o (flash_host_req_done), |
| .host_rderr_o (flash_host_rderr), |
| .host_rdata_o (flash_host_rdata), |
| .flash_ctrl_i (flash_ctrl_flash_req), |
| .flash_ctrl_o (flash_ctrl_flash_rsp), |
| .lc_nvm_debug_en_i (lc_ctrl_lc_nvm_debug_en), |
| .flash_bist_enable_i, |
| .flash_power_down_h_i, |
| .flash_power_ready_h_i, |
| .flash_test_mode_a_i, |
| .flash_test_voltage_h_i, |
| .scanmode_i, |
| .scan_en_i, |
| .scan_rst_ni |
| ); |
| |
| |
| |
| uart u_uart0 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_rx_i (cio_uart0_rx_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_tx_o (cio_uart0_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_tx_en_o (cio_uart0_tx_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_tx_watermark_o (intr_uart0_tx_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_uart0_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_tx_empty_o (intr_uart0_tx_empty), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_uart0_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_frame_err_o (intr_uart0_rx_frame_err), |
| .intr_rx_break_err_o (intr_uart0_rx_break_err), |
| .intr_rx_timeout_o (intr_uart0_rx_timeout), |
| .intr_rx_parity_err_o (intr_uart0_rx_parity_err), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(uart0_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(uart0_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| uart u_uart1 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_rx_i (cio_uart1_rx_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_tx_o (cio_uart1_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_tx_en_o (cio_uart1_tx_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_tx_watermark_o (intr_uart1_tx_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_uart1_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_tx_empty_o (intr_uart1_tx_empty), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_uart1_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_frame_err_o (intr_uart1_rx_frame_err), |
| .intr_rx_break_err_o (intr_uart1_rx_break_err), |
| .intr_rx_timeout_o (intr_uart1_rx_timeout), |
| .intr_rx_parity_err_o (intr_uart1_rx_parity_err), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(uart1_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(uart1_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| uart u_uart2 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_rx_i (cio_uart2_rx_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_tx_o (cio_uart2_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_tx_en_o (cio_uart2_tx_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_tx_watermark_o (intr_uart2_tx_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_uart2_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_tx_empty_o (intr_uart2_tx_empty), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_uart2_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_frame_err_o (intr_uart2_rx_frame_err), |
| .intr_rx_break_err_o (intr_uart2_rx_break_err), |
| .intr_rx_timeout_o (intr_uart2_rx_timeout), |
| .intr_rx_parity_err_o (intr_uart2_rx_parity_err), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(uart2_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(uart2_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| uart u_uart3 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_rx_i (cio_uart3_rx_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_tx_o (cio_uart3_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_tx_en_o (cio_uart3_tx_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_tx_watermark_o (intr_uart3_tx_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_uart3_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_tx_empty_o (intr_uart3_tx_empty), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_uart3_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_frame_err_o (intr_uart3_rx_frame_err), |
| .intr_rx_break_err_o (intr_uart3_rx_break_err), |
| .intr_rx_timeout_o (intr_uart3_rx_timeout), |
| .intr_rx_parity_err_o (intr_uart3_rx_parity_err), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(uart3_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(uart3_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| gpio u_gpio ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_gpio_i (cio_gpio_gpio_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_gpio_o (cio_gpio_gpio_d2p), |
| .cio_gpio_en_o (cio_gpio_gpio_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_gpio_o (intr_gpio_gpio), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(gpio_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(gpio_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| spi_device u_spi_device ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_sck_i (cio_spi_device_sck_p2d), |
| .cio_csb_i (cio_spi_device_csb_p2d), |
| .cio_sd_i (cio_spi_device_sd_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_sd_o (cio_spi_device_sd_d2p), |
| .cio_sd_en_o (cio_spi_device_sd_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_rxf_o (intr_spi_device_rxf), |
| .intr_rxlvl_o (intr_spi_device_rxlvl), |
| .intr_txlvl_o (intr_spi_device_txlvl), |
| .intr_rxerr_o (intr_spi_device_rxerr), |
| .intr_rxoverflow_o (intr_spi_device_rxoverflow), |
| .intr_txunderflow_o (intr_spi_device_txunderflow), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .ram_cfg_i(ast_ram_2p_cfg), |
| .tl_i(spi_device_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(spi_device_tl_rsp), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| .scan_rst_ni (scan_rst_ni), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .scan_clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_device_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| spi_host u_spi_host0 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_sd_i (cio_spi_host0_sd_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_sck_o (cio_spi_host0_sck_d2p), |
| .cio_sck_en_o (cio_spi_host0_sck_en_d2p), |
| .cio_csb_o (cio_spi_host0_csb_d2p), |
| .cio_csb_en_o (cio_spi_host0_csb_en_d2p), |
| .cio_sd_o (cio_spi_host0_sd_d2p), |
| .cio_sd_en_o (cio_spi_host0_sd_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_error_o (intr_spi_host0_error), |
| .intr_spi_event_o (intr_spi_host0_spi_event), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(spi_host0_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(spi_host0_tl_rsp), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .clk_core_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host0_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_core_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host0_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| spi_host u_spi_host1 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_sd_i (cio_spi_host1_sd_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_sck_o (cio_spi_host1_sck_d2p), |
| .cio_sck_en_o (cio_spi_host1_sck_en_d2p), |
| .cio_csb_o (cio_spi_host1_csb_d2p), |
| .cio_csb_en_o (cio_spi_host1_csb_en_d2p), |
| .cio_sd_o (cio_spi_host1_sd_d2p), |
| .cio_sd_en_o (cio_spi_host1_sd_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_error_o (intr_spi_host1_error), |
| .intr_spi_event_o (intr_spi_host1_spi_event), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(spi_host1_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(spi_host1_tl_rsp), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .clk_core_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host1_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_core_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_spi_host1_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| i2c u_i2c0 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_sda_i (cio_i2c0_sda_p2d), |
| .cio_scl_i (cio_i2c0_scl_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_sda_o (cio_i2c0_sda_d2p), |
| .cio_sda_en_o (cio_i2c0_sda_en_d2p), |
| .cio_scl_o (cio_i2c0_scl_d2p), |
| .cio_scl_en_o (cio_i2c0_scl_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_fmt_watermark_o (intr_i2c0_fmt_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_i2c0_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_fmt_overflow_o (intr_i2c0_fmt_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_i2c0_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_nak_o (intr_i2c0_nak), |
| .intr_scl_interference_o (intr_i2c0_scl_interference), |
| .intr_sda_interference_o (intr_i2c0_sda_interference), |
| .intr_stretch_timeout_o (intr_i2c0_stretch_timeout), |
| .intr_sda_unstable_o (intr_i2c0_sda_unstable), |
| .intr_trans_complete_o (intr_i2c0_trans_complete), |
| .intr_tx_empty_o (intr_i2c0_tx_empty), |
| .intr_tx_nonempty_o (intr_i2c0_tx_nonempty), |
| .intr_tx_overflow_o (intr_i2c0_tx_overflow), |
| .intr_acq_overflow_o (intr_i2c0_acq_overflow), |
| .intr_ack_stop_o (intr_i2c0_ack_stop), |
| .intr_host_timeout_o (intr_i2c0_host_timeout), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(i2c0_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(i2c0_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c0_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| i2c u_i2c1 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_sda_i (cio_i2c1_sda_p2d), |
| .cio_scl_i (cio_i2c1_scl_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_sda_o (cio_i2c1_sda_d2p), |
| .cio_sda_en_o (cio_i2c1_sda_en_d2p), |
| .cio_scl_o (cio_i2c1_scl_d2p), |
| .cio_scl_en_o (cio_i2c1_scl_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_fmt_watermark_o (intr_i2c1_fmt_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_i2c1_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_fmt_overflow_o (intr_i2c1_fmt_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_i2c1_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_nak_o (intr_i2c1_nak), |
| .intr_scl_interference_o (intr_i2c1_scl_interference), |
| .intr_sda_interference_o (intr_i2c1_sda_interference), |
| .intr_stretch_timeout_o (intr_i2c1_stretch_timeout), |
| .intr_sda_unstable_o (intr_i2c1_sda_unstable), |
| .intr_trans_complete_o (intr_i2c1_trans_complete), |
| .intr_tx_empty_o (intr_i2c1_tx_empty), |
| .intr_tx_nonempty_o (intr_i2c1_tx_nonempty), |
| .intr_tx_overflow_o (intr_i2c1_tx_overflow), |
| .intr_acq_overflow_o (intr_i2c1_acq_overflow), |
| .intr_ack_stop_o (intr_i2c1_ack_stop), |
| .intr_host_timeout_o (intr_i2c1_host_timeout), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(i2c1_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(i2c1_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c1_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| i2c u_i2c2 ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_sda_i (cio_i2c2_sda_p2d), |
| .cio_scl_i (cio_i2c2_scl_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_sda_o (cio_i2c2_sda_d2p), |
| .cio_sda_en_o (cio_i2c2_sda_en_d2p), |
| .cio_scl_o (cio_i2c2_scl_d2p), |
| .cio_scl_en_o (cio_i2c2_scl_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_fmt_watermark_o (intr_i2c2_fmt_watermark), |
| .intr_rx_watermark_o (intr_i2c2_rx_watermark), |
| .intr_fmt_overflow_o (intr_i2c2_fmt_overflow), |
| .intr_rx_overflow_o (intr_i2c2_rx_overflow), |
| .intr_nak_o (intr_i2c2_nak), |
| .intr_scl_interference_o (intr_i2c2_scl_interference), |
| .intr_sda_interference_o (intr_i2c2_sda_interference), |
| .intr_stretch_timeout_o (intr_i2c2_stretch_timeout), |
| .intr_sda_unstable_o (intr_i2c2_sda_unstable), |
| .intr_trans_complete_o (intr_i2c2_trans_complete), |
| .intr_tx_empty_o (intr_i2c2_tx_empty), |
| .intr_tx_nonempty_o (intr_i2c2_tx_nonempty), |
| .intr_tx_overflow_o (intr_i2c2_tx_overflow), |
| .intr_acq_overflow_o (intr_i2c2_acq_overflow), |
| .intr_ack_stop_o (intr_i2c2_ack_stop), |
| .intr_host_timeout_o (intr_i2c2_host_timeout), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(i2c2_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(i2c2_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_i2c2_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| pattgen u_pattgen ( |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_pda0_tx_o (cio_pattgen_pda0_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_pda0_tx_en_o (cio_pattgen_pda0_tx_en_d2p), |
| .cio_pcl0_tx_o (cio_pattgen_pcl0_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_pcl0_tx_en_o (cio_pattgen_pcl0_tx_en_d2p), |
| .cio_pda1_tx_o (cio_pattgen_pda1_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_pda1_tx_en_o (cio_pattgen_pda1_tx_en_d2p), |
| .cio_pcl1_tx_o (cio_pattgen_pcl1_tx_d2p), |
| .cio_pcl1_tx_en_o (cio_pattgen_pcl1_tx_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_done_ch0_o (intr_pattgen_done_ch0), |
| .intr_done_ch1_o (intr_pattgen_done_ch1), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(pattgen_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(pattgen_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| rv_timer u_rv_timer ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_timer_expired_0_0_o (intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(rv_timer_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(rv_timer_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| usbdev u_usbdev ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_sense_i (cio_usbdev_sense_p2d), |
| .cio_d_i (cio_usbdev_d_p2d), |
| .cio_dp_i (cio_usbdev_dp_p2d), |
| .cio_dn_i (cio_usbdev_dn_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_se0_o (cio_usbdev_se0_d2p), |
| .cio_se0_en_o (cio_usbdev_se0_en_d2p), |
| .cio_dp_pullup_o (cio_usbdev_dp_pullup_d2p), |
| .cio_dp_pullup_en_o (cio_usbdev_dp_pullup_en_d2p), |
| .cio_dn_pullup_o (cio_usbdev_dn_pullup_d2p), |
| .cio_dn_pullup_en_o (cio_usbdev_dn_pullup_en_d2p), |
| .cio_tx_mode_se_o (cio_usbdev_tx_mode_se_d2p), |
| .cio_tx_mode_se_en_o (cio_usbdev_tx_mode_se_en_d2p), |
| .cio_suspend_o (cio_usbdev_suspend_d2p), |
| .cio_suspend_en_o (cio_usbdev_suspend_en_d2p), |
| .cio_d_o (cio_usbdev_d_d2p), |
| .cio_d_en_o (cio_usbdev_d_en_d2p), |
| .cio_dp_o (cio_usbdev_dp_d2p), |
| .cio_dp_en_o (cio_usbdev_dp_en_d2p), |
| .cio_dn_o (cio_usbdev_dn_d2p), |
| .cio_dn_en_o (cio_usbdev_dn_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_pkt_received_o (intr_usbdev_pkt_received), |
| .intr_pkt_sent_o (intr_usbdev_pkt_sent), |
| .intr_disconnected_o (intr_usbdev_disconnected), |
| .intr_host_lost_o (intr_usbdev_host_lost), |
| .intr_link_reset_o (intr_usbdev_link_reset), |
| .intr_link_suspend_o (intr_usbdev_link_suspend), |
| .intr_link_resume_o (intr_usbdev_link_resume), |
| .intr_av_empty_o (intr_usbdev_av_empty), |
| .intr_rx_full_o (intr_usbdev_rx_full), |
| .intr_av_overflow_o (intr_usbdev_av_overflow), |
| .intr_link_in_err_o (intr_usbdev_link_in_err), |
| .intr_rx_crc_err_o (intr_usbdev_rx_crc_err), |
| .intr_rx_pid_err_o (intr_usbdev_rx_pid_err), |
| .intr_rx_bitstuff_err_o (intr_usbdev_rx_bitstuff_err), |
| .intr_frame_o (intr_usbdev_frame), |
| .intr_connected_o (intr_usbdev_connected), |
| .intr_link_out_err_o (intr_usbdev_link_out_err), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .usb_ref_val_o(usbdev_usb_ref_val_o), |
| .usb_ref_pulse_o(usbdev_usb_ref_pulse_o), |
| .usb_out_of_rst_o(usbdev_usb_out_of_rst), |
| .usb_aon_wake_en_o(usbdev_usb_aon_wake_en), |
| .usb_aon_wake_ack_o(usbdev_usb_aon_wake_ack), |
| .usb_suspend_o(usbdev_usb_suspend), |
| .usb_state_debug_i(pinmux_aon_usb_state_debug), |
| .ram_cfg_i(ast_ram_2p_cfg), |
| .tl_i(usbdev_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(usbdev_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .clk_aon_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_peri), |
| .clk_usb_48mhz_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_usb_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_aon_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_usb_48mhz_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_usb_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| otp_ctrl #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[1:0]), |
| .MemInitFile(OtpCtrlMemInitFile), |
| .RndCnstLfsrSeed(RndCnstOtpCtrlLfsrSeed), |
| .RndCnstLfsrPerm(RndCnstOtpCtrlLfsrPerm) |
| ) u_otp_ctrl ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_otp_operation_done_o (intr_otp_ctrl_otp_operation_done), |
| .intr_otp_error_o (intr_otp_ctrl_otp_error), |
| // [0]: fatal_macro_error |
| // [1]: fatal_check_error |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[1:0] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[1:0] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .otp_ast_pwr_seq_o(otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_o), |
| .otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i(otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i), |
| .edn_o(edn0_edn_req[1]), |
| .edn_i(edn0_edn_rsp[1]), |
| .pwr_otp_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp_req), |
| .pwr_otp_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp_rsp), |
| .lc_otp_program_i(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program_req), |
| .lc_otp_program_o(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program_rsp), |
| .lc_otp_token_i(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_token_req), |
| .lc_otp_token_o(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_token_rsp), |
| .otp_lc_data_o(otp_ctrl_otp_lc_data), |
| .lc_escalate_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en), |
| .lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en), |
| .lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en), |
| .lc_dft_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en), |
| .lc_check_byp_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_check_byp_en), |
| .otp_keymgr_key_o(otp_ctrl_otp_keymgr_key), |
| .flash_otp_key_i(flash_ctrl_otp_req), |
| .flash_otp_key_o(flash_ctrl_otp_rsp), |
| .sram_otp_key_i(otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_req), |
| .sram_otp_key_o(otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_rsp), |
| .otbn_otp_key_i('0), |
| .otbn_otp_key_o(), |
| .otp_hw_cfg_o(otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg), |
| .tl_i(otp_ctrl_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(otp_ctrl_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers), |
| .clk_edn_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_timers), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_edn_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| lc_ctrl #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[3:2]), |
| .RndCnstLcKeymgrDivInvalid(RndCnstLcCtrlLcKeymgrDivInvalid), |
| .RndCnstLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma(RndCnstLcCtrlLcKeymgrDivTestDevRma), |
| .RndCnstLcKeymgrDivProduction(RndCnstLcCtrlLcKeymgrDivProduction) |
| ) u_lc_ctrl ( |
| // [2]: fatal_prog_error |
| // [3]: fatal_state_error |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[3:2] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[3:2] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .jtag_i(pinmux_aon_lc_jtag_req), |
| .jtag_o(pinmux_aon_lc_jtag_rsp), |
| .esc_wipe_secrets_tx_i(alert_handler_esc_tx[1]), |
| .esc_wipe_secrets_rx_o(alert_handler_esc_rx[1]), |
| .esc_scrap_state_tx_i(alert_handler_esc_tx[2]), |
| .esc_scrap_state_rx_o(alert_handler_esc_rx[2]), |
| .pwr_lc_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc_req), |
| .pwr_lc_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc_rsp), |
| .otp_lc_data_i(otp_ctrl_otp_lc_data), |
| .lc_otp_program_o(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program_req), |
| .lc_otp_program_i(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_program_rsp), |
| .lc_otp_token_o(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_token_req), |
| .lc_otp_token_i(lc_ctrl_lc_otp_token_rsp), |
| .lc_dft_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en), |
| .lc_nvm_debug_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_nvm_debug_en), |
| .lc_hw_debug_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en), |
| .lc_cpu_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en), |
| .lc_keymgr_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_en), |
| .lc_escalate_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en), |
| .lc_clk_byp_req_o(lc_clk_byp_req_o), |
| .lc_clk_byp_ack_i(lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_ack), |
| .lc_flash_rma_req_o(flash_ctrl_rma_req), |
| .lc_flash_rma_seed_o(flash_ctrl_rma_seed), |
| .lc_flash_rma_ack_i(flash_ctrl_rma_ack), |
| .lc_check_byp_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_check_byp_en), |
| .lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en), |
| .lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en), |
| .lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en), |
| .lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en), |
| .lc_seed_hw_rd_en_o(lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en), |
| .lc_keymgr_div_o(lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_div), |
| .otp_hw_cfg_i(otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg), |
| .tl_i(lc_ctrl_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(lc_ctrl_tl_rsp), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| alert_handler #( |
| .RndCnstLfsrSeed(RndCnstAlertHandlerLfsrSeed), |
| .RndCnstLfsrPerm(RndCnstAlertHandlerLfsrPerm) |
| ) u_alert_handler ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_classa_o (intr_alert_handler_classa), |
| .intr_classb_o (intr_alert_handler_classb), |
| .intr_classc_o (intr_alert_handler_classc), |
| .intr_classd_o (intr_alert_handler_classd), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .crashdump_o(alert_handler_crashdump), |
| .edn_o(edn0_edn_req[4]), |
| .edn_i(edn0_edn_rsp[4]), |
| .esc_rx_i(alert_handler_esc_rx), |
| .esc_tx_o(alert_handler_esc_tx), |
| .tl_i(alert_handler_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(alert_handler_tl_rsp), |
| // alert signals |
| .alert_rx_o ( alert_rx ), |
| .alert_tx_i ( alert_tx ), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers), |
| .clk_edn_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_timers), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_edn_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| pwrmgr u_pwrmgr_aon ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_wakeup_o (intr_pwrmgr_aon_wakeup), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .pwr_ast_o(pwrmgr_ast_req_o), |
| .pwr_ast_i(pwrmgr_ast_rsp_i), |
| .pwr_rst_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst_req), |
| .pwr_rst_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst_rsp), |
| .pwr_clk_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk_req), |
| .pwr_clk_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk_rsp), |
| .pwr_otp_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp_req), |
| .pwr_otp_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_otp_rsp), |
| .pwr_lc_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc_req), |
| .pwr_lc_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_lc_rsp), |
| .pwr_flash_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash_req), |
| .pwr_flash_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash_rsp), |
| .esc_rst_tx_i(alert_handler_esc_tx[3]), |
| .esc_rst_rx_o(alert_handler_esc_rx[3]), |
| .pwr_cpu_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_cpu), |
| .wakeups_i(pwrmgr_aon_wakeups), |
| .rstreqs_i(pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs), |
| .strap_o(pwrmgr_aon_strap), |
| .low_power_o(pwrmgr_aon_low_power), |
| .tl_i(pwrmgr_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(pwrmgr_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup), |
| .clk_slow_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_powerup), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_slow_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| rstmgr u_rstmgr_aon ( |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .pwr_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst_req), |
| .pwr_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_rst_rsp), |
| .resets_o(rstmgr_aon_resets), |
| .cpu_i(rstmgr_aon_cpu), |
| .alert_dump_i(alert_handler_crashdump), |
| .cpu_dump_i(rv_core_ibex_crash_dump), |
| .resets_ast_o(rsts_ast_o), |
| .tl_i(rstmgr_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(rstmgr_aon_tl_rsp), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| .scan_rst_ni (scan_rst_ni), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup), |
| .clk_aon_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_powerup), |
| .clk_main_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_powerup), |
| .clk_io_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_powerup), |
| .clk_usb_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_usb_powerup), |
| .clk_io_div2_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div2_powerup), |
| .clk_io_div4_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup), |
| .rst_ni (rst_ni) |
| ); |
| |
| clkmgr u_clkmgr_aon ( |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .clocks_o(clkmgr_aon_clocks), |
| .ast_clk_bypass_ack_i(lc_clk_byp_ack_i), |
| .lc_clk_bypass_ack_o(lc_ctrl_lc_clk_byp_ack), |
| .jitter_en_o(clk_main_jitter_en_o), |
| .clk_main_i(clk_main_i), |
| .clk_io_i(clk_io_i), |
| .clk_usb_i(clk_usb_i), |
| .clk_aon_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .clocks_ast_o(clks_ast_o), |
| .pwr_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk_req), |
| .pwr_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_clk_rsp), |
| .idle_i(clkmgr_aon_idle), |
| .tl_i(clkmgr_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(clkmgr_aon_tl_rsp), |
| .scanmode_i, |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_main_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_io_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_usb_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_usb_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_io_div2_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_div2_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_io_div4_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_por_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| dcd u_adc_ctrl_aon ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_debug_cable_o (intr_adc_ctrl_aon_debug_cable), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .adc_o(adc_req_o), |
| .adc_i(adc_rsp_i), |
| .debug_cable_wakeup_o(pwrmgr_aon_wakeups[0]), |
| .tl_i(adc_ctrl_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(adc_ctrl_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .clk_aon_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_slow_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| pinmux #( |
| .TargetCfg(PinmuxAonTargetCfg) |
| ) u_pinmux_aon ( |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .lc_hw_debug_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en), |
| .lc_dft_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_dft_en), |
| .lc_jtag_o(pinmux_aon_lc_jtag_req), |
| .lc_jtag_i(pinmux_aon_lc_jtag_rsp), |
| .rv_jtag_o(pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_req), |
| .rv_jtag_i(pinmux_aon_rv_jtag_rsp), |
| .dft_jtag_o(), |
| .dft_jtag_i(jtag_pkg::JTAG_RSP_DEFAULT), |
| .dft_strap_test_o(dft_strap_test_o), |
| .sleep_en_i(pwrmgr_aon_low_power), |
| .strap_en_i(pwrmgr_aon_strap), |
| .aon_wkup_req_o(pwrmgr_aon_wakeups[1]), |
| .usb_wkup_req_o(pwrmgr_aon_wakeups[2]), |
| .usb_out_of_rst_i(usbdev_usb_out_of_rst), |
| .usb_aon_wake_en_i(usbdev_usb_aon_wake_en), |
| .usb_aon_wake_ack_i(usbdev_usb_aon_wake_ack), |
| .usb_suspend_i(usbdev_usb_suspend), |
| .usb_state_debug_o(pinmux_aon_usb_state_debug), |
| .tl_i(pinmux_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(pinmux_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| .periph_to_mio_i (mio_d2p ), |
| .periph_to_mio_oe_i (mio_d2p_en ), |
| .mio_to_periph_o (mio_p2d ), |
| |
| .mio_attr_o, |
| .mio_out_o, |
| .mio_oe_o, |
| .mio_in_i, |
| |
| .periph_to_dio_i (dio_d2p ), |
| .periph_to_dio_oe_i (dio_d2p_en ), |
| .dio_to_periph_o (dio_p2d ), |
| |
| .dio_attr_o, |
| .dio_out_o, |
| .dio_oe_o, |
| .dio_in_i, |
| |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_powerup), |
| .clk_aon_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_powerup), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_aon_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| aon_timer u_aon_timer_aon ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_wkup_timer_expired_o (intr_aon_timer_aon_wkup_timer_expired), |
| .intr_wdog_timer_bark_o (intr_aon_timer_aon_wdog_timer_bark), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .aon_timer_wkup_req_o(pwrmgr_aon_wakeups[3]), |
| .aon_timer_rst_req_o(pwrmgr_aon_rstreqs), |
| .lc_cpu_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_cpu_en), |
| .sleep_mode_i(pwrmgr_aon_low_power), |
| .tl_i(aon_timer_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(aon_timer_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_timers), |
| .clk_aon_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_aon_timers), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_aon_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_aon_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| sensor_ctrl #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[10:4]) |
| ) u_sensor_ctrl_aon ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_ast_debug_in_i (cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_in_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_ast_debug_out_o (cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out_d2p), |
| .cio_ast_debug_out_en_o (cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out_en_d2p), |
| // [4]: recov_as |
| // [5]: recov_cg |
| // [6]: recov_gd |
| // [7]: recov_ts_hi |
| // [8]: recov_ts_lo |
| // [9]: recov_ls |
| // [10]: recov_ot |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[10:4] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[10:4] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .ast_alert_i(sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_req_i), |
| .ast_alert_o(sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_rsp_o), |
| .ast_status_i(sensor_ctrl_ast_status_i), |
| .ast2pinmux_i(ast2pinmux_i), |
| .pinmux2ast_o(pinmux2ast_o), |
| .tl_i(sensor_ctrl_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(sensor_ctrl_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| sram_ctrl #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[12:11]), |
| .RndCnstSramKey(RndCnstSramCtrlRetAonSramKey), |
| .RndCnstSramNonce(RndCnstSramCtrlRetAonSramNonce), |
| .InstrExec(SramCtrlRetAonInstrExec) |
| ) u_sram_ctrl_ret_aon ( |
| // [11]: fatal_intg_error |
| // [12]: fatal_parity_error |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[12:11] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[12:11] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .sram_otp_key_o(otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_req[1]), |
| .sram_otp_key_i(otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_rsp[1]), |
| .sram_scr_o(sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_req), |
| .sram_scr_i(sram_ctrl_ret_aon_sram_scr_rsp), |
| .lc_escalate_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en), |
| .lc_hw_debug_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en), |
| .otp_hw_cfg_i(otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg), |
| .en_ifetch_o(sram_ctrl_ret_aon_en_ifetch), |
| .intg_error_i(ram_ret_aon_intg_error), |
| .tl_i(sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .clk_otp_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_peri), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]), |
| .rst_otp_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| flash_ctrl #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[15:13]), |
| .RndCnstAddrKey(RndCnstFlashCtrlAddrKey), |
| .RndCnstDataKey(RndCnstFlashCtrlDataKey), |
| .RndCnstLfsrSeed(RndCnstFlashCtrlLfsrSeed), |
| .RndCnstLfsrPerm(RndCnstFlashCtrlLfsrPerm) |
| ) u_flash_ctrl ( |
| |
| // Input |
| .cio_tck_i (cio_flash_ctrl_tck_p2d), |
| .cio_tms_i (cio_flash_ctrl_tms_p2d), |
| .cio_tdi_i (cio_flash_ctrl_tdi_p2d), |
| |
| // Output |
| .cio_tdo_o (cio_flash_ctrl_tdo_d2p), |
| .cio_tdo_en_o (cio_flash_ctrl_tdo_en_d2p), |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_prog_empty_o (intr_flash_ctrl_prog_empty), |
| .intr_prog_lvl_o (intr_flash_ctrl_prog_lvl), |
| .intr_rd_full_o (intr_flash_ctrl_rd_full), |
| .intr_rd_lvl_o (intr_flash_ctrl_rd_lvl), |
| .intr_op_done_o (intr_flash_ctrl_op_done), |
| // [13]: recov_err |
| // [14]: recov_mp_err |
| // [15]: recov_ecc_err |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[15:13] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[15:13] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .flash_o(flash_ctrl_flash_req), |
| .flash_i(flash_ctrl_flash_rsp), |
| .otp_o(flash_ctrl_otp_req), |
| .otp_i(flash_ctrl_otp_rsp), |
| .lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en), |
| .lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en), |
| .lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en), |
| .lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en), |
| .lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_seed_hw_rd_en), |
| .rma_req_i(flash_ctrl_rma_req), |
| .rma_ack_o(flash_ctrl_rma_ack), |
| .rma_seed_i(flash_ctrl_rma_seed), |
| .pwrmgr_i(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash_req), |
| .pwrmgr_o(pwrmgr_aon_pwr_flash_rsp), |
| .keymgr_o(flash_ctrl_keymgr), |
| .tl_i(flash_ctrl_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(flash_ctrl_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .clk_otp_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_otp_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| rv_plic u_rv_plic ( |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .tl_i(rv_plic_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(rv_plic_tl_rsp), |
| |
| .intr_src_i (intr_vector), |
| .irq_o (irq_plic), |
| .irq_id_o (irq_id), |
| .msip_o (msip), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| aes #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[17:16]), |
| .AES192Enable(1'b1), |
| .Masking(AesMasking), |
| .SBoxImpl(AesSBoxImpl), |
| .SecStartTriggerDelay(SecAesStartTriggerDelay), |
| .SecAllowForcingMasks(SecAesAllowForcingMasks), |
| .SecSkipPRNGReseeding(SecAesSkipPRNGReseeding), |
| .RndCnstClearingLfsrSeed(RndCnstAesClearingLfsrSeed), |
| .RndCnstClearingLfsrPerm(RndCnstAesClearingLfsrPerm), |
| .RndCnstMaskingLfsrSeed(RndCnstAesMaskingLfsrSeed), |
| .RndCnstMskgChunkLfsrPerm(RndCnstAesMskgChunkLfsrPerm) |
| ) u_aes ( |
| // [16]: recov_ctrl_update_err |
| // [17]: fatal_fault |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[17:16] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[17:16] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .idle_o(clkmgr_aon_idle[0]), |
| .lc_escalate_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en), |
| .edn_o(edn0_edn_req[5]), |
| .edn_i(edn0_edn_rsp[5]), |
| .tl_i(aes_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(aes_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_aes), |
| .clk_edn_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_aes), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_edn_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| hmac u_hmac ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_hmac_done_o (intr_hmac_hmac_done), |
| .intr_fifo_empty_o (intr_hmac_fifo_empty), |
| .intr_hmac_err_o (intr_hmac_hmac_err), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .idle_o(clkmgr_aon_idle[1]), |
| .tl_i(hmac_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(hmac_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_hmac), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| kmac #( |
| .EnMasking(KmacEnMasking), |
| .ReuseShare(KmacReuseShare) |
| ) u_kmac ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_kmac_done_o (intr_kmac_kmac_done), |
| .intr_fifo_empty_o (intr_kmac_fifo_empty), |
| .intr_kmac_err_o (intr_kmac_kmac_err), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .keymgr_key_i(keymgr_kmac_key), |
| .keymgr_kdf_i(keymgr_kmac_data_req), |
| .keymgr_kdf_o(keymgr_kmac_data_rsp), |
| .entropy_o(edn0_edn_req[3]), |
| .entropy_i(edn0_edn_rsp[3]), |
| .idle_o(clkmgr_aon_idle[2]), |
| .tl_i(kmac_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(kmac_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_kmac), |
| .clk_edn_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_kmac), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_edn_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| keymgr #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[19:18]), |
| .RndCnstLfsrSeed(RndCnstKeymgrLfsrSeed), |
| .RndCnstLfsrPerm(RndCnstKeymgrLfsrPerm), |
| .RndCnstRandPerm(RndCnstKeymgrRandPerm), |
| .RndCnstRevisionSeed(RndCnstKeymgrRevisionSeed), |
| .RndCnstCreatorIdentitySeed(RndCnstKeymgrCreatorIdentitySeed), |
| .RndCnstOwnerIntIdentitySeed(RndCnstKeymgrOwnerIntIdentitySeed), |
| .RndCnstOwnerIdentitySeed(RndCnstKeymgrOwnerIdentitySeed), |
| .RndCnstSoftOutputSeed(RndCnstKeymgrSoftOutputSeed), |
| .RndCnstHardOutputSeed(RndCnstKeymgrHardOutputSeed), |
| .RndCnstAesSeed(RndCnstKeymgrAesSeed), |
| .RndCnstHmacSeed(RndCnstKeymgrHmacSeed), |
| .RndCnstKmacSeed(RndCnstKeymgrKmacSeed), |
| .RndCnstNoneSeed(RndCnstKeymgrNoneSeed) |
| ) u_keymgr ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_op_done_o (intr_keymgr_op_done), |
| // [18]: fatal_fault_err |
| // [19]: recov_operation_err |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[19:18] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[19:18] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .edn_o(edn0_edn_req[0]), |
| .edn_i(edn0_edn_rsp[0]), |
| .aes_key_o(), |
| .hmac_key_o(), |
| .kmac_key_o(keymgr_kmac_key), |
| .kmac_data_o(keymgr_kmac_data_req), |
| .kmac_data_i(keymgr_kmac_data_rsp), |
| .otp_key_i(otp_ctrl_otp_keymgr_key), |
| .otp_hw_cfg_i(otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg), |
| .flash_i(flash_ctrl_keymgr), |
| .lc_keymgr_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_en), |
| .lc_keymgr_div_i(lc_ctrl_lc_keymgr_div), |
| .tl_i(keymgr_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(keymgr_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .clk_edn_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_edn_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| csrng #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[20:20]), |
| .SBoxImpl(CsrngSBoxImpl) |
| ) u_csrng ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_cs_cmd_req_done_o (intr_csrng_cs_cmd_req_done), |
| .intr_cs_entropy_req_o (intr_csrng_cs_entropy_req), |
| .intr_cs_hw_inst_exc_o (intr_csrng_cs_hw_inst_exc), |
| .intr_cs_fatal_err_o (intr_csrng_cs_fatal_err), |
| // [20]: fatal_alert |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[20:20] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[20:20] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .csrng_cmd_i(csrng_csrng_cmd_req), |
| .csrng_cmd_o(csrng_csrng_cmd_rsp), |
| .entropy_src_hw_if_o(csrng_entropy_src_hw_if_req), |
| .entropy_src_hw_if_i(csrng_entropy_src_hw_if_rsp), |
| .efuse_sw_app_enable_i('0), |
| .lc_hw_debug_en_i(lc_ctrl_pkg::Off), |
| .tl_i(csrng_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(csrng_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| entropy_src #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[22:21]) |
| ) u_entropy_src ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_es_entropy_valid_o (intr_entropy_src_es_entropy_valid), |
| .intr_es_health_test_failed_o (intr_entropy_src_es_health_test_failed), |
| .intr_es_fatal_err_o (intr_entropy_src_es_fatal_err), |
| // [21]: recov_alert |
| // [22]: fatal_alert |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[22:21] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[22:21] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .entropy_src_hw_if_i(csrng_entropy_src_hw_if_req), |
| .entropy_src_hw_if_o(csrng_entropy_src_hw_if_rsp), |
| .entropy_src_rng_o(es_rng_req_o), |
| .entropy_src_rng_i(es_rng_rsp_i), |
| .entropy_src_xht_o(), |
| .entropy_src_xht_i(entropy_src_pkg::ENTROPY_SRC_XHT_RSP_DEFAULT), |
| .efuse_es_sw_reg_en_i('0), |
| .tl_i(entropy_src_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(entropy_src_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| edn #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[23:23]) |
| ) u_edn0 ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_edn_cmd_req_done_o (intr_edn0_edn_cmd_req_done), |
| .intr_edn_fatal_err_o (intr_edn0_edn_fatal_err), |
| // [23]: fatal_alert |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[23:23] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[23:23] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .csrng_cmd_o(csrng_csrng_cmd_req[0]), |
| .csrng_cmd_i(csrng_csrng_cmd_rsp[0]), |
| .edn_i(edn0_edn_req), |
| .edn_o(edn0_edn_rsp), |
| .tl_i(edn0_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(edn0_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| edn #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[24:24]) |
| ) u_edn1 ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_edn_cmd_req_done_o (intr_edn1_edn_cmd_req_done), |
| .intr_edn_fatal_err_o (intr_edn1_edn_fatal_err), |
| // [24]: fatal_alert |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[24:24] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[24:24] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .csrng_cmd_o(csrng_csrng_cmd_req[1]), |
| .csrng_cmd_i(csrng_csrng_cmd_rsp[1]), |
| .edn_i(edn1_edn_req), |
| .edn_o(edn1_edn_rsp), |
| .tl_i(edn1_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(edn1_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| sram_ctrl #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[26:25]), |
| .RndCnstSramKey(RndCnstSramCtrlMainSramKey), |
| .RndCnstSramNonce(RndCnstSramCtrlMainSramNonce), |
| .InstrExec(SramCtrlMainInstrExec) |
| ) u_sram_ctrl_main ( |
| // [25]: fatal_intg_error |
| // [26]: fatal_parity_error |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[26:25] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[26:25] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .sram_otp_key_o(otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_req[0]), |
| .sram_otp_key_i(otp_ctrl_sram_otp_key_rsp[0]), |
| .sram_scr_o(sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_req), |
| .sram_scr_i(sram_ctrl_main_sram_scr_rsp), |
| .lc_escalate_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_escalate_en), |
| .lc_hw_debug_en_i(lc_ctrl_lc_hw_debug_en), |
| .otp_hw_cfg_i(otp_ctrl_otp_hw_cfg), |
| .en_ifetch_o(sram_ctrl_main_en_ifetch), |
| .intg_error_i(ram_main_intg_error), |
| .tl_i(sram_ctrl_main_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(sram_ctrl_main_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_secure), |
| .clk_otp_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_secure), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_otp_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_lc_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| otbn #( |
| .AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[28:27]), |
| .RegFile(OtbnRegFile) |
| ) u_otbn ( |
| |
| // Interrupt |
| .intr_done_o (intr_otbn_done), |
| // [27]: fatal |
| // [28]: recov |
| .alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[28:27] ), |
| .alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[28:27] ), |
| |
| // Inter-module signals |
| .edn_rnd_o(edn1_edn_req[0]), |
| .edn_rnd_i(edn1_edn_rsp[0]), |
| .edn_urnd_o(edn0_edn_req[6]), |
| .edn_urnd_i(edn0_edn_rsp[6]), |
| .idle_o(clkmgr_aon_idle[3]), |
| .ram_cfg_i(ast_ram_1p_cfg), |
| .tl_i(otbn_tl_req), |
| .tl_o(otbn_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // Clock and reset connections |
| .clk_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_otbn), |
| .clk_edn_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_otbn), |
| .rst_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_edn_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| // interrupt assignments |
| assign intr_vector = { |
| intr_otbn_done, // ID 145 |
| intr_edn1_edn_fatal_err, // ID 144 |
| intr_edn1_edn_cmd_req_done, // ID 143 |
| intr_edn0_edn_fatal_err, // ID 142 |
| intr_edn0_edn_cmd_req_done, // ID 141 |
| intr_entropy_src_es_fatal_err, // ID 140 |
| intr_entropy_src_es_health_test_failed, // ID 139 |
| intr_entropy_src_es_entropy_valid, // ID 138 |
| intr_csrng_cs_fatal_err, // ID 137 |
| intr_csrng_cs_hw_inst_exc, // ID 136 |
| intr_csrng_cs_entropy_req, // ID 135 |
| intr_csrng_cs_cmd_req_done, // ID 134 |
| intr_keymgr_op_done, // ID 133 |
| intr_kmac_kmac_err, // ID 132 |
| intr_kmac_fifo_empty, // ID 131 |
| intr_kmac_kmac_done, // ID 130 |
| intr_hmac_hmac_err, // ID 129 |
| intr_hmac_fifo_empty, // ID 128 |
| intr_hmac_hmac_done, // ID 127 |
| intr_flash_ctrl_op_done, // ID 126 |
| intr_flash_ctrl_rd_lvl, // ID 125 |
| intr_flash_ctrl_rd_full, // ID 124 |
| intr_flash_ctrl_prog_lvl, // ID 123 |
| intr_flash_ctrl_prog_empty, // ID 122 |
| intr_aon_timer_aon_wdog_timer_bark, // ID 121 |
| intr_aon_timer_aon_wkup_timer_expired, // ID 120 |
| intr_adc_ctrl_aon_debug_cable, // ID 119 |
| intr_pwrmgr_aon_wakeup, // ID 118 |
| intr_alert_handler_classd, // ID 117 |
| intr_alert_handler_classc, // ID 116 |
| intr_alert_handler_classb, // ID 115 |
| intr_alert_handler_classa, // ID 114 |
| intr_otp_ctrl_otp_error, // ID 113 |
| intr_otp_ctrl_otp_operation_done, // ID 112 |
| intr_usbdev_link_out_err, // ID 111 |
| intr_usbdev_connected, // ID 110 |
| intr_usbdev_frame, // ID 109 |
| intr_usbdev_rx_bitstuff_err, // ID 108 |
| intr_usbdev_rx_pid_err, // ID 107 |
| intr_usbdev_rx_crc_err, // ID 106 |
| intr_usbdev_link_in_err, // ID 105 |
| intr_usbdev_av_overflow, // ID 104 |
| intr_usbdev_rx_full, // ID 103 |
| intr_usbdev_av_empty, // ID 102 |
| intr_usbdev_link_resume, // ID 101 |
| intr_usbdev_link_suspend, // ID 100 |
| intr_usbdev_link_reset, // ID 99 |
| intr_usbdev_host_lost, // ID 98 |
| intr_usbdev_disconnected, // ID 97 |
| intr_usbdev_pkt_sent, // ID 96 |
| intr_usbdev_pkt_received, // ID 95 |
| intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0, // ID 94 |
| intr_pattgen_done_ch1, // ID 93 |
| intr_pattgen_done_ch0, // ID 92 |
| intr_i2c2_host_timeout, // ID 91 |
| intr_i2c2_ack_stop, // ID 90 |
| intr_i2c2_acq_overflow, // ID 89 |
| intr_i2c2_tx_overflow, // ID 88 |
| intr_i2c2_tx_nonempty, // ID 87 |
| intr_i2c2_tx_empty, // ID 86 |
| intr_i2c2_trans_complete, // ID 85 |
| intr_i2c2_sda_unstable, // ID 84 |
| intr_i2c2_stretch_timeout, // ID 83 |
| intr_i2c2_sda_interference, // ID 82 |
| intr_i2c2_scl_interference, // ID 81 |
| intr_i2c2_nak, // ID 80 |
| intr_i2c2_rx_overflow, // ID 79 |
| intr_i2c2_fmt_overflow, // ID 78 |
| intr_i2c2_rx_watermark, // ID 77 |
| intr_i2c2_fmt_watermark, // ID 76 |
| intr_i2c1_host_timeout, // ID 75 |
| intr_i2c1_ack_stop, // ID 74 |
| intr_i2c1_acq_overflow, // ID 73 |
| intr_i2c1_tx_overflow, // ID 72 |
| intr_i2c1_tx_nonempty, // ID 71 |
| intr_i2c1_tx_empty, // ID 70 |
| intr_i2c1_trans_complete, // ID 69 |
| intr_i2c1_sda_unstable, // ID 68 |
| intr_i2c1_stretch_timeout, // ID 67 |
| intr_i2c1_sda_interference, // ID 66 |
| intr_i2c1_scl_interference, // ID 65 |
| intr_i2c1_nak, // ID 64 |
| intr_i2c1_rx_overflow, // ID 63 |
| intr_i2c1_fmt_overflow, // ID 62 |
| intr_i2c1_rx_watermark, // ID 61 |
| intr_i2c1_fmt_watermark, // ID 60 |
| intr_i2c0_host_timeout, // ID 59 |
| intr_i2c0_ack_stop, // ID 58 |
| intr_i2c0_acq_overflow, // ID 57 |
| intr_i2c0_tx_overflow, // ID 56 |
| intr_i2c0_tx_nonempty, // ID 55 |
| intr_i2c0_tx_empty, // ID 54 |
| intr_i2c0_trans_complete, // ID 53 |
| intr_i2c0_sda_unstable, // ID 52 |
| intr_i2c0_stretch_timeout, // ID 51 |
| intr_i2c0_sda_interference, // ID 50 |
| intr_i2c0_scl_interference, // ID 49 |
| intr_i2c0_nak, // ID 48 |
| intr_i2c0_rx_overflow, // ID 47 |
| intr_i2c0_fmt_overflow, // ID 46 |
| intr_i2c0_rx_watermark, // ID 45 |
| intr_i2c0_fmt_watermark, // ID 44 |
| intr_spi_host1_spi_event, // ID 43 |
| intr_spi_host1_error, // ID 42 |
| intr_spi_host0_spi_event, // ID 41 |
| intr_spi_host0_error, // ID 40 |
| intr_spi_device_txunderflow, // ID 39 |
| intr_spi_device_rxoverflow, // ID 38 |
| intr_spi_device_rxerr, // ID 37 |
| intr_spi_device_txlvl, // ID 36 |
| intr_spi_device_rxlvl, // ID 35 |
| intr_spi_device_rxf, // ID 34 |
| intr_gpio_gpio, // ID 33 |
| intr_uart3_rx_parity_err, // ID 32 |
| intr_uart3_rx_timeout, // ID 31 |
| intr_uart3_rx_break_err, // ID 30 |
| intr_uart3_rx_frame_err, // ID 29 |
| intr_uart3_rx_overflow, // ID 28 |
| intr_uart3_tx_empty, // ID 27 |
| intr_uart3_rx_watermark, // ID 26 |
| intr_uart3_tx_watermark, // ID 25 |
| intr_uart2_rx_parity_err, // ID 24 |
| intr_uart2_rx_timeout, // ID 23 |
| intr_uart2_rx_break_err, // ID 22 |
| intr_uart2_rx_frame_err, // ID 21 |
| intr_uart2_rx_overflow, // ID 20 |
| intr_uart2_tx_empty, // ID 19 |
| intr_uart2_rx_watermark, // ID 18 |
| intr_uart2_tx_watermark, // ID 17 |
| intr_uart1_rx_parity_err, // ID 16 |
| intr_uart1_rx_timeout, // ID 15 |
| intr_uart1_rx_break_err, // ID 14 |
| intr_uart1_rx_frame_err, // ID 13 |
| intr_uart1_rx_overflow, // ID 12 |
| intr_uart1_tx_empty, // ID 11 |
| intr_uart1_rx_watermark, // ID 10 |
| intr_uart1_tx_watermark, // ID 9 |
| intr_uart0_rx_parity_err, // ID 8 |
| intr_uart0_rx_timeout, // ID 7 |
| intr_uart0_rx_break_err, // ID 6 |
| intr_uart0_rx_frame_err, // ID 5 |
| intr_uart0_rx_overflow, // ID 4 |
| intr_uart0_tx_empty, // ID 3 |
| intr_uart0_rx_watermark, // ID 2 |
| intr_uart0_tx_watermark, // ID 1 |
| 1'b 0 // ID 0 is a special case and tied to zero. |
| }; |
| |
| // TL-UL Crossbar |
| xbar_main u_xbar_main ( |
| .clk_main_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_main_infra), |
| .clk_fixed_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra), |
| .rst_main_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| .rst_fixed_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| |
| // port: tl_corei |
| .tl_corei_i(main_tl_corei_req), |
| .tl_corei_o(main_tl_corei_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_cored |
| .tl_cored_i(main_tl_cored_req), |
| .tl_cored_o(main_tl_cored_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_dm_sba |
| .tl_dm_sba_i(main_tl_dm_sba_req), |
| .tl_dm_sba_o(main_tl_dm_sba_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_rom |
| .tl_rom_o(rom_tl_req), |
| .tl_rom_i(rom_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_debug_mem |
| .tl_debug_mem_o(main_tl_debug_mem_req), |
| .tl_debug_mem_i(main_tl_debug_mem_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_ram_main |
| .tl_ram_main_o(ram_main_tl_req), |
| .tl_ram_main_i(ram_main_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_eflash |
| .tl_eflash_o(eflash_tl_req), |
| .tl_eflash_i(eflash_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_peri |
| .tl_peri_o(main_tl_peri_req), |
| .tl_peri_i(main_tl_peri_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_flash_ctrl |
| .tl_flash_ctrl_o(flash_ctrl_tl_req), |
| .tl_flash_ctrl_i(flash_ctrl_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_hmac |
| .tl_hmac_o(hmac_tl_req), |
| .tl_hmac_i(hmac_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_kmac |
| .tl_kmac_o(kmac_tl_req), |
| .tl_kmac_i(kmac_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_aes |
| .tl_aes_o(aes_tl_req), |
| .tl_aes_i(aes_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_entropy_src |
| .tl_entropy_src_o(entropy_src_tl_req), |
| .tl_entropy_src_i(entropy_src_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_csrng |
| .tl_csrng_o(csrng_tl_req), |
| .tl_csrng_i(csrng_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_edn0 |
| .tl_edn0_o(edn0_tl_req), |
| .tl_edn0_i(edn0_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_edn1 |
| .tl_edn1_o(edn1_tl_req), |
| .tl_edn1_i(edn1_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_rv_plic |
| .tl_rv_plic_o(rv_plic_tl_req), |
| .tl_rv_plic_i(rv_plic_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_otbn |
| .tl_otbn_o(otbn_tl_req), |
| .tl_otbn_i(otbn_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_keymgr |
| .tl_keymgr_o(keymgr_tl_req), |
| .tl_keymgr_i(keymgr_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_sram_ctrl_main |
| .tl_sram_ctrl_main_o(sram_ctrl_main_tl_req), |
| .tl_sram_ctrl_main_i(sram_ctrl_main_tl_rsp), |
| |
| |
| .scanmode_i |
| ); |
| xbar_peri u_xbar_peri ( |
| .clk_peri_i (clkmgr_aon_clocks.clk_io_div4_infra), |
| .rst_peri_ni (rstmgr_aon_resets.rst_sys_io_div4_n[rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel]), |
| |
| // port: tl_main |
| .tl_main_i(main_tl_peri_req), |
| .tl_main_o(main_tl_peri_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_uart0 |
| .tl_uart0_o(uart0_tl_req), |
| .tl_uart0_i(uart0_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_uart1 |
| .tl_uart1_o(uart1_tl_req), |
| .tl_uart1_i(uart1_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_uart2 |
| .tl_uart2_o(uart2_tl_req), |
| .tl_uart2_i(uart2_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_uart3 |
| .tl_uart3_o(uart3_tl_req), |
| .tl_uart3_i(uart3_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_i2c0 |
| .tl_i2c0_o(i2c0_tl_req), |
| .tl_i2c0_i(i2c0_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_i2c1 |
| .tl_i2c1_o(i2c1_tl_req), |
| .tl_i2c1_i(i2c1_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_i2c2 |
| .tl_i2c2_o(i2c2_tl_req), |
| .tl_i2c2_i(i2c2_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_pattgen |
| .tl_pattgen_o(pattgen_tl_req), |
| .tl_pattgen_i(pattgen_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_gpio |
| .tl_gpio_o(gpio_tl_req), |
| .tl_gpio_i(gpio_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_spi_device |
| .tl_spi_device_o(spi_device_tl_req), |
| .tl_spi_device_i(spi_device_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_spi_host0 |
| .tl_spi_host0_o(spi_host0_tl_req), |
| .tl_spi_host0_i(spi_host0_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_spi_host1 |
| .tl_spi_host1_o(spi_host1_tl_req), |
| .tl_spi_host1_i(spi_host1_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_rv_timer |
| .tl_rv_timer_o(rv_timer_tl_req), |
| .tl_rv_timer_i(rv_timer_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_usbdev |
| .tl_usbdev_o(usbdev_tl_req), |
| .tl_usbdev_i(usbdev_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_pwrmgr_aon |
| .tl_pwrmgr_aon_o(pwrmgr_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_pwrmgr_aon_i(pwrmgr_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_rstmgr_aon |
| .tl_rstmgr_aon_o(rstmgr_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_rstmgr_aon_i(rstmgr_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_clkmgr_aon |
| .tl_clkmgr_aon_o(clkmgr_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_clkmgr_aon_i(clkmgr_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_pinmux_aon |
| .tl_pinmux_aon_o(pinmux_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_pinmux_aon_i(pinmux_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_ram_ret_aon |
| .tl_ram_ret_aon_o(ram_ret_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_ram_ret_aon_i(ram_ret_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_otp_ctrl |
| .tl_otp_ctrl_o(otp_ctrl_tl_req), |
| .tl_otp_ctrl_i(otp_ctrl_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_lc_ctrl |
| .tl_lc_ctrl_o(lc_ctrl_tl_req), |
| .tl_lc_ctrl_i(lc_ctrl_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_sensor_ctrl_aon |
| .tl_sensor_ctrl_aon_o(sensor_ctrl_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_sensor_ctrl_aon_i(sensor_ctrl_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_alert_handler |
| .tl_alert_handler_o(alert_handler_tl_req), |
| .tl_alert_handler_i(alert_handler_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_sram_ctrl_ret_aon |
| .tl_sram_ctrl_ret_aon_o(sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_sram_ctrl_ret_aon_i(sram_ctrl_ret_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_aon_timer_aon |
| .tl_aon_timer_aon_o(aon_timer_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_aon_timer_aon_i(aon_timer_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_adc_ctrl_aon |
| .tl_adc_ctrl_aon_o(adc_ctrl_aon_tl_req), |
| .tl_adc_ctrl_aon_i(adc_ctrl_aon_tl_rsp), |
| |
| // port: tl_ast |
| .tl_ast_o(ast_tl_req_o), |
| .tl_ast_i(ast_tl_rsp_i), |
| |
| |
| .scanmode_i |
| ); |
| |
| // Pinmux connections |
| assign mio_d2p = { |
| cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out_d2p, |
| cio_flash_ctrl_tdo_d2p, |
| cio_spi_host1_csb_d2p, |
| cio_spi_host1_sck_d2p, |
| cio_spi_host1_sd_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pcl1_tx_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pda1_tx_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pcl0_tx_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pda0_tx_d2p, |
| cio_i2c2_scl_d2p, |
| cio_i2c2_sda_d2p, |
| cio_i2c1_scl_d2p, |
| cio_i2c1_sda_d2p, |
| cio_i2c0_scl_d2p, |
| cio_i2c0_sda_d2p, |
| cio_uart3_tx_d2p, |
| cio_uart2_tx_d2p, |
| cio_uart1_tx_d2p, |
| cio_uart0_tx_d2p, |
| cio_gpio_gpio_d2p |
| }; |
| assign mio_d2p_en = { |
| cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_out_en_d2p, |
| cio_flash_ctrl_tdo_en_d2p, |
| cio_spi_host1_csb_en_d2p, |
| cio_spi_host1_sck_en_d2p, |
| cio_spi_host1_sd_en_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pcl1_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pda1_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pcl0_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_pattgen_pda0_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_i2c2_scl_en_d2p, |
| cio_i2c2_sda_en_d2p, |
| cio_i2c1_scl_en_d2p, |
| cio_i2c1_sda_en_d2p, |
| cio_i2c0_scl_en_d2p, |
| cio_i2c0_sda_en_d2p, |
| cio_uart3_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_uart2_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_uart1_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_uart0_tx_en_d2p, |
| cio_gpio_gpio_en_d2p |
| }; |
| assign { |
| cio_sensor_ctrl_aon_ast_debug_in_p2d, |
| cio_flash_ctrl_tdi_p2d, |
| cio_flash_ctrl_tms_p2d, |
| cio_flash_ctrl_tck_p2d, |
| cio_spi_host1_sd_p2d, |
| cio_i2c2_scl_p2d, |
| cio_i2c2_sda_p2d, |
| cio_i2c1_scl_p2d, |
| cio_i2c1_sda_p2d, |
| cio_i2c0_scl_p2d, |
| cio_i2c0_sda_p2d, |
| cio_uart3_rx_p2d, |
| cio_uart2_rx_p2d, |
| cio_uart1_rx_p2d, |
| cio_uart0_rx_p2d, |
| cio_gpio_gpio_p2d |
| } = mio_p2d; |
| |
| // Dedicated IO connections |
| // Input-only DIOs have no d2p signals |
| assign dio_d2p = { |
| 1'b0, // DIO20: cio_spi_device_sck |
| 1'b0, // DIO19: cio_spi_device_csb |
| cio_spi_device_sd_d2p[3], // DIO18 |
| cio_spi_device_sd_d2p[2], // DIO17 |
| cio_spi_device_sd_d2p[1], // DIO16 |
| cio_spi_device_sd_d2p[0], // DIO15 |
| cio_spi_host0_sck_d2p, // DIO14 |
| cio_spi_host0_csb_d2p, // DIO13 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_d2p[3], // DIO12 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_d2p[2], // DIO11 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_d2p[1], // DIO10 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_d2p[0], // DIO9 |
| 1'b0, // DIO8: cio_usbdev_sense |
| cio_usbdev_se0_d2p, // DIO7 |
| cio_usbdev_dp_pullup_d2p, // DIO6 |
| cio_usbdev_dn_pullup_d2p, // DIO5 |
| cio_usbdev_tx_mode_se_d2p, // DIO4 |
| cio_usbdev_suspend_d2p, // DIO3 |
| cio_usbdev_d_d2p, // DIO2 |
| cio_usbdev_dp_d2p, // DIO1 |
| cio_usbdev_dn_d2p // DIO0 |
| }; |
| |
| assign dio_d2p_en = { |
| 1'b0, // DIO20: cio_spi_device_sck |
| 1'b0, // DIO19: cio_spi_device_csb |
| cio_spi_device_sd_en_d2p[3], // DIO18 |
| cio_spi_device_sd_en_d2p[2], // DIO17 |
| cio_spi_device_sd_en_d2p[1], // DIO16 |
| cio_spi_device_sd_en_d2p[0], // DIO15 |
| cio_spi_host0_sck_en_d2p, // DIO14 |
| cio_spi_host0_csb_en_d2p, // DIO13 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_en_d2p[3], // DIO12 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_en_d2p[2], // DIO11 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_en_d2p[1], // DIO10 |
| cio_spi_host0_sd_en_d2p[0], // DIO9 |
| 1'b0, // DIO8: cio_usbdev_sense |
| cio_usbdev_se0_en_d2p, // DIO7 |
| cio_usbdev_dp_pullup_en_d2p, // DIO6 |
| cio_usbdev_dn_pullup_en_d2p, // DIO5 |
| cio_usbdev_tx_mode_se_en_d2p, // DIO4 |
| cio_usbdev_suspend_en_d2p, // DIO3 |
| cio_usbdev_d_en_d2p, // DIO2 |
| cio_usbdev_dp_en_d2p, // DIO1 |
| cio_usbdev_dn_en_d2p // DIO0 |
| }; |
| |
| // Output-only DIOs have no p2d signal |
| assign cio_spi_device_sck_p2d = dio_p2d[20]; // DIO20 |
| assign cio_spi_device_csb_p2d = dio_p2d[19]; // DIO19 |
| assign cio_spi_device_sd_p2d[3] = dio_p2d[18]; // DIO18 |
| assign cio_spi_device_sd_p2d[2] = dio_p2d[17]; // DIO17 |
| assign cio_spi_device_sd_p2d[1] = dio_p2d[16]; // DIO16 |
| assign cio_spi_device_sd_p2d[0] = dio_p2d[15]; // DIO15 |
| // DIO14: cio_spi_host0_sck // DIO14 |
| // DIO13: cio_spi_host0_csb // DIO13 |
| assign cio_spi_host0_sd_p2d[3] = dio_p2d[12]; // DIO12 |
| assign cio_spi_host0_sd_p2d[2] = dio_p2d[11]; // DIO11 |
| assign cio_spi_host0_sd_p2d[1] = dio_p2d[10]; // DIO10 |
| assign cio_spi_host0_sd_p2d[0] = dio_p2d[9]; // DIO9 |
| assign cio_usbdev_sense_p2d = dio_p2d[8]; // DIO8 |
| // DIO7: cio_usbdev_se0 // DIO7 |
| // DIO6: cio_usbdev_dp_pullup // DIO6 |
| // DIO5: cio_usbdev_dn_pullup // DIO5 |
| // DIO4: cio_usbdev_tx_mode_se // DIO4 |
| // DIO3: cio_usbdev_suspend // DIO3 |
| assign cio_usbdev_d_p2d = dio_p2d[2]; // DIO2 |
| assign cio_usbdev_dp_p2d = dio_p2d[1]; // DIO1 |
| assign cio_usbdev_dn_p2d = dio_p2d[0]; // DIO0 |
| |
| // make sure scanmode_i is never X (including during reset) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(scanmodeKnown, scanmode_i, clk_main_i, 0) |
| |
| endmodule |