blob: 787d25851a2147ee8315ad237c5d24b818f4d436 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/print.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/memory.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/status.h"
// This is declared as an enum to force the values to be
// compile-time constants, but the type is otherwise not
// used for anything.
enum {
// Standard format specifiers.
kPercent = '%',
kCharacter = 'c',
kString = 's',
kSignedDec1 = 'd',
kSignedDec2 = 'i',
kUnsignedOct = 'o',
kUnsignedHexLow = 'x',
kUnsignedHexHigh = 'X',
kUnsignedDec = 'u',
kPointer = 'p',
// Verilog-style format specifiers.
kSvBinary = 'b',
kSvHexLow = 'h',
kSvHexHigh = 'H',
// Other non-standard specifiers.
kHexLeLow = 'y',
kHexLeHigh = 'Y',
kStatusResult = 'r',
// NOTE: all of the lengths of the strings below are given so that the NUL
// terminator is left off; that way, `sizeof(kConst)` does not include it.
static const char kDigitsLow[16] = "0123456789abcdef";
static const char kDigitsHigh[16] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
static const char kErrorNul[17] = "%<unexpected nul>";
static const char kUnknownSpec[15] = "%<unknown spec>";
static const char kErrorTooWide[12] = "%<bad width>";
static size_t base_dev_null(void *data, const char *buf, size_t len) {
return len;
static buffer_sink_t base_stdout = {
.data = NULL,
// Note: Using `&base_dev_null` causes this variable to be placed in the
// .data section and triggers the assertion in rom.ld.
.sink = NULL,
void base_set_stdout(buffer_sink_t out) {
if (out.sink == NULL) {
out.sink = &base_dev_null;
base_stdout = out;
static size_t base_dev_uart(void *data, const char *buf, size_t len) {
const dif_uart_t *uart = (const dif_uart_t *)data;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (dif_uart_byte_send_polled(uart, (uint8_t)buf[i]) != kDifOk) {
return i;
return len;
void base_uart_stdout(const dif_uart_t *uart) {
(buffer_sink_t){.data = (void *)uart, .sink = &base_dev_uart});
size_t base_printf(const char *format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
size_t bytes_left = base_vprintf(format, args);
return bytes_left;
size_t base_vprintf(const char *format, va_list args) {
return base_vfprintf(base_stdout, format, args);
typedef struct snprintf_captures_t {
char *buf;
size_t bytes_left;
} snprintf_captures_t;
static size_t snprintf_sink(void *data, const char *buf, size_t len) {
snprintf_captures_t *captures = (snprintf_captures_t *)data;
if (captures->bytes_left == 0) {
return 0;
if (len > captures->bytes_left) {
len = captures->bytes_left;
memcpy(captures->buf, buf, len);
captures->buf += len;
captures->bytes_left -= len;
return len;
size_t base_snprintf(char *buf, size_t len, const char *format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
snprintf_captures_t data = {
.buf = buf,
.bytes_left = len,
buffer_sink_t out = {
.data = &data,
.sink = &snprintf_sink,
size_t bytes_left = base_vfprintf(out, format, args);
return bytes_left;
size_t base_fprintf(buffer_sink_t out, const char *format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
size_t bytes_left = base_vfprintf(out, format, args);
return bytes_left;
* Consumes characters from `format` until a '%' or NUL is reached. All
* characters seen before that are then sinked into `out`.
* @param out the sink to write bytes to.
* @param format a pointer to the format string to consume a prefix of.
* @param[out] bytes_written out param for the number of bytes writen to `out`.
* @return true if an unprocessed '%' was found.
static bool consume_until_percent(buffer_sink_t out, const char **format,
size_t *bytes_written) {
size_t text_len = 0;
while (true) {
char c = (*format)[text_len];
if (c == '\0' || c == kPercent) {
if (text_len > 0) {
*bytes_written += out.sink(, *format, text_len);
*format += text_len;
return c != '\0';
* Represents a parsed format specifier.
typedef struct format_specifier {
char type;
size_t width;
char padding;
bool is_nonstd;
} format_specifier_t;
* Consumes characters from `format` until a complete format specifier is
* parsed. See the documentation in `print.h` for full syntax.
* @param out the sink to write bytes to.
* @param format a pointer to the format string to consume a prefix of.
* @param[out] spec out param for the specifier.
* @return whether the parse succeeded.
static bool consume_format_specifier(buffer_sink_t out, const char **format,
size_t *bytes_written,
format_specifier_t *spec) {
*spec = (format_specifier_t){0};
// Consume the percent sign.
// Parse a ! to detect an OpenTitan-specific extension (that isn't one
// of the Verilog ones...).
if ((*format)[0] == '!') {
spec->is_nonstd = true;
// Attempt to parse out an unsigned, decimal number, a "width",
// after the percent sign; the format specifier is the character
// immediately after this width.
// `spec->padding` is used to indicate whether we've seen a width;
// if nonzero, we have an actual width.
size_t spec_len = 0;
while (true) {
char c = (*format)[spec_len];
if (c == '\0') {
*bytes_written += out.sink(, kErrorNul, sizeof(kErrorNul));
return false;
if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
if (spec->padding == 0) {
if (c == '0') {
spec->padding = '0';
spec->padding = ' ';
spec->width *= 10;
spec->width += (c - '0');
if ((spec->width == 0 && spec->padding != 0) || spec->width > 32) {
*bytes_written += out.sink(, kErrorTooWide, sizeof(kErrorTooWide));
return false;
spec->type = (*format)[spec_len];
*format += spec_len + 1;
return true;
* Write the digits of `value` onto `out`.
* @param out the sink to write bytes to.
* @param value the value to "stringify".
* @param width the minimum width to print; going below will result in writing
* out zeroes.
* @param base the base to express `value` in.
* @param glyphs an array of characters to use as the digits of a number, which
* should be at least ast long as `base`.
* @return the number of bytes written.
static size_t write_digits(buffer_sink_t out, uint32_t value, uint32_t width,
char padding, uint32_t base, const char *glyphs) {
// All allocations are done relative to a buffer that could hold the longest
// textual representation of a number: ~0x0 in base 2, i.e., 32 ones.
static const int kWordBits = sizeof(uint32_t) * 8;
char buffer[kWordBits];
size_t len = 0;
if (value == 0) {
buffer[kWordBits - 1] = glyphs[0];
while (value > 0) {
uint32_t digit = value % base;
value /= base;
buffer[kWordBits - 1 - len] = glyphs[digit];
width = width == 0 ? 1 : width;
width = width > kWordBits ? kWordBits : width;
while (len < width) {
buffer[kWordBits - len - 1] = padding;
return out.sink(, buffer + (kWordBits - len), len);
static size_t write_status(buffer_sink_t out, status_t value, bool as_json) {
// The module id is defined to be 3 chars long.
char mod[] = {'"', 0, 0, 0, '"', ','};
int32_t arg;
const char *start;
bool err = status_extract(value, &start, &arg, &mod[1]);
// strlen of the status code.
const char *end = start;
while (*end)
size_t len = 0;
len += out.sink(, "{\"", as_json ? 2 : 0);
len += out.sink(, start, end - start);
len += out.sink(, "\"", as_json ? 1 : 0);
// print the module id and arg.
len += out.sink(, ":[", 2);
if (err) {
// All error codes include the module identifier.
len += out.sink(, mod, sizeof(mod));
len += write_digits(out, arg, 0, 0, 10, kDigitsLow);
len += out.sink(, "]", 1);
len += out.sink(, "}", as_json ? 1 : 0);
return len;
* Hexdumps `bytes` onto `out`.
* @param out the sink to write bytes to.
* @param bytes the bytes to dump.
* @param len the number of bytes to dump.
* @param width the minimum width to print; going below will result in writing
* out zeroes.
* @param padding the character to use for padding.
* @param big_endian whether to print in big-endian order (i.e. as %x would).
* @param glyphs an array of characters to use as the digits of a number, which
* should be at least ast long as `base`.
* @return the number of bytes written.
static size_t hex_dump(buffer_sink_t out, const char *bytes, size_t len,
uint32_t width, char padding, bool big_endian,
const char *glyphs) {
size_t bytes_written = 0;
char buf[32];
size_t buffered = 0;
if (len < width) {
width -= len;
memset(buf, padding, sizeof(buf));
while (width > 0) {
size_t to_write = width > ARRAYSIZE(buf) ? 32 : width;
bytes_written += out.sink(, buf, to_write);
width -= to_write;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
size_t idx = big_endian ? len - i - 1 : i;
buf[buffered] = glyphs[(bytes[idx] >> 4) & 0xf];
buf[buffered + 1] = glyphs[bytes[idx] & 0xf];
buffered += 2;
if (buffered == ARRAYSIZE(buf)) {
bytes_written += out.sink(, buf, buffered);
buffered = 0;
if (buffered != 0) {
bytes_written += out.sink(, buf, buffered);
return bytes_written;
* Prints out the next entry in `args` according to `spec`.
* This function assumes that `spec` accurately describes the next entry in
* `args`.
* @param out the sink to write bytes to.
* @param spec the specifier to use for stringifying.
* @param[out] bytes_written out param for the number of bytes writen to `out`.
* @param args the list to pull an entry from.
static void process_specifier(buffer_sink_t out, format_specifier_t spec,
size_t *bytes_written, va_list *args) {
// Switch on the specifier. At this point, we assert that there is
// an initialized value of correct type in the VA list; if it is
// missing, the caller has caused UB.
switch (spec.type) {
case kPercent: {
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
*bytes_written += out.sink(, "%", 1);
case kCharacter: {
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
char value = (char)va_arg(*args, uint32_t);
*bytes_written += out.sink(, &value, 1);
case kString: {
size_t len = 0;
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
// This implements %!s.
len = va_arg(*args, size_t);
char *value = va_arg(*args, char *);
while (!spec.is_nonstd && value[len] != '\0') {
// This implements %s.
*bytes_written += out.sink(, value, len);
case kSignedDec1:
case kSignedDec2: {
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
uint32_t value = va_arg(*args, uint32_t);
if (((int32_t)value) < 0) {
*bytes_written += out.sink(, "-", 1);
value = -value;
*bytes_written +=
write_digits(out, value, spec.width, spec.padding, 10, kDigitsLow);
case kUnsignedOct: {
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
uint32_t value = va_arg(*args, uint32_t);
*bytes_written +=
write_digits(out, value, spec.width, spec.padding, 8, kDigitsLow);
case kPointer: {
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
// Pointers are formatted as 0x<hex digits>, where the width is always
// set to the number necessary to represent a pointer on the current
// platform, that is, the size of uintptr_t in nybbles. For example, on
// different architecutres the null pointer prints as
// - rv32imc: 0x00000000 (four bytes, eight nybbles).
// - amd64: 0x0000000000000000 (eight bytes, sixteen nybbles).
*bytes_written += out.sink(, "0x", 2);
uintptr_t value = va_arg(*args, uintptr_t);
*bytes_written +=
write_digits(out, value, sizeof(uintptr_t) * 2, '0', 16, kDigitsLow);
case kUnsignedHexLow:
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
size_t len = va_arg(*args, size_t);
char *value = va_arg(*args, char *);
*bytes_written += hex_dump(out, value, len, spec.width, spec.padding,
/*big_endian=*/true, kDigitsLow);
case kSvHexLow: {
uint32_t value = va_arg(*args, uint32_t);
*bytes_written +=
write_digits(out, value, spec.width, spec.padding, 16, kDigitsLow);
case kUnsignedHexHigh:
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
size_t len = va_arg(*args, size_t);
char *value = va_arg(*args, char *);
*bytes_written += hex_dump(out, value, len, spec.width, spec.padding,
/*big_endian=*/true, kDigitsHigh);
case kSvHexHigh: {
uint32_t value = va_arg(*args, uint32_t);
*bytes_written +=
write_digits(out, value, spec.width, spec.padding, 16, kDigitsHigh);
case kHexLeLow: {
if (!spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
size_t len = va_arg(*args, size_t);
char *value = va_arg(*args, char *);
*bytes_written += hex_dump(out, value, len, spec.width, spec.padding,
/*big_endian=*/false, kDigitsLow);
case kHexLeHigh: {
if (!spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
size_t len = va_arg(*args, size_t);
char *value = va_arg(*args, char *);
*bytes_written += hex_dump(out, value, len, spec.width, spec.padding,
/*big_endian=*/false, kDigitsHigh);
case kUnsignedDec: {
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
goto bad_spec;
uint32_t value = va_arg(*args, uint32_t);
*bytes_written +=
write_digits(out, value, spec.width, spec.padding, 10, kDigitsLow);
case kSvBinary: {
if (spec.is_nonstd) {
// Bools passed into a ... function will be automatically promoted
// to int; va_arg(..., bool) is actually UB!
if (va_arg(*args, int) != 0) {
*bytes_written += out.sink(, "true", 4);
} else {
*bytes_written += out.sink(, "false", 5);
uint32_t value = va_arg(*args, uint32_t);
*bytes_written +=
write_digits(out, value, spec.width, spec.padding, 2, kDigitsLow);
case kStatusResult: {
status_t value = va_arg(*args, status_t);
*bytes_written += write_status(out, value, spec.is_nonstd);
bad_spec: // Used with `goto` to bail out early.
default: {
*bytes_written += out.sink(, kUnknownSpec, sizeof(kUnknownSpec));
size_t base_vfprintf(buffer_sink_t out, const char *format, va_list args) {
if (out.sink == NULL) {
out.sink = &base_dev_null;
// NOTE: This copy is necessary on amd64 and other platforms, where
// `va_list` is a fixed array type (and, as such, decays to a pointer in
// an argument list). On PSABI RV32IMC, however, `va_list` is a `void*`, so
// this is a copy of the pointer, not the array.
va_list args_copy;
va_copy(args_copy, args);
size_t bytes_written = 0;
while (format[0] != '\0') {
if (!consume_until_percent(out, &format, &bytes_written)) {
format_specifier_t spec;
if (!consume_format_specifier(out, &format, &bytes_written, &spec)) {
process_specifier(out, spec, &bytes_written, &args_copy);
return bytes_written;
const char kBaseHexdumpDefaultFmtAlphabet[256] =
// clang-format off
// First 32 characters are not printable.
// Printable ASCII.
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
// The rest of the range is also not printable (129 characters).
// clang-format on
static const base_hexdump_fmt_t kBaseHexdumpDefaultFmt = {
.bytes_per_word = 2,
.words_per_line = 8,
.alphabet = &kBaseHexdumpDefaultFmtAlphabet,
size_t base_hexdump(const char *buf, size_t len) {
return base_hexdump_with(kBaseHexdumpDefaultFmt, buf, len);
size_t base_snhexdump(char *out, size_t out_len, const char *buf, size_t len) {
return base_snhexdump_with(out, out_len, kBaseHexdumpDefaultFmt, buf, len);
size_t base_fhexdump(buffer_sink_t out, const char *buf, size_t len) {
return base_fhexdump_with(out, kBaseHexdumpDefaultFmt, buf, len);
size_t base_hexdump_with(base_hexdump_fmt_t fmt, const char *buf, size_t len) {
return base_fhexdump_with(base_stdout, fmt, buf, len);
size_t base_snhexdump_with(char *out, size_t out_len, base_hexdump_fmt_t fmt,
const char *buf, size_t len) {
snprintf_captures_t data = {
.buf = out,
.bytes_left = out_len,
buffer_sink_t sink = {
.data = &data,
.sink = &snprintf_sink,
return base_fhexdump_with(sink, fmt, buf, len);
size_t base_fhexdump_with(buffer_sink_t out, base_hexdump_fmt_t fmt,
const char *buf, size_t len) {
size_t bytes_written = 0;
size_t bytes_per_line = fmt.bytes_per_word * fmt.words_per_line;
for (size_t line = 0; line < len; line += bytes_per_line) {
bytes_written += base_fprintf(out, "%08x:", line);
size_t chars_per_line = bytes_per_line * 2 + fmt.words_per_line;
size_t line_bytes_written = 0;
for (size_t word = 0; word < bytes_per_line; word += fmt.bytes_per_word) {
if (len < line + word) {
char spaces[16] = " ";
while (line_bytes_written < chars_per_line) {
size_t to_print = chars_per_line - line_bytes_written;
if (to_print > sizeof(spaces)) {
to_print = sizeof(spaces);
line_bytes_written += base_fprintf(out, "%!s", to_print, spaces);
size_t bytes_left = len - line - word;
if (bytes_left > fmt.bytes_per_word) {
bytes_left = fmt.bytes_per_word;
line_bytes_written += base_fprintf(out, " ");
line_bytes_written +=
hex_dump(out, buf + line + word, bytes_left, bytes_left, '0',
/*big_endian=*/false, kDigitsLow);
bytes_written += line_bytes_written;
bytes_written += base_fprintf(out, " ");
size_t buffered = 0;
char glyph_buffer[16];
for (size_t byte = 0; byte < bytes_per_line; ++byte) {
if (buffered == sizeof(glyph_buffer)) {
bytes_written += base_fprintf(out, "%!s", buffered, glyph_buffer);
buffered = 0;
if (line + byte >= len) {
glyph_buffer[buffered++] =
(*fmt.alphabet)[(size_t)(uint8_t)buf[line + byte]];
if (buffered > 0) {
bytes_written += base_fprintf(out, "%!s", buffered, glyph_buffer);
bytes_written += base_fprintf(out, "\n");
return bytes_written;