| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // ------------------- W A R N I N G: A U T O - G E N E R A T E D C O D E !! -------------------// |
| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // This module is the overall reset manager wrapper |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| // This top level controller is fairly hardcoded right now, but will be switched to a template |
| module rstmgr import rstmgr_pkg::*; ( |
| // Primary module clocks |
| input clk_i, |
| input rst_ni, // this is currently connected to top level reset, but will change once ast is in |
| input clk_aon_i, |
| input clk_io_div4_i, |
| input clk_main_i, |
| input clk_io_i, |
| input clk_io_div2_i, |
| input clk_usb_i, |
| |
| // Bus Interface |
| input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i, |
| output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o, |
| |
| // pwrmgr interface |
| input pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_rst_req_t pwr_i, |
| output pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_rst_rsp_t pwr_o, |
| |
| // ast interface |
| input rstmgr_ast_t ast_i, |
| |
| // cpu related inputs |
| input rstmgr_cpu_t cpu_i, |
| |
| // Interface to alert handler |
| input alert_pkg::alert_crashdump_t alert_dump_i, |
| |
| // Interface to cpu crash dump |
| input rv_core_ibex_pkg::crashdump_t cpu_dump_i, |
| |
| // dft bypass |
| input scan_rst_ni, |
| input scanmode_i, |
| |
| // reset outputs |
| output rstmgr_ast_out_t resets_ast_o, |
| output rstmgr_out_t resets_o |
| |
| ); |
| |
| import rstmgr_reg_pkg::*; |
| |
| // receive POR and stretch |
| // The por is at first stretched and synced on clk_aon |
| // The rst_ni and pok_i input will be changed once AST is integrated |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_por_aon_n; |
| |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < PowerDomains; i++) begin : gen_rst_por_aon |
| if (i == DomainAonSel) begin : gen_rst_por_aon_normal |
| rstmgr_por u_rst_por_aon ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(ast_i.aon_pok), |
| .scan_rst_ni, |
| .scanmode_i, |
| .rst_no(rst_por_aon_n[i]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_rst_por_aon_n_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_por_aon_n[i]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_por_aon_n[i]) |
| ); |
| end else begin : gen_rst_por_aon_tieoff |
| assign rst_por_aon_n[i] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_por_aon_n[i] = rst_por_aon_n[i]; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Register Interface // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // local_rst_n is the reset used by the rstmgr for its internal logic |
| logic local_rst_n; |
| assign local_rst_n = resets_o.rst_por_io_div2_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| rstmgr_reg_pkg::rstmgr_reg2hw_t reg2hw; |
| rstmgr_reg_pkg::rstmgr_hw2reg_t hw2reg; |
| |
| rstmgr_reg_top u_reg ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni(local_rst_n), |
| .tl_i, |
| .tl_o, |
| .reg2hw, |
| .hw2reg, |
| .devmode_i(1'b1) |
| ); |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Input handling // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic ndmreset_req_q; |
| logic ndm_req_valid; |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_sync ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni(local_rst_n), |
| .d_i(cpu_i.ndmreset_req), |
| .q_o(ndmreset_req_q) |
| ); |
| |
| assign ndm_req_valid = ndmreset_req_q & (pwr_i.reset_cause == pwrmgr_pkg::ResetNone); |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Source resets in the system // |
| // These are hardcoded and not directly used. // |
| // Instead they act as async reset roots. // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // The two source reset modules are chained together. The output of one is fed into the |
| // the second. This ensures that if upstream resets for any reason, the associated downstream |
| // reset will also reset. |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_lc_src_n; |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_sys_src_n; |
| |
| |
| // lc reset sources |
| rstmgr_ctrl #( |
| .PowerDomains(PowerDomains) |
| ) u_lc_src ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni(local_rst_n), |
| .rst_req_i(pwr_i.rst_lc_req), |
| .rst_parent_ni({PowerDomains{1'b1}}), |
| .rst_no(rst_lc_src_n) |
| ); |
| |
| // sys reset sources |
| rstmgr_ctrl #( |
| .PowerDomains(PowerDomains) |
| ) u_sys_src ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni(local_rst_n), |
| .rst_req_i(pwr_i.rst_sys_req | {PowerDomains{ndm_req_valid}}), |
| .rst_parent_ni(rst_lc_src_n), |
| .rst_no(rst_sys_src_n) |
| ); |
| |
| assign pwr_o.rst_lc_src_n = rst_lc_src_n; |
| assign pwr_o.rst_sys_src_n = rst_sys_src_n; |
| |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Software reset controls external reg // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| logic [NumSwResets-1:0] sw_rst_ctrl_n; |
| |
| for (genvar i=0; i < NumSwResets; i++) begin : gen_sw_rst_ext_regs |
| prim_subreg #( |
| .DW(1), |
| .SWACCESS("RW"), |
| .RESVAL(1) |
| ) u_rst_sw_ctrl_reg ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni(local_rst_n), |
| .we(reg2hw.sw_rst_ctrl_n[i].qe & reg2hw.sw_rst_regen[i]), |
| .wd(reg2hw.sw_rst_ctrl_n[i].q), |
| .de('0), |
| .d('0), |
| .qe(), |
| .q(sw_rst_ctrl_n[i]), |
| .qs(hw2reg.sw_rst_ctrl_n[i].d) |
| ); |
| end |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // leaf reset in the system // |
| // These should all be generated // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // To simplify generation, each reset generates all associated power domain outputs. |
| // If a reset does not support a particular power domain, that reset is always hard-wired to 0. |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_por_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_por ( |
| .clk_i(clk_main_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_por_aon_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_por_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_por_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_por_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_por_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| assign rst_por_n[Domain0Sel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_por_n[Domain0Sel] = rst_por_n[Domain0Sel]; |
| |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_por_io_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_por_io ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_por_aon_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_por_io_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_por_io_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_por_io_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_por_io_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| assign rst_por_io_n[Domain0Sel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_por_io_n[Domain0Sel] = rst_por_io_n[Domain0Sel]; |
| |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_por_io_div2_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_por_io_div2 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div2_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_por_aon_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_por_io_div2_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_por_io_div2_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_por_io_div2_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_por_io_div2_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| assign rst_por_io_div2_n[Domain0Sel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_por_io_div2_n[Domain0Sel] = rst_por_io_div2_n[Domain0Sel]; |
| |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_por_io_div4_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_por_io_div4 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div4_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_por_aon_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_por_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_por_io_div4_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_por_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_por_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| assign rst_por_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_por_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel] = rst_por_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel]; |
| |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_por_usb_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_por_usb ( |
| .clk_i(clk_usb_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_por_aon_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_por_usb_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_por_usb_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_por_usb_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_por_usb_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| assign rst_por_usb_n[Domain0Sel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_por_usb_n[Domain0Sel] = rst_por_usb_n[Domain0Sel]; |
| |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_lc_n; |
| assign rst_lc_n[DomainAonSel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_lc_n[DomainAonSel] = rst_lc_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_lc ( |
| .clk_i(clk_main_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_lc_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_lc_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_lc_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_lc_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_lc_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_lc_io_div4_n; |
| assign rst_lc_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_lc_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel] = rst_lc_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_lc_io_div4 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div4_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_lc_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_lc_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_lc_io_div4_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_lc_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_lc_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_sys_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_sys ( |
| .clk_i(clk_main_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_sys_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_sys_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_sys_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_sys_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_sys ( |
| .clk_i(clk_main_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_sys_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_sys_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_sys_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_sys_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_sys_io_div4_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_sys_io_div4 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div4_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_sys_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_sys_io_div4_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_sys_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_sys_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_sys_io_div4 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div4_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_sys_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_sys_io_div4_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_sys_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_sys_io_div4_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_sys_aon_n; |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_aon_sys_aon ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_sys_aon_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_aon_sys_aon_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_sys_aon_n[DomainAonSel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_sys_aon_n[DomainAonSel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_sys_aon ( |
| .clk_i(clk_aon_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(1'b1), |
| .q_o(rst_sys_aon_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_sys_aon_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_sys_aon_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_sys_aon_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_spi_device_n; |
| assign rst_spi_device_n[DomainAonSel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_spi_device_n[DomainAonSel] = rst_spi_device_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_spi_device ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div2_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(sw_rst_ctrl_n[SPI_DEVICE]), |
| .q_o(rst_spi_device_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_spi_device_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_spi_device_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_spi_device_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_usb_n; |
| assign rst_usb_n[DomainAonSel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_usb_n[DomainAonSel] = rst_usb_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_usb ( |
| .clk_i(clk_usb_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(sw_rst_ctrl_n[USB]), |
| .q_o(rst_usb_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_usb_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_usb_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_usb_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_i2c0_n; |
| assign rst_i2c0_n[DomainAonSel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_i2c0_n[DomainAonSel] = rst_i2c0_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_i2c0 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div2_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(sw_rst_ctrl_n[I2C0]), |
| .q_o(rst_i2c0_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_i2c0_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_i2c0_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_i2c0_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_i2c1_n; |
| assign rst_i2c1_n[DomainAonSel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_i2c1_n[DomainAonSel] = rst_i2c1_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_i2c1 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div2_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(sw_rst_ctrl_n[I2C1]), |
| .q_o(rst_i2c1_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_i2c1_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_i2c1_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_i2c1_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| logic [PowerDomains-1:0] rst_i2c2_n; |
| assign rst_i2c2_n[DomainAonSel] = 1'b0; |
| assign resets_o.rst_i2c2_n[DomainAonSel] = rst_i2c2_n[DomainAonSel]; |
| |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_0_i2c2 ( |
| .clk_i(clk_io_div2_i), |
| .rst_ni(rst_sys_src_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .d_i(sw_rst_ctrl_n[I2C2]), |
| .q_o(rst_i2c2_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| prim_clock_mux2 #( |
| .NoFpgaBufG(1'b1) |
| ) u_0_i2c2_mux ( |
| .clk0_i(rst_i2c2_n[Domain0Sel]), |
| .clk1_i(scan_rst_ni), |
| .sel_i(scanmode_i), |
| .clk_o(resets_o.rst_i2c2_n[Domain0Sel]) |
| ); |
| |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Reset info construction // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic rst_hw_req; |
| logic rst_low_power; |
| logic rst_ndm; |
| logic rst_cpu_nq; |
| logic first_reset; |
| |
| // The qualification of first reset below could technically be POR as well. |
| // However, that would enforce software to clear POR upon cold power up. While that is |
| // the most likely outcome anyways, hardware should not require that. |
| assign rst_hw_req = ~first_reset & pwr_i.reset_cause == pwrmgr_pkg::HwReq; |
| assign rst_ndm = ~first_reset & ndm_req_valid; |
| assign rst_low_power = ~first_reset & pwr_i.reset_cause == pwrmgr_pkg::LowPwrEntry; |
| |
| prim_flop_2sync #( |
| .Width(1), |
| .ResetValue('0) |
| ) u_cpu_reset_synced ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni(local_rst_n), |
| .d_i(cpu_i.rst_cpu_n), |
| .q_o(rst_cpu_nq) |
| ); |
| |
| // first reset is a flag that blocks reset recording until first de-assertion |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge local_rst_n) begin |
| if (!local_rst_n) begin |
| first_reset <= 1'b1; |
| end else if (rst_cpu_nq) begin |
| first_reset <= 1'b0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Only sw is allowed to clear a reset reason, hw is only allowed to set it. |
| assign hw2reg.reset_info.low_power_exit.d = 1'b1; |
| assign hw2reg.reset_info.low_power_exit.de = rst_low_power; |
| |
| assign hw2reg.reset_info.ndm_reset.d = 1'b1; |
| assign hw2reg.reset_info.ndm_reset.de = rst_ndm; |
| |
| // HW reset requests most likely will be multi-bit, so OR in whatever reasons |
| // that are already set. |
| assign hw2reg.reset_info.hw_req.d = pwr_i.rstreqs | reg2hw.reset_info.hw_req.q; |
| assign hw2reg.reset_info.hw_req.de = rst_hw_req; |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Crash info capture // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| logic dump_capture; |
| assign dump_capture = rst_hw_req | rst_ndm | rst_low_power; |
| |
| rstmgr_crash_info #( |
| .CrashDumpWidth($bits(alert_pkg::alert_crashdump_t)) |
| ) u_alert_info ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .dump_i(alert_dump_i), |
| .dump_capture_i(dump_capture & reg2hw.alert_info_ctrl.en.q), |
| .slot_sel_i(reg2hw.alert_info_ctrl.index.q), |
| .slots_cnt_o(hw2reg.alert_info_attr.d), |
| .slot_o(hw2reg.alert_info.d) |
| ); |
| |
| rstmgr_crash_info #( |
| .CrashDumpWidth($bits(rv_core_ibex_pkg::crashdump_t)) |
| ) u_cpu_info ( |
| .clk_i, |
| .rst_ni, |
| .dump_i(cpu_dump_i), |
| .dump_capture_i(dump_capture & reg2hw.cpu_info_ctrl.en.q), |
| .slot_sel_i(reg2hw.cpu_info_ctrl.index.q), |
| .slots_cnt_o(hw2reg.cpu_info_attr.d), |
| .slot_o(hw2reg.cpu_info.d) |
| ); |
| |
| // once dump is captured, no more information is captured until |
| // re-eanbled by software. |
| assign hw2reg.alert_info_ctrl.en.d = 1'b0; |
| assign hw2reg.alert_info_ctrl.en.de = dump_capture; |
| assign hw2reg.cpu_info_ctrl.en.d = 1'b0; |
| assign hw2reg.cpu_info_ctrl.en.de = dump_capture; |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Exported resets // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| assign resets_ast_o.rst_ast_sensor_ctrl_sys_io_div4_n = resets_o.rst_sys_io_div4_n; |
| assign resets_ast_o.rst_ast_usbdev_sys_io_div4_n = resets_o.rst_sys_io_div4_n; |
| assign resets_ast_o.rst_ast_usbdev_sys_aon_n = resets_o.rst_sys_aon_n; |
| assign resets_ast_o.rst_ast_usbdev_usb_n = resets_o.rst_usb_n; |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // Assertions // |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| // when upstream resets, downstream must also reset |
| |
| // output known asserts |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(TlDValidKnownO_A, tl_o.d_valid ) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(TlAReadyKnownO_A, tl_o.a_ready ) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(PwrKnownO_A, pwr_o ) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(ResetsKnownO_A, resets_o ) |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(AstResetsKnownO_A, resets_ast_o ) |
| |
| endmodule // rstmgr |