| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| { |
| // Name of the sim cfg - typically same as the name of the DUT. |
| name: chip |
| |
| // Top level dut name (sv module). |
| dut: top_earlgrey_asic |
| |
| // Top level testbench name (sv module). |
| tb: tb |
| |
| // Default simulator used to sign off. |
| tool: vcs |
| |
| // Fusesoc core file used for building the file list. |
| fusesoc_core: lowrisc:dv:chip_sim:0.1 |
| |
| // Testplan hjson file. |
| testplan: "{proj_root}/hw/top_earlgrey/data/chip_testplan.hjson" |
| |
| // RAL spec - used to generate the RAL model. |
| ral_spec: "{proj_root}/hw/top_earlgrey/data/top_earlgrey.hjson" |
| |
| // Add additional tops for simulation. |
| sim_tops: ["xbar_main_bind", |
| "xbar_peri_bind"] |
| |
| // Import additional common sim cfg files. |
| import_cfgs: [// Project wide common sim cfg file |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/common_sim_cfg.hjson", |
| // Common CIP test lists |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/tests/csr_tests.hjson", |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/tests/mem_tests.hjson", |
| "{proj_root}/hw/dv/tools/dvsim/tests/tl_access_tests.hjson", |
| // xbar tests |
| "{proj_root}/hw/ip/tlul/generic_dv/xbar_tests.hjson", |
| // Config files to get the correct flags for otbn_memutil and otbn_tracer |
| "{proj_root}/hw/ip/otbn/dv/memutil/otbn_memutil_sim_opts.hjson", |
| "{proj_root}/hw/ip/otbn/dv/tracer/otbn_tracer_sim_opts.hjson", |
| ] |
| |
| // Override existing project defaults to supply chip-specific values. |
| overrides: [ |
| // Chip level design is markedly different from our Comportable IPs (and so |
| // is our coverage goals). The coverage goals also differ between 'default' |
| // and the 'cover_reg_top' (used by common tests) builds. We override the |
| // variables below to swap the coverage cfg files used for the Comportable |
| // IPs with chip-specific ones. See `doc/ug/dv_methodology.md` for more |
| // details. |
| |
| // Used by all chip level functional test. Collects coverage on the IO |
| // boundary of all pre-verified IPs and full coverage on non-pre-verified |
| // IPs. See `hw/dv/tools/dvsim/common_sim_cfg.hjson` for the default value. |
| { |
| name: default_vcs_cov_cfg_file |
| value: "-cm_hier {proj_root}/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/cov/chip_cover.cfg" |
| } |
| // Used by 'cover_reg_top' only builds - we only cover the *_reg_top of |
| // the non-pre-verified modules at the chip level. See |
| // `hw/dv/tools/dvsim//common_sim_cfg.hjson` for the default value. |
| { |
| name: cover_reg_top_vcs_cov_cfg_file |
| value: "-cm_hier {proj_root}/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/cov/chip_cover_reg_top.cfg" |
| } |
| |
| // This defaults to 'ip' in `hw/data/common_project_cfg.hjson`. |
| { |
| name: design_level |
| value: "top" |
| } |
| ] |
| |
| // Set the vcs_cov_assert_hier to supply the chip specific assertion coverage |
| // hierarchies. |
| vcs_cov_assert_hier: "-cm_assert_hier {proj_root}/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/cov/chip_assert_cover.cfg" |
| |
| // Default iterations for all tests - each test entry can override this. |
| reseed: 1 |
| |
| // Default UVM test and seq class name. |
| uvm_test: chip_base_test |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_build_device: sim_dv |
| |
| // Add build modes. |
| build_modes: [ |
| { |
| name: en_ibex_tracer |
| build_opts: ["+define+RVFI=1"] |
| } |
| ] |
| |
| // Add options needed to compile against otbn_memutil and otbn_tracer |
| en_build_modes: ["{tool}_otbn_memutil_build_opts", |
| "{tool}_otbn_tracer_build_opts"] |
| |
| // Add run modes. |
| run_modes: [ |
| { |
| name: sw_test_mode |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/boot_rom/boot_rom:0"] |
| run_opts: ["+sw_build_bin_dir={sw_build_dir}/build-bin", |
| "+sw_build_device={sw_build_device}", |
| "+sw_images=\\\"{sw_images}\\\""] |
| } |
| { |
| name: stub_cpu_mode |
| run_opts: ["+stub_cpu=1"] |
| } |
| { |
| // Append stub cpu mode to csr_tests_mode, run with 20 reseeds. |
| name: csr_tests_mode |
| en_run_modes: ["stub_cpu_mode"] |
| reseed: 20 |
| } |
| { |
| // Append stub cpu mode to mem_tests_mode, run with 20 reseeds. |
| name: mem_tests_mode |
| en_run_modes: ["stub_cpu_mode"] |
| reseed: 20 |
| } |
| { |
| name: xbar_mode |
| run_opts: ["+xbar_mode=1"] |
| reseed: 100 |
| } |
| ] |
| |
| // List of test specifications. |
| // |
| // If you are adding a test that has been generated from the `sw_tests` |
| // dictionary declared in `sw/device/tests/meson.build`, the `sw_images` list |
| // below should contain `sw/device/tests/<sw_test_name>` (without any more |
| // subdirectories) because that is where the meson target is created. For |
| // example `dif_plic_smoketest` is added to `sw_tests` in |
| // `sw/device/tests/dif/meson.build`, but the final meson targets all start |
| // `sw/device/tests/dif_plic_smoketest_`. |
| // |
| // Each entry in `sw_images` is followed by an index separated with ':' which |
| // is used by the testbench to know what type of image is it: |
| // - 0 for boot_rom, |
| // - 1 for SW test, |
| // - 2 for OTBN and so on |
| // This allows an arbitrary number of SW images to be supplied to the TB. |
| tests: [ |
| { |
| name: chip_uart_tx_rx |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/uart_tx_rx_test:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_uart_tx_rx_bootstrap |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_uart_tx_rx_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/uart_tx_rx_test:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| run_opts: ["+use_spi_load_bootstrap=1"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_spi_tx_rx |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_spi_tx_rx_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/spi_tx_rx_test:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_aes_encr |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/aes_test:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_dif_gpio_smoketest |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_gpio_smoke_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_gpio_smoketest:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_gpio |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_gpio_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/gpio_test:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_dif_plic_smoketest |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_plic_smoketest:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_flash_ctrl_access |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/flash_ctrl_test:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_dif_otbn_smoketest |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_otbn_smoketest:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_hmac_sha256_encr |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/sha256_test:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_rv_timer_irq |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tests/dif_rv_timer_smoketest:1"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_coremark |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/benchmarks/coremark/coremark_top_earlgrey:1:external"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| run_opts: ["+en_uart_logger=1", |
| "+sw_test_timeout_ns=22000000"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_opentitan_tock |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_sw_base_vseq |
| sw_images: ["sw/device/tock/prebuilt/opentitan:1:prebuilt:external"] |
| en_run_modes: ["sw_test_mode"] |
| run_opts: ["+en_uart_logger=1", |
| // TODO #2241: tock reads an un-initialized part of stack, |
| // which causes assertion errors to be thrown. This is a |
| // temporary workaround. |
| "+initialize_ram=1", |
| "+sw_test_timeout_ns=50000000"] |
| } |
| { |
| name: chip_shadow_reg_errors |
| uvm_test_seq: chip_shadow_reg_errors_vseq |
| en_run_modes: ["stub_cpu_mode"] |
| run_opts: ["+en_scb=0"] |
| } |
| // The test below is added in the included tl_access_tests.hjson. |
| // We just need to append the stub_cpu_mode run mode to it. |
| { |
| name: chip_tl_errors |
| en_run_modes: ["stub_cpu_mode"] |
| } |
| ] |
| |
| // List of regressions. |
| regressions: [ |
| { |
| name: smoke |
| tests: ["chip_uart_tx_rx"] |
| } |
| ] |
| } |