blob: 05f2de72678d17df4a74581dfcabf901807489a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import mistletoe
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from . import html_data, lowrisc_renderer
def generate_doc(src_path, verbose, inlinecss, inlinewave, asdiv):
"""Generate Document for other library to use
if src_path == '-':
infile = sys.stdin
if os.path.isfile(src_path):
infile = open(src_path, 'r', encoding='UTF-8')
logging.error("Source is not a file: %s", src_path)
return ""
if (asdiv):
outstr = html_data.header_asdiv
# no body to add the onload to, so must inline waveforms
inlinewave = True
elif (inlinewave):
outstr = html_data.header_waveinline
outstr = html_data.header_wavejs
if (asdiv):"asdiv: no CSS included")
elif (inlinecss):
outstr += "<style type='text/css'>"
with open(
resource_filename('docgen', 'md_html.css'), 'r',
encoding='UTF-8') as fin:
outstr +=
with open(
resource_filename('reggen', 'reg_html.css'), 'r',
encoding='UTF-8') as fin:
outstr +=
outstr += "</style>"
outstr += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="md_html.css">'
outstr += '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="reg_html.css">'
outstr += html_data.markdown_header
# lowrisc_renderer.Document rather than mistletoe.Document to get includes
with infile:
with lowrisc_renderer.LowriscRenderer(
srcfile=src_path, wavejs=not inlinewave) as renderer:
document = lowrisc_renderer.Document(infile, src_path)
rendered = renderer.render(document)
tocpos = rendered.find(html_data.toc_mark_head)
toc = renderer.toc
if tocpos < 0 or len(toc) == 0:
outstr += rendered
tocp = tocpos + len(html_data.toc_mark_head)
toci = tocp
while rendered[tocp] != '-':
tocp += 1
maxlvl = int(rendered[toci:tocp])
outstr += rendered[:tocpos]
outstr += html_data.toc_title
outstr += '<ul>\n'
lvl = 2
for x in toc:
# don't expect H1, collapse to H2 if it is there
wantlvl = x[0] if x[0] > 1 else 2
if (wantlvl > maxlvl):
while lvl < wantlvl:
outstr += '<ul>\n'
lvl += 1
while lvl > wantlvl:
outstr += '</ul>\n'
lvl -= 1
outstr += '<li><a href=#' + x[2] + '>' + x[1] + '</a>\n'
while lvl > 1:
outstr += '</ul>\n'
lvl -= 1
outstr += rendered[tocpos:]
outstr += html_data.markdown_trailer
outstr += html_data.trailer_asdiv if asdiv else html_data.trailer
return outstr