blob: 9ba3def2b813de012c5c4bb0eda7ab60e02c8c7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// The ROM checker FSM module
module rom_ctrl_fsm
import prim_util_pkg::vbits;
parameter int RomDepth = 16,
parameter int TopCount = 8
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
// CSR inputs for DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST. To make the indexing look nicer, these are ordered so
// that DIGEST_0 is the bottom 32 bits (they get reversed while we're shuffling around the wires
// in rom_ctrl).
input logic [TopCount*32-1:0] digest_i,
input logic [TopCount*32-1:0] exp_digest_i,
// CSR outputs for DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST. Ordered with word 0 as LSB.
output logic [TopCount*32-1:0] digest_o,
output logic digest_vld_o,
output logic [31:0] exp_digest_o,
output logic exp_digest_vld_o,
output logic [vbits(TopCount)-1:0] exp_digest_idx_o,
// To power manager and key manager
output rom_ctrl_pkg::pwrmgr_data_t pwrmgr_data_o,
output rom_ctrl_pkg::keymgr_data_t keymgr_data_o,
// To KMAC (ROM data)
input logic kmac_rom_rdy_i,
output logic kmac_rom_vld_o,
output logic kmac_rom_last_o,
// To KMAC (digest data)
input logic kmac_done_i,
input logic [TopCount*32-1:0] kmac_digest_i,
// To ROM mux
output logic rom_select_o,
output logic [vbits(RomDepth)-1:0] rom_addr_o,
output logic rom_req_o,
// Raw bits from ROM
input logic [31:0] rom_data_i,
// To alert system
output logic alert_o
localparam int AW = vbits(RomDepth);
localparam int TAW = vbits(TopCount);
localparam int unsigned TopStartAddrInt = RomDepth - TopCount;
localparam bit [AW-1:0] TopStartAddr = TopStartAddrInt[AW-1:0];
// The counter / address generator
logic counter_done;
logic [AW-1:0] counter_read_addr;
logic counter_read_req;
logic [AW-1:0] counter_data_addr;
logic counter_data_rdy, counter_data_vld;
logic counter_lnt;
rom_ctrl_counter #(
.RomDepth (RomDepth),
.RomTopCount (TopCount)
) u_counter (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
.done_o (counter_done),
.read_addr_o (counter_read_addr),
.read_req_o (counter_read_req),
.data_addr_o (counter_data_addr),
.data_rdy_i (counter_data_rdy),
.data_vld_o (counter_data_vld),
.data_last_nontop_o (counter_lnt)
// The compare block (responsible for comparing CSR data and forwarding it to the key manager)
logic start_checker_q;
logic checker_done, checker_good, checker_alert;
rom_ctrl_compare #(
.NumWords (TopCount)
) u_compare (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
.start_i (start_checker_q),
.done_o (checker_done),
.good_o (checker_good),
.digest_i (digest_i),
.exp_digest_i (exp_digest_i),
.alert_o (checker_alert)
// Main FSM
// There are the following logical states
// ReadingLow: We're reading the low part of ROM and passing it to KMAC
// ReadingHigh: We're reading the high part of ROM and waiting for KMAC
// RomAhead: We've finished reading the high part of ROM, but are still waiting for KMAC
// KmacAhead: KMAC is done, but we're still reading the high part of ROM
// Checking: We are comparing DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST and sending data to keymgr
// Done: Terminal state
// The FSM is linear, except for the branch where reading the high part of ROM races with getting
// the result back from KMAC.
// digraph fsm {
// ReadingLow -> ReadingHigh;
// ReadingHigh -> RomAhead;
// ReadingHigh -> KmacAhead;
// RomAhead -> Checking;
// KmacAhead -> Checking;
// Checking -> Done;
// Done [peripheries=2];
// }
// Encoding generated with:
// $ util/design/ -d 3 -m 6 -n 6 -s 2 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (53.33%)
// 4: ||||||||||||||| (40.00%)
// 5: || (6.67%)
// 6: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 3
// Maximum Hamming distance: 5
// Minimum Hamming weight: 1
// Maximum Hamming weight: 5
typedef enum logic [5:0] {
ReadingLow = 6'b111101,
ReadingHigh = 6'b110110,
RomAhead = 6'b000011,
KmacAhead = 6'b101010,
Checking = 6'b010000,
Done = 6'b001100
} state_e;
logic [5:0] state_q, state_d;
logic fsm_alert;
prim_flop #(.Width(6), .ResetValue({ReadingLow}))
u_state_regs (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
.d_i (state_d),
.q_o (state_q)
always_comb begin
state_d = state_q;
fsm_alert = 1'b0;
unique case (state_q)
ReadingLow: begin
// Switch to ReadingHigh when counter_lnt is true and kmac_rom_rdy_i & kmac_rom_vld_o
// (implying that the transaction went through)
if (counter_lnt && kmac_rom_rdy_i && kmac_rom_vld_o) begin
state_d = ReadingHigh;
ReadingHigh: begin
unique case ({kmac_done_i, counter_done})
2'b01: state_d = RomAhead;
2'b10: state_d = KmacAhead;
2'b11: state_d = Checking;
default: ; // No change
RomAhead: begin
if (kmac_done_i) state_d = Checking;
KmacAhead: begin
if (counter_done) state_d = Checking;
Checking: begin
if (checker_done) state_d = Done;
Done: begin
// Final state
default: begin
// Invalid state.
fsm_alert = 1'b1;
// Route digest signals coming back from KMAC straight to the CSRs
assign digest_o = kmac_digest_i;
assign digest_vld_o = kmac_done_i;
// Snoop on ROM reads to populate EXP_DIGEST, one word at a time
logic reading_top;
logic [AW-1:0] rel_addr_wide;
logic [TAW-1:0] rel_addr;
assign reading_top = (state_q == ReadingHigh || state_q == KmacAhead) & ~counter_done;
assign rel_addr_wide = counter_data_addr - TopStartAddr;
assign rel_addr = rel_addr_wide[TAW-1:0];
// The top bits of rel_addr_wide should always be zero if we're reading the top bits (because TAW
// bits should be enough to encode the difference between counter_data_addr and TopStartAddr)
`ASSERT(RelAddrWide_A, exp_digest_vld_o |-> ~|rel_addr_wide[AW-1:TAW])
logic unused_top_rel_addr_wide;
assign unused_top_rel_addr_wide = |rel_addr_wide[AW-1:TAW];
assign exp_digest_o = rom_data_i;
assign exp_digest_vld_o = reading_top;
assign exp_digest_idx_o = rel_addr;
// Pass the 'done' and 'good' signals directly from the checker
assign pwrmgr_data_o = '{done: (state_q == Done), good: checker_good};
// Pass the digest all-at-once to the keymgr
assign keymgr_data_o = '{data: digest_i, valid: (state_q == Done)};
// KMAC rom data interface
// This is almost handled by the counter, but we interpose ourselves once all but the top words
// have been sent, squashing the extra data beats that come out as the counter reads through the
// top words.
assign counter_data_rdy = kmac_rom_rdy_i | (state_q != ReadingLow);
assign kmac_rom_vld_o = counter_data_vld & (state_q == ReadingLow);
assign kmac_rom_last_o = counter_lnt;
// Start the checker when transitioning into the "Checking" state
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
start_checker_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
start_checker_q <= (state_q != Checking) && (state_d == Checking);
// We keep control of the ROM mux from reset until we're done
assign rom_select_o = (state_q != Done);
assign rom_addr_o = counter_read_addr;
assign rom_req_o = counter_read_req;
// TODO: There are lots more checks that we could do here (things like spotting vld signals that
// occur when we're in an FSM state that doesn't expect them)
assign alert_o = fsm_alert | checker_alert;