blob: 20132ce6bfd0d0c5fdfa900c03d00fa81806da3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_keymgr.h"
* Versioned key parameters for testing.
* Change destination in order to sideload keys to hardware.
static const dif_keymgr_versioned_key_params_t kKeyVersionedParams = {
.dest = kDifKeymgrVersionedKeyDestSw,
.salt =
.version = 0xaa,
* Software binding value for advancing to creator root key state.
static const dif_keymgr_state_params_t kCreatorParams = {
.binding_value = {0xdc96c23d, 0xaf36e268, 0xcb68ff71, 0xe92f76e2,
0xb8a8379d, 0x426dc745, 0x19f5cff7, 0x4ec9c6d6},
.max_key_version = 0x11,
* Software binding value for advancing to owner intermediate key state.
static const dif_keymgr_state_params_t kOwnerIntParams = {
.binding_value = {0xe4987b39, 0x3f83d390, 0xc2f3bbaf, 0x3195dbfa,
0x23fb480c, 0xb012ae5e, 0xf1394d28, 0x1940ceeb},
.max_key_version = 0xaa,
* Initialize flash for key manager operation.
void keymgr_testutils_init_flash(void);
* Issues a keymgr advance operation and wait for it to complete
* @param keymgr A key manager handle.
* @param params The binding and max key version value for the next state.
void keymgr_testutils_advance_state(const dif_keymgr_t *keymgr,
const dif_keymgr_state_params_t *params);
* Checks if the current keymgr state matches the expected state
* @param keymgr A key manager handle.
* @param exp_state The expected key manager state.
void keymgr_testutils_check_state(const dif_keymgr_t *keymgr,
const dif_keymgr_state_t exp_state);
* Issues a keymgr identity generation and wait for it to complete
* @param keymgr A key manager handle.
void keymgr_testutils_generate_identity(const dif_keymgr_t *keymgr);
* Issues a keymgr HW/SW versioned key generation and wait for it to complete
* @param keymgr A key manager handle.
* @param params Key generation parameters.
void keymgr_testutils_generate_versioned_key(
const dif_keymgr_t *keymgr, const dif_keymgr_versioned_key_params_t params);
* Issues a keymgr disable and wait for it to complete
void keymgr_testutils_disable(const dif_keymgr_t *keymgr);
* Polling keymgr status until it becomes idle.
* Fail the test if the status code indicates any error.
* @param keymgr A key manager handle.
void keymgr_testutils_wait_for_operation_done(const dif_keymgr_t *keymgr);