| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------- |
| // TileLink sequence item |
| // --------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // use macro to write constraint in order to reuse in functions: |
| // get_exp_d_error and randomize_a_chan_with_protocol_error |
| `define chk_prot_a_opcode \ |
| a_opcode inside {Get, PutFullData, PutPartialData} |
| |
| // For PutFullData message, mask needs to match with size |
| `define chk_prot_mask_w_PutFullData \ |
| a_opcode != PutFullData || $countones(a_mask) == (1 << a_size) |
| |
| // mask must align with addr, same as below |
| // a_addr[1:0] == 1 -> a_mask[0] == 0; |
| // a_addr[1:0] == 2 -> a_mask[1:0] == 0; |
| // a_addr[1:0] == 3 -> a_mask[2:0] == 0; |
| `define chk_prot_addr_mask_align \ |
| MaskWidth'(a_mask << (4 - a_addr[SizeWidth-1:0])) == 0 |
| |
| // mask must be within enabled lanes |
| // prevent cases: addr: 0h, size: 1, mask: 'b1100; addr: 0h, size: 0, mask: 'b1000 |
| `define chk_prot_mask_in_enabled_lanes \ |
| ((a_mask >> a_addr[SizeWidth-1:0]) >> (1 << a_size)) == 0 |
| |
| // Address must be aligned to the a_size (2 ** a_size bytes) |
| `define chk_prot_addr_size_align \ |
| (a_addr << (AddrWidth - a_size)) == 0 |
| |
| // max size is 2 |
| `define chk_prot_max_size \ |
| a_size <= 2 |
| |
| class tl_seq_item extends uvm_sequence_item; |
| |
| rand bit [AddrWidth - 1 : 0] a_addr; |
| rand bit [DataWidth - 1 : 0] a_data; |
| rand bit [MaskWidth - 1 : 0] a_mask; |
| rand bit [SizeWidth - 1 : 0] a_size; |
| rand bit [2:0] a_param; |
| rand bit [SourceWidth - 1 : 0] a_source; |
| rand bit [OpcodeWidth - 1 : 0] a_opcode; |
| rand bit [AUserWidth - 1 : 0] a_user; |
| |
| rand bit [2:0] d_param; |
| rand bit [DataWidth - 1 : 0] d_data; |
| rand bit [SourceWidth - 1 : 0] d_source; |
| rand bit [SizeWidth - 1 : 0] d_size; |
| rand bit [OpcodeWidth - 1 : 0] d_opcode; |
| rand bit d_error; |
| rand bit [DUserWidth - 1 : 0] d_user; |
| rand bit d_sink; |
| |
| // host mode delays |
| rand int unsigned a_valid_delay; |
| rand int unsigned a_valid_len; |
| |
| // device mode delays |
| rand int unsigned d_valid_delay; |
| rand int unsigned d_valid_len; |
| |
| // Indicates a_source val is overridden. |
| // |
| // a_source is randomized and set in tl_host_base_seq::finish_item() to facilitate late |
| // randomization. If this bit is set, the a_source is assumed to be set to a fixed value instead. |
| // It is possible that this fixed value might match one of the pending reqs in the that has not |
| // yet completed. The driver can then use this bit to add more delays if needed before sending |
| // this request, to avoid protocol violation. |
| bit a_source_is_overridden; |
| |
| // after given valid_len, end the req/rsp if it's not accepted, which allows seq to switch |
| // content and test unaccepted item shouldn't be used in design |
| bit req_abort_after_a_valid_len; |
| bit rsp_abort_after_d_valid_len; |
| // True if the item is completed, not aborted |
| bit req_completed; |
| bit rsp_completed; |
| |
| // param is reserved for future use, must be zero |
| constraint param_c { |
| a_param == 0; |
| d_param == 0; |
| } |
| |
| constraint no_d_error_c { |
| soft d_error == 0; |
| } |
| |
| constraint a_valid_len_c { |
| soft a_valid_len inside {[1:10]}; |
| } |
| |
| constraint d_valid_len_c { |
| soft d_valid_len inside {[1:10]}; |
| } |
| |
| constraint valid_delay_c { |
| soft a_valid_delay inside {[0:50]}; |
| soft d_valid_delay inside {[0:50]}; |
| } |
| |
| constraint d_opcode_c { |
| d_opcode inside {AccessAckData, AccessAck}; |
| } |
| |
| constraint a_opcode_c { |
| `chk_prot_a_opcode; |
| } |
| |
| // mask must be contiguous, e.g. 'b1001, 'b1010 aren't allowed |
| constraint mask_contiguous_c { |
| $countones(a_mask ^ {a_mask[MaskWidth-2:0], 1'b0}) <= 2; |
| } |
| |
| constraint mask_w_PutFullData_c { |
| `chk_prot_mask_w_PutFullData; |
| } |
| |
| constraint addr_mask_align_c { |
| `chk_prot_addr_mask_align; |
| } |
| |
| constraint mask_in_enabled_lanes_c { |
| `chk_prot_mask_in_enabled_lanes; |
| } |
| |
| constraint addr_size_align_c { |
| `chk_prot_addr_size_align; |
| } |
| |
| // size can't be more than 2 |
| constraint max_size_c { |
| `chk_prot_max_size; |
| } |
| |
| `uvm_object_utils_begin(tl_seq_item) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_addr, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_data, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_mask, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_size, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_param, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_source, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_opcode, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_user, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_param, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_source, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_data, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_size, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_opcode, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_error, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_sink, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_user, UVM_DEFAULT) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_source_is_overridden, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_valid_delay, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_valid_delay, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (a_valid_len, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (d_valid_len, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (req_abort_after_a_valid_len, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (rsp_abort_after_d_valid_len, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (req_completed, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_field_int (rsp_completed, UVM_DEFAULT | UVM_NOPACK) |
| `uvm_object_utils_end |
| |
| function new (string name = ""); |
| super.new(name); |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| virtual function string convert2string(); |
| string str; |
| string a_opcode_name, d_opcode_name; |
| tl_a_op_e a_op_e; |
| tl_d_op_e d_op_e; |
| if ($cast(a_op_e, a_opcode)) a_opcode_name = a_op_e.name(); |
| else a_opcode_name = $sformatf("Invalid, value: %0d", a_opcode); |
| if ($cast(d_op_e, d_opcode)) d_opcode_name = d_op_e.name(); |
| else d_opcode_name = $sformatf("Invalid, value: %0d", d_opcode); |
| |
| str = {$sformatf("a_addr = 0x%0h ", a_addr), |
| $sformatf("a_data = 0x%0h ", a_data), |
| $sformatf("a_mask = 0x%0h ", a_mask), |
| $sformatf("a_size = 0x%0h ", a_size), |
| $sformatf("a_param = 0x%0h ", a_param), |
| $sformatf("a_source = 0x%0h ", a_source), |
| $sformatf("a_opcode = %0s ", a_opcode_name), |
| $sformatf("a_user = 0x%0h ", a_user), |
| $sformatf("d_data = 0x%0h ", d_data), |
| $sformatf("d_size = 0x%0h ", d_size), |
| $sformatf("d_param = 0x%0h ", d_param), |
| $sformatf("d_source = 0x%0h ", d_source), |
| $sformatf("d_opcode = %0s ", d_opcode_name), |
| $sformatf("d_error = %0b ", d_error), |
| $sformatf("d_user = %0b ", d_user), |
| $sformatf("d_sink = %0b ", d_sink), |
| $sformatf("req_abort_after_a_valid_len = %0b ", req_abort_after_a_valid_len), |
| $sformatf("rsp_abort_after_d_valid_len = %0b ", rsp_abort_after_d_valid_len), |
| $sformatf("req_completed = %0b ", req_completed), |
| $sformatf("rsp_completed = %0b ", rsp_completed)}; |
| return str; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function void disable_a_chan_randomization(); |
| a_addr.rand_mode(0); |
| a_data.rand_mode(0); |
| a_mask.rand_mode(0); |
| a_size.rand_mode(0); |
| a_param.rand_mode(0); |
| a_source.rand_mode(0); |
| a_opcode.rand_mode(0); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // calculate d_error based on values of a_chan |
| function bit get_exp_d_error(); |
| return get_error_a_opcode_invalid() || get_error_PutFullData_mask_size_mismatched() || |
| get_error_addr_mask_misaligned() || get_error_addr_size_misaligned() || |
| get_error_mask_not_in_enabled_lanes() || get_error_size_over_max(); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function bit get_error_a_opcode_invalid(); |
| return !(`chk_prot_a_opcode); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function bit get_error_PutFullData_mask_size_mismatched(); |
| return !(`chk_prot_mask_w_PutFullData); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function bit get_error_addr_mask_misaligned(); |
| return !(`chk_prot_addr_mask_align); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function bit get_error_addr_size_misaligned(); |
| return !(`chk_prot_addr_size_align); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function bit get_error_mask_not_in_enabled_lanes(); |
| return !(`chk_prot_mask_in_enabled_lanes); |
| endfunction |
| |
| function bit get_error_size_over_max(); |
| return !(`chk_prot_max_size); |
| endfunction // get_error_size_over_max |
| |
| function void disable_a_chan_protocol_constraint(); |
| a_opcode_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| mask_contiguous_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| mask_w_PutFullData_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| addr_mask_align_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| mask_in_enabled_lanes_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| addr_size_align_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| max_size_c.constraint_mode(0); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // randomly disable constraint_mode for a chan |
| // at least one constraint_mode needs to be disabled to make sure protocol is violated |
| function void randomize_a_chan_with_protocol_error(); |
| bit cm_a_opcode, cm_mask_w_PutFullData; |
| bit cm_addr_mask_align, cm_mask_in_enabled_lanes, cm_addr_size_align, cm_max_size; |
| `DV_CHECK_FATAL(std::randomize(cm_a_opcode, cm_mask_w_PutFullData, |
| cm_addr_mask_align, cm_mask_in_enabled_lanes, |
| cm_addr_size_align, cm_max_size) with { |
| // at least one constraint_mode is off |
| !(cm_a_opcode && cm_mask_w_PutFullData && |
| cm_addr_mask_align && cm_mask_in_enabled_lanes && |
| cm_addr_size_align && cm_max_size); |
| }) |
| a_opcode_c.constraint_mode(cm_a_opcode); |
| mask_w_PutFullData_c.constraint_mode(cm_mask_w_PutFullData); |
| addr_mask_align_c.constraint_mode(cm_addr_mask_align); |
| mask_in_enabled_lanes_c.constraint_mode(cm_mask_in_enabled_lanes); |
| addr_size_align_c.constraint_mode(cm_addr_size_align); |
| max_size_c.constraint_mode(cm_max_size); |
| // at least one `chk_prot_* is violated |
| randomize() with {!cm_a_opcode && !(`chk_prot_a_opcode) || |
| !cm_mask_w_PutFullData && !(`chk_prot_mask_w_PutFullData) || |
| !cm_addr_mask_align && !(`chk_prot_addr_mask_align) || |
| !cm_mask_in_enabled_lanes && !(`chk_prot_mask_in_enabled_lanes) || |
| !cm_addr_size_align && !(`chk_prot_addr_size_align) || |
| !cm_max_size && !(`chk_prot_max_size);}) |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Find whether this seq item is a read or a write. |
| virtual function bit is_write(); |
| return (a_opcode inside {PutFullData, PutPartialData}); |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Check if d_opcode is appropriate for the given a_opcode. This check assumes that the |
| // response packet has been appended with the corresponding request. |
| virtual function bit check_opcodes(bit throw_error = 1'b1); |
| // for read, return AccessAckData; for write or error opcode, return AccessAck |
| tl_d_op_e exp_d_opcode = a_opcode == Get ? tlul_pkg::AccessAckData : tlul_pkg::AccessAck; |
| check_opcodes = (d_opcode == int'(exp_d_opcode)); |
| if (!check_opcodes && throw_error) begin |
| `uvm_error(`gfn, $sformatf("d_opcode: %0d & exp_d_opcode: %0d mismatch", |
| d_opcode, exp_d_opcode)) |
| end |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Check if packet parameters are ok. |
| virtual function bit is_ok(bit throw_error = 1'b1); |
| is_ok = 1'b1; |
| is_ok &= check_opcodes(throw_error); |
| // addr and data channels should have the same source |
| is_ok &= (a_source == d_source); |
| if (!is_ok && throw_error) |
| `uvm_error(`gfn, $sformatf("a_source: 0x%0h & d_source: 0x%0h mismatch", a_source, d_source)) |
| endfunction |
| |
| // Compute and check the integrity of the a_channel payload. |
| // |
| // The TL agent is generic and adheres to the TLUL spec, which does not define |
| // how the integrity of the payload on each channel is computed / checked. That |
| // is up to the chip implementation. Typically, parity / ECC scheme is used, with |
| // the redundant bits transmitted through *_user. |
| // |
| // Returns 1 if the integrity of a_channel is maintained, 0 otherwise. This base |
| // class implementation vacuously returns 1. |
| virtual function bit is_a_chan_intg_ok(bit throw_error = 1'b1); |
| return 1; |
| endfunction |
| |
| // d_channel version of the function above |
| virtual function bit is_d_chan_intg_ok(bit throw_error = 1'b1); |
| return 1; |
| endfunction |
| endclass |
| |
| `undef chk_prot_a_opcode |
| `undef chk_prot_mask_w_PutFullData |
| `undef chk_prot_addr_mask_align |
| `undef chk_prot_mask_in_enabled_lanes |
| `undef chk_prot_addr_size_align |
| `undef chk_prot_max_size |