| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| typedef class tl_host_base_seq; |
| |
| // Class: register adapter type parameterized with the default tl_seq_item type. The idea is to |
| // extend tl_seq_item for further constraints or customizations if required and create the |
| // tl_reg_adapter instance with the overridden type. |
| class tl_reg_adapter #(type ITEM_T = tl_seq_item) extends uvm_reg_adapter; |
| |
| `uvm_object_param_utils(tl_reg_adapter#(ITEM_T)) |
| |
| // Ensure that when an instance of this adapter is created, the cfg handle below is initialized to |
| // the `tl_agent_cfg` instance associated with this adapter instance. |
| tl_agent_cfg cfg; |
| |
| function new(string name = "tl_reg_adapter"); |
| super.new(name); |
| // Force the uvm_reg_map to use this sequence to sync with the driver instead. |
| parent_sequence = tl_host_base_seq#(ITEM_T)::type_id::create("m_tl_host_base_seq"); |
| supports_byte_enable = 1; |
| provides_responses = 1; |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| function uvm_sequence_item reg2bus(const ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw); |
| uvm_reg_item item = get_item(); |
| ITEM_T bus_req; |
| bus_req = ITEM_T::type_id::create("bus_req"); |
| |
| // TODO: add a knob to contrl the randomization in case TLUL implementation changes and does |
| // not support partial read/write |
| // randomize CSR partial or full read |
| // for partial read DUT (except memory) always return the entire 4 bytes bus data |
| // if CSR full read (all bytes are enabled) & !MEM, randomly select full or partial read |
| // if CSR field read, will do a partial read if protocal allows by setting a_mask to byte_en |
| if (rw.kind == UVM_READ) begin |
| if (rw.byte_en == '1 && item.element_kind == UVM_REG) begin // csr full read |
| a_opcode == tlul_pkg::Get; |
| a_addr[AddrWidth-1:2] == rw.addr[AddrWidth-1:2]; |
| $countones(a_mask) dist {MaskWidth :/ 1, |
| [0:MaskWidth-1] :/ 1};) |
| end else begin // csr field read |
| a_opcode == tlul_pkg::Get; |
| a_addr[AddrWidth-1:2] == rw.addr[AddrWidth-1:2]; |
| a_mask == rw.byte_en;) |
| end |
| end else begin // randomize CSR partial or full write |
| // Actual width of the CSR may be < DataWidth bits depending on fields and their widths |
| // In that case, the transaction size in bytes and partial write mask need to be at least as |
| // wide as the CSR to be a valid transaction. Otherwise, the DUT can return an error response |
| int msb; |
| |
| // Check if csr addr or mem addr; accordingly, get the msb bit. |
| if (item.element_kind == UVM_REG) begin |
| dv_base_reg csr; |
| uvm_object rg = item.element; |
| `downcast(csr, rg) |
| msb = csr.get_msb_pos(); |
| end else if (item.element_kind == UVM_MEM) begin |
| msb = DataWidth - 1; |
| end else begin |
| `uvm_fatal(`gfn, $sformatf("Unexpected address 0x%0h", rw.addr)) |
| end |
| a_opcode inside {PutFullData, PutPartialData}; |
| a_addr == rw.addr; |
| a_data == rw.data; |
| a_mask[0] == 1; |
| $countones(a_mask) > (msb / 8);) |
| end |
| if (cfg.csr_access_abort_pct_in_adapter > $urandom_range(0, 100)) begin |
| bus_req.req_abort_after_a_valid_len = 1; |
| `uvm_info(`gtn, $sformatf("tl reg req item is allowed to be aborted"), UVM_MEDIUM) |
| end |
| `uvm_info(`gtn, {"tl_reg_adapter::reg2bus: ", bus_req.convert2string()}, UVM_HIGH) |
| return bus_req; |
| endfunction : reg2bus |
| |
| function void bus2reg(uvm_sequence_item bus_item, ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw); |
| ITEM_T bus_rsp; |
| `downcast(bus_rsp, bus_item) |
| rw.kind = bus_rsp.is_write() ? UVM_WRITE : UVM_READ; |
| rw.addr = bus_rsp.a_addr; |
| rw.data = (rw.kind == UVM_WRITE) ? bus_rsp.a_data : bus_rsp.d_data; |
| rw.byte_en = bus_rsp.a_mask; |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(bus_rsp.d_source, bus_rsp.a_source) |
| // expect d_error = 0 as we won't drive any error case through RAL |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(bus_rsp.d_error, 0) |
| // indicate if the item is completed successfully for upper level to update predict value |
| rw.status = !bus_rsp.req_completed ? UVM_NOT_OK : UVM_IS_OK; |
| `uvm_info(`gtn, {"tl_reg_adapter::bus2reg: ", bus_rsp.convert2string()}, UVM_HIGH) |
| endfunction: bus2reg |
| |
| endclass : tl_reg_adapter |