| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------- |
| // TileLink host driver |
| // --------------------------------------------- |
| class tl_host_driver extends tl_base_driver; |
| |
| tl_seq_item pending_a_req[$]; |
| bit reset_asserted; |
| |
| `uvm_component_utils(tl_host_driver) |
| `uvm_component_new |
| |
| virtual task get_and_drive(); |
| // Wait for initial reset to pass. |
| wait(cfg.vif.rst_n === 1'b1); |
| @(cfg.vif.host_cb); |
| fork |
| begin : process_seq_item |
| forever begin |
| seq_item_port.try_next_item(req); |
| if (req != null) begin |
| send_a_channel_request(req); |
| end else begin |
| if (reset_asserted) flush_during_reset(); |
| if (!reset_asserted) begin |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(@(cfg.vif.host_cb);, |
| wait(reset_asserted);) |
| end |
| end // req != null |
| end // forever |
| end : process_seq_item |
| d_channel_thread(); |
| d_ready_rsp(); |
| join_none |
| endtask |
| |
| // keep flushing items when reset is asserted |
| virtual task flush_during_reset(); |
| forever begin |
| seq_item_port.get_next_item(req); |
| send_a_channel_request(req); |
| end, |
| wait(!reset_asserted);) |
| endtask |
| |
| // reset signals every time reset occurs. |
| virtual task reset_signals(); |
| forever begin |
| @(negedge cfg.vif.rst_n); |
| reset_asserted = 1'b1; |
| invalidate_a_channel(); |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.d_ready <= 1'b0; |
| @(posedge cfg.vif.rst_n); |
| reset_asserted = 1'b0; |
| // Check for seq_item_port FIFO & pending req queue is empty when coming out of reset |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(pending_a_req.size(), 0) |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(seq_item_port.has_do_available(), 0) |
| // Check if the a_source_pend_q maintained in the cfg is empty. |
| `DV_CHECK_EQ(cfg.a_source_pend_q.size(), 0) |
| end |
| endtask |
| |
| // Send request on A channel |
| virtual task send_a_channel_request(tl_seq_item req); |
| int unsigned a_valid_delay, a_valid_len; |
| bit req_done, req_abort; |
| |
| // Seq may override the a_source or all valid sources are used but still send req, in which case |
| // it is possible that it might not have factored |
| // This wait is only needed in xbar test as xbar can use all valid sources and xbar_stress runs |
| // all seq in parallel, which needs driver to stall when the source is currently being used |
| // in the a_source values from pending requests that have not yet completed. If that is true, we |
| // need to insert additional delays to ensure we do not end up sending the new request whose |
| // a_source matches one of the pending requests. |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(while (is_source_in_pending_req(req.a_source)) @(cfg.vif.host_cb);, |
| wait(reset_asserted);) |
| |
| while (!req_done && !req_abort) begin |
| if (cfg.use_seq_item_a_valid_delay) begin |
| a_valid_delay = req.a_valid_delay; |
| end else begin |
| a_valid_delay = $urandom_range(cfg.a_valid_delay_min, cfg.a_valid_delay_max); |
| end |
| |
| if (req.req_abort_after_a_valid_len || cfg.allow_a_valid_drop_wo_a_ready) begin |
| if (cfg.use_seq_item_a_valid_len) begin |
| a_valid_len = req.a_valid_len; |
| end else begin |
| a_valid_len = $urandom_range(cfg.a_valid_len_min, cfg.a_valid_len_max); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // break delay loop if reset asserted to release blocking |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(repeat (a_valid_delay) @(cfg.vif.host_cb);, |
| wait(reset_asserted);) |
| |
| if (!reset_asserted) begin |
| pending_a_req.push_back(req); |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_address <= req.a_addr; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_opcode <= tl_a_op_e'(req.a_opcode); |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_size <= req.a_size; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_param <= req.a_param; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_data <= req.a_data; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_mask <= req.a_mask; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_user <= req.a_user; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_source <= req.a_source; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_valid <= 1'b1; |
| end else begin |
| req_abort = 1; |
| end |
| // drop valid if it lasts for a_valid_len, even there is no a_ready |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(send_a_request_body(req, a_valid_len, req_done, req_abort);, |
| wait(reset_asserted);) |
| |
| // when reset and host_cb.h2d_int.a_valid <= 1 occur at the same time, if clock is off, |
| // there is a race condition and invalidate_a_channel can't clear a_valid. |
| if (reset_asserted) cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_valid <= 1'b0; |
| invalidate_a_channel(); |
| end |
| seq_item_port.item_done(); |
| if (req_abort || reset_asserted) begin |
| req.req_completed = 0; |
| // Just wire the d_source back to a_source to avoid errors in upstream logic. |
| req.d_source = req.a_source; |
| seq_item_port.put_response(req); |
| end else begin |
| req.req_completed = 1; |
| end |
| `uvm_info(get_full_name(), $sformatf("Req %0s: %0s", req_abort ? "aborted" : "sent", |
| req.convert2string()), UVM_HIGH) |
| endtask : send_a_channel_request |
| |
| virtual task send_a_request_body(tl_seq_item req, int a_valid_len, |
| ref bit req_done, ref bit req_abort); |
| int unsigned a_valid_cnt; |
| while (1) begin |
| @(cfg.vif.host_cb); |
| a_valid_cnt++; |
| if (cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.a_ready) begin |
| req_done = 1; |
| break; |
| end else if ((req.req_abort_after_a_valid_len || cfg.allow_a_valid_drop_wo_a_ready) && |
| a_valid_cnt >= a_valid_len) begin |
| if (req.req_abort_after_a_valid_len) req_abort = 1; |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.a_valid <= 1'b0; |
| // remove unaccepted item |
| void'(pending_a_req.pop_back()); |
| invalidate_a_channel(); |
| @(cfg.vif.host_cb); |
| break; |
| end |
| end |
| endtask : send_a_request_body |
| |
| // host responds d_ready |
| virtual task d_ready_rsp(); |
| int unsigned d_ready_delay; |
| tl_seq_item rsp; |
| |
| forever begin |
| bit req_found; |
| d_ready_delay = $urandom_range(cfg.d_ready_delay_min, cfg.d_ready_delay_max); |
| // if a_valid high then d_ready must be high, exit the delay when a_valid is set |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(repeat (d_ready_delay) @(cfg.vif.host_cb);, |
| wait(!cfg.host_can_stall_rsp_when_a_valid_high && cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_valid)) |
| |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.d_ready <= 1'b1; |
| @(cfg.vif.host_cb); |
| cfg.vif.host_cb.h2d_int.d_ready <= 1'b0; |
| end |
| endtask : d_ready_rsp |
| |
| // Collect ack from D channel |
| virtual task d_channel_thread(); |
| int unsigned d_ready_delay; |
| tl_seq_item rsp; |
| |
| forever begin |
| bit req_found; |
| |
| if ((cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_valid && cfg.vif.h2d_int.d_ready && !reset_asserted) || |
| ((pending_a_req.size() != 0) & reset_asserted)) begin |
| // Use the source ID to find the matching request |
| foreach (pending_a_req[i]) begin |
| if ((pending_a_req[i].a_source == cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_source) | reset_asserted) begin |
| rsp = pending_a_req[i]; |
| rsp.d_opcode = cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_opcode; |
| rsp.d_data = cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_data; |
| rsp.d_param = cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_param; |
| rsp.d_sink = cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_sink; |
| rsp.d_size = cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_size; |
| rsp.d_user = cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_user; |
| // set d_error = 0 and rsp_completed = 0 when reset occurs |
| rsp.d_error = reset_asserted ? 0 : cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_error; |
| // make sure every req has a rsp with same source even during reset |
| if (reset_asserted) rsp.d_source = rsp.a_source; |
| else rsp.d_source = cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_source; |
| seq_item_port.put_response(rsp); |
| pending_a_req.delete(i); |
| `uvm_info(get_full_name(), $sformatf("Got response %0s, pending req:%0d", |
| rsp.convert2string(), pending_a_req.size()), UVM_HIGH) |
| req_found = 1; |
| rsp.rsp_completed = !reset_asserted; |
| break; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| if (!req_found && !reset_asserted) begin |
| `uvm_error(get_full_name(), $sformatf( |
| "Cannot find request matching d_source 0x%0x", cfg.vif.host_cb.d2h.d_source)) |
| end |
| end else if (reset_asserted) begin |
| wait(!reset_asserted); |
| end |
| `DV_SPINWAIT_EXIT(@(cfg.vif.host_cb);, |
| wait(reset_asserted);) |
| end |
| endtask : d_channel_thread |
| |
| function bit is_source_in_pending_req(bit [SourceWidth-1:0] source); |
| foreach (pending_a_req[i]) begin |
| if (pending_a_req[i].a_source == source) return 1; |
| end |
| return 0; |
| endfunction |
| |
| function void invalidate_a_channel(); |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_opcode <= tlul_pkg::tl_a_op_e'('x); |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_param <= '{default:'x}; |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_size <= '{default:'x}; |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_source <= '{default:'x}; |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_address <= '{default:'x}; |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_mask <= '{default:'x}; |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_data <= '{default:'x}; |
| // The assignment to tl_type must have a cast since the LRM doesn't allow enum assignment of |
| // values not belonging to the enumeration set. |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_user <= '{tl_type:tlul_pkg::tl_type_e'('x), default:'x}; |
| cfg.vif.h2d_int.a_valid <= 1'b0; |
| endfunction : invalidate_a_channel |
| |
| endclass : tl_host_driver |