| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| module tb; |
| // dep packages |
| import uvm_pkg::*; |
| import dv_utils_pkg::*; |
| import tl_agent_pkg::*; |
| import chip_env_pkg::*; |
| import top_pkg::*; |
| import chip_test_pkg::*; |
| import xbar_test_pkg::*; |
| import mem_bkdr_util_pkg::mem_bkdr_util; |
| |
| // macro includes |
| `include "uvm_macros.svh" |
| `include "dv_macros.svh" |
| `include "chip_hier_macros.svh" |
| |
| wire clk, rst_n; |
| wire [NUM_GPIOS-1:0] gpio_pins; |
| |
| wire jtag_tck; |
| wire jtag_tms; |
| wire jtag_trst_n; |
| wire jtag_tdi; |
| wire jtag_tdo; |
| |
| wire spi_device_sck; |
| wire spi_device_csb; |
| wire spi_device_sdo_o; |
| wire spi_device_sdi_i; |
| |
| wire srst_n; |
| wire [1:0] tap_straps; |
| wire [1:0] dft_straps; |
| wire [2:0] sw_straps; |
| wire [7:0] io_dps; |
| |
| wire usb_dp0, usb_dn0, usb_sense0, usb_dppullup0, usb_dnpullup0; |
| |
| wire uart_rx[NUM_UARTS], uart_tx[NUM_UARTS]; |
| |
| bit stub_cpu; |
| bit en_sim_sram = 1'b1; |
| |
| // internal clocks and resets |
| // cpu clock cannot reference cpu_hier since cpu clocks are forced off in stub_cpu mode |
| wire cpu_clk = `CPU_HIER.clk_i; |
| wire cpu_rst_n = `CPU_HIER.rst_ni; |
| wire alert_handler_clk = `ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.clk_i; |
| wire alert_handler_rst_n = `ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.rst_ni; |
| |
| wire iob7, ior13; |
| |
| // interfaces |
| clk_rst_if clk_rst_if(.clk, .rst_n); |
| clk_rst_if cpu_clk_rst_if(.clk(cpu_clk), .rst_n(cpu_rst_n)); |
| alert_esc_if alert_if[NUM_ALERTS](.clk(alert_handler_clk), .rst_n(alert_handler_rst_n)); |
| pins_if #(NUM_GPIOS) gpio_if(.pins(gpio_pins)); |
| pins_if #(1) srst_n_if(.pins(srst_n)); |
| pins_if #(2) tap_straps_if(.pins(tap_straps)); |
| pins_if #(2) dft_straps_if(.pins(dft_straps)); |
| pins_if #(3) sw_straps_if(.pins(sw_straps)); |
| pins_if #(1) rst_n_mon_if(.pins(cpu_rst_n)); |
| pins_if #(1) pinmux_wkup_if(.pins(iob7)); |
| pins_if #(1) pwrb_in_if(.pins(ior13)); |
| spi_if spi_if(.rst_n); |
| tl_if cpu_d_tl_if(.clk(cpu_clk), .rst_n(cpu_rst_n)); |
| uart_if uart_if[NUM_UARTS-1:0](); |
| jtag_if jtag_if(); |
| pwm_if pwm_if[NUM_PWM_CHANNELS](); |
| pwrmgr_low_power_if pwrmgr_low_power_if(.clk(`CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_aon_powerup), |
| .rst_n(`RSTMGR_HIER.resets_o.rst_por_io_div4_n[0])); |
| |
| assign pwrmgr_low_power_if.low_power = `PWRMGR_HIER.low_power_o; |
| |
| bind dut ast_supply_if ast_supply_if ( |
| .clk(top_earlgrey.clk_aon_i), |
| .trigger(top_earlgrey.rv_core_ibex_pwrmgr.core_sleeping) |
| ); |
| |
| // TODO: Replace with correct interfaces once |
| // pinmux/padring and pinout have been updated. |
| wire [25:0] tie_off; |
| wire [5:0] spi_host_tie_off; |
| wire [1:0] spi_dev_tie_off; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) tie_off = '0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) spi_host_tie_off = '0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) spi_dev_tie_off = '0; |
| |
| // TODO: Replace this weak pull to a known value with initialization |
| // in the agent/interface. |
| wire ioc3; |
| wire ioc4; |
| bit uart0_sel = 1; |
| initial begin |
| void'($value$plusargs("uart0_sel=%0b", uart0_sel)); |
| $display("wcy uart0_sel %0d",uart0_sel ); |
| end |
| assign ioc3 = (uart0_sel) ? uart_if[0].uart_rx : dft_straps[0]; |
| assign ioc4 = (uart0_sel) ? 1'bz : dft_straps[1]; |
| assign uart_if[0].uart_tx = ioc4; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) ioc3 = 1'b1; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) ioc4 = 1'b1; |
| |
| // wires for pwm test |
| wire iob10, iob11, iob12; |
| wire ioc10, ioc11, ioc12; |
| |
| assign (weak0, weak1) iob10 = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) iob11 = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) iob12 = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) ioc10 = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) ioc11 = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) ioc12 = 1'b0; |
| |
| // TODO: the external clk is currently not connected. |
| // We will need to feed this in via a muxed pin, once that function implemented. |
| |
| chip_earlgrey_asic dut ( |
| // Clock and Reset (VCC domain) |
| .POR_N(rst_n), |
| // Dedicated SPI Host (VIOA domain) |
| .SPI_HOST_D0(spi_host_tie_off[0]), |
| .SPI_HOST_D1(spi_host_tie_off[1]), |
| .SPI_HOST_D2(spi_host_tie_off[2]), |
| .SPI_HOST_D3(spi_host_tie_off[3]), |
| .SPI_HOST_CLK(spi_host_tie_off[4]), |
| .SPI_HOST_CS_L(spi_host_tie_off[5]), |
| // Dedicated SPI Device (VIOA domain) |
| .SPI_DEV_D0(spi_device_sdi_i), |
| .SPI_DEV_D1(spi_device_sdo_o), |
| .SPI_DEV_D2(spi_dev_tie_off[0]), |
| .SPI_DEV_D3(spi_dev_tie_off[1]), |
| .SPI_DEV_CLK(spi_device_sck), |
| .SPI_DEV_CS_L(spi_device_csb), |
| // Bank A (VIOA domain) |
| .IOA0(gpio_pins[0]), // MIO 0 |
| .IOA1(gpio_pins[1]), // MIO 1 |
| .IOA2(gpio_pins[2]), // MIO 2 |
| .IOA3(gpio_pins[3]), // MIO 3 |
| .IOA4(gpio_pins[4]), // MIO 4 |
| .IOA5(gpio_pins[5]), // MIO 5 |
| .IOA6(gpio_pins[6]), // MIO 6 |
| .IOA7(gpio_pins[7]), // MIO 7 |
| .IOA8(gpio_pins[8]), // MIO 8 |
| // Bank B (VIOB domain) |
| .IOB0(gpio_pins[9]), // MIO 9 |
| .IOB1(gpio_pins[10]), // MIO 10 |
| .IOB2(gpio_pins[11]), // MIO 11 |
| .IOB3(gpio_pins[12]), // MIO 12 |
| .IOB4(gpio_pins[13]), // MIO 13 |
| .IOB5(gpio_pins[14]), // MIO 14 |
| .IOB6(gpio_pins[15]), // MIO 15 |
| .IOB7(iob7), // MIO 16 |
| // TODO, we probably need to change this when we have the final pinout configuration |
| // Connect this to IOB8 to align with SW bootstrap.c |
| .IOB8(sw_straps[0]), // MIO 17 |
| .IOB9(tie_off[1]), // MIO 18 |
| .IOB10(iob10), // MIO 19 |
| .IOB11(iob11), // MIO 20 |
| .IOB12(iob12), // MIO 21 |
| // Bank C (VCC domain) |
| .IOC0(tie_off[5]), // MIO 22 |
| .IOC1(sw_straps[1]), // MIO 23 |
| .IOC2(sw_straps[2]), // MIO 24 |
| .IOC3(ioc3), // MIO 25 |
| .IOC4(ioc4), // MIO 26 |
| .IOC5(tap_straps[1]), // MIO 27 |
| .IOC6(clk), // MIO 28 - external clock fed in at a fixed position |
| .IOC7(tie_off[7]), // MIO 29 |
| .IOC8(tap_straps[0]), // MIO 30 |
| .IOC9(tie_off[8]), // MIO 31 |
| .IOC10(ioc10), // MIO 32 |
| .IOC11(ioc11), // MIO 33 |
| .IOC12(ioc12), // MIO 34 |
| // Bank R (VCC domain) |
| .IOR0(jtag_tms), // MIO 35 |
| .IOR1(jtag_tdo), // MIO 36 |
| .IOR2(jtag_tdi), // MIO 37 |
| .IOR3(jtag_tck), // MIO 38 |
| .IOR4(jtag_trst_n), // MIO 39 |
| .IOR5(uart_rx[1]), // MIO 40 |
| .IOR6(uart_tx[1]), // MIO 41 |
| .IOR7(uart_rx[2]), // MIO 42 |
| .IOR8(tie_off[13]), // MIO 43, Dedicated sysrst_ctrl output (ec_rst_l) |
| .IOR9(tie_off[14]), // MIO 44, Dedicated sysrst_ctrl output (pwrb_out) |
| .IOR10(uart_tx[2]), // MIO 45 |
| .IOR11(uart_rx[3]), // MIO 46 |
| .IOR12(uart_tx[3]), // MIO 47 |
| .IOR13(ior13), // MIO 48 |
| // DCD (VCC domain) |
| .CC1(tie_off[19]), |
| .CC2(tie_off[20]), |
| // USB (VCC domain) |
| .USB_P(usb_dp0), |
| .USB_N(usb_dn0), |
| // FLASH |
| .FLASH_TEST_MODE0(tie_off[21]), |
| .FLASH_TEST_MODE1(tie_off[22]), |
| .FLASH_TEST_VOLT(tie_off[23]), |
| // OTP |
| .OTP_EXT_VOLT(tie_off[24]), |
| // MISC pad |
| .AST_MISC(tie_off[25]) |
| ); |
| |
| // connect signals |
| // TODO: Replace this weak pull to a known value with initialization |
| // in the agent/interface. |
| // Without these pulls, we may get Xes that propagate through the design |
| // (one example is the interference IRQ of the I2C that propagates into the PLIC). |
| assign (weak0, weak1) jtag_tck = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) jtag_tms = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) jtag_trst_n = rst_n; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) jtag_tdi = 1'b0; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) jtag_tdo = 1'b0; |
| assign jtag_tck = jtag_if.tck; |
| assign jtag_tms = jtag_if.tms; |
| assign jtag_trst_n = jtag_if.trst_n; |
| assign jtag_tdi = jtag_if.tdi; |
| assign jtag_if.tdo = jtag_tdo; |
| |
| assign spi_device_sck = spi_if.sck; |
| assign spi_device_csb = spi_if.csb; |
| assign spi_device_sdi_i = spi_if.sio[0]; |
| assign spi_if.sio[1] = spi_device_sdo_o; |
| |
| // TODO: USB-related signals, hookup an interface. |
| assign usb_rst_n = `USBDEV_HIER.rst_usb_48mhz_ni; |
| assign usb_dp0 = 1'b1; |
| assign usb_dn0 = 1'b0; |
| assign usb_sense0 = 1'b0; |
| assign usb_dppullup0 = 1'b0; |
| assign usb_dnpullup0 = 1'b0; |
| |
| `define SIM_SRAM_IF u_sim_sram.u_sim_sram_if |
| |
| // Instantiate & connect the simulation SRAM inside the CPU (rv_core_ibex) using forces. |
| sim_sram u_sim_sram ( |
| .clk_i (`CPU_HIER.clk_i), |
| .rst_ni (`CPU_HIER.rst_ni), |
| .tl_in_i (tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t'(`CPU_HIER.u_tlul_req_buf.out_o)), |
| .tl_in_o (), |
| .tl_out_o (), |
| .tl_out_i () |
| ); |
| |
| initial begin |
| void'($value$plusargs("en_sim_sram=%0b", en_sim_sram)); |
| if (!stub_cpu && en_sim_sram) begin |
| `SIM_SRAM_IF.start_addr = SW_DV_START_ADDR; |
| force `CPU_HIER.u_tlul_rsp_buf.in_i = u_sim_sram.tl_in_o; |
| end else begin |
| force u_sim_sram.clk_i = 1'b0; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Bind the SW test status interface directly to the sim SRAM interface. |
| bind `SIM_SRAM_IF sw_test_status_if u_sw_test_status_if ( |
| .addr (tl_h2d.a_address), |
| .data (tl_h2d.a_data[15:0]), |
| .* |
| ); |
| |
| // Bind the SW logger interface directly to the sim SRAM interface. |
| bind `SIM_SRAM_IF sw_logger_if u_sw_logger_if ( |
| .addr (tl_h2d.a_address), |
| .data (tl_h2d.a_data), |
| .* |
| ); |
| |
| // connect alert rx/tx to alert_if |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < NUM_ALERTS; k++) begin : gen_connect_alerts_pins |
| assign alert_if[k].alert_rx = `ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.alert_rx_o[k]; |
| initial begin |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual alert_esc_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_alert_agent_%0s", |
| LIST_OF_ALERTS[k]), "vif", alert_if[k]); |
| end |
| end : gen_connect_alerts_pins |
| |
| initial begin |
| // Set clk_rst_vifs. |
| clk_rst_if.set_active(); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env*", "clk_rst_vif", clk_rst_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env*", "cpu_clk_rst_vif", cpu_clk_rst_if); |
| |
| // IO Interfaces |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(NUM_GPIOS))::set(null, "*.env", "gpio_vif", gpio_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual jtag_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_jtag_riscv_agent*", "vif", jtag_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual spi_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_spi_agent*", "vif", spi_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_tl_agent*", "vif", cpu_d_tl_if); |
| |
| // Strap pins |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(2))::set( |
| null, "*.env", "tap_straps_vif", tap_straps_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(2))::set( |
| null, "*.env", "dft_straps_vif", dft_straps_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(3))::set( |
| null, "*.env", "sw_straps_vif", sw_straps_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(1))::set( |
| null, "*.env", "rst_n_mon_vif", rst_n_mon_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(1))::set( |
| null, "*.env", "pinmux_wkup_vif", pinmux_wkup_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(1))::set( |
| null, "*.env", "pwrb_in_vif", pwrb_in_if); |
| |
| |
| // SW logger and test status interfaces. |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual sw_test_status_if)::set( |
| null, "*.env", "sw_test_status_vif", `SIM_SRAM_IF.u_sw_test_status_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual sw_logger_if)::set( |
| null, "*.env", "sw_logger_vif", `SIM_SRAM_IF.u_sw_logger_if); |
| |
| // AST supply interface. |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual ast_supply_if)::set( |
| null, "*.env", "ast_supply_vif", dut.ast_supply_if); |
| |
| // PWRGMR.low_power_o only |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pwrmgr_low_power_if)::set( |
| null, "*.env*", "pwrmgr_low_power_vif", pwrmgr_low_power_if); |
| |
| // temp disable pinmux assertion AonWkupReqKnownO_A because driving X in spi_device.sdi and |
| // WkupPadSel choose IO_DPS1 in MIO will trigger this assertion |
| // TODO: remove this assertion once pinmux is templatized |
| $assertoff(0, dut.top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.AonWkupReqKnownO_A); |
| |
| $timeformat(-12, 0, " ps", 12); |
| run_test(); |
| end |
| |
| for (genvar i = 1; i < NUM_UARTS; i++) begin : gen_uart_if |
| // TODO: Replace this weak pull to a known value with initialization |
| // in the agent/interface. |
| |
| assign (weak0, weak1) uart_rx[i] = 1'b1; |
| assign (weak0, weak1) uart_tx[i] = 1'b1; |
| assign uart_rx[i] = uart_if[i].uart_rx; |
| assign uart_if[i].uart_tx = uart_tx[i]; |
| end |
| |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_UARTS; i++) begin : gen_uart_agent_if |
| initial begin |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual uart_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_uart_agent%0d*", i), |
| "vif", uart_if[i]); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_PWM_CHANNELS; i++) begin : gen_pwm2io |
| assign pwm_if[i].clk = `CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_aon_powerup; |
| assign pwm_if[i].rst_n = `RSTMGR_HIER.resets_o.rst_sys_aon_n[0]; |
| assign pwm_if[i].pwm_en = 1; |
| end |
| |
| assign pwm_if[0].pwm = iob10; |
| assign pwm_if[1].pwm = iob11; |
| assign pwm_if[2].pwm = iob12; |
| assign pwm_if[3].pwm = ioc10; |
| assign pwm_if[4].pwm = ioc11; |
| assign pwm_if[5].pwm = ioc12; |
| |
| for (genvar n = 0; n < NUM_PWM_CHANNELS; n++) begin : gen_pwm_monitor_if |
| initial begin |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual pwm_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_pwm_monitor%0d*", n), |
| $sformatf("m_pwm_monitor%0d_vif", n), pwm_if[n]); |
| end |
| end |
| |
| |
| |
| `undef SIM_SRAM_IF |
| |
| // Instantitate the memory backdoor util instances. |
| if (`PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL == prim_pkg::ImplGeneric) begin : gen_generic |
| initial begin |
| mem_bkdr_util m_mem_bkdr_util[chip_mem_e]; |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init flash 0 data", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank0Data] = new( |
| .name ("mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank0Data]"), |
| .depth ($size(`FLASH0_DATA_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`FLASH0_DATA_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccHamming_76_68)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank0Data], `FLASH0_DATA_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init flash 0 info", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank0Info] = new( |
| .name ("mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank0Info]"), |
| .depth ($size(`FLASH0_INFO_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`FLASH0_INFO_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccHamming_76_68)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank0Info], `FLASH0_INFO_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init flash 1 data", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank1Data] = new( |
| .name ("mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank1Data]"), |
| .depth ($size(`FLASH1_DATA_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`FLASH1_DATA_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccHamming_76_68)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank1Data], `FLASH0_DATA_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init flash 0 info", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank1Info] = new( |
| .name ("mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank1Info]"), |
| .depth ($size(`FLASH1_INFO_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`FLASH1_INFO_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccHamming_76_68)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[FlashBank1Info], `FLASH1_INFO_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init OTP", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[Otp] = new(.name ("mem_bkdr_util[Otp]"), |
| .depth ($size(`OTP_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`OTP_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccHamming_22_16)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[Otp], `OTP_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init RAM", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[RamMain0] = new(.name ("mem_bkdr_util[RamMain0]"), |
| .depth ($size(`RAM_MAIN_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`RAM_MAIN_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccInv_39_32)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[RamMain0], `RAM_MAIN_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init RAM RET", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[RamRet0] = new(.name ("mem_bkdr_util[RamRet0]"), |
| .depth ($size(`RAM_RET_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`RAM_RET_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccInv_39_32)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[RamRet0], `RAM_RET_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| `uvm_info("tb.sv", "Backdoor init ROM", UVM_MEDIUM) |
| m_mem_bkdr_util[Rom] = new(.name ("mem_bkdr_util[Rom]"), |
| .depth ($size(`ROM_MEM_HIER)), |
| .n_bits($bits(`ROM_MEM_HIER)), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccInv_39_32)); |
| `MEM_BKDR_UTIL_FILE_OP(m_mem_bkdr_util[Rom], `ROM_MEM_HIER) |
| |
| for (chip_mem_e mem = mem.first(), int i = 0; i < mem.num(); mem = mem.next(), i++) begin |
| if (mem inside {[RamMain1:RamMain15]}) continue; |
| if (mem inside {[RamRet1:RamRet15]}) continue; |
| uvm_config_db#(mem_bkdr_util)::set( |
| null, "*.env", m_mem_bkdr_util[mem].get_name(), m_mem_bkdr_util[mem]); |
| end |
| |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // stub cpu environment |
| // if enabled, clock to cpu is forced to 0 |
| // cpu_d_tl_if force are applied to cpu d tl interface |
| initial begin |
| void'($value$plusargs("stub_cpu=%0b", stub_cpu)); |
| if (stub_cpu) begin |
| // silence the main cpu clock to ensure there are no transactions. |
| // also silence the translation modules as they contain arbiters |
| // that are unhappy with X's, which can happen if csr_rw happens to |
| // hit the right register during testing. |
| // We cannot kill all clocks to CPU_CORE because the DV hijack point |
| // is in front of a FIFO, so potentially this can kill transactions |
| // being buffered. |
| force `CPU_CORE_HIER.clk_i = 1'b0; |
| force `CPU_HIER.u_ibus_trans.rst_ni = 1'b0; |
| force `CPU_HIER.u_dbus_trans.rst_ni = 1'b0; |
| force `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_out = cpu_d_tl_if.h2d; |
| force cpu_d_tl_if.d2h = `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_i; |
| |
| // TL command integrity gen is in the design data path. TL driver provides correct cmd intg. |
| // Here forces it to random value to ensure that design generates the cmd intg |
| fork |
| forever begin |
| @(cpu_d_tl_if.h2d.a_valid); |
| if (cpu_d_tl_if.h2d.a_valid) begin |
| force `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_out.a_user.cmd_intg = $urandom; |
| end else begin |
| release `CPU_TL_ADAPT_D_HIER.tl_out.a_user.cmd_intg; |
| end |
| end |
| join_none |
| |
| // In stub_cpu mode, disable these assertions because writing rand value to clkmgr's CSR |
| // `extclk_sel` can violate these assertions. |
| $assertoff(0, tb.dut.u_ast.u_ast_clks_byp.u_all_clk_byp_req.PrimMubi4SyncCheckTransients_A); |
| $assertoff(0, tb.dut.u_ast.u_ast_clks_byp.u_all_clk_byp_req.PrimMubi4SyncCheckTransients0_A); |
| $assertoff(0, tb.dut.u_ast.u_ast_clks_byp.u_all_clk_byp_req.PrimMubi4SyncCheckTransients1_A); |
| end else begin |
| // when en_sim_sram == 1, need to make sure the access to sim_sram doesn't appear on |
| // cpu_d_tl_if, otherwise, we may have unmapped access as scb doesn't regnize addresses of |
| // sim_sram. `CPU_HIER.tl_d_* is the right place to avoid seeing sim_sram accesses |
| force cpu_d_tl_if.h2d = `CPU_HIER.cored_tl_h_o; |
| force cpu_d_tl_if.d2h = `CPU_HIER.cored_tl_h_i; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // otp test_access memory is only accessible after otp_init and lc_dft_en = 1. |
| // TODO: remove them once the otp/pwr otp/lc connections are completed. |
| initial begin |
| string common_seq_type, csr_seq_type; |
| void'($value$plusargs("run_%0s", common_seq_type)); |
| void'($value$plusargs("csr_%0s", csr_seq_type)); |
| if (common_seq_type inside {"mem_partial_access", "csr_mem_rw_with_rand_reset", "tl_errors"} || |
| csr_seq_type == "mem_walk") begin |
| force tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_otp_ctrl.lc_dft_en_i = lc_ctrl_pkg::On; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Control assertions in the DUT with UVM resource string "dut_assert_en". |
| `DV_ASSERT_CTRL("dut_assert_en", tb.dut) |
| |
| `include "../autogen/tb__xbar_connect.sv" |
| `include "../autogen/tb__alert_handler_connect.sv" |
| |
| endmodule |