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/* Stylesheet for reggen html register output */
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<div class="mdown">
<p>{ name: &quot;TRIAL1&quot;,
regwidth: 32,
// this is a legal comment, with TODO and FIXME
registers: [
// read-write types no HWQE no HWEXT
{ name: &quot;RWTYPE0&quot;,
desc: &quot;RW type with one field&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;12345678&quot;,
{ name: &quot;RWTYPE1&quot;,
desc: '''
RW type
with long
and multiple fields
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
fields: [
{ bits: &quot;0&quot;,
name: &quot;FIELD0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field 0&quot;,
resval: &quot;1&quot;,
{ bits: &quot;1&quot;,
name: &quot;FIELD1&quot;,
desc: &quot;field 1&quot;,
resval: &quot;0&quot;,
{ bits: &quot;4&quot;,
name: &quot;FIELD4&quot;,
desc: &quot;field 4&quot;,
resval: &quot;1&quot;,
{ bits: &quot;15:8&quot;,
name: &quot;FIELD15_8&quot;,
desc: &quot;field [15:8]&quot;,
resval: &quot;100&quot;,
{ name: &quot;RWTYPE2&quot;,
desc: &quot;RW type with one field and HW rw&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x04000400&quot;,
{ name: &quot;RWTYPE3&quot;,
desc: &quot;simple RW/HWR type with fields&quot;
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;15:0&quot;,
name: &quot;field0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xcc55&quot;,
bits: &quot;31:16&quot;,
name: &quot;field1&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xee66&quot;,
{ skipto: &quot;0x200&quot; }
{ name: &quot;RWTYPE4&quot;,
desc: &quot;simple RW type with fields, plus skipto&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;15:0&quot;,
name: &quot;field0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x4000&quot;,
bits: &quot;31:16&quot;,
name: &quot;field1&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x8000&quot;,
// read-only type
{ name: &quot;ROTYPE0&quot;,
desc: &quot;RO type&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;ro&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x11111111&quot;
// W1C/W1S/etc types no HWQE no HWEXT
{ name: &quot;W1CTYPE0&quot;,
desc: &quot;W1C type with one field&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw1c&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xbbccddee&quot;,
{ name: &quot;W1CTYPE1&quot;,
desc: &quot;W1C type with fields&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw1c&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;15:0&quot;,
name: &quot;field0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xeeee&quot;,
bits: &quot;31:16&quot;,
name: &quot;field1&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x7777&quot;,
{ name: &quot;W1CTYPE2&quot;,
desc: &quot;W1C type with one field, plus HRW&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw1c&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xaa775566&quot;,
{ name: &quot;W1STYPE2&quot;,
desc: &quot;W1S type with one field, plus HRW&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw1s&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x11224488&quot;,
{ name: &quot;W0CTYPE2&quot;,
desc: &quot;W0C type with one field, plus HRW&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw0c&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xfec8137f&quot;,
{ name: &quot;R0W1CTYPE2&quot;,
desc: &quot;R0W1C type with one field, plus HRW&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;r0w1c&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xaa775566&quot;,
// read-only-clear type
{ name: &quot;RCTYPE0&quot;,
desc: &quot;RC type&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rc&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x77443399&quot;
// write-only type
{ name: &quot;WOTYPE0&quot;,
desc: &quot;WO type&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;wo&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x11223344&quot;
{ name: &quot;MIXTYPE0&quot;,
desc: &quot;mixed type with different field access&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;3:0&quot;,
name: &quot;field0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
// should be default access
resval: &quot;0x1&quot;,
bits: &quot;7:4&quot;,
name: &quot;field1&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x2&quot;,
bits: &quot;11:8&quot;,
name: &quot;field2&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
swaccess: &quot;ro&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x3&quot;,
bits: &quot;15:12&quot;,
name: &quot;field3&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
swaccess: &quot;ro&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x4&quot;,
bits: &quot;19:16&quot;,
name: &quot;field4&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
swaccess: &quot;rw1c&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x5&quot;,
bits: &quot;23:20&quot;,
name: &quot;field5&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
swaccess: &quot;rw1s&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x6&quot;,
bits: &quot;27:24&quot;,
name: &quot;field6&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
swaccess: &quot;rc&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x7&quot;,
bits: &quot;31:28&quot;,
name: &quot;field7&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
swaccess: &quot;wo&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hro&quot;,
resval: &quot;0x8&quot;,
// read-write type with HWQE (not external)
{ name: &quot;RWTYPE5&quot;,
desc: &quot;RW type with hwqe&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;, // do hrw to see the difference between written values
hwqe: &quot;true&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xbabababa&quot;,
// read-write type with HWEXT
{ name: &quot;RWTYPE6&quot;,
desc: &quot;RW type with hwext&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;rw&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
hwext: &quot;true&quot;,
hwqe: &quot;true&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0xc8c8c8c8&quot;,
// read-only type with HWEXT (defaults to have hwqe too, doesn't really enforce RO)
{ name: &quot;ROTYPE1&quot;,
desc: &quot;RO type with hwext&quot;,
swaccess: &quot;ro&quot;,
hwaccess: &quot;hrw&quot;,
hwext: &quot;true&quot;,
fields: [
bits: &quot;31:0&quot;,
desc: &quot;field description&quot;
resval: &quot;0x66aa66aa&quot;,
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