| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| `ifndef __CIP_MACROS_SVH__ |
| `define __CIP_MACROS_SVH__ |
| |
| // Declare array of alert interface, using parameter NUM_ALERTS and LIST_OF_ALERTS, and connect to |
| // arrays of wires (alert_tx and alert_rx). User need to manually connect these wires to DUT |
| // Also set each alert_if to uvm_config_db to use in env. |
| `define DV_ALERT_IF_CONNECT(CLK_ = clk, RST_N_ = rst_n) \ |
| alert_esc_if alert_if[NUM_ALERTS](.clk(CLK_), .rst_n(RST_N_)); \ |
| prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [NUM_ALERTS-1:0] alert_rx; \ |
| prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [NUM_ALERTS-1:0] alert_tx; \ |
| for (genvar k = 0; k < NUM_ALERTS; k++) begin : connect_alerts_pins \ |
| assign alert_rx[k] = alert_if[k].alert_rx; \ |
| assign alert_if[k].alert_tx = alert_tx[k]; \ |
| initial begin \ |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual alert_esc_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_alert_agent_%0s", \ |
| LIST_OF_ALERTS[k]), "vif", alert_if[k]); \ |
| end \ |
| end |
| `endif |
| |
| // Declare edn clock, reset and push_pull_if. Connect them and set edn_clk_rst_if and edn_if for |
| // using them in env |
| // Use this macro in tb.sv if the IP connects to a EDN interface |
| `ifndef DV_EDN_IF_CONNECT |
| `define DV_EDN_IF_CONNECT \ |
| wire edn_rst_n; \ |
| wire edn_clk; \ |
| clk_rst_if edn_clk_rst_if(.clk(edn_clk), .rst_n(edn_rst_n)); \ |
| push_pull_if #(.DeviceDataWidth(cip_base_pkg::EDN_DATA_WIDTH)) edn_if[NUM_EDN]( \ |
| .clk(edn_clk), \ |
| .rst_n(edn_rst_n)); \ |
| initial begin \ |
| edn_clk_rst_if.set_active(); \ |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env", "edn_clk_rst_vif", edn_clk_rst_if); \ |
| end \ |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < NUM_EDN; i++) begin : connect_edn_pins \ |
| initial begin \ |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual push_pull_if#(.DeviceDataWidth(cip_base_pkg::EDN_DATA_WIDTH))):: \ |
| set(null, $sformatf("*env.m_edn_pull_agent[%0d]", i), "vif", edn_if[i]); \ |
| end \ |
| end |
| `endif |
| |
| // A macro to simplify the distribution constraint of mubi type variable |
| // Don't use this macro directly, use DV_MUBI4|8|16_DIST. |
| // The weights of both TRUE and FALSE are scaled by the number of other |
| // values, and this uses ":=" for the distribution of other values, so they |
| // are truly uniform. |
| // The MAX_ argument is the maximum value that VAR_ can take, which means |
| // (MAX_ - 1) is the scaling factor. |
| `ifndef _DV_MUBI_DIST |
| if (TRUE_ > FALSE_) { \ |
| VAR_ dist {TRUE_ := (T_WEIGHT_) * ((MAX_) - 1), \ |
| FALSE_ := (F_WEIGHT_) * ((MAX_) - 1), \ |
| [0 : FALSE_ - 1] := (OTHER_WEIGHT_), \ |
| [FALSE_ + 1 : TRUE_ - 1] := (OTHER_WEIGHT_), \ |
| [TRUE_ + 1 : (MAX_)] := (OTHER_WEIGHT_)}; \ |
| } else { \ |
| VAR_ dist {TRUE_ := (T_WEIGHT_) * ((MAX_) - 1), \ |
| FALSE_ := (F_WEIGHT_) * ((MAX_) - 1), \ |
| [0 : TRUE_ - 1] := (OTHER_WEIGHT_), \ |
| [TRUE_ + 1 : FALSE_ - 1] := (OTHER_WEIGHT_), \ |
| [FALSE_+ 1 : (MAX_)] := (OTHER_WEIGHT_)}; \ |
| } |
| `endif |
| |
| // inputs of these macros |
| // VAR: the mubi variable |
| // T_WEIGHT_: randomization weight of the value True |
| // F_WEIGHT_: randomization weight of the value False |
| // OTHER_WEIGHT_: randomization weight of values other than True or False |
| `ifndef DV_LC_TX_DIST |
| `define DV_LC_TX_DIST(VAR_, T_WEIGHT_ = 2, F_WEIGHT_ = 2, OTHER_WEIGHT_ = 1) \ |
| `_DV_MUBI_DIST(VAR_, lc_ctrl_pkg::On, lc_ctrl_pkg::Off, (1 << 4) - 1, T_WEIGHT_, F_WEIGHT_, \ |
| `endif |
| |
| `ifndef DV_MUBI4_DIST |
| `define DV_MUBI4_DIST(VAR_, T_WEIGHT_ = 2, F_WEIGHT_ = 2, OTHER_WEIGHT_ = 1) \ |
| `_DV_MUBI_DIST(VAR_, MuBi4True, MuBi4False, (1 << 4) - 1, T_WEIGHT_, F_WEIGHT_, OTHER_WEIGHT_) |
| `endif |
| |
| `ifndef DV_MUBI8_DIST |
| `define DV_MUBI8_DIST(VAR_, T_WEIGHT_ = 2, F_WEIGHT_ = 2, OTHER_WEIGHT_ = 1) \ |
| `_DV_MUBI_DIST(VAR_, MuBi8True, MuBi8False, (1 << 8) - 1, T_WEIGHT_, F_WEIGHT_, OTHER_WEIGHT_) |
| `endif |
| |
| `ifndef DV_MUBI12_DIST |
| `define DV_MUBI12_DIST(VAR_, T_WEIGHT_ = 2, F_WEIGHT_ = 2, OTHER_WEIGHT_ = 1) \ |
| `_DV_MUBI_DIST(VAR_, MuBi12True, MuBi12False, (1 << 12) - 1,T_WEIGHT_, F_WEIGHT_, OTHER_WEIGHT_) |
| `endif |
| |
| `ifndef DV_MUBI16_DIST |
| `define DV_MUBI16_DIST(VAR_, T_WEIGHT_ = 2, F_WEIGHT_ = 2, OTHER_WEIGHT_ = 1) \ |
| `_DV_MUBI_DIST(VAR_, MuBi16True, MuBi16False, T_WEIGHT_, (1 << 16) - 1, F_WEIGHT_, OTHER_WEIGHT_) |
| `endif |
| |
| |
| // A macro to simplify the creation of coverpoints for lc_tx_t variables. |
| `ifndef DV_LC_TX_T_CP_BINS |
| `define DV_LC_TX_T_CP_BINS \ |
| bins on = {lc_ctrl_pkg::On}; \ |
| bins off = {lc_ctrl_pkg::Off}; \ |
| bins others = default; |
| `endif |
| |
| // A macro to simplify the creation of coverpoints for mubi4_t variables. |
| `ifndef DV_MUBI4_CP_BINS |
| `define DV_MUBI4_CP_BINS \ |
| bins true = {prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4True}; \ |
| bins false = {prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False}; \ |
| bins others = default; |
| `endif |
| |
| `endif // __CIP_MACROS_SVH__ |