blob: c2eea678d0f7a288170f19df24246e24360ee35a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package ${name}_env_pkg;
// dep packages
import uvm_pkg::*;
import top_pkg::*;
import dv_utils_pkg::*;
import csr_utils_pkg::*;
import tl_agent_pkg::*;
% for agent in env_agents:
import ${agent}_agent_pkg::*;
% endfor
import dv_lib_pkg::*;
% if is_cip:
import cip_base_pkg::*;
% endif
// macro includes
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
`include "dv_macros.svh"
// parameters
// types
% if env_agents == []:
// forward declare classes to allow typedefs below
typedef class ${name}_env_cfg;
typedef class ${name}_env_cov;
% endif
% if env_agents == [] and is_cip:
// reuse cip_base_virtual_seqeuencer as is with the right parameter set
typedef class cip_base_virtual_sequencer #(
% elif env_agents == [] and not is_cip:
// reuse dv_base_virtual_seqeuencer as is with the right parameter set
typedef class dv_base_virtual_sequencer #(
% endif
% if env_agents == []:
) ${name}_virtual_sequencer;
% endif
// functions
// package sources
`include "${name}"
`include "${name}"
`include "${name}"
% if env_agents != []:
`include "${name}"
% endif
`include "${name}"
`include "${name}"
`include "${name}"