blob: 35e5a32d7627eeeea4bb52ccc82565ebd4252b36 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import logging as log
import random
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import ceil, log2
from topgen import lib, c
def _get_random_data_hex_literal(width):
""" Fetch 'width' random bits and return them as hex literal"""
width = int(width)
literal_str = hex(random.getrandbits(width))
return literal_str
def _get_random_perm_hex_literal(numel):
""" Compute a random permutation of 'numel' elements and
return as packed hex literal"""
num_elements = int(numel)
width = int(ceil(log2(num_elements)))
idx = [x for x in range(num_elements)]
literal_str = ""
for k in idx:
literal_str += format(k, '0' + str(width) + 'b')
# convert to hex for space efficiency
literal_str = hex(int(literal_str, 2))
return literal_str
def amend_ip(top, ip):
""" Amend additional information into top module
Amended fields:
- size: register space
- clock: converted into ip_clock
- bus_device
- bus_host: none if doesn't exist
- available_input_list: empty list if doesn't exist
- available_output_list: empty list if doesn't exist
- available_inout_list: empty list if doesn't exist
- param_list: empty list if doesn't exist
- interrupt_list: empty list if doesn't exist
- alert_list: empty list if doesn't exist
- wakeup_list: empty list if doesn't exist
ip_list_in_top = [x["type"].lower() for x in top["module"]]
# TODO make set
ipname = ip["name"].lower()
if ipname not in ip_list_in_top:"TOP doens't use the IP %s. Skip" % ip["name"])
# Initialize RNG for compile-time netlist constants.
# Needed to detect async alert transitions below
ah_idx = ip_list_in_top.index("alert_handler")
# Find multiple IPs
# Find index of the IP
ip_modules = list(
filter(lambda module: module["type"] == ipname, top["module"]))
for ip_module in ip_modules:
mod_name = ip_module["name"]
# Size
if "size" not in ip_module:
ip_module["size"] = "0x%x" % max(ip["gensize"], 0x1000)
elif int(ip_module["size"], 0) < ip["gensize"]:
"given 'size' field in IP %s is smaller than the required space"
% mod_name)
# bus_device
ip_module["bus_device"] = ip["bus_device"]
# bus_host
if "bus_host" in ip and ip["bus_host"] != "":
ip_module["bus_host"] = ip["bus_host"]
ip_module["bus_host"] = "none"
# available_input_list , available_output_list, available_inout_list
if "available_input_list" in ip:
ip_module["available_input_list"] = deepcopy(
for i in ip_module["available_input_list"]:
i.pop('desc', None)
i["type"] = "input"
i["width"] = int(i["width"])
ip_module["available_input_list"] = []
if "available_output_list" in ip:
ip_module["available_output_list"] = deepcopy(
for i in ip_module["available_output_list"]:
i.pop('desc', None)
i["type"] = "output"
i["width"] = int(i["width"])
ip_module["available_output_list"] = []
if "available_inout_list" in ip:
ip_module["available_inout_list"] = deepcopy(
for i in ip_module["available_inout_list"]:
i.pop('desc', None)
i["type"] = "inout"
i["width"] = int(i["width"])
ip_module["available_inout_list"] = []
# param_list
if "param_list" in ip:
ip_module["param_list"] = deepcopy(ip["param_list"])
# Removing local parameters.
for i in ip["param_list"]:
if i["local"] == "true":
# Checking for security-relevant parameters
# that are not exposed, adding a top-level name.
for i in ip_module["param_list"]:
par_name = i["name"]
if par_name.lower().startswith("sec") and not i["expose"]:
log.warning("{} has security-critical parameter {} "
"not exposed to top".format(mod_name, par_name))
# Move special prefixes to the beginnining of the parameter name.
param_prefixes = ["Sec", "RndCnst"]
cc_mod_name = c.Name.from_snake_case(mod_name).as_camel_case()
for prefix in param_prefixes:
if par_name.lower().startswith(prefix.lower()):
i["name_top"] = prefix + cc_mod_name + par_name[len(prefix):]
i["name_top"] = cc_mod_name + par_name
# Generate random bits or permutation, if needed
if i["randtype"] == "data":
i["default"] = _get_random_data_hex_literal(i["randcount"])
# Effective width of the random vector
i["randwidth"] = int(i["randcount"])
elif i["randtype"] == "perm":
i["default"] = _get_random_perm_hex_literal(i["randcount"])
# Effective width of the random vector
i["randwidth"] = int(i["randcount"]) * int(ceil(log2(float(i["randcount"]))))
ip_module["param_list"] = []
# interrupt_list
if "interrupt_list" in ip:
ip_module["interrupt_list"] = deepcopy(ip["interrupt_list"])
for i in ip_module["interrupt_list"]:
i.pop('desc', None)
i["type"] = "interrupt"
i["width"] = int(i["width"])
ip_module["interrupt_list"] = []
# alert_list
if "alert_list" in ip:
ip_module["alert_list"] = deepcopy(ip["alert_list"])
for i in ip_module["alert_list"]:
i.pop('desc', None)
i["type"] = "alert"
i["width"] = int(i["width"])
# automatically insert asynchronous transition if necessary
if ip_module["clock_srcs"]["clk_i"] == \
i["async"] = 0
i["async"] = 1
ip_module["alert_list"] = []
# wkup_list
if "wakeup_list" in ip:
ip_module["wakeup_list"] = deepcopy(ip["wakeup_list"])
for i in ip_module["wakeup_list"]:
i.pop('desc', None)
ip_module["wakeup_list"] = []
# reset request
if "reset_request_list" in ip:
ip_module["reset_request_list"] = deepcopy(ip["reset_request_list"])
for i in ip_module["reset_request_list"]:
i.pop('desc', None)
ip_module["reset_request_list"] = []
# scan
if "scan" in ip:
ip_module["scan"] = ip["scan"]
ip_module["scan"] = "false"
# scan_reset
if "scan_reset" in ip:
ip_module["scan_reset"] = ip["scan_reset"]
ip_module["scan_reset"] = "false"
# inter-module
if "inter_signal_list" in ip:
ip_module["inter_signal_list"] = deepcopy(ip["inter_signal_list"])
# TODO: validate
# TODO: Replace this part to be configurable from Hjson or template
predefined_modules = {
"corei": "rv_core_ibex",
"cored": "rv_core_ibex",
"dm_sba": "rv_dm",
"debug_mem": "rv_dm"
def is_xbar(top, name):
"""Check if the given name is crossbar
xbars = list(filter(lambda node: node["name"] == name, top["xbar"]))
if len(xbars) == 0:
return False, None
if len(xbars) > 1:
log.error("Matching crossbar {} is more than one.".format(name))
raise SystemExit()
return True, xbars[0]
def xbar_addhost(top, xbar, host):
"""Add host nodes information
- xbar: bool, true if the host port is from another Xbar
# Check and fetch host if exists in nodes
obj = list(filter(lambda node: node["name"] == host, xbar["nodes"]))
if len(obj) == 0:
"host %s doesn't exist in the node list. Using default values" %
obj = OrderedDict([
("name", host),
("clock", xbar['clock']),
("reset", xbar['reset']),
("type", "host"),
("inst_type", ""),
("stub", False),
# The default matches RTL default
# pipeline_byp is don't care if pipeline is false
("pipeline", "true"),
("pipeline_byp", "true")
xbar_bool, xbar_h = is_xbar(top, host)
if xbar_bool:"host {} is a crossbar. Nothing to deal with.".format(host))
obj[0]["xbar"] = xbar_bool
if 'clock' not in obj[0]:
obj[0]["clock"] = xbar['clock']
if 'reset' not in obj[0]:
obj[0]["reset"] = xbar["reset"]
obj[0]["stub"] = False
obj[0]["inst_type"] = predefined_modules[
host] if host in predefined_modules else ""
obj[0]["pipeline"] = obj[0]["pipeline"] if "pipeline" in obj[0] else "true"
obj[0]["pipeline_byp"] = obj[0]["pipeline_byp"] if obj[0][
"pipeline"] == "true" and "pipeline_byp" in obj[0] else "true"
def process_pipeline_var(node):
"""Add device nodes pipeline / pipeline_byp information
- Supply a default of true / true if not defined by xbar
node["pipeline"] = node["pipeline"] if "pipeline" in node else "true"
node["pipeline_byp"] = node[
"pipeline_byp"] if "pipeline_byp" in node else "true"
def xbar_adddevice(top, xbar, device):
"""Add device nodes information
- clock: comes from module if exist, use xbar default otherwise
- reset: comes from module if exist, use xbar default otherwise
- inst_type: comes from module or memory if exist.
- base_addr: comes from module or memory, or assume rv_plic?
- size_byte: comes from module or memory
- xbar: bool, true if the device port is another xbar
- stub: There is no backing module / memory, instead a tlul port
is created and forwarded above the current hierarchy
deviceobj = list(
filter(lambda node: node["name"] == device,
top["module"] + top["memory"]))
nodeobj = list(filter(lambda node: node["name"] == device, xbar["nodes"]))
xbar_list = [x["name"] for x in top["xbar"] if x["name"] != xbar["name"]]
# case 1: another xbar --> check in xbar list"Handling xbar device {}, devlen {}, nodelen {}".format(device,
if device in xbar_list and len(nodeobj) == 0:
"Another crossbar %s needs to be specified in the 'nodes' list" %
if len(deviceobj) == 0:
# doesn't exist,
# case 1: Crossbar handling
if device in xbar_list:
"device {} in Xbar {} is connected to another Xbar".format(
device, xbar["name"]))
assert len(nodeobj) == 1
nodeobj[0]["xbar"] = True
nodeobj[0]["stub"] = False
# case 2: predefined_modules (debug_mem, rv_plic)
# TODO: Find configurable solution not from predefined but from object?
if device in predefined_modules:
if device == "debug_mem":
if len(nodeobj) == 0:
# Add new debug_mem
"name": "debug_mem",
"type": "device",
"clock": xbar['clock'],
"reset": xbar['reset'],
"inst_type": predefined_modules["debug_mem"],
"addr_range": [OrderedDict([
("base_addr", top["debug_mem_base_addr"]),
("size_byte", "0x1000"),
"xbar": False,
"stub": False,
"pipeline": "true",
"pipeline_byp": "true"
}) # yapf: disable
# Update if exists
node = nodeobj[0]
node["inst_type"] = predefined_modules["debug_mem"]
node["addr_range"] = [
OrderedDict([("base_addr", top["debug_mem_base_addr"]),
("size_byte", "0x1000")])
node["xbar"] = False
node["stub"] = False
log.error("device %s shouldn't be host type" % device)
# case 3: not defined
# Crossbar check
if len(nodeobj) == 0:
Device %s doesn't exist in 'module', 'memory', predefined,
or as a node object
% device)
node = nodeobj[0]
node["xbar"] = False
required_keys = ["addr_range"]
if "stub" in node and node["stub"]:
Device %s definition is a stub and does not exist in
'module', 'memory' or predefined
% device)
if all(key in required_keys for key in node.keys()):
log.error("{}, The xbar only node is missing fields, see {}".format(
node['name'], required_keys))
log.error("Device {} definition is not a stub!")
# Search object from module or memory
elif len(nodeobj) == 0:
# found in module or memory but node object doesn't exist.
"name": device,
"type": "device",
"clock": deviceobj[0]["clock"],
"reset": deviceobj[0]["reset"],
"inst_type": deviceobj[0]["type"],
"addr_range": [OrderedDict([
("base_addr", deviceobj[0]["base_addr"]),
("size_byte", deviceobj[0]["size"])])],
"pipeline": "true",
"pipeline_byp": "true",
"xbar": True if device in xbar_list else False,
"stub": False
}) # yapf: disable
# found and exist in the nodes too
node = nodeobj[0]
node["inst_type"] = deviceobj[0]["type"]
node["addr_range"] = [
OrderedDict([("base_addr", deviceobj[0]["base_addr"]),
("size_byte", deviceobj[0]["size"])])
node["xbar"] = True if device in xbar_list else False
node["stub"] = False
def amend_xbar(top, xbar):
"""Amend crossbar informations to the top list
Amended fields
- clock: Adopt from module clock if exists
- inst_type: Module instance some module will be hard-coded
the tool searches module list and memory list then put here
- base_addr: from top["module"]
- size: from top["module"]
xbar_list = [x["name"] for x in top["xbar"]]
if not xbar["name"] in xbar_list:
"Xbar %s doesn't belong to the top %s. Check if the xbar doesn't need"
% (xbar["name"], top["name"]))
topxbar = list(
filter(lambda node: node["name"] == xbar["name"], top["xbar"]))[0]
topxbar["connections"] = deepcopy(xbar["connections"])
if "nodes" in xbar:
topxbar["nodes"] = deepcopy(xbar["nodes"])
topxbar["nodes"] = []
# xbar primary clock and reset
topxbar["clock"] = xbar["clock_primary"]
topxbar["reset"] = xbar["reset_primary"]
# Build nodes from 'connections'
device_nodes = set()
for host, devices in xbar["connections"].items():
# add host first
xbar_addhost(top, topxbar, host)
# add device if doesn't exist
for device in device_nodes:
xbar_adddevice(top, topxbar, device)
def xbar_cross(xbar, xbars):
"""Check if cyclic dependency among xbars
And gather the address range for device port (to another Xbar)
@param node_name if not "", the function only search downstream
devices starting from the node_name
@param visited The nodes it visited to reach this port. If any
downstream port from node_name in visited, it means
circular path exists. It should be fatal error.
# Step 1: Visit devices (gather the address range)"Processing circular path check for {}".format(xbar["name"]))
addr = []
for node in [
x for x in xbar["nodes"]
if x["type"] == "device" and "xbar" in x and x["xbar"] is False
# Step 2: visit xbar device ports
xbar_nodes = [
x for x in xbar["nodes"]
if x["type"] == "device" and "xbar" in x and x["xbar"] is True
# Now call function to get the device range
# the node["name"] is used to find the host_xbar and its connection. The
# assumption here is that there's only one connection from crossbar A to
# crossbar B.
# device_xbar is the crossbar has a device port with name as node["name"].
# host_xbar is the crossbar has a host port with name as node["name"].
for node in xbar_nodes:
xbar_addr = xbar_cross_node(node["name"], xbar, xbars, visited=[])
node["addr_range"] = xbar_addr
def xbar_cross_node(node_name, device_xbar, xbars, visited=[]):
# 1. Get the connected xbar
host_xbars = [x for x in xbars if x["name"] == node_name]
assert len(host_xbars) == 1
host_xbar = host_xbars[0]"Processing node {} in Xbar {}.".format(node_name,
result = [] # [(base_addr, size), .. ]
# Sweep the devices using connections and gather the address.
# If the device is another xbar, call recursive
devices = host_xbar["connections"][device_xbar["name"]]
for node in host_xbar["nodes"]:
if not node["name"] in devices:
if "xbar" in node and node["xbar"] is True:
if "addr_range" not in node:
# Deeper dive into another crossbar
xbar_addr = xbar_cross_node(node["name"], host_xbar, xbars,
node["addr_range"] = xbar_addr
return result
# Check if the export field already exists
# If yes, return it
# If no, set a default and return that
def check_clk_rst_export(module):
if 'clock_reset_export' not in module:
module['clock_reset_export'] = []
return module['clock_reset_export']
def amend_clocks(top: OrderedDict):
"""Add a list of clocks to each clock group
Amend the clock connections of each entry to reflect the actual gated clock
clks_attr = top['clocks']
clk_paths = clks_attr['hier_paths']
groups_in_top = [x["name"].lower() for x in clks_attr['groups']]
exported_clks = OrderedDict()
trans_eps = []
# Assign default parameters to source clocks
for src in clks_attr['srcs']:
if 'derived' not in src:
src['derived'] = "no"
src['params'] = OrderedDict()
# Default assignments
for group in clks_attr['groups']:
# if unique not defined, it defaults to 'no'
if 'unique' not in group:
group['unique'] = "no"
# if no hardwired clocks, define an empty set
group['clocks'] = OrderedDict(
) if 'clocks' not in group else group['clocks']
for ep in top['module'] + top['memory'] + top['xbar']:
clock_connections = OrderedDict()
# Ensure each module has a default case
export_if = check_clk_rst_export(ep)
# if no clock group assigned, default is unique
ep['clock_group'] = 'secure' if 'clock_group' not in ep else ep[
ep_grp = ep['clock_group']
# if ep is in the transactional group, collect into list below
if ep['clock_group'] == 'trans':
# end point names and clocks
ep_name = ep['name']
ep_clks = []
# clock group index
cg_idx = groups_in_top.index(ep_grp)
# unique property of each group
unique = clks_attr['groups'][cg_idx]['unique']
# src property of each group
src = clks_attr['groups'][cg_idx]['src']
for port, clk in ep['clock_srcs'].items():
name = ''
hier_name = clk_paths[src]
if src == 'ext':
# clock comes from top ports
if clk == 'main':
name = "i"
name = "{}_i".format(clk)
elif unique == "yes":
# new unqiue clock name
name = "{}_{}".format(clk, ep_name)
# new group clock name
name = "{}_{}".format(clk, ep_grp)
clk_name = "clk_" + name
# add clock to a particular group
clks_attr['groups'][cg_idx]['clocks'][clk_name] = clk
# add clock connections
clock_connections[port] = hier_name + clk_name
# clocks for this module are exported
for intf in export_if:"{} export clock name is {}".format(ep_name, name))
# create dict entry if it does not exit
if intf not in exported_clks:
exported_clks[intf] = OrderedDict()
# if first time encounter end point, declare
if ep_name not in exported_clks[intf]:
exported_clks[intf][ep_name] = []
# append clocks
# Add to endpoint structure
ep['clock_connections'] = clock_connections
# add entry to top level json
top['exported_clks'] = exported_clks
# add entry to inter_module automatically
for intf in top['exported_clks']:
top['inter_module']['external']['clkmgr.clocks_{}'.format(intf)] = "clks_{}".format(intf)
# add to intermodule connections
for ep in trans_eps:
entry = ep + ".idle"
def amend_resets(top):
"""Generate exported reset structure and automatically connect to
# Generate exported reset list
exported_rsts = OrderedDict()
for module in top["module"]:
# This code is here to ensure if amend_clocks/resets switched order
# everything would still work
export_if = check_clk_rst_export(module)
# There may be multiple export interfaces
for intf in export_if:
# create dict entry if it does not exit
if intf not in exported_rsts:
exported_rsts[intf] = OrderedDict()
# grab directly from reset_connections definition
rsts = [rst for rst in module['reset_connections'].values()]
exported_rsts[intf][module['name']] = rsts
# add entry to top level json
top['exported_rsts'] = exported_rsts
# add entry to inter_module automatically
for intf in top['exported_rsts']:
top['inter_module']['external']['rstmgr.resets_{}'.format(intf)] = "rsts_{}".format(intf)
"""Discover the full path and selection to each reset connection.
This is done by modifying the reset connection of each end point.
for end_point in top['module'] + top['memory'] + top['xbar']:
for port, net in end_point['reset_connections'].items():
reset_path = lib.get_reset_path(net, end_point['domain'], top['resets'])
end_point['reset_connections'][port] = reset_path
# reset paths are still needed temporarily until host only modules are properly automated
reset_paths = OrderedDict()
reset_hiers = top["resets"]['hier_paths']
for reset in top["resets"]["nodes"]:
if "type" not in reset:
log.error("{} missing type field".format(reset["name"]))
if reset["type"] == "top":
reset_paths[reset["name"]] = "{}rst_{}_n".format(
reset_hiers["top"], reset["name"])
elif reset["type"] == "ext":
reset_paths[reset["name"]] = reset_hiers["ext"] + reset['name']
elif reset["type"] == "int":"{} used as internal reset".format(reset["name"]))
log.error("{} type is invalid".format(reset["type"]))
top["reset_paths"] = reset_paths
def amend_interrupt(top):
"""Check interrupt_module if exists, or just use all modules
if "interrupt_module" not in top:
top["interrupt_module"] = [x["name"] for x in top["module"]]
if "interrupt" not in top or top["interrupt"] == "":
top["interrupt"] = []
for m in top["interrupt_module"]:
ip = list(filter(lambda module: module["name"] == m, top["module"]))
if len(ip) == 0:
"Cannot find IP %s which is used in the interrupt_module" % m)
continue"Adding interrupts from module %s" % ip[0]["name"])
top["interrupt"] += list(
map(partial(lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal, module=m.lower()),
def amend_alert(top):
"""Check interrupt_module if exists, or just use all modules
if "alert_module" not in top:
top["alert_module"] = [x["name"] for x in top["module"]]
if "alert" not in top or top["alert"] == "":
top["alert"] = []
for m in top["alert_module"]:
ip = list(filter(lambda module: module["name"] == m, top["module"]))
if len(ip) == 0:
log.warning("Cannot find IP %s which is used in the alert_module" %
continue"Adding alert from module %s" % ip[0]["name"])
top["alert"] += list(
map(partial(lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal, module=m.lower()),
def amend_wkup(topcfg: OrderedDict):
if "wakeups" not in topcfg or topcfg["wakeups"] == "":
topcfg["wakeups"] = []
# create list of wakeup signals
for m in topcfg["module"]:"Adding wakeup from module %s" % m["name"])
for entry in m["wakeup_list"]:"Adding singal %s" % entry["name"])
signal = deepcopy(entry)
signal["module"] = m["name"]
# add wakeup signals to pwrmgr connections
signal_names = ["{}.{}".format(s["module"].lower(), s["name"].lower())
for s in topcfg["wakeups"]]
# TBD: What's the best way to not hardcode this signal below?
# We could make this a top.hjson variable and validate it against pwrmgr hjson
topcfg["inter_module"]["connect"]["pwrmgr.wakeups"] = signal_names"Intermodule signals: {}".format(
# Handle reset requests from modules
def amend_reset_request(topcfg: OrderedDict):
if "reset_requests" not in topcfg or topcfg["reset_requests"] == "":
topcfg["reset_requests"] = []
# create list of reset signals
for m in topcfg["module"]:"Adding reset requests from module %s" % m["name"])
for entry in m["reset_request_list"]:"Adding singal %s" % entry["name"])
signal = deepcopy(entry)
signal["module"] = m["name"]
# add reset requests to pwrmgr connections
signal_names = ["{}.{}".format(s["module"].lower(), s["name"].lower())
for s in topcfg["reset_requests"]]
# TBD: What's the best way to not hardcode this signal below?
# We could make this a top.hjson variable and validate it against pwrmgr hjson
topcfg["inter_module"]["connect"]["pwrmgr.rstreqs"] = signal_names"Intermodule signals: {}".format(
def amend_pinmux_io(top):
""" Check dio_modules/ mio_modules. If not exists, add all modules to mio
pinmux = top["pinmux"]
if "dio_modules" not in pinmux:
pinmux['dio_modules'] = []
# list out dedicated IO
pinmux['dio'] = []
for e in pinmux["dio_modules"]:
# Check name if it is module or signal
mname, sname = lib.get_ms_name(e["name"])
# Parse how many signals
m = lib.get_module_by_name(top, mname)
if m is None:
raise SystemExit("Module {} in `dio_modules`"
" is not searchable.".format(mname))
if sname is not None:
signals = deepcopy([lib.get_signal_by_name(m, sname)])
# Get all module signals
signals = deepcopy(m["available_input_list"] +
m["available_output_list"] +
sig_width = sum([s["width"] for s in signals])
# convert signal with module name
signals = list(
map(partial(lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal, module=mname),
# Parse how many pads are assigned
if "pad" not in e:
raise SystemExit("Should catch pad field in!")
# pads are the list of individual pin, each entry is 1 bit width
pads = []
for p in e["pad"]:
pads += lib.get_pad_list(p)
# check if #sig and #pads are matched
if len(pads) != sig_width:
raise SystemExit("# Pads and # Sig (%s) aren't same: %d" %
(mname, sig_width))
# add info to pads["dio"]
for s in signals:
p = pads[:s["width"]]
pads = pads[s["width"]:]
s["pad"] = p
dio_names = [p["name"] for p in pinmux["dio"]]
# Multiplexer IO
if "mio_modules" not in pinmux:
# Add all modules having available io to Multiplexer IO
pinmux["mio_modules"] = []
for m in top["module"]:
num_io = len(m["available_input_list"] +
m["available_output_list"] +
if num_io != 0:
# Add if not in dio_modules
# List up the dedicated IO to exclude from inputs/outputs
# Add port list to `inputs` and `outputs` fields
if "inputs" not in pinmux:
pinmux["inputs"] = []
if "outputs" not in pinmux:
pinmux["outputs"] = []
if "inouts" not in pinmux:
pinmux["inouts"] = []
for e in pinmux["mio_modules"]:
tokens = e.split('.')
if len(tokens) not in [1, 2]:
raise SystemExit(
"Cannot parse signal/module in mio_modules {}".format(e))
# Add all ports from the module to input/outputs
m = lib.get_module_by_name(top, tokens[0])
if m is None:
raise SystemExit("Module {} doesn't exist".format(tokens[0]))
if len(tokens) == 1:
pinmux["inputs"] += list(
lambda x: x["name"] not in dio_names,
pinmux["outputs"] += list(
lambda x: x["name"] not in dio_names,
pinmux["inouts"] += list(
lambda x: x["name"] not in dio_names,
elif len(tokens) == 2:
# Current version doesn't consider signal in mio_modules
# only in dio_modules
raise SystemExit(
"Curren version doesn't support signal in mio_modules {}".
def merge_top(topcfg: OrderedDict, ipobjs: OrderedDict,
xbarobjs: OrderedDict) -> OrderedDict:
gencfg = topcfg
# Combine ip cfg into topcfg
for ip in ipobjs:
amend_ip(gencfg, ip)
# Create clock connections for each block
# Assign clocks into appropriate groups
# Note, amend_ip references clock information to establish async handling
# as part of alerts.
# amend_clocks(gencfg)
# Combine the wakeups
# Combine the interrupt (should be processed prior to xbar)
# Combine the alert (should be processed prior to xbar)
# Creates input/output list in the pinmux"Processing PINMUX")
# Combine xbar into topcfg
for xbar in xbarobjs:
amend_xbar(gencfg, xbar)
# 2nd phase of xbar (gathering the devices address range)
for xbar in gencfg["xbar"]:
xbar_cross(xbar, gencfg["xbar"])
# Add path names to declared resets.
# Declare structure for exported resets.
# remove unwanted fields 'debug_mem_base_addr'
gencfg.pop('debug_mem_base_addr', None)
return gencfg