blob: cfc99de8918abcab26b2d6a5de0dfb9d68ad4611 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Code representing an IP block for reggen'''
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple
import hjson # type: ignore
from reggen.alert import Alert
from reggen.bus_interfaces import BusInterfaces
from reggen.clocking import Clocking, ClockingItem
from reggen.inter_signal import InterSignal
from reggen.lib import (check_keys, check_name, check_int, check_bool, check_list)
from reggen.params import ReggenParams, LocalParam
from reggen.reg_block import RegBlock
from reggen.signal import Signal
from reggen.countermeasure import CounterMeasure
'alias_impl': [
"identifier for this alias implementation"
'alias_target': [
"name of the component to apply the alias file to"
'registers': [
"list of alias register definition groups"
'bus_interfaces': [
"bus interfaces for the device"
# TODO: we may want to support for countermeasure and parameter aliases
# in the future.
OPTIONAL_ALIAS_FIELDS: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
'name': ['s', "name of the component"],
'clocking': ['l', "clocking for the device"],
'bus_interfaces': ['l', "bus interfaces for the device"],
'registers': [
"list of register definition groups and "
"offset control groups"
'alert_list': ['lnw', "list of peripheral alerts"],
'available_inout_list': ['lnw', "list of available peripheral inouts"],
'available_input_list': ['lnw', "list of available peripheral inputs"],
'available_output_list': ['lnw', "list of available peripheral outputs"],
'expose_reg_if': ['pb', 'if set, expose reg interface in reg2hw signal'],
'interrupt_list': ['lnw', "list of peripheral interrupts"],
'inter_signal_list': ['l', "list of inter-module signals"],
'no_auto_alert_regs': [
's', "Set to true to suppress automatic "
"generation of alert test registers. "
"Defaults to true if no alert_list is present. "
"Otherwise this defaults to false. "
'no_auto_intr_regs': [
's', "Set to true to suppress automatic "
"generation of interrupt registers. "
"Defaults to true if no interrupt_list is present. "
"Otherwise this defaults to false. "
'param_list': ['lp', "list of parameters of the IP"],
'regwidth': ['d', "width of registers in bits (default 32)"],
'reset_request_list': ['l', 'list of signals requesting reset'],
'scan': ['pb', 'Indicates the module have `scanmode_i`'],
'scan_reset': ['pb', 'Indicates the module have `scan_rst_ni`'],
'scan_en': ['pb', 'Indicates the module has `scan_en_i`'],
'SPDX-License-Identifier': [
's', "License ientifier (if using pure json) "
"Only use this if unable to put this "
"information in a comment at the top of the "
'wakeup_list': ['lnw', "list of peripheral wakeups"],
'countermeasures': ["ln", "list of countermeasures in this block"]
class IpBlock:
def __init__(self,
name: str,
regwidth: int,
params: ReggenParams,
reg_blocks: Dict[Optional[str], RegBlock],
alias_impl: Optional[str],
interrupts: Sequence[Signal],
no_auto_intr: bool,
alerts: List[Alert],
no_auto_alert: bool,
scan: bool,
inter_signals: List[InterSignal],
bus_interfaces: BusInterfaces,
clocking: Clocking,
xputs: Tuple[Sequence[Signal],
wakeups: Sequence[Signal],
reset_requests: Sequence[Signal],
expose_reg_if: bool,
scan_reset: bool,
scan_en: bool,
countermeasures: List[CounterMeasure]):
assert reg_blocks
# Check that register blocks are in bijection with device interfaces
reg_block_names = reg_blocks.keys()
dev_if_names = [] # type: List[Optional[str]]
dev_if_names += bus_interfaces.named_devices
if bus_interfaces.has_unnamed_device:
assert set(reg_block_names) == set(dev_if_names) = name
self.regwidth = regwidth
self.reg_blocks = reg_blocks
self.alias_impl = alias_impl
self.params = params
self.interrupts = interrupts
self.no_auto_intr = no_auto_intr
self.alerts = alerts
self.no_auto_alert = no_auto_alert
self.scan = scan
self.inter_signals = inter_signals
self.bus_interfaces = bus_interfaces
self.clocking = clocking
self.xputs = xputs
self.wakeups = wakeups
self.reset_requests = reset_requests
self.expose_reg_if = expose_reg_if
self.scan_reset = scan_reset
self.scan_en = scan_en
self.countermeasures = countermeasures
def from_raw(param_defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]],
raw: object,
where: str) -> 'IpBlock':
rd = check_keys(raw, 'block at ' + where,
name = check_name(rd['name'], 'name of block at ' + where)
what = '{} block at {}'.format(name, where)
r_regwidth = rd.get('regwidth')
if r_regwidth is None:
regwidth = 32
regwidth = check_int(r_regwidth, 'regwidth field of ' + what)
if regwidth <= 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid regwidth field for {}: '
'{} is not positive.'
.format(what, regwidth))
params = ReggenParams.from_raw('parameter list for ' + what,
rd.get('param_list', []))
except (ValueError, KeyError) as err:
raise ValueError('Failed to apply defaults to params: {}'
.format(err)) from None
init_block = RegBlock(regwidth, params)
interrupts = Signal.from_raw_list('interrupt_list for block {}'
rd.get('interrupt_list', []))
alerts = Alert.from_raw_list('alert_list for block {}'
rd.get('alert_list', []))
known_cms = {}
raw_cms = rd.get('countermeasures', [])
countermeasures = CounterMeasure.from_raw_list(
'countermeasure list for block {}'
.format(name), raw_cms)
# Ensure that the countermeasures are unique
for x in countermeasures:
if str(x) in known_cms:
raise RuntimeError(f"Duplicate countermeasure {str(x)}")
known_cms.update({str(x): 1})
no_auto_intr = check_bool(rd.get('no_auto_intr_regs', not interrupts),
'no_auto_intr_regs field of ' + what)
no_auto_alert = check_bool(rd.get('no_auto_alert_regs', not alerts),
'no_auto_alert_regs field of ' + what)
if interrupts and not no_auto_intr:
if interrupts[-1].bits.msb >= regwidth:
raise ValueError("Interrupt list for {} is too wide: "
"msb is {}, which doesn't fit with a "
"regwidth of {}."
interrupts[-1].bits.msb, regwidth))
if alerts:
if not no_auto_alert:
if len(alerts) > regwidth:
raise ValueError("Interrupt list for {} is too wide: "
"{} alerts don't fit with a regwidth of {}."
.format(what, len(alerts), regwidth))
# Generate a NumAlerts parameter
existing_param = params.get('NumAlerts')
if existing_param is not None:
if ((not isinstance(existing_param, LocalParam) or
existing_param.param_type != 'int' or
existing_param.value != str(len(alerts)))):
raise ValueError('Conflicting definition of NumAlerts '
desc='Number of alerts',
scan = check_bool(rd.get('scan', False), 'scan field of ' + what)
r_inter_signals = check_list(rd.get('inter_signal_list', []),
'inter_signal_list field')
inter_signals = [
InterSignal.from_raw('entry {} of the inter_signal_list field'
.format(idx + 1),
for idx, entry in enumerate(r_inter_signals)
bus_interfaces = (BusInterfaces.
'bus_interfaces field of ' + where))
inter_signals += bus_interfaces.inter_signals()
clocking = Clocking.from_raw(rd['clocking'],
'clocking field of ' + what)
reg_blocks = RegBlock.build_blocks(init_block, rd['registers'],
clocking, False)
xputs = (
Signal.from_raw_list('available_inout_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('available_inout_list', [])),
Signal.from_raw_list('available_input_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('available_input_list', [])),
Signal.from_raw_list('available_output_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('available_output_list', []))
wakeups = Signal.from_raw_list('wakeup_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('wakeup_list', []))
rst_reqs = Signal.from_raw_list('reset_request_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('reset_request_list', []))
expose_reg_if = check_bool(rd.get('expose_reg_if', False),
'expose_reg_if field of ' + what)
scan_reset = check_bool(rd.get('scan_reset', False),
'scan_reset field of ' + what)
scan_en = check_bool(rd.get('scan_en', False),
'scan_en field of ' + what)
# Check that register blocks are in bijection with device interfaces
reg_block_names = reg_blocks.keys()
dev_if_names = [] # type: List[Optional[str]]
dev_if_names += bus_interfaces.named_devices
if bus_interfaces.has_unnamed_device:
if set(reg_block_names) != set(dev_if_names):
raise ValueError("IP block {} defines device interfaces, named {} "
"but its registers don't match (they are keyed "
"by {})."
.format(name, dev_if_names,
return IpBlock(name, regwidth, params, reg_blocks, None,
interrupts, no_auto_intr, alerts, no_auto_alert,
scan, inter_signals, bus_interfaces, clocking, xputs,
wakeups, rst_reqs, expose_reg_if, scan_reset, scan_en,
def from_text(txt: str,
param_defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]],
where: str) -> 'IpBlock':
'''Load an IpBlock from an hjson description in txt'''
return IpBlock.from_raw(param_defaults,
hjson.loads(txt, use_decimal=True),
def from_path(path: str,
param_defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> 'IpBlock':
'''Load an IpBlock from an hjson description in a file at path'''
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
return IpBlock.from_text(, param_defaults,
'file at {!r}'.format(path))
def alias_from_raw(self,
scrub: bool,
raw: object,
where: str) -> None:
'''Parses and validates an alias reg block and adds it to this IpBlock.
The alias register definitions are compared with the corresponding
generic register definitions in self.reg_blocks to ensure that the
register and field structure is the same. Only a subset of register
and field attributes may differ and all other attributes must be
identical. The overridable attributes are defined in and, but typically comprise attributes like 'name', 'desc',
'resval' and 'tags'.
The alias register information is then applied to the self.reg_blocks
datastructure. Generic register descriptions with no associated alias
register definition just remain unmodified, meaning that the user can
choose to only provide alias overrides for a subset of all registers.
The resulting "augmented" register block is therefore always guaranteed
to be structurally identical to the unmodified generic register block.
Note that the alias register definition also overrides the hier_path
variable associated with the corresponding bus interfaces.
Setting the scrub argument to True will scrub sensitive fields in the
alias definition and replace the entire register block of the target
interface with the scrubbed alias reg block. This is helpful to create
the generic CSR structure matching the alias definition automatically.
rd = check_keys(raw, 'block at ' + where,
alias_bus_interfaces = (BusInterfaces.
'bus_interfaces of block at ' + where))
if ((alias_bus_interfaces.has_unnamed_host or
raise ValueError("Alias registers cannot be defined for host "
"interfaces (in block at {})."
# Alias register definitions are only compatible with named devices.
if ((alias_bus_interfaces.has_unnamed_device or
raise ValueError("Alias registers must use named devices "
"(in block at {}).".format(where))
# Check that the device interface names are
# a subset of the already defined register blocks
bus_device_names = set(self.bus_interfaces.named_devices)
alias_bus_device_names = set(alias_bus_interfaces.named_devices)
if not alias_bus_device_names.issubset(bus_device_names):
raise ValueError("Alias file {} refers to device names {} that "
"do not map to device names in {}."
.format(where, list(alias_bus_device_names),
self.alias_impl = check_name(rd['alias_impl'],
'alias_impl of block at ' + where)
alias_target = check_name(rd['alias_target'],
'alias_target of block at ' + where)
if alias_target !=
raise ValueError("Alias target block name {} in {} "
"does not match block name {}."
.format(alias_target, where,
init_block = RegBlock(self.regwidth, self.params)
alias_reg_blocks = RegBlock.build_blocks(init_block, rd['registers'],
# Check that alias register block names are
# a subset of the already defined register blocks
alias_reg_block_names = set(alias_reg_blocks.keys())
if not alias_reg_block_names.issubset(set(self.reg_blocks.keys())):
raise ValueError("Alias file {} refers to register blocks {} that "
"do not map to register blocks in {}."
.format(where, list(alias_reg_block_names),
# Check that the alias bus interface names and register blocks match
if alias_reg_block_names != alias_bus_device_names:
raise ValueError("Interface and register block names do not match "
"in {}.".format(where))
# Validate alias registers against the generic reg blocks,
# and enhance the information in the existing datastructures.
for block_key, alias_block in alias_reg_blocks.items():
# Double check the interface definition options
if self.bus_interfaces.device_async:
if not alias_bus_interfaces.device_async:
raise ValueError('Missing device_async key in alias '
'interface {} in {}'
.format(block_key, where))
if ((alias_bus_interfaces.device_async[block_key] !=
raise ValueError('Inconsistent configuration of interface '
'{} in {}'
.format(block_key, where))
if scrub:
# scrub alias definitions and replace the entire block.
self.reg_blocks[block_key] = alias_block
# Override hier path of aliased interface
hier_path = alias_bus_interfaces.device_hier_paths[block_key]
self.bus_interfaces.device_hier_paths[block_key] = hier_path
# Validate and apply alias definitions
self.reg_blocks[block_key].apply_alias(alias_block, where)
def alias_from_text(self,
scrub: bool,
txt: str,
where: str) -> None:
'''Load alias regblocks from an hjson description in txt'''
self.alias_from_raw(scrub, hjson.loads(txt, use_decimal=True), where)
def alias_from_path(self,
scrub: bool,
path: str) -> None:
'''Load alias regblocks from an hjson description in a file at path'''
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
'alias file at {!r}'.format(path))
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = {
'regwidth': self.regwidth
if len(self.reg_blocks) == 1 and None in self.reg_blocks:
ret['registers'] = self.reg_blocks[None].as_dicts()
ret['registers'] = {k: v.as_dicts()
for k, v in self.reg_blocks.items()}
ret['param_list'] = self.params.as_dicts()
ret['interrupt_list'] = self.interrupts
ret['no_auto_intr_regs'] = self.no_auto_intr
ret['alert_list'] = self.alerts
ret['no_auto_alert_regs'] = self.no_auto_alert
ret['scan'] = self.scan
ret['inter_signal_list'] = self.inter_signals
ret['bus_interfaces'] = self.bus_interfaces.as_dicts()
ret['clocking'] = self.clocking.items
inouts, inputs, outputs = self.xputs
if inouts:
ret['available_inout_list'] = inouts
if inputs:
ret['available_input_list'] = inputs
if outputs:
ret['available_output_list'] = outputs
if self.wakeups:
ret['wakeup_list'] = self.wakeups
if self.reset_requests:
ret['reset_request_list'] = self.reset_requests
ret['scan_reset'] = self.scan_reset
ret['scan_en'] = self.scan_en
return ret
def get_rnames(self) -> Set[str]:
ret = set() # type: Set[str]
for rb in self.reg_blocks.values():
ret = ret.union(set(rb.name_to_offset.keys()))
return ret
def get_signals_as_list_of_dicts(self) -> List[Dict[str, object]]:
'''Look up and return signal by name'''
result = []
for iodir, xput in zip(('inout', 'input', 'output'), self.xputs):
for sig in xput:
return result
def get_signal_by_name_as_dict(self, name: str) -> Dict[str, object]:
'''Look up and return signal by name'''
sig_list = self.get_signals_as_list_of_dicts()
for sig in sig_list:
if sig['name'] == name:
return sig
raise ValueError("Signal {} does not exist in IP block {}"
def has_shadowed_reg(self) -> bool:
'''Return boolean indication whether reg block contains shadowed registers'''
for rb in self.reg_blocks.values():
if rb.has_shadowed_reg():
return True
# if we are here, then no one has has a shadowed register
return False
def get_primary_clock(self) -> ClockingItem:
'''Return primary clock of an block'''
return self.clocking.primary
def check_cm_annotations(self,
rtl_names: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, int]]],
where: str) -> None:
'''Check RTL annotations against countermeasure list of this block'''
what = '{} block at {}'.format(, where)