| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // AES S-Box with First-Order Domain-Oriented Masking |
| // |
| // This is the unpipelined version using DOM-dep multipliers. It has a latency of 5 clock cycles |
| // and requires 28 bits of pseudo-random data per evaluation. Pipelining would only be beneficial |
| // when using |
| // - either a cipher core architecture with a data path smaller than 128 bit, i.e., where the |
| // individual S-Boxes are evaluated more than once per round, or |
| // - a fully unrolled cipher core architecture for maximum throughput. |
| // |
| // Note: The DOM AES S-Box is built on top of the Canright masked S-Box without mask re-use. |
| // |
| // For details, see the following papers and reports: |
| // [1] Gross, "Domain-Oriented Masking: Compact Masked Hardware Implementations with Arbitrary |
| // Protection Order" available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/486.pdf |
| // [2] Canright, "A very compact 'perfectly masked' S-box for AES (corrected)" available at |
| // https://eprint.iacr.org/2009/011.pdf |
| // [3] Canright, "A very compact Rijndael S-box" available at https://hdl.handle.net/10945/25608 |
| // |
| // Using the Coco-Alma tool in transient mode, this implementation has been formally verified to be |
| // secure against first-order side-channel analysis (SCA). For more information on the tool, |
| // refer to the following papers: |
| // [4] Gigerl, "COCO: Co-design and co-verification of masked software implementations on CPUs" |
| // available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1294.pdf |
| // [5] Bloem, "Formal verification of masked hardware implementations in the presence of glitches" |
| // available at https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/897.pdf |
| |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| // // |
| // This implementation relies on primitive cells like prim_buf/flop_en containing tool-specific // |
| // synthesis attributes to prevent the synthesis tool from optimizing away/re-ordering registers // |
| // and to enforce the correct ordering of operations. Without the proper primitives, synthesis // |
| // tools might heavily optimize the design. The result is likely insecure. Use with care. // |
| /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| // Packed struct for pseudo-random data (PRD) distribution. Stages 1, 3 and 4 require 8 bits each. |
| // Stage 2 requires just 4 bits. |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [7:0] prd_1; |
| logic [3:0] prd_2; |
| logic [7:0] prd_3; |
| logic [7:0] prd_4; |
| } prd_t; |
| |
| // DOM-indep GF(2^N) multiplier, first-order masked. |
| // Computes (a_q ^ b_q) = (a_x ^ b_x) * (a_y ^ b_y), i.e. q = x * y using first-order |
| // domain-oriented masking. The sharings of x and y are required to be uniformly random and |
| // independent from each other. |
| // See Fig. 2 in [1]. |
| module aes_dom_indep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| parameter int unsigned NPower = 4, |
| parameter bit Pipeline = 1'b0 |
| ) ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| input logic we_i, |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] a_x, // Share a of x |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] a_y, // Share a of y |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] b_x, // Share b of x |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] b_y, // Share b of y |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] z_0, // Randomness for resharing |
| output logic [NPower-1:0] a_q, // Share a of q |
| output logic [NPower-1:0] b_q // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| import aes_sbox_canright_pkg::*; |
| |
| ///////////////// |
| // Calculation // |
| ///////////////// |
| // Inner-domain terms |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_ay_d, mul_bx_by_d; |
| if (NPower == 4) begin : gen_inner_mul_gf2p4 |
| assign mul_ax_ay_d = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_x, a_y); |
| assign mul_bx_by_d = aes_mul_gf2p4(b_x, b_y); |
| |
| end else begin : gen_inner_mul_gf2p2 |
| assign mul_ax_ay_d = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_x, a_y); |
| assign mul_bx_by_d = aes_mul_gf2p2(b_x, b_y); |
| end |
| |
| // Cross-domain terms |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_by, mul_ay_bx; |
| if (NPower == 4) begin : gen_cross_mul_gf2p4 |
| assign mul_ax_by = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_x, b_y); |
| assign mul_ay_bx = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_y, b_x); |
| |
| end else begin : gen_cross_mul_gf2p2 |
| assign mul_ax_by = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_x, b_y); |
| assign mul_ay_bx = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_y, b_x); |
| end |
| |
| /////////////// |
| // Resharing // |
| /////////////// |
| // Resharing of cross-domain terms |
| logic [NPower-1:0] aq_z0_d, bq_z0_d; |
| logic [NPower-1:0] aq_z0_q, bq_z0_q; |
| assign aq_z0_d = z_0 ^ mul_ax_by; |
| assign bq_z0_d = z_0 ^ mul_ay_bx; |
| |
| // Registers |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_abq_z0 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {aq_z0_d, bq_z0_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {aq_z0_q, bq_z0_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////////////////// |
| // Optional Pipelining // |
| ///////////////////////// |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_ay, mul_bx_by; |
| |
| if (Pipeline == 1'b1) begin : gen_pipeline |
| // Add pipeline registers on inner-domain terms prior to integration. This allows accepting new |
| // input data every clock cycle and prevents SCA leakage occurring due to the integration of |
| // reshared cross-domain terms with inner-domain terms derived from different input data. |
| |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_ay_q, mul_bx_by_q; |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_mul_abx_aby ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {mul_ax_ay_d, mul_bx_by_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {mul_ax_ay_q, mul_bx_by_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| assign mul_ax_ay = mul_ax_ay_q; |
| assign mul_bx_by = mul_bx_by_q; |
| |
| end else begin : gen_no_pipeline |
| // Do not add the optional pipeline registers on the inner-domain terms. This allows to save |
| // some area in case the multiplier does not need to accept new data in every cycle. However, |
| // this can cause SCA leakage as during the clock cycle in which new data arrives, the new |
| // inner-domain terms are integrated with the previous, reshared cross-domain terms. |
| |
| // Avoid aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_ay_buf, mul_bx_by_buf; |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ) |
| ) u_prim_buf_mul_abx_aby ( |
| .in_i ( {mul_ax_ay_d, mul_bx_by_d} ), |
| .out_o ( {mul_ax_ay_buf, mul_bx_by_buf} ) |
| ); |
| |
| assign mul_ax_ay = mul_ax_ay_buf; |
| assign mul_bx_by = mul_bx_by_buf; |
| end |
| |
| ///////////////// |
| // Integration // |
| ///////////////// |
| assign a_q = mul_ax_ay ^ aq_z0_q; |
| assign b_q = mul_bx_by ^ bq_z0_q; |
| |
| // Only GF(2^4) and GF(2^2) is supported. |
| `ASSERT_INIT(AesDomIndepMulPower, NPower == 4 || NPower == 2) |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // DOM-dep GF(2^N) multiplier, first-order masked. |
| // Computes (a_q ^ b_q) = (a_x ^ b_x) * (a_y ^ b_y), i.e. q = x * y using first-order |
| // domain-oriented masking. The sharings of x and y are NOT required to be independent from each |
| // other. This is the un-optimized version consuming 3 times N bits of randomness for blinding and |
| // resharing. It is not used in the design but we keep it for reference. |
| // See Fig. 4 and Formulas 8 - 11 in [1]. |
| module aes_dom_dep_mul_gf2pn_unopt #( |
| parameter int unsigned NPower = 4, |
| parameter bit Pipeline = 1'b0 |
| ) ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| input logic we_i, |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] a_x, // Share a of x |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] a_y, // Share a of y |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] b_x, // Share b of x |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] b_y, // Share b of y |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] a_z, // Randomness for blinding |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] b_z, // Randomness for blinding |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] z_0, // Randomness for resharing |
| output logic [NPower-1:0] a_q, // Share a of q |
| output logic [NPower-1:0] b_q // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| import aes_sbox_canright_pkg::*; |
| |
| ////////////// |
| // Blinding // |
| ////////////// |
| // Blinding of y by z. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_yz_d, b_yz_d; |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_yz_q, b_yz_q; |
| assign a_yz_d = a_y ^ a_z; |
| assign b_yz_d = b_y ^ b_z; |
| |
| // Registers |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_yz ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {a_yz_d, b_yz_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_yz_q, b_yz_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Correction // |
| //////////////// |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_mul_x_z, b_mul_x_z; |
| aes_dom_indep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| .NPower ( NPower ), |
| .Pipeline ( Pipeline ) |
| ) u_aes_dom_indep_mul_gf2pn ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i ), |
| .a_x ( a_x ), // Share a of x |
| .a_y ( a_z ), // Share a of z |
| .b_x ( b_x ), // Share b of x |
| .b_y ( b_z ), // Share b of z |
| .z_0 ( z_0 ), // Randomness for resharing |
| .a_q ( a_mul_x_z ), // Share a of x * z |
| .b_q ( b_mul_x_z ) // Share b of x * z |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////////////////// |
| // Optional Pipelining // |
| ///////////////////////// |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_x_calc, b_x_calc; |
| |
| if (Pipeline == 1'b1) begin : gen_pipeline |
| // Add pipeline registers for input x. This allows accepting new input data every clock cycle |
| // and prevents SCA leakage occurring due to the multiplication of input x with b belonging to |
| // different clock cycles. |
| |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_x_q, b_x_q; |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_x ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {a_x, b_x} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_x_q, b_x_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| assign a_x_calc = a_x_q; |
| assign b_x_calc = b_x_q; |
| |
| end else begin : gen_no_pipeline |
| // Do not add the optional pipeline registers for input x. This allows to save some area in |
| // case the multiplier does not need to accept new data in every cycle. However, this can cause |
| // SCA leakage as during the clock cycle in which new data arrives, the new x input is |
| // multiplied with the previous b. |
| |
| assign a_x_calc = a_x; |
| assign b_x_calc = b_x; |
| end |
| |
| ///////////////// |
| // Calculation // |
| ///////////////// |
| // Combine shares of blinded y to obtain b. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] b; |
| assign b = a_yz_q ^ b_yz_q; |
| |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_mul_ax_b, b_mul_bx_b; |
| if (NPower == 4) begin : gen_mul_gf2p4 |
| assign a_mul_ax_b = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_x_calc, b); |
| assign b_mul_bx_b = aes_mul_gf2p4(b_x_calc, b); |
| |
| end else begin : gen_mul_gf2p2 |
| assign a_mul_ax_b = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_x_calc, b); |
| assign b_mul_bx_b = aes_mul_gf2p2(b_x_calc, b); |
| end |
| |
| ///////////////// |
| // Integration // |
| ///////////////// |
| assign a_q = a_mul_x_z ^ a_mul_ax_b; |
| assign b_q = b_mul_x_z ^ b_mul_bx_b; |
| |
| // Only GF(2^4) and GF(2^2) is supported. |
| `ASSERT_INIT(AesDomDepMulUnoptPower, NPower == 4 || NPower == 2) |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // DOM-dep GF(2^N) multiplier, first-order masked. |
| // Computes (a_q ^ b_q) = (a_x ^ b_x) * (a_y ^ b_y), i.e. q = x * y using first-order |
| // domain-oriented masking. The sharings of x and y are NOT required to be independent from each |
| // other. This is the optimized version consuming 2 instead of 3 times N bits of randomness for |
| // blinding and resharing. |
| // See Formula 12 in [1]. |
| module aes_dom_dep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| parameter int unsigned NPower = 4, |
| parameter bit Pipeline = 1'b0, |
| parameter bit PreDomIndep = 1'b0 // 1'b0: Not followed by an un-pipelined DOM-indep |
| // multiplier, this enables additional area |
| // optimizations |
| // 1'b1: Directly followed by an un-pipelined |
| // DOM-indep multiplier, this is the version |
| // discussed in [1]. |
| ) ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| input logic we_i, |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] a_x, // Share a of x |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] a_y, // Share a of y |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] b_x, // Share b of x |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] b_y, // Share b of y |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] z_0, // Randomness for blinding |
| input logic [NPower-1:0] z_1, // Randomness for resharing |
| output logic [NPower-1:0] a_q, // Share a of q |
| output logic [NPower-1:0] b_q // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| import aes_sbox_canright_pkg::*; |
| |
| ////////////// |
| // Blinding // |
| ////////////// |
| // Blinding of y by z_0. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_yz0_d, b_yz0_d; |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_yz0_q, b_yz0_q; |
| assign a_yz0_d = a_y ^ z_0; |
| assign b_yz0_d = b_y ^ z_0; |
| |
| // Registers |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_yz0 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {a_yz0_d, b_yz0_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_yz0_q, b_yz0_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Correction // |
| //////////////// |
| // Basically, this a DOM-indep multiplier with: |
| // - a_x = a_x, b_x = b_x, and |
| // - a_y = z_0, b_y = 0 (constant), |
| // which allows for further optimizations. |
| |
| // Calculation |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_z0, mul_bx_z0; |
| if (NPower == 4) begin : gen_corr_mul_gf2p4 |
| assign mul_ax_z0 = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_x, z_0); |
| assign mul_bx_z0 = aes_mul_gf2p4(b_x, z_0); |
| |
| end else begin : gen_corr_mul_gf2p2 |
| assign mul_ax_z0 = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_x, z_0); |
| assign mul_bx_z0 = aes_mul_gf2p2(b_x, z_0); |
| end |
| |
| // Avoid aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_z0_buf, mul_bx_z0_buf; |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ) |
| ) u_prim_buf_mul_abx_z0 ( |
| .in_i ( {mul_ax_z0, mul_bx_z0} ), |
| .out_o ( {mul_ax_z0_buf, mul_bx_z0_buf} ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Resharing |
| logic [NPower-1:0] axz0_z1_d, bxz0_z1_d; |
| logic [NPower-1:0] axz0_z1_q, bxz0_z1_q; |
| assign axz0_z1_d = mul_ax_z0_buf ^ z_1; |
| assign bxz0_z1_d = mul_bx_z0_buf ^ z_1; |
| |
| // Registers |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_abxz0_z1 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {axz0_z1_d, bxz0_z1_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {axz0_z1_q, bxz0_z1_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////////////////// |
| // Optional Pipelining // |
| ///////////////////////// |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_x_calc, b_x_calc, a_y_calc, b_y_calc; |
| |
| if (Pipeline == 1'b1 && PreDomIndep != 1'b1) begin : gen_pipeline |
| // Add pipeline registers for inputs x and y. This allows accepting new input data every clock |
| // cycle and prevents SCA leakage occurring due to the multiplication of inputs x and y with |
| // d_b belonging to different clock cycles. |
| // |
| // The PreDomIndep variant has the required pipeline registers built in already. |
| |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_x_q, b_x_q, a_y_q, b_y_q; |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 4*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_xy ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {a_x, b_x, a_y, b_y} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_x_q, b_x_q, a_y_q, b_y_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| assign a_x_calc = a_x_q; |
| assign b_x_calc = b_x_q; |
| assign a_y_calc = a_y_q; |
| assign b_y_calc = b_y_q; |
| |
| end else begin : gen_no_pipeline |
| // Do not add the optional pipeline registers for inputs x and y. This allows to save some area |
| // in case the multiplier does not need to accept new data in every cycle. However, this can |
| // cause SCA leakage as during the clock cycle in which new data arrives, the new x and y |
| // inputs are multiplied with the previous d_b. |
| |
| assign a_x_calc = a_x; |
| assign b_x_calc = b_x; |
| assign a_y_calc = a_y; |
| assign b_y_calc = b_y; |
| end |
| |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| // Calculation & Integration // |
| /////////////////////////////// |
| // Compute b. Note that unlike for the unoptimized implementation, we don't combine the blinded |
| // shares of y to obtain a single b value. Intstead, every domain d gets its own version of b: |
| // |
| // d_b = d_y ^ _D_y_z0 |
| // |
| // where _D_y_z0 corresponds to the sum of all domains of y except for domain d, each |
| // individually blinded by z0 (needs to happen before the register bank). This optimization |
| // is only suitable for first-order masking. |
| // See Formula 12 in [1]. |
| |
| if (PreDomIndep == 1'b1) begin : gen_pre_dom_indep |
| // This DOM-dep multiplier is directly followed by an un-pipelined DOM-indep multiplier. To |
| // prevent SCA leakage in the un-pipelined DOM-indep multiplier, the d_y and _D_y_z0 parts of |
| // d_b need to be individually multiplied with input x and then the results need to be |
| // integrated (summed up) on a per-domain basis. |
| |
| // d_y part: Inner-domain terms of x * y |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_ay_d, mul_bx_by_d; |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_ay_q, mul_bx_by_q; |
| if (NPower == 4) begin : gen_inner_mul_gf2p4 |
| assign mul_ax_ay_d = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_x_calc, a_y_calc); |
| assign mul_bx_by_d = aes_mul_gf2p4(b_x_calc, b_y_calc); |
| |
| end else begin : gen_inner_mul_gf2p2 |
| assign mul_ax_ay_d = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_x_calc, a_y_calc); |
| assign mul_bx_by_d = aes_mul_gf2p2(b_x_calc, b_y_calc); |
| end |
| |
| // Registers |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_mul_abx_aby ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {mul_ax_ay_d, mul_bx_by_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {mul_ax_ay_q, mul_bx_by_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Input Registers |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_x_q, b_x_q; |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_xy ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i ), |
| .d_i ( {a_x_calc, b_x_calc} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_x_q, b_x_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| // _D_y_z0 part: Cross-domain terms: d_x * _D_y_z0 |
| // Need to use registered version of input x. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_byz0, mul_bx_ayz0; |
| if (NPower == 4) begin : gen_cross_mul_gf2p4 |
| assign mul_ax_byz0 = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_x_q, b_yz0_q); |
| assign mul_bx_ayz0 = aes_mul_gf2p4(b_x_q, a_yz0_q); |
| |
| end else begin : gen_cross_mul_gf2p2 |
| assign mul_ax_byz0 = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_x_q, b_yz0_q); |
| assign mul_bx_ayz0 = aes_mul_gf2p2(b_x_q, a_yz0_q); |
| end |
| |
| // Avoid aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] mul_ax_byz0_buf, mul_bx_ayz0_buf; |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ) |
| ) u_prim_buf_mul_abx_bayz0 ( |
| .in_i ( {mul_ax_byz0, mul_bx_ayz0} ), |
| .out_o ( {mul_ax_byz0_buf, mul_bx_ayz0_buf} ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Integration |
| assign a_q = axz0_z1_q ^ mul_ax_ay_q ^ mul_ax_byz0_buf; |
| assign b_q = bxz0_z1_q ^ mul_bx_by_q ^ mul_bx_ayz0_buf; |
| |
| end else begin : gen_not_pre_dom_indep |
| // This DOM-dep multiplier is not directly followed by an un-pipelined DOM-indep multiplier. As |
| // a result, the the d_y and _D_y_z0 parts of d_b can be summed up prior to the multiplication |
| // with input x which allows saving 2 GF multipliers. |
| |
| // Sum up d_y and _D_y_z0. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_b, b_b; |
| assign a_b = a_y_calc ^ b_yz0_q; |
| assign b_b = b_y_calc ^ a_yz0_q; |
| |
| // Avoid aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_b_buf, b_b_buf; |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ) |
| ) u_prim_buf_ab_b ( |
| .in_i ( {a_b, b_b} ), |
| .out_o ( {a_b_buf, b_b_buf} ) |
| ); |
| |
| // GF multiplications |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_mul_ax_b, b_mul_bx_b; |
| if (NPower == 4) begin : gen_mul_gf2p4 |
| assign a_mul_ax_b = aes_mul_gf2p4(a_x_calc, a_b_buf); |
| assign b_mul_bx_b = aes_mul_gf2p4(b_x_calc, b_b_buf); |
| end else begin : gen_mul_gf2p2 |
| assign a_mul_ax_b = aes_mul_gf2p2(a_x_calc, a_b_buf); |
| assign b_mul_bx_b = aes_mul_gf2p2(b_x_calc, b_b_buf); |
| end |
| |
| // Avoid aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| logic [NPower-1:0] a_mul_ax_b_buf, b_mul_bx_b_buf; |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width ( 2*NPower ) |
| ) u_prim_buf_ab_mul_abx_b ( |
| .in_i ( {a_mul_ax_b, b_mul_bx_b} ), |
| .out_o ( {a_mul_ax_b_buf, b_mul_bx_b_buf} ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Integration |
| assign a_q = axz0_z1_q ^ a_mul_ax_b_buf; |
| assign b_q = bxz0_z1_q ^ b_mul_bx_b_buf; |
| end |
| |
| // Only GF(2^4) and GF(2^2) is supported. |
| `ASSERT_INIT(AesDomDepMulPower, NPower == 4 || NPower == 2) |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // Inverse in GF(2^4) using first-order domain-oriented masking and normal basis [z^4, z]. |
| // See Fig. 6 in [2] (grey block, Stages 2 and 3) and Formulas 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 in [2]. |
| module aes_dom_inverse_gf2p4 ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| input logic [1:0] we_i, |
| input logic [3:0] a_gamma, |
| input logic [3:0] b_gamma, |
| input logic [3:0] prd_2, |
| input logic [7:0] prd_3, |
| output logic [3:0] a_gamma_inv, |
| output logic [3:0] b_gamma_inv |
| ); |
| |
| import aes_sbox_canright_pkg::*; |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Stage 2 // |
| ///////////// |
| // Formula 13 in [2]. |
| |
| logic [1:0] a_gamma1, a_gamma0, b_gamma1, b_gamma0, a_gamma1_gamma0, b_gamma1_gamma0; |
| assign a_gamma1 = a_gamma[3:2]; |
| assign a_gamma0 = a_gamma[1:0]; |
| assign b_gamma1 = b_gamma[3:2]; |
| assign b_gamma0 = b_gamma[1:0]; |
| |
| logic [1:0] a_gamma_ss_d, b_gamma_ss_d; |
| logic [1:0] a_gamma_ss_q, b_gamma_ss_q; |
| assign a_gamma_ss_d = aes_scale_omega2_gf2p2(aes_square_gf2p2(a_gamma1 ^ a_gamma0)); |
| assign b_gamma_ss_d = aes_scale_omega2_gf2p2(aes_square_gf2p2(b_gamma1 ^ b_gamma0)); |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 4 ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_gamma_ss ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i[0] ), |
| .d_i ( {a_gamma_ss_d, b_gamma_ss_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_gamma_ss_q, b_gamma_ss_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| aes_dom_dep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| .NPower ( 2 ), |
| .Pipeline ( 1'b1 ), |
| .PreDomIndep ( 1'b0 ) |
| ) u_aes_dom_mul_gamma1_gamma0 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i[0] ), |
| .a_x ( a_gamma1 ), // Share a of x |
| .a_y ( a_gamma0 ), // Share a of y |
| .b_x ( b_gamma1 ), // Share b of x |
| .b_y ( b_gamma0 ), // Share b of y |
| .z_0 ( prd_2[1:0] ), // Randomness for blinding |
| .z_1 ( prd_2[3:2] ), // Randomness for resharing |
| .a_q ( a_gamma1_gamma0 ), // Share a of q |
| .b_q ( b_gamma1_gamma0 ) // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Stage 3 // |
| ///////////// |
| |
| // Formulas 14 and 15 in [2]. |
| logic [1:0] a_omega, b_omega; |
| assign a_omega = aes_square_gf2p2(a_gamma1_gamma0 ^ a_gamma_ss_q); |
| assign b_omega = aes_square_gf2p2(b_gamma1_gamma0 ^ b_gamma_ss_q); |
| |
| // Avoid aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| logic [1:0] a_omega_buf, b_omega_buf; |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width ( 4 ) |
| ) u_prim_buf_ab_omega ( |
| .in_i ( {a_omega, b_omega} ), |
| .out_o ( {a_omega_buf, b_omega_buf} ) |
| ); |
| |
| // Formulas 16 and 17 in [2]. |
| |
| logic [1:0] a_gamma1_q, a_gamma0_q, b_gamma1_q, b_gamma0_q; |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 8 ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_gamma10 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i[0] ), |
| .d_i ( {a_gamma1, a_gamma0, b_gamma1, b_gamma0} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_gamma1_q, a_gamma0_q, b_gamma1_q, b_gamma0_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| aes_dom_dep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| .NPower ( 2 ), |
| .Pipeline ( 1'b1 ), |
| .PreDomIndep ( 1'b0 ) |
| ) u_aes_dom_mul_omega_gamma1 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i[1] ), |
| .a_x ( a_gamma1_q ), // Share a of x |
| .a_y ( a_omega_buf ), // Share a of y |
| .b_x ( b_gamma1_q ), // Share b of x |
| .b_y ( b_omega_buf ), // Share b of y |
| .z_0 ( prd_3[5:4] ), // Randomness for blinding |
| .z_1 ( prd_3[7:6] ), // Randomness for resharing |
| .a_q ( a_gamma_inv[1:0] ), // Share a of q |
| .b_q ( b_gamma_inv[1:0] ) // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| aes_dom_dep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| .NPower ( 2 ), |
| .Pipeline ( 1'b1 ), |
| .PreDomIndep ( 1'b0 ) |
| ) u_aes_dom_mul_omega_gamma0 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i[1] ), |
| .a_x ( a_omega_buf ), // Share a of x |
| .a_y ( a_gamma0_q ), // Share a of y |
| .b_x ( b_omega_buf ), // Share b of x |
| .b_y ( b_gamma0_q ), // Share b of y |
| .z_0 ( prd_3[1:0] ), // Randomness for blinding |
| .z_1 ( prd_3[3:2] ), // Randomness for resharing |
| .a_q ( a_gamma_inv[3:2] ), // Share a of q |
| .b_q ( b_gamma_inv[3:2] ) // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| // Inverse in GF(2^8) using first-order domain-oriented masking and normal basis [y^16, y]. |
| // See Fig. 6 in [1] and Formulas 3, 12, 18 and 19 in [2]. |
| module aes_dom_inverse_gf2p8 ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| input logic [3:0] we_i, |
| input logic [7:0] a_y, // input data masked by b_y |
| input logic [7:0] b_y, // input mask |
| input prd_t prd, // pseudo-random data, e.g. for intermediate masks |
| output logic [7:0] a_y_inv, // output data masked by b_y_inv |
| output logic [7:0] b_y_inv // output mask |
| ); |
| |
| import aes_sbox_canright_pkg::*; |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Stage 1 // |
| ///////////// |
| // Formula 12 in [2]. |
| |
| logic [3:0] a_y1, a_y0, b_y1, b_y0, a_y1_y0, b_y1_y0; |
| assign a_y1 = a_y[7:4]; |
| assign a_y0 = a_y[3:0]; |
| assign b_y1 = b_y[7:4]; |
| assign b_y0 = b_y[3:0]; |
| |
| logic [3:0] a_y_ss_d, b_y_ss_d; |
| logic [3:0] a_y_ss_q, b_y_ss_q; |
| assign a_y_ss_d = aes_square_scale_gf2p4_gf2p2(a_y1 ^ a_y0); |
| assign b_y_ss_d = aes_square_scale_gf2p4_gf2p2(b_y1 ^ b_y0); |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 8 ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_y_ss ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i[0] ), |
| .d_i ( {a_y_ss_d, b_y_ss_d} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_y_ss_q, b_y_ss_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| aes_dom_dep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| .NPower ( 4 ), |
| .Pipeline ( 1'b1 ), |
| .PreDomIndep ( 1'b0 ) |
| ) u_aes_dom_mul_y1_y0 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i[0] ), |
| .a_x ( a_y1 ), // Share a of x |
| .a_y ( a_y0 ), // Share a of y |
| .b_x ( b_y1 ), // Share b of x |
| .b_y ( b_y0 ), // Share b of y |
| .z_0 ( prd.prd_1[3:0] ), // Randomness for blinding |
| .z_1 ( prd.prd_1[7:4] ), // Randomness for resharing |
| .a_q ( a_y1_y0 ), // Share a of q |
| .b_q ( b_y1_y0 ) // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| logic [3:0] a_gamma, b_gamma; |
| assign a_gamma = a_y_ss_q ^ a_y1_y0; |
| assign b_gamma = b_y_ss_q ^ b_y1_y0; |
| |
| // Avoid aggressive synthesis optimizations. |
| logic [3:0] a_gamma_buf, b_gamma_buf; |
| prim_buf #( |
| .Width ( 8 ) |
| ) u_prim_buf_ab_gamma ( |
| .in_i ( {a_gamma, b_gamma} ), |
| .out_o ( {a_gamma_buf, b_gamma_buf} ) |
| ); |
| |
| //////////////////// |
| // Stages 2 and 3 // |
| //////////////////// |
| |
| logic [3:0] a_theta, b_theta; |
| |
| // a_gamma is masked by b_gamma, a_gamma_inv is masked by b_gamma_inv. |
| aes_dom_inverse_gf2p4 u_aes_dom_inverse_gf2p4 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i[2:1] ), |
| .a_gamma ( a_gamma_buf ), |
| .b_gamma ( b_gamma_buf ), |
| .prd_2 ( prd.prd_2 ), |
| .prd_3 ( prd.prd_3 ), |
| .a_gamma_inv ( a_theta ), |
| .b_gamma_inv ( b_theta ) |
| ); |
| |
| ///////////// |
| // Stage 4 // |
| ///////////// |
| // Formulas 18 and 19 in [2]. |
| |
| logic [3:0] a_y1_q, a_y0_q, b_y1_q, b_y0_q; |
| prim_flop_en #( |
| .Width ( 16 ), |
| .ResetValue ( '0 ) |
| ) u_prim_flop_ab_y10 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .en_i ( we_i[2] ), |
| .d_i ( {a_y1, a_y0, b_y1, b_y0} ), |
| .q_o ( {a_y1_q, a_y0_q, b_y1_q, b_y0_q} ) |
| ); |
| |
| aes_dom_indep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| .NPower ( 4 ), |
| .Pipeline ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_dom_mul_theta_y1 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i[3] ), |
| .a_x ( a_y1_q ), // Share a of x |
| .a_y ( a_theta ), // Share a of y |
| .b_x ( b_y1_q ), // Share b of x |
| .b_y ( b_theta ), // Share b of y |
| .z_0 ( prd.prd_4[7:4] ), // Randomness for resharing |
| .a_q ( a_y_inv[3:0] ), // Share a of q |
| .b_q ( b_y_inv[3:0] ) // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| aes_dom_indep_mul_gf2pn #( |
| .NPower ( 4 ), |
| .Pipeline ( 1'b1 ) |
| ) u_aes_dom_mul_theta_y0 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we_i[3] ), |
| .a_x ( a_theta ), // Share a of x |
| .a_y ( a_y0_q ), // Share a of y |
| .b_x ( b_theta ), // Share b of x |
| .b_y ( b_y0_q ), // Share b of y |
| .z_0 ( prd.prd_4[3:0] ), // Randomness for resharing |
| .a_q ( a_y_inv[7:4] ), // Share a of q |
| .b_q ( b_y_inv[7:4] ) // Share b of q |
| ); |
| |
| endmodule |
| |
| module aes_sbox_dom ( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| input logic en_i, |
| output logic out_req_o, |
| input logic out_ack_i, |
| input aes_pkg::ciph_op_e op_i, |
| input logic [7:0] data_i, // masked, the actual input data is data_i ^ mask_i |
| input logic [7:0] mask_i, // input mask |
| input logic [7:0] prd_i, // pseudo-random data for remasking, in total we need 28 bits |
| // of PRD per evaluation, but at most 8 bits per cycle |
| output logic [7:0] data_o, // masked, the actual output data is data_o ^ mask_o |
| output logic [7:0] mask_o // output mask |
| ); |
| |
| import aes_pkg::*; |
| import aes_sbox_canright_pkg::*; |
| |
| logic [7:0] in_data_basis_x, out_data_basis_x; |
| logic [7:0] in_mask_basis_x, out_mask_basis_x; |
| logic [3:0] we; |
| prd_t prd_d, prd_q; |
| |
| // Convert data to normal basis X. |
| assign in_data_basis_x = (op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? aes_mvm(data_i, A2X) : |
| aes_mvm(data_i ^ 8'h63, S2X); |
| |
| // Convert mask to normal basis X. |
| // The addition of constant 8'h63 prior to the affine transformation is skipped. |
| assign in_mask_basis_x = (op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? aes_mvm(mask_i, A2X) : |
| aes_mvm(mask_i, S2X); |
| |
| // Do the inversion in normal basis X. |
| aes_dom_inverse_gf2p8 u_aes_dom_inverse_gf2p8 ( |
| .clk_i ( clk_i ), |
| .rst_ni ( rst_ni ), |
| .we_i ( we ), |
| .a_y ( in_data_basis_x ), // input |
| .b_y ( in_mask_basis_x ), // input |
| .prd ( prd_d ), // input |
| .a_y_inv ( out_data_basis_x ), // output |
| .b_y_inv ( out_mask_basis_x ) // output |
| ); |
| |
| // Convert data to basis S or A. |
| assign data_o = (op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? (aes_mvm(out_data_basis_x, X2S) ^ 8'h63) : |
| (aes_mvm(out_data_basis_x, X2A)); |
| |
| // Convert mask to basis S or A. |
| // The addition of constant 8'h63 following the affine transformation is skipped. |
| assign mask_o = (op_i == CIPH_FWD) ? aes_mvm(out_mask_basis_x, X2S) : |
| aes_mvm(out_mask_basis_x, X2A); |
| |
| // Counter register |
| logic [2:0] count_d, count_q; |
| assign count_d = (out_req_o && out_ack_i) ? '0 : |
| out_req_o ? count_q : |
| en_i ? count_q + 3'd1 : count_q; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_count |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| count_q <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| count_q <= count_d; |
| end |
| end |
| assign out_req_o = en_i & count_q == 3'd4; |
| |
| // Write enable signals for internal registers |
| assign we[0] = en_i & count_q == 3'd0; |
| assign we[1] = en_i & count_q == 3'd1; |
| assign we[2] = en_i & count_q == 3'd2; |
| assign we[3] = en_i & count_q == 3'd3; |
| |
| // Buffer and forward PRD for the individual stages. We get 8 bits per cycle from the PRNG. |
| // Stage 1, 3 and 4 require 8 bits each. Stage 2 requires just 4 bits. |
| always_comb begin : iv_mux |
| unique case (we) |
| 4'b0000: prd_d = prd_q; |
| 4'b0001: prd_d = '{prd_1: prd_i, |
| prd_2: prd_q.prd_2, |
| prd_3: prd_q.prd_3, |
| prd_4: prd_q.prd_4}; |
| 4'b0010: prd_d = '{prd_1: prd_q.prd_1, |
| prd_2: prd_i[3:0], |
| prd_3: prd_q.prd_3, |
| prd_4: prd_q.prd_4}; |
| 4'b0100: prd_d = '{prd_1: prd_q.prd_1, |
| prd_2: prd_q.prd_2, |
| prd_3: prd_i, |
| prd_4: prd_q.prd_4}; |
| 4'b1000: prd_d = '{prd_1: prd_q.prd_1, |
| prd_2: prd_q.prd_2, |
| prd_3: prd_q.prd_3, |
| prd_4: prd_i}; |
| default: prd_d = prd_q; |
| endcase |
| end |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : reg_prd |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| prd_q <= '0; |
| end else if (|we) begin |
| prd_q <= prd_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| endmodule |