blob: ecf1dccb7745f3d521926867d4bc967d9bf1b619 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`include ""
module kmac
import kmac_pkg::*;
import kmac_reg_pkg::*;
// EnMasking: Enable masking security hardening inside keccak_round
// If it is enabled, the result digest will be two set of 1600bit.
parameter bit EnMasking = 1,
// ReuseShare: If set, keccak_round logic only consumes small portion of
// entropy, not 1600bit of entropy at every round. It uses adjacent shares
// as entropy inside Domain-Oriented Masking AND logic.
// This parameter only affects when `EnMasking` is set.
parameter bit ReuseShare = 0,
parameter lfsr_perm_t RndCnstLfsrPerm = RndCnstLfsrPermDefault,
parameter logic [NumAlerts-1:0] AlertAsyncOn = {NumAlerts{1'b1}}
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input clk_edn_i,
input rst_edn_ni,
input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_i,
output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_o,
// Alerts
input prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_rx_i,
output prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_tx_o,
// KeyMgr sideload (secret key) interface
input keymgr_pkg::hw_key_req_t keymgr_key_i,
// KeyMgr KDF data path
input app_req_t [NumAppIntf-1:0] app_i,
output app_rsp_t [NumAppIntf-1:0] app_o,
// EDN interface
output edn_pkg::edn_req_t entropy_o,
input edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t entropy_i,
// interrupts
output logic intr_kmac_done_o,
output logic intr_fifo_empty_o,
output logic intr_kmac_err_o,
// Idle signal
output logic idle_o
// Parameters //
localparam int Share = (EnMasking) ? 2 : 1 ;
// Definitions //
// This state machine is to track the current process based on SW input and
// KMAC operation.
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
// Idle state
// When software writes CmdStart @ KmacIdle and kmac_en, FSM moves to this
// When SHA3 engine processes Key block, FSM moves to here.
// Message Feed
// Complete and squeeze
} kmac_st_e;
kmac_st_e kmac_st, kmac_st_d;
// Signals //
kmac_reg2hw_t reg2hw;
kmac_hw2reg_t hw2reg;
// devmode ties to 1 as KMAC should be operated at the beginning for ROM_CTRL.
logic devmode;
assign devmode = 1'b 1;
// Window
typedef enum int {
WinState = 0,
WinMsgFifo = 1
} tl_window_e;
tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_win_h2d[2];
tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_win_d2h[2];
// SHA3 core control signals and its response.
// Sequence: start --> process(multiple) --> get absorbed event --> {run -->} done
logic sha3_start, sha3_run, sha3_done, sha3_absorbed, unused_sha3_squeeze;
// Indicate one block processed
logic sha3_block_processed;
// EStatus for entropy
logic entropy_in_keyblock;
// KeyMgr interface logic generates event_absorbed from sha3_absorbed.
// It is active only if SW initiates the hashing engine.
logic event_absorbed;
sha3_pkg::sha3_st_e sha3_fsm;
// Prefix: kmac_pkg defines Prefix based on N size and S size.
// Then computes left_encode(len(N)) size and left_encode(len(S))
// For given default value 32, 256 bits, the max
// encode_string(N) || encode_string(S) is 328. So 11 Prefix registers are
// created.
logic [sha3_pkg::NSRegisterSize*8-1:0] reg_ns_prefix;
logic [sha3_pkg::NSRegisterSize*8-1:0] ns_prefix;
// NumWordsPrefix from kmac_reg_pkg
kmac_reg_pkg::NumWordsPrefix*4 == sha3_pkg::NSRegisterSize)
// Output state: this is used to redirect the digest to KeyMgr or Software
// depends on the configuration.
logic state_valid;
logic [sha3_pkg::StateW-1:0] state [Share];
// state is de-muxed in keymgr interface logic.
// the output from keymgr logic goes into staterd module to be visible to SW
logic unused_reg_state_valid;
logic [sha3_pkg::StateW-1:0] reg_state [Share];
// SHA3 Entropy interface
logic sha3_rand_valid, sha3_rand_consumed;
logic [sha3_pkg::StateW-1:0] sha3_rand_data;
// FIFO related signals
logic msgfifo_empty, msgfifo_full;
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgFifoDepthW-1:0] msgfifo_depth;
logic msgfifo_valid ;
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0] msgfifo_data [Share];
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgStrbW-1:0] msgfifo_strb ;
logic msgfifo_ready ;
if (EnMasking) begin : gen_msgfifo_data_masked
// In Masked mode, the input message data is split into two shares.
// Only concern, however, here is the secret key. So message can be
// put into only one share and other is 0.
assign msgfifo_data[1] = '0;
// TL-UL Adapter(MSG_FIFO) signals
logic tlram_req;
logic tlram_gnt;
logic tlram_we;
logic [8:0] tlram_addr; // NOT_READ
logic [31:0] tlram_wdata;
logic [31:0] tlram_wmask;
logic [31:0] tlram_rdata;
logic tlram_rvalid;
logic [1:0] tlram_rerror;
logic [31:0] tlram_wdata_endian;
logic [31:0] tlram_wmask_endian;
logic sw_msg_valid;
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0] sw_msg_data ;
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0] sw_msg_mask ;
logic sw_msg_ready;
// KeyMgr interface to MSG_FIFO
logic mux2fifo_valid;
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0] mux2fifo_data ;
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0] mux2fifo_mask ;
logic mux2fifo_ready;
// KMAC to SHA3 core
logic msg_valid ;
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgWidth-1:0] msg_data [Share];
logic [kmac_pkg::MsgStrbW-1:0] msg_strb ;
logic msg_ready ;
// Process control signals
// Process pulse propagates from register to SHA3 engine one by one.
// Each module (MSG_FIFO, KMAC core, SHA3 core) generates the process pulse
// after flushing internal data to the next module.
logic reg2msgfifo_process, msgfifo2kmac_process, kmac2sha3_process;
// Secret Key signals
logic [MaxKeyLen-1:0] sw_key_data [Share];
key_len_e sw_key_len;
logic [MaxKeyLen-1:0] key_data [Share];
key_len_e key_len;
// SHA3 Mode, Strength, KMAC enable for app interface
logic reg_kmac_en, app_kmac_en;
sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e reg_sha3_mode, app_sha3_mode;
sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e reg_keccak_strength, app_keccak_strength;
// Indicating AppIntf is active. This signal is used to check SW error
logic app_active;
// Command
// sw_cmd is the command written by SW
// checked_sw_cmd is checked in the kmac_errchk module.
// Invalid command is filtered out in the module.
// kmac_cmd is generated in KeyMgr interface.
// If SW initiates the KMAC/SHA3, kmac_cmd represents SW command,
// if KeyMgr drives the data, kmac_cmd is controled in the state machine
// in KeyMgr interface logic.
kmac_cmd_e sw_cmd, checked_sw_cmd, kmac_cmd;
// Entropy configurations
logic [9:0] wait_timer_prescaler;
logic [15:0] wait_timer_limit;
logic entropy_seed_update;
logic unused_entropy_seed_upper_qe;
logic [63:0] entropy_seed_data;
logic entropy_refresh_req;
logic [HashCntW-1:0] entropy_hash_threshold;
logic [HashCntW-1:0] entropy_hash_cnt;
logic entropy_hash_clr;
logic entropy_ready;
entropy_mode_e entropy_mode;
logic entropy_fast_process;
// SHA3 Error response
sha3_pkg::err_t sha3_err;
// KeyMgr Error response
kmac_pkg::err_t app_err;
// Entropy Generator Error
kmac_pkg::err_t entropy_err;
// Error checker
kmac_pkg::err_t errchecker_err;
logic err_processed;
// Connecting Register IF to logics //
// Function-name N and Customization input string S
always_comb begin
for (int i = 0 ; i < NumWordsPrefix; i++) begin
reg_ns_prefix[32*i+:32] = reg2hw.prefix[i].q;
// Command signals
assign sw_cmd = (reg2hw.cmd.cmd.qe) ? kmac_cmd_e'(reg2hw.cmd.cmd.q) : CmdNone;
`ASSERT_KNOWN(KmacCmd_A, sw_cmd)
always_comb begin
sha3_start = 1'b 0;
sha3_run = 1'b 0;
sha3_done = 1'b 0;
reg2msgfifo_process = 1'b 0;
unique case (kmac_cmd)
CmdStart: begin
sha3_start = 1'b 1;
CmdProcess: begin
reg2msgfifo_process = 1'b 1;
CmdManualRun: begin
sha3_run = 1'b 1;
CmdDone: begin
sha3_done = 1'b 1;
CmdNone: begin
// inactive state
default: begin
// Status register ==========================================================
// status.squeeze is valid only when SHA3 engine completes the Absorb and not
// running the manual keccak rounds. This status is for SW to determine when
// to read the STATE values.
assign hw2reg.status.sha3_idle.d = sha3_fsm == sha3_pkg::StIdle;
assign hw2reg.status.sha3_absorb.d = sha3_fsm == sha3_pkg::StAbsorb;
assign hw2reg.status.sha3_squeeze.d = sha3_fsm == sha3_pkg::StSqueeze;
// FIFO related status
assign hw2reg.status.fifo_depth.d[MsgFifoDepthW-1:0] = msgfifo_depth;
if ($bits(hw2reg.status.fifo_depth.d) != MsgFifoDepthW) begin : gen_fifo_depth_tie
assign hw2reg.status.fifo_depth.d[$bits(hw2reg.status.fifo_depth.d)-1:MsgFifoDepthW] = '0;
assign hw2reg.status.fifo_empty.d = msgfifo_empty;
assign hw2reg.status.fifo_full.d = msgfifo_full;
// Configuration Register
logic engine_stable;
assign engine_stable = sha3_fsm == sha3_pkg::StIdle;
assign hw2reg.cfg_regwen.d = engine_stable;
// Secret Key
// Secret key is defined as external register. So the logic latches when SW
// writes to KEY_SHARE0 , KEY_SHARE1 registers.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
sw_key_data[0] <= '0;
end else if (engine_stable) begin
for (int j = 0 ; j < MaxKeyLen/32 ; j++) begin
if (reg2hw.key_share0[j].qe) begin
sw_key_data[0][32*j+:32] <= reg2hw.key_share0[j].q;
end // for j
end // else if engine_stable
end // always_ff
if (EnMasking) begin : gen_key_masked
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
sw_key_data[1] <= '0;
end else if (engine_stable) begin
for (int i = 0 ; i < MaxKeyLen/32 ; i++) begin
if (reg2hw.key_share1[i].qe) begin
sw_key_data[1][32*i+:32] <= reg2hw.key_share1[i].q;
end // for i
end // else if engine_stable
end // always_ff
end else begin : gen_unused_key_share1
logic unused_keyshare1;
assign unused_keyshare1 = ^reg2hw.key_share1;
assign sw_key_len = key_len_e'(reg2hw.key_len.q);
// Entropy configurations
assign wait_timer_prescaler = reg2hw.entropy_period.prescaler.q;
assign wait_timer_limit = reg2hw.entropy_period.wait_timer.q;
// Seed updated when the software writes Entropy Seed [31:0]
assign unused_entropy_seed_upper_qe = reg2hw.entropy_seed_upper.qe;
assign entropy_seed_update = reg2hw.entropy_seed_lower.qe ;
assign entropy_seed_data = { reg2hw.entropy_seed_lower.q,
assign entropy_refresh_req = reg2hw.cmd.entropy_req.q
&& reg2hw.cmd.entropy_req.qe;
assign entropy_hash_threshold = reg2hw.entropy_refresh.threshold.q;
assign = 1'b 1;
assign hw2reg.entropy_refresh.hash_cnt.d = entropy_hash_cnt;
assign entropy_hash_clr = reg2hw.cmd.hash_cnt_clr.qe
&& reg2hw.cmd.hash_cnt_clr.q;
// Entropy config
assign entropy_ready = reg2hw.cfg.entropy_ready.q;
assign entropy_mode = entropy_mode_e'(reg2hw.cfg.entropy_mode.q);
assign entropy_fast_process = reg2hw.cfg.entropy_fast_process.q;
assign = entropy_ready;
assign hw2reg.cfg.entropy_ready.d = 1'b 0; // always clear when ready
`ASSERT(EntropyReadyLatched_A, $rose(entropy_ready) |=> !entropy_ready)
// Idle control (registered output)
// The logic checks idle of SHA3 engine, MSG_FIFO, KMAC_CORE, KEYMGR interface
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
idle_o <= 1'b 1;
end else if ((sha3_fsm == sha3_pkg::StIdle) && msgfifo_empty) begin
idle_o <= 1'b 1;
end else begin
idle_o <= 1'b 0;
// Clear the error processed
assign err_processed = reg2hw.cfg.err_processed.q;
assign = err_processed;
assign hw2reg.cfg.err_processed.d = 1'b 0;
// Make sure the field has latch in reg_top
`ASSERT(ErrProcessedLatched_A, $rose(err_processed) |=> !err_processed)
// App mode, strength, kmac_en
assign reg_kmac_en = reg2hw.cfg.kmac_en.q;
assign reg_sha3_mode = sha3_pkg::sha3_mode_e'(reg2hw.cfg.mode.q);
assign reg_keccak_strength = sha3_pkg::keccak_strength_e'(reg2hw.cfg.kstrength.q);
// Interrupt //
logic event_msgfifo_empty, msgfifo_empty_q;
// Hash process absorbed interrupt
prim_intr_hw #(.Width(1)) intr_kmac_done (
.event_intr_i (event_absorbed),
.reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i (reg2hw.intr_enable.kmac_done.q),
.reg2hw_intr_test_q_i (reg2hw.intr_test.kmac_done.q),
.reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i (reg2hw.intr_test.kmac_done.qe),
.reg2hw_intr_state_q_i (reg2hw.intr_state.kmac_done.q),
.hw2reg_intr_state_de_o (,
.hw2reg_intr_state_d_o (hw2reg.intr_state.kmac_done.d),
.intr_o (intr_kmac_done_o)
`ASSERT(Sha3AbsorbedPulse_A, $rose(sha3_absorbed) |=> !sha3_absorbed)
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) msgfifo_empty_q <= 1'b1;
else msgfifo_empty_q <= msgfifo_empty;
assign event_msgfifo_empty = ~msgfifo_empty_q & msgfifo_empty;
prim_intr_hw #(.Width(1)) intr_fifo_empty (
.event_intr_i (event_msgfifo_empty),
.reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i (reg2hw.intr_enable.fifo_empty.q),
.reg2hw_intr_test_q_i (reg2hw.intr_test.fifo_empty.q),
.reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i (reg2hw.intr_test.fifo_empty.qe),
.reg2hw_intr_state_q_i (reg2hw.intr_state.fifo_empty.q),
.hw2reg_intr_state_de_o (,
.hw2reg_intr_state_d_o (hw2reg.intr_state.fifo_empty.d),
.intr_o (intr_fifo_empty_o)
// Error
// As of now, only SHA3 error exists. More error codes will be added.
logic event_error;
assign event_error = sha3_err.valid | app_err.valid
| entropy_err.valid | errchecker_err.valid;
// Assing error code to the register
assign = event_error;
always_comb begin
hw2reg.err_code.d = '0;
priority case (1'b 1)
// app_err has the highest priority. If SW issues an incorrect command
// while app is in active state, the error from AppIntf is passed
// through.
app_err.valid: begin
hw2reg.err_code.d = {app_err.code,};
errchecker_err.valid: begin
hw2reg.err_code.d = {errchecker_err.code ,};
sha3_err.valid: begin
hw2reg.err_code.d = {sha3_err.code ,};
entropy_err.valid: begin
hw2reg.err_code.d = {entropy_err.code,};
default: begin
hw2reg.err_code.d = '0;
prim_intr_hw #(.Width(1)) intr_kmac_err (
.event_intr_i (event_error),
.reg2hw_intr_enable_q_i (reg2hw.intr_enable.kmac_err.q),
.reg2hw_intr_test_q_i (reg2hw.intr_test.kmac_err.q),
.reg2hw_intr_test_qe_i (reg2hw.intr_test.kmac_err.qe),
.reg2hw_intr_state_q_i (reg2hw.intr_state.kmac_err.q),
.hw2reg_intr_state_de_o (,
.hw2reg_intr_state_d_o (hw2reg.intr_state.kmac_err.d),
.intr_o (intr_kmac_err_o)
// State Machine //
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
kmac_st <= KmacIdle;
end else begin
kmac_st <= kmac_st_d;
always_comb begin
// Default value
kmac_st_d = KmacIdle;
entropy_in_keyblock = 1'b 0;
unique case (kmac_st)
KmacIdle: begin
if (kmac_cmd == CmdStart) begin
// If cSHAKE turned on
if (sha3_pkg::CShake == app_sha3_mode) begin
kmac_st_d = KmacPrefix;
end else begin
// Jump to Msg feed directly
kmac_st_d = KmacMsgFeed;
end else begin
kmac_st_d = KmacIdle;
KmacPrefix: begin
// Wait until SHA3 processes one block
if (sha3_block_processed) begin
kmac_st_d = (app_kmac_en) ? KmacKeyBlock : KmacMsgFeed ;
end else begin
kmac_st_d = KmacPrefix;
KmacKeyBlock: begin
entropy_in_keyblock = 1'b 1;
if (sha3_block_processed) begin
kmac_st_d = KmacMsgFeed;
end else begin
kmac_st_d = KmacKeyBlock;
KmacMsgFeed: begin
// If absorbed, move to Digest
if (sha3_absorbed && sha3_done) begin
// absorbed and done can be asserted at a cycle if Applications have
// requested the hash operation. kmac_app FSM issues CmdDone command
// if it receives absorbed signal.
kmac_st_d = KmacIdle;
end else if (sha3_absorbed && !sha3_done) begin
kmac_st_d = KmacDigest;
end else begin
kmac_st_d = KmacMsgFeed;
KmacDigest: begin
// SW can manually run it, wait till done
if (sha3_done) begin
kmac_st_d = KmacIdle;
end else begin
kmac_st_d = KmacDigest;
default: begin
kmac_st_d = KmacIdle;
`ASSERT_KNOWN(KmacStKnown_A, kmac_st)
// Instances //
// KMAC core
kmac_core #(
.EnMasking (EnMasking)
) u_kmac_core (
// from Msg FIFO
.fifo_valid_i (msgfifo_valid),
.fifo_data_i (msgfifo_data ),
.fifo_strb_i (msgfifo_strb ),
.fifo_ready_o (msgfifo_ready),
// to SHA3 core
.msg_valid_o (msg_valid),
.msg_data_o (msg_data ),
.msg_strb_o (msg_strb ),
.msg_ready_i (msg_ready),
// Configurations
.kmac_en_i (app_kmac_en),
.mode_i (app_sha3_mode),
.strength_i (app_keccak_strength),
// Secret key interface
.key_data_i (key_data),
.key_len_i (key_len ),
// Controls
.start_i (sha3_start ),
.process_i (msgfifo2kmac_process),
.done_i (sha3_done ),
.process_o (kmac2sha3_process )
// SHA3 hashing engine
sha3 #(
.EnMasking (EnMasking),
.ReuseShare (ReuseShare)
) u_sha3 (
// MSG_FIFO interface (or from KMAC)
.msg_valid_i (msg_valid),
.msg_data_i (msg_data ), // always store to 0 regardless of EnMasking
.msg_strb_i (msg_strb ),
.msg_ready_o (msg_ready),
// Entropy interface
.rand_valid_i (sha3_rand_valid),
.rand_data_i (sha3_rand_data),
.rand_consumed_o (sha3_rand_consumed),
// N, S: Used in cSHAKE mode
.ns_data_i (ns_prefix),
// Configurations
.mode_i (app_sha3_mode),
.strength_i (app_keccak_strength),
// Controls (CMD register)
.start_i (sha3_start ),
.process_i (kmac2sha3_process),
.run_i (sha3_run ),
.done_i (sha3_done ),
.absorbed_o (sha3_absorbed),
.squeezing_o (unused_sha3_squeeze),
.block_processed_o (sha3_block_processed),
.sha3_fsm_o (sha3_fsm),
.state_valid_o (state_valid),
.state_o (state), // [Share]
.error_o (sha3_err)
// MSG_FIFO window interface to FIFO interface ===============================
// Tie the read path
assign tlram_rvalid = 1'b 0;
assign tlram_rdata = '0;
assign tlram_rerror = '0;
// Convert endian here
// prim_packer always packs to the right(bit0). If the input DWORD is
// big-endian, it needs to be swapped to little-endian to maintain the
// order. Internal SHA3(Keccak) runs in little-endian in contrast to HMAC
// So, no endian-swap after prim_packer.
assign tlram_wdata_endian = conv_endian32(tlram_wdata, reg2hw.cfg.msg_endianness.q);
assign tlram_wmask_endian = conv_endian32(tlram_wmask, reg2hw.cfg.msg_endianness.q);
// TL Adapter
tlul_adapter_sram #(
.SramAw ($clog2(MsgWindowDepth)),
.SramDw (MsgWindowWidth),
.Outstanding (1),
.ByteAccess (1),
.ErrOnRead (1)
) u_tlul_adapter_msgfifo (
.en_ifetch_i (tlul_pkg::InstrDis),
.tl_i (tl_win_h2d[WinMsgFifo]),
.tl_o (tl_win_d2h[WinMsgFifo]),
.req_o (tlram_req),
.req_type_o (),
.gnt_i (tlram_gnt),
.we_o (tlram_we ),
.addr_o (tlram_addr),
.wdata_o (tlram_wdata),
.wmask_o (tlram_wmask),
.intg_error_o( ),
.rdata_i (tlram_rdata),
.rvalid_i (tlram_rvalid),
.rerror_i (tlram_rerror)
assign sw_msg_valid = tlram_req & tlram_we ;
if (MsgWidth == MsgWindowWidth) begin : gen_sw_msg_samewidth
assign sw_msg_data = tlram_wdata_endian ;
assign sw_msg_mask = tlram_wmask_endian ;
end else begin : gen_sw_msg_diff
assign sw_msg_data = {{MsgWidth-MsgWindowWidth{1'b0}}, tlram_wdata_endian};
assign sw_msg_mask = {{MsgWidth-MsgWindowWidth{1'b0}}, tlram_wmask_endian};
assign tlram_gnt = sw_msg_ready ;
logic unused_tlram_addr;
assign unused_tlram_addr = &{1'b0, tlram_addr};
// Application interface Mux/Demux
kmac_app #(
) u_app_intf (
.reg_key_data_i (sw_key_data),
.reg_key_len_i (sw_key_len),
.reg_prefix_i (reg_ns_prefix),
.reg_kmac_en_i (reg_kmac_en),
.reg_sha3_mode_i (reg_sha3_mode),
.reg_keccak_strength_i (reg_keccak_strength),
// data from tl_adapter
.sw_valid_i (sw_msg_valid),
.sw_data_i (sw_msg_data),
.sw_mask_i (sw_msg_mask),
.sw_ready_o (sw_msg_ready),
// KeyMgr sideloaded key interface
// Application data in / digest out interface
// Secret Key output to KMAC Core
.key_data_o (key_data),
.key_len_o (key_len),
// to MSG_FIFO
.kmac_valid_o (mux2fifo_valid),
.kmac_data_o (mux2fifo_data),
.kmac_mask_o (mux2fifo_mask),
.kmac_ready_i (mux2fifo_ready),
// to KMAC Core
.kmac_en_o (app_kmac_en),
// to SHA3 Core
.sha3_prefix_o (ns_prefix),
.sha3_mode_o (app_sha3_mode),
.keccak_strength_o (app_keccak_strength),
// Keccak state from SHA3 core
.keccak_state_valid_i (state_valid),
.keccak_state_i (state),
// to STATE TL Window
.reg_state_valid_o (unused_reg_state_valid),
.reg_state_o (reg_state),
// Configuration: Sideloaded Key
.keymgr_key_en_i (reg2hw.cfg.sideload.q),
.absorbed_i (sha3_absorbed), // from SHA3
.absorbed_o (event_absorbed), // to SW
.error_i (sha3_err.valid),
.err_processed_i (err_processed),
// Command interface
.sw_cmd_i (checked_sw_cmd),
.cmd_o (kmac_cmd),
// Error report
.error_o (app_err)
// Message FIFO
kmac_msgfifo #(
.OutWidth (kmac_pkg::MsgWidth),
.MsgDepth (kmac_pkg::MsgFifoDepth)
) u_msgfifo (
.fifo_valid_i (mux2fifo_valid),
.fifo_data_i (mux2fifo_data),
.fifo_mask_i (mux2fifo_mask),
.fifo_ready_o (mux2fifo_ready),
.msg_valid_o (msgfifo_valid),
.msg_data_o (msgfifo_data[0]),
.msg_strb_o (msgfifo_strb),
.msg_ready_i (msgfifo_ready),
.fifo_empty_o (msgfifo_empty), // intr and status
.fifo_full_o (msgfifo_full), // connected to status only
.fifo_depth_o (msgfifo_depth),
.clear_i (sha3_done),
.process_i (reg2msgfifo_process ),
.process_o (msgfifo2kmac_process)
// State (Digest) reader
kmac_staterd #(
.AddrW (9), // 512B
.EnMasking (EnMasking)
) u_staterd (
.tl_i (tl_win_h2d[WinState]),
.tl_o (tl_win_d2h[WinState]),
.state_i (reg_state),
.endian_swap_i (reg2hw.cfg.state_endianness.q)
// Error checker
kmac_errchk u_errchk (
// Configurations
.cfg_mode_i (reg_sha3_mode ),
.kmac_en_i (reg_kmac_en ),
.cfg_prefix_6B_i(reg_ns_prefix[47:0]), // first 6B of PREFIX
// SW commands
// Status from KMAC_APP
// Status from SHA3 core
.sha3_absorbed_i(sha3_absorbed ),
.keccak_done_i (sha3_block_processed),
// Entropy Generator
if (EnMasking == 1) begin : gen_entropy
logic entropy_req, entropy_ack, entropy_fips;
logic [MsgWidth-1:0] entropy_data;
logic unused_entropy_fips;
assign unused_entropy_fips = entropy_fips;
// EDN Request
prim_edn_req #(
.OutWidth (MsgWidth),
.MaxLatency (500000) // 5ms expected
) u_edn_req (
// Design side
.req_chk_i (1'b1),
.req_i (entropy_req),
.ack_o (entropy_ack),
.data_o (entropy_data),
.fips_o (entropy_fips),
// EDN side
.edn_o (entropy_o),
.edn_i (entropy_i)
kmac_entropy #(
) u_entropy (
// EDN interface
.entropy_req_o (entropy_req),
.entropy_ack_i (entropy_ack),
// Entropy to internal logic (DOM AND)
.rand_valid_o (sha3_rand_valid),
.rand_data_o (sha3_rand_data),
.rand_consumed_i (sha3_rand_consumed),
// Status from internal logic
//// KMAC secret block handling indicator
.in_keyblock_i (entropy_in_keyblock),
// Configuration
.mode_i (entropy_mode),
.entropy_ready_i (entropy_ready),
.fast_process_i (entropy_fast_process),
//// Entropy refresh period in clk cycles
.wait_timer_prescaler_i (wait_timer_prescaler),
.wait_timer_limit_i (wait_timer_limit),
//// SW update of seed
.seed_update_i (entropy_seed_update),
.seed_data_i (entropy_seed_data),
.entropy_refresh_req_i (entropy_refresh_req),
// Status
.hash_cnt_o (entropy_hash_cnt),
.hash_cnt_clr_i (entropy_hash_clr),
.hash_threshold_i (entropy_hash_threshold),
// Error
.err_o (entropy_err),
.err_processed_i (err_processed)
end else begin : gen_empty_entropy
// If Masking is not used, no need of entropy. Ignore inputs and config; tie output to 0.
edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t unused_entropy_input;
entropy_mode_e unused_entropy_mode;
logic unused_entropy_fast_process;
assign unused_entropy_input = entropy_i;
assign unused_entropy_mode = entropy_mode;
assign unused_entropy_fast_process = entropy_fast_process;
assign entropy_o = '{default: '0};
logic unused_sha3_rand_consumed;
assign sha3_rand_valid = 1'b 1;
assign sha3_rand_data = '0;
assign unused_sha3_rand_consumed = sha3_rand_consumed;
logic unused_seed_update;
logic [63:0] unused_seed_data;
logic [31:0] unused_refresh_period;
logic unused_entropy_refresh_req;
assign unused_seed_data = entropy_seed_data;
assign unused_seed_update = entropy_seed_update;
assign unused_refresh_period = ^{wait_timer_limit, wait_timer_prescaler};
assign unused_entropy_refresh_req = entropy_refresh_req;
logic unused_entropy_hash;
assign unused_entropy_hash = ^{entropy_hash_clr, entropy_hash_threshold};
assign entropy_hash_cnt = '0;
assign entropy_err = '{valid: 1'b 0, code: ErrNone, info: '0};
logic [1:0] unused_entropy_status;
assign unused_entropy_status = entropy_in_keyblock;
// Register top
logic [NumAlerts-1:0] alert_test, alerts;
kmac_reg_top u_reg (
.tl_win_o (tl_win_h2d),
.tl_win_i (tl_win_d2h),
.devmode_i (devmode)
// Alerts
assign alert_test = {
reg2hw.alert_test.q &
for (genvar i = 0; i < NumAlerts; i++) begin : gen_alert_tx
prim_alert_sender #(
) u_prim_alert_sender (
.alert_test_i ( alert_test[i] ),
.alert_req_i ( alerts[0] ),
.alert_ack_o ( ),
.alert_state_o ( ),
.alert_rx_i ( alert_rx_i[i] ),
.alert_tx_o ( alert_tx_o[i] )
// Assertions //
// Assert known for output values
`ASSERT_KNOWN(KmacDone_A, intr_kmac_done_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(FifoEmpty_A, intr_fifo_empty_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(KmacErr_A, intr_kmac_err_o)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(TlODValidKnown_A, tl_o.d_valid)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(TlOAReadyKnown_A, tl_o.a_ready)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(AlertKnownO_A, alert_tx_o)
// Parameter as desired
`ASSERT_INIT(SecretKeyDivideBy32_A, (kmac_pkg::MaxKeyLen % 32) == 0)
// Command input should be onehot0
`ASSUME(CmdOneHot0_M, reg2hw.cmd.cmd.qe |-> $onehot0(reg2hw.cmd.cmd.q))