blob: bafb7505fefba77bee46f08ed718f9e8667cc328 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_base.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_clkmgr.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_otbn.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/irq.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/ibex.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/otbn.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/clkmgr_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/entropy_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/rv_plic_testutils.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/check.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_framework/ottf_main.h"
#include "hw/top_earlgrey/sw/autogen/top_earlgrey.h"
OTBN_DECLARE_SYMBOL_ADDR(randomness, fail_idx);
OTBN_DECLARE_SYMBOL_ADDR(randomness, rnd_out);
OTBN_DECLARE_SYMBOL_ADDR(randomness, urnd_out);
static const otbn_app_t kOtbnAppCfiTest = OTBN_APP_T_INIT(randomness);
static const otbn_addr_t kVarRv = OTBN_ADDR_T_INIT(randomness, rv);
static const otbn_addr_t kVarFailIdx = OTBN_ADDR_T_INIT(randomness, fail_idx);
static const otbn_addr_t kVarRndOut = OTBN_ADDR_T_INIT(randomness, rnd_out);
static const otbn_addr_t kVarUrndOut = OTBN_ADDR_T_INIT(randomness, urnd_out);
const test_config_t kTestConfig;
static dif_clkmgr_t clkmgr;
static const dif_clkmgr_hintable_clock_t kOtbnClock =
static dif_rv_plic_t plic;
static otbn_t otbn_ctx;
* These variables are used for ISR communication hence they are volatile.
static volatile top_earlgrey_plic_peripheral_t plic_peripheral;
static volatile dif_rv_plic_irq_id_t irq_id;
static volatile dif_otbn_irq_t irq;
* Provides external IRQ handling for otbn tests.
* This function overrides the default OTTF external ISR.
* It performs the following:
* 1. Claims the IRQ fired (finds PLIC IRQ index).
* 2. Compute the OTBN peripheral.
* 3. Compute the otbn irq.
* 4. Clears the IRQ at the peripheral.
* 5. Completes the IRQ service at PLIC.
void ottf_external_isr(void) {
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_plic_irq_claim(&plic, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0,
(dif_rv_plic_irq_id_t *)&irq_id));
plic_peripheral = (top_earlgrey_plic_peripheral_t)
irq = (dif_otbn_irq_t)(irq_id -
// Otbn clock is disabled, so we can not acknowledge the irq. Disabling it to
// avoid an infinite loop here.
// Complete the IRQ by writing the IRQ source to the Ibex register.
dif_rv_plic_irq_complete(&plic, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0, irq_id));
static void otbn_wait_for_done_irq(otbn_t *otbn_ctx) {
// Clear the otbn irq variable: we'll set it in the interrupt handler when
// we see the Done interrupt fire.
irq = UINT32_MAX;
irq_id = UINT32_MAX;
plic_peripheral = UINT32_MAX;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_otbn_irq_set_enabled(&otbn_ctx->dif, kDifOtbnIrqDone,
// OTBN should be running. Wait for an interrupt that says
// it's done.
while (true) {
// This looks a bit odd, but is needed to avoid a race condition where the
// OTBN interrupt comes in after we load the otbn_finished flag but before
// we run the WFI instruction. The trick is that WFI returns when an
// interrupt comes in even if interrupts are globally disabled, which means
// that the WFI can actually sit *inside* the critical section.
if (plic_peripheral != UINT32_MAX) {
CHECK(plic_peripheral == kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralOtbn,
"Interrupt from incorrect peripheral: (exp: %d, obs: %s)",
kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralOtbn, plic_peripheral);
// Check this is the interrupt we expected.
CHECK(irq_id == kTopEarlgreyPlicIrqIdOtbnDone);
static void otbn_init_irq(void) {
mmio_region_t plic_base_addr =
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_plic_init(plic_base_addr, &plic));
// Set interrupt priority to be positive.
dif_rv_plic_irq_id_t irq_id = kTopEarlgreyPlicIrqIdOtbnDone;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_rv_plic_irq_set_priority(&plic, irq_id, 0x1));
&plic, irq_id, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0, kDifToggleEnabled));
&plic, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0, 0x0));
* LOG_INFO with a 256b unsigned integer as hexadecimal number with a prefix.
static void print_uint256(otbn_t *ctx, const otbn_addr_t var,
const char *prefix) {
uint32_t data[32 / sizeof(uint32_t)];
CHECK(otbn_copy_data_from_otbn(ctx, /*len_bytes=*/32, var, &data) == kOtbnOk);
LOG_INFO("%s0x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", prefix, data[7], data[6],
data[5], data[4], data[3], data[2], data[1], data[0]);
void initialize_clkmgr(void) {
mmio_region_t addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_CLKMGR_AON_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_clkmgr_init(addr, &clkmgr));
// Get initial hint and enable for OTBN clock and check both are enabled.
dif_toggle_t clock_hint_state;
CHECK_DIF_OK(dif_clkmgr_hintable_clock_get_hint(&clkmgr, kOtbnClock,
CHECK(clock_hint_state == kDifToggleEnabled);
CLKMGR_TESTUTILS_CHECK_CLOCK_HINT(clkmgr, kOtbnClock, kDifToggleEnabled);
bool test_main() {
mmio_region_t addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_OTBN_BASE_ADDR);
CHECK(otbn_init(&otbn_ctx, addr) == kOtbnOk);
// Write the OTBN clk hint to 0 within clkmgr to indicate OTBN clk can be
// gated and verify that the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr reads 0 (OTBN
// is idle).
clkmgr, kOtbnClock, kDifToggleDisabled, kDifToggleDisabled);
// Write the OTBN clk hint to 1 within clkmgr to indicate OTBN clk can be
// enabled.
clkmgr, kOtbnClock, kDifToggleEnabled, kDifToggleEnabled);
// Start an OTBN operation, write the OTBN clk hint to 0 within clkmgr and
// verify that the OTBN clk hint status within clkmgr reads 1 (OTBN is not
// idle).
CHECK(otbn_load_app(&otbn_ctx, kOtbnAppCfiTest) == kOtbnOk);
CHECK(otbn_execute(&otbn_ctx) == kOtbnOk);
clkmgr, kOtbnClock, kDifToggleDisabled, kDifToggleEnabled);
// After the OTBN operation is complete, verify that the OTBN clk hint status
// within clkmgr now reads 0 again (OTBN is idle).
CLKMGR_TESTUTILS_CHECK_CLOCK_HINT(clkmgr, kOtbnClock, kDifToggleDisabled);
// Write the OTBN clk hint to 1, read and check the OTBN output for
// correctness.
clkmgr, kOtbnClock, kDifToggleEnabled, kDifToggleEnabled);
// Check for successful test execution (self-reported).
uint32_t rv;
CHECK(otbn_copy_data_from_otbn(&otbn_ctx, /*len_bytes=*/4, kVarRv, &rv) ==
// Log some of the random numbers we got (for manual checks).
print_uint256(&otbn_ctx, kVarRndOut, "rnd = ");
print_uint256(&otbn_ctx, kVarUrndOut, "urnd = ");
if (rv != 0) {
uint32_t fail_idx;
CHECK(otbn_copy_data_from_otbn(&otbn_ctx, /*len_bytes=*/4, kVarFailIdx,
&fail_idx) == kOtbnOk,
"ERROR: Test with index %d failed.", fail_idx);
return false;
return true;