blob: 2bbc3731ac10c851c4ce2d5e88e61d5979c3bb92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna, see also
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Main controller of the processor
`include ""
module ibex_controller #(
parameter bit WritebackStage = 0
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
output logic ctrl_busy_o, // core is busy processing instrs
// decoder related signals
input logic illegal_insn_i, // decoder has an invalid instr
input logic ecall_insn_i, // decoder has ECALL instr
input logic mret_insn_i, // decoder has MRET instr
input logic dret_insn_i, // decoder has DRET instr
input logic wfi_insn_i, // decoder has WFI instr
input logic ebrk_insn_i, // decoder has EBREAK instr
input logic csr_pipe_flush_i, // do CSR-related pipeline flush
// from IF-ID pipeline stage
input logic instr_valid_i, // instr from IF-ID reg is valid
input logic [31:0] instr_i, // instr from IF-ID reg, for mtval
input logic [15:0] instr_compressed_i, // instr from IF-ID reg, for mtval
input logic instr_is_compressed_i, // instr from IF-ID reg is compressed
input logic instr_fetch_err_i, // instr from IF-ID reg has error
input logic instr_fetch_err_plus2_i, // instr from IF-ID reg error is x32
input logic [31:0] pc_id_i, // instr from IF-ID reg address
// to IF-ID pipeline stage
output logic instr_valid_clear_o, // kill instr in IF-ID reg
output logic id_in_ready_o, // ID stage is ready for new instr
output logic controller_run_o, // Controller is in standard instruction
// run mode
// to prefetcher
output logic instr_req_o, // start fetching instructions
output logic pc_set_o, // jump to address set by pc_mux
output logic pc_set_spec_o, // speculative branch
output ibex_pkg::pc_sel_e pc_mux_o, // IF stage fetch address selector
// (boot, normal, exception...)
output ibex_pkg::exc_pc_sel_e exc_pc_mux_o, // IF stage selector for exception PC
output ibex_pkg::exc_cause_e exc_cause_o, // for IF stage, CSRs
// LSU
input logic [31:0] lsu_addr_last_i, // for mtval
input logic load_err_i,
input logic store_err_i,
output logic wb_exception_o, // Instruction in WB taking an exception
// jump/branch signals
input logic branch_set_i, // branch taken set signal
input logic branch_set_spec_i, // speculative branch signal
input logic jump_set_i, // jump taken set signal
// interrupt signals
input logic csr_mstatus_mie_i, // M-mode interrupt enable bit
input logic irq_pending_i, // interrupt request pending
input ibex_pkg::irqs_t irqs_i, // interrupt requests qualified with
// mie CSR
input logic irq_nm_i, // non-maskeable interrupt
output logic nmi_mode_o, // core executing NMI handler
// debug signals
input logic debug_req_i,
output ibex_pkg::dbg_cause_e debug_cause_o,
output logic debug_csr_save_o,
output logic debug_mode_o,
input logic debug_single_step_i,
input logic debug_ebreakm_i,
input logic debug_ebreaku_i,
input logic trigger_match_i,
output logic csr_save_if_o,
output logic csr_save_id_o,
output logic csr_save_wb_o,
output logic csr_restore_mret_id_o,
output logic csr_restore_dret_id_o,
output logic csr_save_cause_o,
output logic [31:0] csr_mtval_o,
input ibex_pkg::priv_lvl_e priv_mode_i,
input logic csr_mstatus_tw_i,
// stall & flush signals
input logic lsu_req_in_id_i,
input logic stall_id_i,
input logic stall_wb_i,
output logic flush_id_o,
input logic ready_wb_i,
// performance monitors
output logic perf_jump_o, // we are executing a jump
// instruction (j, jr, jal, jalr)
output logic perf_tbranch_o // we are executing a taken branch
// instruction
import ibex_pkg::*;
// FSM state encoding
typedef enum logic [3:0] {
} ctrl_fsm_e;
ctrl_fsm_e ctrl_fsm_cs, ctrl_fsm_ns;
logic nmi_mode_q, nmi_mode_d;
logic debug_mode_q, debug_mode_d;
logic load_err_q, load_err_d;
logic store_err_q, store_err_d;
logic exc_req_q, exc_req_d;
logic illegal_insn_q, illegal_insn_d;
// Of the various exception/fault signals, which one takes priority in FLUSH and hence controls
// what happens next (setting exc_cause, csr_mtval etc)
logic instr_fetch_err_prio;
logic illegal_insn_prio;
logic ecall_insn_prio;
logic ebrk_insn_prio;
logic store_err_prio;
logic load_err_prio;
logic stall;
logic halt_if;
logic retain_id;
logic flush_id;
logic illegal_dret;
logic illegal_umode;
logic exc_req_lsu;
logic special_req_all;
logic special_req_branch;
logic enter_debug_mode;
logic ebreak_into_debug;
logic handle_irq;
logic [3:0] mfip_id;
logic unused_irq_timer;
logic ecall_insn;
logic mret_insn;
logic dret_insn;
logic wfi_insn;
logic ebrk_insn;
logic csr_pipe_flush;
logic instr_fetch_err;
// synopsys translate_off
// make sure we are called later so that we do not generate messages for
// glitches
always_ff @(negedge clk_i) begin
// print warning in case of decoding errors
if ((ctrl_fsm_cs == DECODE) && instr_valid_i && !instr_fetch_err_i && illegal_insn_d) begin
$display("%t: Illegal instruction (hart %0x) at PC 0x%h: 0x%h", $time, ibex_core.hart_id_i,
ibex_id_stage.pc_id_i, ibex_id_stage.instr_rdata_i);
// synopsys translate_on
// Exceptions //
assign load_err_d = load_err_i;
assign store_err_d = store_err_i;
// Decoder doesn't take instr_valid into account, factor it in here.
assign ecall_insn = ecall_insn_i & instr_valid_i;
assign mret_insn = mret_insn_i & instr_valid_i;
assign dret_insn = dret_insn_i & instr_valid_i;
assign wfi_insn = wfi_insn_i & instr_valid_i;
assign ebrk_insn = ebrk_insn_i & instr_valid_i;
assign csr_pipe_flush = csr_pipe_flush_i & instr_valid_i;
assign instr_fetch_err = instr_fetch_err_i & instr_valid_i;
// "Executing DRET outside of Debug Mode causes an illegal instruction exception."
// [Debug Spec v0.13.2, p.41]
assign illegal_dret = dret_insn & ~debug_mode_q;
// Some instructions can only be executed in M-Mode
assign illegal_umode = (priv_mode_i != PRIV_LVL_M) &
// MRET must be in M-Mode. TW means trap WFI to M-Mode.
(mret_insn | (csr_mstatus_tw_i & wfi_insn));
// This is recorded in the illegal_insn_q flop to help timing. Specifically
// it is needed to break the path from ibex_cs_registers/illegal_csr_insn_o
// to pc_set_o. Clear when controller is in FLUSH so it won't remain set
// once illegal instruction is handled.
// All terms in this expression are qualified by instr_valid_i
assign illegal_insn_d = (illegal_insn_i | illegal_dret | illegal_umode) & (ctrl_fsm_cs != FLUSH);
// exception requests
// requests are flopped in exc_req_q. This is cleared when controller is in
// the FLUSH state so the cycle following exc_req_q won't remain set for an
// exception request that has just been handled.
// All terms in this expression are qualified by instr_valid_i
assign exc_req_d = (ecall_insn | ebrk_insn | illegal_insn_d | instr_fetch_err) &
(ctrl_fsm_cs != FLUSH);
// LSU exception requests
assign exc_req_lsu = store_err_i | load_err_i;
// special requests: special instructions, pipeline flushes, exceptions...
// To avoid creating a path from data_err_i -> instr_req_o and to help timing the below
// special_req_all has a version that only applies to branches. For a branch the controller needs
// to set pc_set_o but only if there is no special request. If the generic special_req_all signal
// is used then a variety of signals that will never cause a special request during a branch
// instruction end up factored into pc_set_o. The special_req_branch only considers the special
// request reasons that are relevant to a branch.
// generic special request signal, applies to all instructions
// All terms in this expression are qualified by instr_valid_i except exc_req_lsu which can come
// from the Writeback stage with no instr_valid_i from the ID stage
assign special_req_all = mret_insn | dret_insn | wfi_insn | csr_pipe_flush |
exc_req_d | exc_req_lsu;
// special request that can specifically occur during branch instructions
// All terms in this expression are qualified by instr_valid_i
assign special_req_branch = instr_fetch_err & (ctrl_fsm_cs != FLUSH);
special_req_branch |-> special_req_all)
special_req_all && (branch_set_i || jump_set_i) |-> special_req_branch)
// Exception/fault prioritisation is taken from Table 3.7 of Priviledged Spec v1.11
if (WritebackStage) begin : g_wb_exceptions
always_comb begin
instr_fetch_err_prio = 0;
illegal_insn_prio = 0;
ecall_insn_prio = 0;
ebrk_insn_prio = 0;
store_err_prio = 0;
load_err_prio = 0;
// Note that with the writeback stage store/load errors occur on the instruction in writeback,
// all other exception/faults occur on the instruction in ID/EX. The faults from writeback
// must take priority as that instruction is architecurally ordered before the one in ID/EX.
if (store_err_q) begin
store_err_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (load_err_q) begin
load_err_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (instr_fetch_err) begin
instr_fetch_err_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (illegal_insn_q) begin
illegal_insn_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (ecall_insn) begin
ecall_insn_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (ebrk_insn) begin
ebrk_insn_prio = 1'b1;
// Instruction in writeback is generating an exception so instruction in ID must not execute
assign wb_exception_o = load_err_q | store_err_q | load_err_i | store_err_i;
end else begin : g_no_wb_exceptions
always_comb begin
instr_fetch_err_prio = 0;
illegal_insn_prio = 0;
ecall_insn_prio = 0;
ebrk_insn_prio = 0;
store_err_prio = 0;
load_err_prio = 0;
if (instr_fetch_err) begin
instr_fetch_err_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (illegal_insn_q) begin
illegal_insn_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (ecall_insn) begin
ecall_insn_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (ebrk_insn) begin
ebrk_insn_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (store_err_q) begin
store_err_prio = 1'b1;
end else if (load_err_q) begin
load_err_prio = 1'b1;
assign wb_exception_o = 1'b0;
(ctrl_fsm_cs == FLUSH) & exc_req_q);
// Interrupts //
// Enter debug mode due to an external debug_req_i or because the core is in
// single step mode (dcsr.step == 1). Single step must be qualified with
// instruction valid otherwise the core will immediately enter debug mode
// due to a recently flushed IF (or a delay in an instruction returning from
// memory) before it has had anything to single step.
// Also enter debug mode on a trigger match (hardware breakpoint)
assign enter_debug_mode = (debug_req_i | (debug_single_step_i & instr_valid_i) |
trigger_match_i) & ~debug_mode_q;
// Set when an ebreak should enter debug mode rather than jump to exception
// handler
assign ebreak_into_debug = priv_mode_i == PRIV_LVL_M ? debug_ebreakm_i :
priv_mode_i == PRIV_LVL_U ? debug_ebreaku_i :
// Interrupts including NMI are ignored,
// - while in debug mode [Debug Spec v0.13.2, p.39],
// - while in NMI mode (nested NMIs are not supported, NMI has highest priority and
// cannot be interrupted by regular interrupts).
assign handle_irq = ~debug_mode_q & ~nmi_mode_q &
(irq_nm_i | (irq_pending_i & csr_mstatus_mie_i));
// generate ID of fast interrupts, highest priority to highest ID
always_comb begin : gen_mfip_id
if (irqs_i.irq_fast[14]) mfip_id = 4'd14;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[13]) mfip_id = 4'd13;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[12]) mfip_id = 4'd12;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[11]) mfip_id = 4'd11;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[10]) mfip_id = 4'd10;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 9]) mfip_id = 4'd9;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 8]) mfip_id = 4'd8;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 7]) mfip_id = 4'd7;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 6]) mfip_id = 4'd6;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 5]) mfip_id = 4'd5;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 5]) mfip_id = 4'd5;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 4]) mfip_id = 4'd4;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 3]) mfip_id = 4'd3;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 2]) mfip_id = 4'd2;
else if (irqs_i.irq_fast[ 1]) mfip_id = 4'd1;
else mfip_id = 4'd0;
assign unused_irq_timer = irqs_i.irq_timer;
// Core controller //
always_comb begin
// Default values
instr_req_o = 1'b1;
csr_save_if_o = 1'b0;
csr_save_id_o = 1'b0;
csr_save_wb_o = 1'b0;
csr_restore_mret_id_o = 1'b0;
csr_restore_dret_id_o = 1'b0;
csr_save_cause_o = 1'b0;
csr_mtval_o = '0;
// The values of pc_mux and exc_pc_mux are only relevant if pc_set is set. Some of the states
// below always set pc_mux and exc_pc_mux but only set pc_set if certain conditions are met.
// This avoid having to factor those conditions into the pc_mux and exc_pc_mux select signals
// helping timing.
pc_mux_o = PC_BOOT;
pc_set_o = 1'b0;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b0;
exc_pc_mux_o = EXC_PC_IRQ;
exc_cause_o = EXC_CAUSE_INSN_ADDR_MISA; // = 6'h00
ctrl_fsm_ns = ctrl_fsm_cs;
ctrl_busy_o = 1'b1;
halt_if = 1'b0;
retain_id = 1'b0;
flush_id = 1'b0;
debug_csr_save_o = 1'b0;
debug_cause_o = DBG_CAUSE_EBREAK;
debug_mode_d = debug_mode_q;
nmi_mode_d = nmi_mode_q;
perf_tbranch_o = 1'b0;
perf_jump_o = 1'b0;
controller_run_o = 1'b0;
unique case (ctrl_fsm_cs)
RESET: begin
instr_req_o = 1'b0;
pc_mux_o = PC_BOOT;
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
ctrl_fsm_ns = BOOT_SET;
BOOT_SET: begin
// copy boot address to instr fetch address
instr_req_o = 1'b1;
pc_mux_o = PC_BOOT;
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
ctrl_fsm_ns = FIRST_FETCH;
ctrl_busy_o = 1'b0;
instr_req_o = 1'b0;
halt_if = 1'b1;
flush_id = 1'b1;
ctrl_fsm_ns = SLEEP;
SLEEP: begin
// instruction in IF stage is already valid
// we begin execution when an interrupt has arrived
instr_req_o = 1'b0;
halt_if = 1'b1;
flush_id = 1'b1;
// normal execution flow
// in debug mode or single step mode we leave immediately (wfi=nop)
if (irq_nm_i || irq_pending_i || debug_req_i || debug_mode_q || debug_single_step_i) begin
ctrl_fsm_ns = FIRST_FETCH;
end else begin
// Make sure clock remains disabled.
ctrl_busy_o = 1'b0;
// Stall because of IF miss
if (id_in_ready_o) begin
ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE;
// handle interrupts
if (handle_irq) begin
// We are handling an interrupt. Set halt_if to tell IF not to give
// us any more instructions before it redirects to the handler, but
// don't set flush_id: we must allow this instruction to complete
// (since it might have outstanding loads or stores).
ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN;
halt_if = 1'b1;
// enter debug mode
if (enter_debug_mode) begin
ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF;
// Halt IF only for now, ID will be flushed in DBG_TAKEN_IF as the
// ID state is needed for correct debug mode entry
halt_if = 1'b1;
DECODE: begin
// normal operating mode of the ID stage, in case of debug and interrupt requests,
// priorities are as follows (lower number == higher priority)
// 1. currently running (multicycle) instructions and exceptions caused by these
// 2. debug requests
// 3. interrupt requests
controller_run_o = 1'b1;
// Set PC mux for branch and jump here to ease timing. Value is only relevant if pc_set_o is
// also set. Setting the mux value here avoids factoring in special_req and instr_valid_i
// which helps timing.
pc_mux_o = PC_JUMP;
// Get ready for special instructions, exceptions, pipeline flushes
if (special_req_all) begin
// Halt IF but don't flush ID. This leaves a valid instruction in
// ID so controller can determine appropriate action in the
// FLUSH state.
retain_id = 1'b1;
// Wait for the writeback stage to either be ready for a new instruction or raise its own
// exception before going to FLUSH. If the instruction in writeback raises an exception it
// must take priority over any exception from an instruction in ID/EX. Only once the
// writeback stage is ready can we be certain that won't happen. Without a writeback
// stage ready_wb_i == 1 so the FSM will always go directly to FLUSH.
if (ready_wb_i | wb_exception_o) begin
ctrl_fsm_ns = FLUSH;
if ((branch_set_i || jump_set_i) && !special_req_branch) begin
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
perf_tbranch_o = branch_set_i;
perf_jump_o = jump_set_i;
// pc_set signal excluding branch taken condition
if ((branch_set_spec_i || jump_set_i) && !special_req_branch) begin
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
// If entering debug mode or handling an IRQ the core needs to wait
// until the current instruction has finished executing. Stall IF
// during that time.
if ((enter_debug_mode || handle_irq) && (stall || lsu_req_in_id_i)) begin
halt_if = 1'b1;
if (!stall && !lsu_req_in_id_i && !special_req_all) begin
if (enter_debug_mode) begin
// enter debug mode
ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF;
// Halt IF only for now, ID will be flushed in DBG_TAKEN_IF as the
// ID state is needed for correct debug mode entry
halt_if = 1'b1;
end else if (handle_irq) begin
// handle interrupt (not in debug mode)
ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN;
// We are handling an interrupt (not in debug mode). Set halt_if to
// tell IF not to give us any more instructions before it redirects
// to the handler, but don't set flush_id: we must allow this
// instruction to complete (since it might have outstanding loads
// or stores).
halt_if = 1'b1;
end // DECODE
IRQ_TAKEN: begin
pc_mux_o = PC_EXC;
exc_pc_mux_o = EXC_PC_IRQ;
if (handle_irq) begin
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
csr_save_if_o = 1'b1;
csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1;
// interrupt priorities according to Privileged Spec v1.11 p.31
if (irq_nm_i && !nmi_mode_q) begin
exc_cause_o = EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_NM;
nmi_mode_d = 1'b1; // enter NMI mode
end else if (irqs_i.irq_fast != 15'b0) begin
// generate exception cause ID from fast interrupt ID:
// - first bit distinguishes interrupts from exceptions,
// - second bit adds 16 to fast interrupt ID
// for example EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_FAST_0 = {1'b1, 5'd16}
exc_cause_o = exc_cause_e'({2'b11, mfip_id});
end else if (irqs_i.irq_external) begin
end else if (irqs_i.irq_software) begin
end else begin // irqs_i.irq_timer
exc_cause_o = EXC_CAUSE_IRQ_TIMER_M;
ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE;
pc_mux_o = PC_EXC;
exc_pc_mux_o = EXC_PC_DBD;
// enter debug mode and save PC in IF to dpc
// jump to debug exception handler in debug memory
if (debug_single_step_i || debug_req_i || trigger_match_i) begin
flush_id = 1'b1;
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
csr_save_if_o = 1'b1;
debug_csr_save_o = 1'b1;
csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1;
if (trigger_match_i) begin
debug_cause_o = DBG_CAUSE_TRIGGER;
end else if (debug_single_step_i) begin
debug_cause_o = DBG_CAUSE_STEP;
end else begin
debug_cause_o = DBG_CAUSE_HALTREQ;
// enter debug mode
debug_mode_d = 1'b1;
ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE;
// enter debug mode and save PC in ID to dpc, used when encountering
// 1. EBREAK during debug mode
// 2. EBREAK with forced entry into debug mode (ebreakm or ebreaku set).
// regular ebreak's go through FLUSH.
// for 1. do not update dcsr and dpc, for 2. do so [Debug Spec v0.13.2, p.39]
// jump to debug exception handler in debug memory
flush_id = 1'b1;
pc_mux_o = PC_EXC;
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
exc_pc_mux_o = EXC_PC_DBD;
// update dcsr and dpc
if (ebreak_into_debug && !debug_mode_q) begin // ebreak with forced entry
// dpc (set to the address of the EBREAK, i.e. set to PC in ID stage)
csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1;
csr_save_id_o = 1'b1;
// dcsr
debug_csr_save_o = 1'b1;
debug_cause_o = DBG_CAUSE_EBREAK;
// enter debug mode
debug_mode_d = 1'b1;
ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE;
FLUSH: begin
// flush the pipeline
halt_if = 1'b1;
flush_id = 1'b1;
ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE;
// As pc_mux and exc_pc_mux can take various values in this state they aren't set early
// here.
// exceptions: set exception PC, save PC and exception cause
// exc_req_lsu is high for one clock cycle only (in DECODE)
if (exc_req_q || store_err_q || load_err_q) begin
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
pc_mux_o = PC_EXC;
exc_pc_mux_o = debug_mode_q ? EXC_PC_DBG_EXC : EXC_PC_EXC;
if (WritebackStage) begin : g_writeback_mepc_save
// With the writeback stage present whether an instruction accessing memory will cause
// an exception is only known when it is in writeback. So when taking such an exception
// epc must come from writeback.
csr_save_id_o = ~(store_err_q | load_err_q);
csr_save_wb_o = store_err_q | load_err_q;
end else begin : g_no_writeback_mepc_save
csr_save_id_o = 1'b0;
csr_save_cause_o = 1'b1;
// Exception/fault prioritisation logic will have set exactly 1 X_prio signal
unique case (1'b1)
instr_fetch_err_prio: begin
csr_mtval_o = instr_fetch_err_plus2_i ? (pc_id_i + 32'd2) : pc_id_i;
illegal_insn_prio: begin
csr_mtval_o = instr_is_compressed_i ? {16'b0, instr_compressed_i} : instr_i;
ecall_insn_prio: begin
exc_cause_o = (priv_mode_i == PRIV_LVL_M) ? EXC_CAUSE_ECALL_MMODE :
ebrk_insn_prio: begin
if (debug_mode_q | ebreak_into_debug) begin
* EBREAK in debug mode re-enters debug mode
* "The only exception is EBREAK. When that is executed in Debug
* Mode, it halts the hart again but without updating dpc or
* dcsr." [Debug Spec v0.13.2, p.39]
* dcsr.ebreakm == 1:
* "EBREAK instructions in M-mode enter Debug Mode."
* [Debug Spec v0.13.2, p.42]
pc_set_o = 1'b0;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b0;
csr_save_id_o = 1'b0;
csr_save_cause_o = 1'b0;
ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_ID;
flush_id = 1'b0;
end else begin
* "The EBREAK instruction is used by debuggers to cause control
* to be transferred back to a debugging environment. It
* generates a breakpoint exception and performs no other
* operation. [...] ECALL and EBREAK cause the receiving
* privilege mode's epc register to be set to the address of the
* ECALL or EBREAK instruction itself, not the address of the
* following instruction." [Privileged Spec v1.11, p.40]
store_err_prio: begin
csr_mtval_o = lsu_addr_last_i;
load_err_prio: begin
csr_mtval_o = lsu_addr_last_i;
default: ;
end else begin
// special instructions and pipeline flushes
if (mret_insn) begin
pc_mux_o = PC_ERET;
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
csr_restore_mret_id_o = 1'b1;
if (nmi_mode_q) begin
nmi_mode_d = 1'b0; // exit NMI mode
end else if (dret_insn) begin
pc_mux_o = PC_DRET;
pc_set_o = 1'b1;
pc_set_spec_o = 1'b1;
debug_mode_d = 1'b0;
csr_restore_dret_id_o = 1'b1;
end else if (wfi_insn) begin
ctrl_fsm_ns = WAIT_SLEEP;
end else if (csr_pipe_flush && handle_irq) begin
// start handling IRQs when doing CSR-related pipeline flushes
ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN;
end // exc_req_q
// Entering debug mode due to either single step or debug_req. Ensure
// registers are set for exception but then enter debug handler rather
// than exception handler [Debug Spec v0.13.2, p.44]
// Leave all other signals as is to ensure CSRs and PC get set as if
// core was entering exception handler, entry to debug mode will then
// see the appropriate state and setup dpc correctly.
if (enter_debug_mode) begin
ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF;
end // FLUSH
default: begin
instr_req_o = 1'b0;
ctrl_fsm_ns = RESET;
assign flush_id_o = flush_id;
// signal to CSR when in debug mode
assign debug_mode_o = debug_mode_q;
// signal to CSR when in an NMI handler (for nested exception handling)
assign nmi_mode_o = nmi_mode_q;
// Stall control //
// If high current instruction cannot complete this cycle. Either because it needs more cycles to
// finish (stall_id_i) or because the writeback stage cannot accept it yet (stall_wb_i). If there
// is no writeback stage stall_wb_i is a constant 0.
assign stall = stall_id_i | stall_wb_i;
// signal to IF stage that ID stage is ready for next instr
assign id_in_ready_o = ~stall & ~halt_if & ~retain_id;
// kill instr in IF-ID pipeline reg that are done, or if a
// multicycle instr causes an exception for example
// retain_id is another kind of stall, where the instr_valid bit must remain
// set (unless flush_id is set also). It cannot be factored directly into
// stall as this causes a combinational loop.
assign instr_valid_clear_o = ~(stall | retain_id) | flush_id;
// update registers
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : update_regs
if (!rst_ni) begin
ctrl_fsm_cs <= RESET;
nmi_mode_q <= 1'b0;
debug_mode_q <= 1'b0;
load_err_q <= 1'b0;
store_err_q <= 1'b0;
exc_req_q <= 1'b0;
illegal_insn_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
ctrl_fsm_cs <= ctrl_fsm_ns;
nmi_mode_q <= nmi_mode_d;
debug_mode_q <= debug_mode_d;
load_err_q <= load_err_d;
store_err_q <= store_err_d;
exc_req_q <= exc_req_d;
illegal_insn_q <= illegal_insn_d;
// Assertions //
// Selectors must be known/valid.
`ASSERT(IbexCtrlStateValid, ctrl_fsm_cs inside {
// The speculative branch signal should be set whenever the actual branch signal is set
`ASSERT(IbexSpecImpliesSetPC, pc_set_o |-> pc_set_spec_o)