blob: f864104ffed5d5e8a907b3807c8ed7123f710adb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "rom_ctrl"
clock_primary: "clk_i"
reset_primary: "rst_ni",
regwidth: "32"
bus_interfaces: [
{ protocol: "tlul", direction: "device", name: "regs" }
{ protocol: "tlul", direction: "device", name: "rom" },
param_list: [
{ name: "BootRomInitFile",
type: "",
default: '""',
desc: "Contents of mask ROM"
local: "false",
expose: "true"
{ name: "RndCnstScrNonce",
type: "bit [63:0]",
desc: "Fixed nonce used for address / data scrambling"
randcount: "64",
randtype: "data"
{ name: "RndCnstScrKey",
type: "bit [127:0]",
desc: "Randomised constant used as a scrambling key for ROM data"
randcount: "128",
randtype: "data"
{ name: "SkipCheck",
type: "bit",
desc: "Skip rom power up check"
// TODO: flip this to 0 when infrastructure is ready
default: "1"
local: "false",
expose: "true"
alert_list: [
{ name: "fatal"
desc: "A fatal error. Fatal alerts are non-recoverable and will be asserted until a hard reset."
inter_signal_list: [
// Interface to memory configuration
{ name: "rom_cfg",
package: "prim_rom_pkg",
struct: "rom_cfg",
act: "rcv"
type: "uni",
// Power manager interface
{ name: "pwrmgr_data"
package: "rom_ctrl_pkg"
struct: "pwrmgr_data"
act: "req"
type: "uni"
// Keymgr interface
{ name: "keymgr_data"
package: "rom_ctrl_pkg"
struct: "keymgr_data"
act: "req"
type: "uni"
// KMAC interface
{ name: "kmac_data"
package: "kmac_pkg"
struct: "app"
act: "req"
type: "req_rsp"
regwidth: "32"
registers: {
regs: [
desc: '''
The cause of a fatal alert.
The bits of this register correspond to errors that can cause a fatal
alert. Software can read these bits to see what went wrong. Once set,
these bits cannot be cleared.
swaccess: "ro",
hwaccess: "hwo",
fields: [
{ bits: "0",
name: "checker_error",
resval: 0,
desc: "Set on a fatal error detected by the ROM checker."
{ bits: "1",
name: "integrity_error",
resval: 0,
desc: "Set on an integrity error from the register interface."
multireg: {
cname: "ROM_CTRL",
name: "DIGEST",
desc: "The digest computed from the contents of ROM"
count: "8"
swaccess: "ro"
hwaccess: "hrw"
fields: [
bits: "31:0"
name: "DIGEST"
desc: "32 bits of the digest"
// Disable CSR checks for digest registers, since their values will
// change under the feet of the CSR package as the ROM checker computes
// a digest. These values are checked instead by the rom_ctrl TB.
tags: ["excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclCheck"]
multireg: {
cname: "ROM_CTRL",
name: "EXP_DIGEST",
desc: "The expected digest, stored in the top words of ROM"
count: "8"
swaccess: "ro"
hwaccess: "hrw"
fields: [
bits: "31:0"
name: "DIGEST"
desc: "32 bits of the digest"
// As with DIGEST, these values are checked by the rom_ctrl TB.
tags: ["excl:CsrAllTests:CsrExclCheck"]
rom: [
// ROM size (given as `items` below) must be a power of two.
// NOTE: This number is replicated in ../util/ keep the
// two in sync.
{ window: {
name: "ROM"
items: "4096" // 16 KiB
swaccess: "ro",
desc: '''ROM data'''