| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| /** |
| * Covergoups that are dependent on run-time parameters that may be available |
| * only in build_phase can be defined here |
| * Covergroups may also be wrapped inside helper classes if needed. |
| */ |
| |
| // covergroup to sample all SW input bits are toggled and gated by regwen |
| class keymgr_sw_input_cg_wrap; |
| localparam int Width = bus_params_pkg::BUS_DW; |
| covergroup keymgr_sw_input_cg (string name) |
| with function sample(bit [Width-1:0] sw_input, |
| bit regwen); |
| option.per_instance = 1; |
| option.name = name; |
| |
| sw_input_cp: coverpoint sw_input { |
| option.auto_bin_max = Width; |
| } |
| regwen_cp: coverpoint regwen; |
| sw_input_x_regwen_cr: cross sw_input_cp, regwen_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| function new(string name); |
| keymgr_sw_input_cg = new(name); |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| function void sample(bit [Width-1:0] sw_input, bit regwen); |
| keymgr_sw_input_cg.sample(sw_input, regwen); |
| endfunction : sample |
| endclass |
| |
| class keymgr_env_cov extends cip_base_env_cov #(.CFG_T(keymgr_env_cfg)); |
| `uvm_component_utils(keymgr_env_cov) |
| keymgr_sw_input_cg_wrap sw_input_cg_wrap[string]; |
| |
| // covergroup for keymgr state and operation with op_status and CDI sel, sideload destination |
| covergroup state_and_op_cg with function sample(keymgr_pkg::keymgr_working_state_e state, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_ops_e op, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_op_status_e op_status, |
| keymgr_cdi_type_e cdi, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_key_dest_e dest); |
| state_cp: coverpoint state; |
| op_cp: coverpoint op; |
| op_status_cp: coverpoint op_status { |
| // only sample when op is done |
| ignore_bins illegal = {keymgr_pkg::OpIdle, keymgr_pkg::OpWip}; |
| } |
| cdi_cp: coverpoint cdi iff (!(op inside {keymgr_pkg::OpAdvance, keymgr_pkg::OpDisable})); |
| dest_cp: coverpoint dest iff (op inside {keymgr_pkg::OpGenSwOut, keymgr_pkg::OpGenHwOut}); |
| |
| op_x_state_cross: cross op_cp, cdi_cp, dest_cp, state_cp; |
| op_x_status_cross: cross op_cp, cdi_cp, dest_cp, op_status_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| // Covergroup to sample LC disable occurs at all the states or during operations |
| covergroup lc_disable_cg with function sample(keymgr_pkg::keymgr_working_state_e state, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_ops_e op, |
| bit wip); |
| state_cp: coverpoint state; |
| op_cp: coverpoint op iff (wip == 1); |
| wip_cp: coverpoint wip; |
| |
| // state crosses with wip or idle |
| state_x_wip_cross: cross state_cp, wip_cp; |
| // state crosses with operations |
| state_x_op_cross: cross state_cp, op_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| // Covergroup to sample sideload_clear in all the states and followed by all the operations |
| covergroup sideload_clear_cg with function sample(bit [2:0] sideload_clear, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_working_state_e state, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_ops_e op, |
| bit aes_sl_avail, |
| bit kmac_sl_avail, |
| bit otbn_sl_avail, |
| bit regwen); |
| sideload_clear_cp: coverpoint sideload_clear { |
| bins clear_none = {0}; |
| bins clear_one[] = {[1:3]}; |
| bins clear_all = {[4:$]}; |
| } |
| // the state where sideload_clear occurs |
| state_cp: coverpoint state; |
| // the operation followed by sideload_clear |
| op_cp: coverpoint op; |
| aes_sl_avail_cp: coverpoint aes_sl_avail; |
| kmac_sl_avail_cp: coverpoint kmac_sl_avail; |
| otbn_sl_avail_cp: coverpoint otbn_sl_avail; |
| regwen_cp: coverpoint regwen; |
| |
| sideload_clear_x_state_op_cross: cross sideload_clear, state, op; |
| sideload_clear_x_sl_avail_cross: cross sideload_clear_cp, aes_sl_avail, kmac_sl_avail, |
| otbn_sl_avail; |
| sideload_clear_x_regwen_cross: cross sideload_clear_cp, regwen_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup err_code_cg with function sample(keymgr_pkg::keymgr_err_pos_e err_code); |
| err_code_cp: coverpoint err_code { |
| // this is done in a direct test |
| ignore_bins ignore = {keymgr_pkg::ErrShadowUpdate}; |
| illegal_bins illegal = {keymgr_pkg::ErrLastPos}; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup invalid_hw_input_cg with function sample( |
| keymgr_invalid_hw_input_type_e invalid_hw_input); |
| invalid_hw_input_cp: coverpoint invalid_hw_input; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup fault_status_cg with function sample(keymgr_pkg::keymgr_fault_pos_e fault); |
| fault_cp: coverpoint fault { |
| // these are done in a direct test |
| ignore_bins ignore = {keymgr_pkg::FaultRegIntg, keymgr_pkg::FaultShadow}; |
| illegal_bins illegal = {keymgr_pkg::FaultLastPos}; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| // when async and sync fault both happen, use these 2 CP to enable both orders are covered |
| covergroup sync_async_fault_cross_cg with function sample(bit sync_fault_trig_first = 1, |
| bit async_fault_trig_first = 1); |
| sync_fault_trig_first_cp: coverpoint sync_fault_trig_first { |
| bins sync_first = {1}; |
| } |
| async_fault_trig_first_cp: coverpoint async_fault_trig_first { |
| bins async_first = {1}; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| // Covergroup to cover small values that TB can actually check EDN request sends correctly, and |
| // large values to make sure all bits are toggled |
| covergroup reseed_interval_cg with function sample(bit[15:0] reseed_interval); |
| reseed_interval_cp: coverpoint reseed_interval { |
| bins small_values[5] = {[50:100]}; |
| bins large_values[32] = {[100:16'hffff]}; |
| } |
| endgroup |
| |
| // Covergroup to sample key version comparion with OpGenSwOut and OpGenHwOut in legal states |
| // When comparison is CompareOpGt, it's SW invalid input |
| covergroup key_version_compare_cg with function sample(compare_op_e key_version_cmp, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_working_state_e state, |
| keymgr_pkg::keymgr_ops_e op); |
| key_version_cmp_cp: coverpoint key_version_cmp { |
| bins legal_values[] = {CompareOpEq, CompareOpGt, CompareOpLt}; |
| } |
| state_cp: coverpoint state { |
| bins legal_states[] = {keymgr_pkg::StCreatorRootKey, keymgr_pkg::StOwnerIntKey, |
| keymgr_pkg::StOwnerKey}; |
| } |
| op_cp: coverpoint op { |
| bins legal_states[] = {keymgr_pkg::OpGenSwOut, keymgr_pkg::OpGenHwOut}; |
| } |
| key_ver_x_state_x_op_cross: cross key_version_cmp_cp, state_cp, op_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| covergroup control_w_regwen_cg with function sample(bit [14:0] control, bit regwen); |
| // There are some reserved fields, to simply it, just create 4 auto-bin |
| control_cp: coverpoint control { |
| option.auto_bin_max = 4; |
| } |
| regwen_cp: coverpoint regwen; |
| control_x_regwen_cr: cross control_cp, regwen_cp; |
| endgroup |
| |
| function new(string name, uvm_component parent); |
| super.new(name, parent); |
| |
| state_and_op_cg = new(); |
| lc_disable_cg = new(); |
| sideload_clear_cg = new(); |
| err_code_cg = new(); |
| invalid_hw_input_cg = new(); |
| fault_status_cg = new(); |
| sync_async_fault_cross_cg = new(); |
| reseed_interval_cg = new(); |
| key_version_compare_cg = new(); |
| control_w_regwen_cg = new(); |
| endfunction : new |
| |
| virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); |
| super.build_phase(phase); |
| |
| foreach (cfg.ral.sealing_sw_binding[i]) begin |
| create_sw_input_cg_obj(cfg.ral.sealing_sw_binding[i].get_name()); |
| end |
| foreach (cfg.ral.attest_sw_binding[i]) begin |
| create_sw_input_cg_obj(cfg.ral.attest_sw_binding[i].get_name()); |
| end |
| foreach (cfg.ral.salt[i]) begin |
| create_sw_input_cg_obj(cfg.ral.salt[i].get_name()); |
| end |
| foreach (cfg.ral.key_version[i]) begin |
| create_sw_input_cg_obj(cfg.ral.key_version[i].get_name()); |
| end |
| |
| create_sw_input_cg_obj(cfg.ral.max_creator_key_ver_shadowed.get_name()); |
| create_sw_input_cg_obj(cfg.ral.max_owner_int_key_ver_shadowed.get_name()); |
| create_sw_input_cg_obj(cfg.ral.max_owner_key_ver_shadowed.get_name()); |
| endfunction |
| |
| virtual function void create_sw_input_cg_obj(string name); |
| sw_input_cg_wrap[name] = new(name); |
| endfunction |
| |
| endclass |