blob: e9632443eb93599a1414c3e6008b69bef4326864 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Always On USB wake detect
`include ""
module usbdev_aon_wake import usbdev_pkg::*;(
input logic clk_aon_i,
input logic rst_aon_ni,
// These come from the chip pin
input logic usb_dp_i,
input logic usb_dn_i,
input logic usb_sense_i,
// These come from the IP
input logic usbdev_dppullup_en_i,
input logic usbdev_dnpullup_en_i,
// Register signals from the IP, which must already be synchronized to the AON domain.
input logic wake_ack_aon_i,
input logic suspend_req_aon_i,
// The I/Os that need to be maintained in low-power mode
output logic usb_dppullup_en_o,
output logic usb_dnpullup_en_o,
// wake/powerup request
output logic wake_req_aon_o,
// Event signals that indicate what happened while monitoring
output logic bus_reset_aon_o,
output logic sense_lost_aon_o,
// state debug information
output logic wake_detect_active_aon_o
// Whether this AON wake detector is active and controlling the pull-ups.
logic wake_detect_active_d, wake_detect_active_q;
// Detect whether the USB has moved from an idle state.
logic not_idle_async;
logic event_not_idle;
// In suspend it is the device pullup that sets the line state
// so if the input value differs then the host is doing something
// This covers both host generated wake (J->K) and host generated reset (J->SE0)
// Use of the pullups takes care of pinflipping
assign not_idle_async = (usb_dp_i != usb_dppullup_en_o) |
(usb_dn_i != usb_dnpullup_en_o);
// aon clock is ~200kHz so 4 cycle filter is about 20us
// as well as noise debounce this gives the main IP time to detect resume if it didn't turn off
prim_filter #(
.AsyncOn(1), // Instantiate 2-stage synchronizer
) filter_activity (
.clk_i (clk_aon_i),
.rst_ni (rst_aon_ni),
.enable_i (1'b1),
.filter_i (not_idle_async),
.filter_o (event_not_idle)
// Detect bus reset and VBUS removal events.
// Hold the detectors in reset when this module is in the idle state, to
// avoid sampling / hysteresis issues that carry over when the link is
// active.
logic se0_async, sense_lost_async;
logic event_bus_reset, event_sense_lost;
logic bus_reset_d, bus_reset_q;
logic sense_lost_d, sense_lost_q;
assign se0_async = ~usb_dp_i & ~usb_dn_i;
assign sense_lost_async = ~usb_sense_i;
prim_filter #(
) filter_bus_reset (
.clk_i (clk_aon_i),
.rst_ni (rst_aon_ni),
.enable_i (1'b1),
.filter_i (se0_async),
.filter_o (event_bus_reset)
prim_filter #(
) filter_sense (
.clk_i (clk_aon_i),
.rst_ni (rst_aon_ni),
.enable_i (1'b1),
.filter_i (sense_lost_async),
.filter_o (event_sense_lost)
assign bus_reset_d = (event_bus_reset | bus_reset_q) & wake_detect_active_q;
assign sense_lost_d = (event_sense_lost | sense_lost_q) & wake_detect_active_q;
assign bus_reset_aon_o = bus_reset_q;
assign sense_lost_aon_o = sense_lost_q;
logic wake_req_d, wake_req_q;
assign wake_req_d = wake_detect_active_q &
(event_not_idle | event_bus_reset | event_sense_lost | wake_req_q);
assign wake_req_aon_o = wake_req_q;
always_ff @(posedge clk_aon_i or negedge rst_aon_ni) begin : proc_reg_events
if (!rst_aon_ni) begin
bus_reset_q <= 1'b0;
sense_lost_q <= 1'b0;
wake_req_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
bus_reset_q <= bus_reset_d;
sense_lost_q <= sense_lost_d;
wake_req_q <= wake_req_d;
always_comb begin : proc_awk_fsm
wake_detect_active_d = wake_detect_active_q;
unique case (wake_detect_active_q)
// No aon suspend entry has been requested or detected
1'b0: begin
if (suspend_req_aon_i) begin
wake_detect_active_d = 1'b1;
// The USB IP has passed control to this module for handling the suspend
// request. wake_ack_i must be asserted to bring control back to the USB
// IP.
1'b1: begin
if (wake_ack_aon_i) begin
wake_detect_active_d = 1'b0;
default : wake_detect_active_d = 1'b0;
`ASSERT_KNOWN(WakeDetectActiveAonKnown_A, wake_detect_active_aon_o,
clk_aon_i, !rst_aon_ni)
always_ff @(posedge clk_aon_i or negedge rst_aon_ni) begin : proc_reg_awk
if (!rst_aon_ni) begin
wake_detect_active_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
wake_detect_active_q <= wake_detect_active_d;
assign wake_detect_active_aon_o = wake_detect_active_q;
// Control the pullup enable outputs from the AON module when it's active
logic usbdev_dppullup_en_aon, usbdev_dnpullup_en_aon;
logic aon_dppullup_en_d, aon_dppullup_en_q;
logic aon_dnpullup_en_d, aon_dnpullup_en_q;
prim_flop_2sync #(
) u_pullup_en_cdc (
.d_i({usbdev_dppullup_en_i, usbdev_dnpullup_en_i}),
.q_o({usbdev_dppullup_en_aon, usbdev_dnpullup_en_aon})
assign aon_dppullup_en_d = wake_detect_active_q ? aon_dppullup_en_q
: usbdev_dppullup_en_aon;
assign aon_dnpullup_en_d = wake_detect_active_q ? aon_dnpullup_en_q
: usbdev_dnpullup_en_aon;
always_ff @(posedge clk_aon_i or negedge rst_aon_ni) begin : proc_reg_pullup_en
if (!rst_aon_ni) begin
aon_dppullup_en_q <= 1'b0;
aon_dnpullup_en_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
aon_dppullup_en_q <= aon_dppullup_en_d;
aon_dnpullup_en_q <= aon_dnpullup_en_d;
assign usb_dppullup_en_o = wake_detect_active_q ? aon_dppullup_en_q
: usbdev_dppullup_en_i;
assign usb_dnpullup_en_o = wake_detect_active_q ? aon_dnpullup_en_q
: usbdev_dnpullup_en_i;