blob: cb37f2a557d485a6d5de54b4e846d1416a1badb6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Description sysrst_ctrl ULP module
module sysrst_ctrl_ulp
import sysrst_ctrl_pkg::*;
import sysrst_ctrl_reg_pkg::*;
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// (Optionally) inverted input signals on AON clock
input lid_open_int_i,
input ac_present_int_i,
input pwrb_int_i,
// CSRs synced to AON clock
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_ulp_ac_debounce_ctl_reg_t ulp_ac_debounce_ctl_i,
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_ulp_lid_debounce_ctl_reg_t ulp_lid_debounce_ctl_i,
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_ulp_pwrb_debounce_ctl_reg_t ulp_pwrb_debounce_ctl_i,
input sysrst_ctrl_reg2hw_ulp_ctl_reg_t ulp_ctl_i,
output sysrst_ctrl_hw2reg_ulp_status_reg_t ulp_status_o,
// Wakeup pulses on AON clock
output ulp_wakeup_pulse_o,
output z3_wakeup_hw_o
logic pwrb_det, pwrb_det_pulse;
sysrst_ctrl_detect #(
// This detects a negative edge
// Detected status remains asserted until disabled
) u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_pwrb (
.trigger_i (pwrb_int_i),
.cfg_debounce_timer_i (ulp_pwrb_debounce_ctl_i.q),
.cfg_detect_timer_i ('0),
.cfg_enable_i (ulp_ctl_i.q),
.event_detected_o (pwrb_det),
logic lid_open_det, lid_open_det_pulse;
sysrst_ctrl_detect #(
// This detects a positive edge
// Detected status remains asserted until disabled
) u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_lid_open (
.trigger_i (lid_open_int_i),
.cfg_debounce_timer_i (ulp_lid_debounce_ctl_i.q),
// We're only using the debounce timer.
// The detection timer is set to 0 which corresponds to a 1 cycle detection window.
.cfg_detect_timer_i ('0),
.cfg_enable_i (ulp_ctl_i.q),
.event_detected_o (lid_open_det),
logic ac_present_det, ac_present_det_pulse;
sysrst_ctrl_detect #(
// Detect a high level
// Detected status remains asserted until disabled
) u_sysrst_ctrl_detect_ac_present (
.trigger_i (ac_present_int_i),
.cfg_debounce_timer_i (ulp_ac_debounce_ctl_i.q),
// We're only using the debounce timer.
// The detection timer is set to 0 which corresponds to a 1 cycle detection window.
.cfg_detect_timer_i ('0),
.cfg_enable_i (ulp_ctl_i.q),
.event_detected_o (ac_present_det),
// aggregate pulse and level signals
assign ulp_wakeup_pulse_o = pwrb_det_pulse |
lid_open_det_pulse |
assign z3_wakeup_hw_o = pwrb_det |
lid_open_det |
assign ulp_status_o.d = 1'b1;
assign = ulp_wakeup_pulse_o;