blob: 2f3a2b4853a8f13b401f3ca5a6422e895d593506 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_gpio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/arch/device.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/log.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_plic.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/handler.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/irq.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/pinmux.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/check.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/hart.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_main.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/testing/test_status.h"
#include "hw/top_earlgrey/sw/autogen/top_earlgrey.h"
static dif_gpio_t gpio;
static dif_plic_t plic;
// These constants reflect the GPIOs exposed by the GPIO IP.
static const uint32_t kNumGpios = 32;
static const uint32_t kGpiosMask = 0xffffffff;
// These constants reflect the GPIOs exposed by the OpenTitan SoC.
static const uint32_t kNumChipGpios = 16;
// TODO #2484: GPIO pins 16-19 are special inputs - do not touch them.
static const uint32_t kGpiosAllowedMask = 0xfff0ffff;
static const uint32_t kChipGpiosMask = 0xffff & kGpiosAllowedMask;
// These indicate the GPIO pin irq expected to fire, declared volatile since
// they are used by the interrupt handler.
static volatile uint32_t expected_gpio_pin_irq;
static volatile bool expected_irq_edge;
* GPIO test - verifies the GPIO pins in the input and output directions.
* In the output direction, SW writes the following pattern:
* 1. Start with GPIOs = all zeros
* 2. Walk a 1 through ALL GPIOs (presented by the IP), read `data_in` with each
* write to ensure correctness
* 3. Set all GPIOs to 0s, followed by all 1s.
* 4. Walk a 0 through ALL GPIOs (presented by the IP), read `data_in` with each
* write to ensure correctness
* 5. Set all GPIOs to 1s, followed by all 0s.
* The correctness of the GPIO values on the chip pins is verified by the
* external testbench. The correctness of `data_in` is limited to the number of
* GPIOs exposed by the chip, so we mask the written value accordingly. In
* addition, some GPIOs are used for 'special' functionality - JTAG TRST_N and
* SRST_N. We do not touch those (via mask). This will change when the jtag_mux
* functionality is moved into pinmux.
* In the input direction, the external testbench sends the following pattern:
* 1. Walk a 1 in 'temperature' pattern (0001, 0011, 0111, 1111, 1110, 100, ..)
* Both, rising and falling edges are configured for generating an interrupt. As
* each pin rises or falls, the SW checks the interrupt, status and `data_in`
* for correctness.
* Initializes PLIC and enables all GPIO interrupts.
static void plic_init_with_irqs(mmio_region_t base_addr, dif_plic_t *plic) {
LOG_INFO("Initializing the PLIC.");
CHECK(dif_plic_init(base_addr, plic) == kDifPlicOk, "dif_plic_init failed");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumGpios; ++i) {
dif_plic_irq_id_t plic_irq_id = i + kTopEarlgreyPlicIrqIdGpioGpio0;
// Enable GPIO interrupts at PLIC as edge triggered.
CHECK(dif_plic_irq_trigger_type_set(plic, plic_irq_id, kDifPlicEnable) ==
"dif_plic_irq_trigger_type_set failed");
// Set the priority of GPIO interrupts at PLIC to be >=1
CHECK(dif_plic_irq_priority_set(plic, plic_irq_id, 0x1) == kDifPlicOk,
"dif_plic_irq_priority_set failed");
// Enable all GPIO interrupts at the PLIC.
dif_plic_irq_enable_set(plic, plic_irq_id, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0,
kDifPlicEnable) == kDifPlicOk,
"dif_plic_irq_enable_set failed");
// Set the threshold for the Ibex to 0.
CHECK(dif_plic_target_threshold_set(plic, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0, 0x0) ==
"dif_plic_target_threshold_set failed");
* Runs the GPIO output test.
* Walks a 1 over the GPIO pins, followed by walking a 0.
* The external testbench checks the GPIO values for correctness.
static void gpio_output_test(const dif_gpio_t *gpio) {
LOG_INFO("Starting GPIO output test");
// Set the GPIOs to be in output mode.
CHECK(dif_gpio_output_mode_all_set(gpio, kGpiosAllowedMask) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_output_mode_all_set failed");
// Walk 1s - 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000, etc.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumGpios; ++i) {
uint32_t gpio_val = 1 << i;
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_write(gpio, gpio_val) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_write failed");
// Read GPIO_IN to confirm what we wrote.
uint32_t read_val;
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_read(gpio, &read_val) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_read failed");
// Check written and read val for correctness.
// Though we try to set all available GPIOs, only the ones that are exposed
// as chip IOs can be read back. So we mask the values with
// `kChipGpiosMask`.
gpio_val &= kChipGpiosMask;
read_val &= kChipGpiosMask;
CHECK(gpio_val == read_val, "GPIOs mismatched (written = %x, read = %x)",
gpio_val, read_val);
// Write all 0s to the GPIOs.
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_write(gpio, ~kGpiosMask) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_write failed");
// Write all 1s to the GPIOs.
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_write(gpio, kGpiosMask) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_write failed");
// Now walk 0s - 1110, 1101, 1011, 0111, etc.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumGpios; ++i) {
uint32_t gpio_val = ~(1 << i);
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_write(gpio, gpio_val) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_write failed");
// Read GPIO_IN to confirm what we wrote.
uint32_t read_val;
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_read(gpio, &read_val) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_read failed");
// Check written and read val for correctness.
// Though we try to set all available GPIOs, only the ones that are exposed
// as chip IOs can be read back. So we mask the values with
// `kChipGpiosMask`.
gpio_val &= kChipGpiosMask;
read_val &= kChipGpiosMask;
CHECK(gpio_val == read_val, "GPIOs mismatched (written = %x, read = %x)",
gpio_val, read_val);
// Write all 1s to the GPIOs.
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_write(gpio, kGpiosMask) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_write failed");
// Write all 0s to the GPIOs.
CHECK(dif_gpio_all_write(gpio, ~kGpiosMask) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_all_write failed");
* Runs the GPIO input test.
* We start off with all 0s. The function polls the GPIOs for a 'thermometer
* code' pattern (0, 1, 11, 111 etc) which is driven by the testbench, through
* interrupts. The rising edge of each subsequent pin causes an interrupt to
* fire. The ISR checks for the right GPIO and polarity. The testbench then
* reverses the thermometer pattern (1111, 1110, 1100, 1000, etc).to capture the
* interrupt on the falling edge.
static void gpio_input_test(const dif_gpio_t *gpio) {
LOG_INFO("Starting GPIO input test");
// Enable the noise filter on all GPIOs.
CHECK(dif_gpio_input_noise_filter_masked_enable(gpio, kGpiosAllowedMask) ==
"dif_gpio_input_noise_filter_masked_enable failed");
// Configure all GPIOs to be rising and falling edge interrupts.
gpio, kGpiosAllowedMask, kDifGpioIrqEdgeRisingFalling) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_irq_trigger_masked_config failed");
// Enable interrupts on all GPIOs.
CHECK(dif_gpio_irq_masked_enable(gpio, kGpiosAllowedMask) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_irq_masked_enable failed");
// Set the GPIOs to be in input mode.
CHECK(dif_gpio_output_mode_all_set(gpio, 0u) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_output_mode_all_set failed");
// Wait for rising edge interrupt on each pin.
expected_irq_edge = true;
for (expected_gpio_pin_irq = 0; expected_gpio_pin_irq < kNumChipGpios;
++expected_gpio_pin_irq) {
// Wait for falling edge interrupt on each pin.
expected_irq_edge = false;
for (expected_gpio_pin_irq = 0; expected_gpio_pin_irq < kNumChipGpios;
++expected_gpio_pin_irq) {
* Provides external irq handling for this test.
* This function overrides the default external irq handler in
* `sw/device/lib/handler.h`.
void handler_irq_external(void) {
// Find which interrupt fired at PLIC by claiming it.
dif_plic_irq_id_t plic_irq_id;
CHECK(dif_plic_irq_claim(&plic, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0, &plic_irq_id) ==
"dif_plic_irq_claim failed");
// Check if it is the right peripheral.
top_earlgrey_plic_peripheral_t peripheral = (top_earlgrey_plic_peripheral_t)
CHECK(peripheral == kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralGpio,
"Interrupt from incorrect peripheral: (exp: %d, obs: %s)",
kTopEarlgreyPlicPeripheralGpio, peripheral);
// Correlate the interrupt fired from GPIO.
uint32_t gpio_pin_irq_fired = plic_irq_id - kTopEarlgreyPlicIrqIdGpioGpio0;
// Check if we did expect the right GPIO IRQ to fire.
CHECK(gpio_pin_irq_fired == expected_gpio_pin_irq,
"Incorrect GPIO interrupt (exp: %d, obs: %d)", expected_gpio_pin_irq,
// Check if the same interrupt fired at GPIO as well.
uint32_t gpio_irqs_status;
CHECK(dif_gpio_irq_all_read(&gpio, &gpio_irqs_status) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_irq_all_read failed");
CHECK(gpio_irqs_status == (1 << expected_gpio_pin_irq),
"Incorrect GPIO irqs status {exp: %x, obs: %x}",
(1 << expected_gpio_pin_irq), gpio_irqs_status);
// Read the gpio pin value to ensure the right value is being reflected.
bool pin_val;
CHECK(dif_gpio_pin_read(&gpio, expected_gpio_pin_irq, &pin_val) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_pin_read failed");
// Check if the pin value is set correctly.
CHECK(pin_val == expected_irq_edge, "Incorrect GPIO %d pin value (exp: %b)",
expected_gpio_pin_irq, expected_irq_edge);
// Clear the interrupt at GPIO.
CHECK(dif_gpio_irq_pin_clear(&gpio, gpio_pin_irq_fired) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_irq_pin_clear failed");
// Complete the IRQ at PLIC.
CHECK(dif_plic_irq_complete(&plic, kTopEarlgreyPlicTargetIbex0,
&plic_irq_id) == kDifPlicOk,
"dif_plic_irq_complete failed");
const test_config_t kTestConfig = {};
bool test_main(void) {
// Initialize the pinmux - this assigns MIO0-31 to GPIOs.
// Initialize the GPIO.
dif_gpio_config_t gpio_config = {
.base_addr = mmio_region_from_addr(TOP_EARLGREY_GPIO_BASE_ADDR)};
CHECK(dif_gpio_init(&gpio_config, &gpio) == kDifGpioOk,
"dif_gpio_init failed");
// Initialize the PLIC.
mmio_region_t plic_base_addr =
plic_init_with_irqs(plic_base_addr, &plic);
// Enable the external IRQ at Ibex.
// Run the tests.
return true;