| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| module tb; |
| // dep packages |
| import uvm_pkg::*; |
| import top_pkg::*; |
| import dv_utils_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_env_pkg::*; |
| import flash_ctrl_test_pkg::*; |
| import mem_bkdr_util_pkg::mem_bkdr_util; |
| |
| // macro includes |
| `include "uvm_macros.svh" |
| `include "dv_macros.svh" |
| |
| // TB base test ENV_T & CFG_T specification |
| // |
| // Specify the parameters for the flash_ctrl_base_test |
| // This will invoke the UVM registry and link this test type to |
| // the name 'flash_ctrl_base_test' as a test name passed by UVM_TESTNAME |
| // |
| // This is done explicitly only for the prim_pkg::ImplGeneric implementation |
| // since partner base tests inherit from flash_ctrl_base_test#(CFG_T, ENV_T) and |
| // specify directly (CFG_T, ENV_T) via the class extension and use a different |
| if (`PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL==prim_pkg::ImplGeneric) begin : gen_spec_base_test_params |
| typedef flash_ctrl_base_test #(.CFG_T(flash_ctrl_env_cfg), |
| .ENV_T(flash_ctrl_env)) flash_ctrl_base_test_t; |
| end |
| |
| wire clk, rst_n, rst_shadowed_n; |
| wire devmode; |
| wire intr_prog_empty; |
| wire intr_prog_lvl; |
| wire intr_rd_full; |
| wire intr_rd_lvl; |
| wire intr_op_done; |
| wire intr_err; |
| wire [NUM_MAX_INTERRUPTS-1:0] interrupts; |
| |
| // interfaces |
| clk_rst_if clk_rst_if ( |
| .clk (clk), |
| .rst_n(rst_n) |
| ); |
| rst_shadowed_if rst_shadowed_if ( |
| .rst_n(rst_n), |
| .rst_shadowed_n(rst_shadowed_n) |
| ); |
| pins_if #(NUM_MAX_INTERRUPTS) intr_if (interrupts); |
| pins_if #(1) devmode_if (devmode); |
| tl_if tl_if ( |
| .clk (clk), |
| .rst_n(rst_n) |
| ); |
| tl_if eflash_tl_if ( |
| .clk (clk), |
| .rst_n(rst_n) |
| ); |
| tl_if prim_tl_if ( |
| .clk (clk), |
| .rst_n(rst_n) |
| ); |
| flash_ctrl_if flash_ctrl_if (); |
| flash_phy_prim_if fpp_if ( |
| .clk (clk), |
| .rst_n(rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| `define FLASH_DEVICE_HIER tb.dut.u_eflash.u_flash |
| assign fpp_if.req = `FLASH_DEVICE_HIER.flash_req_i; |
| assign fpp_if.rsp = `FLASH_DEVICE_HIER.flash_rsp_o; |
| assign fpp_if.rreq[0] = tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_rd.req_i; |
| assign fpp_if.rreq[1] = tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_rd.req_i; |
| assign fpp_if.rdy[0] = tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[0].u_core.u_rd.rdy_o; |
| assign fpp_if.rdy[1] = tb.dut.u_eflash.gen_flash_cores[1].u_core.u_rd.rdy_o; |
| |
| |
| |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::flash_otp_key_req_t otp_req; |
| otp_ctrl_pkg::flash_otp_key_rsp_t otp_rsp; |
| |
| assign flash_ctrl_if.otp_req.addr_req = otp_req.addr_req; |
| assign flash_ctrl_if.otp_req.data_req = otp_req.data_req; |
| |
| assign otp_rsp.addr_ack = flash_ctrl_if.otp_rsp.addr_ack; |
| assign otp_rsp.data_ack = flash_ctrl_if.otp_rsp.data_ack; |
| assign otp_rsp.key = flash_ctrl_if.otp_rsp.key; |
| assign otp_rsp.rand_key = flash_ctrl_if.otp_rsp.rand_key; |
| assign otp_rsp.seed_valid = flash_ctrl_if.otp_rsp.seed_valid; |
| |
| wire flash_test_v; |
| assign (pull1, pull0) flash_test_v = 1'b1; |
| wire [1:0] flash_test_mode_a; |
| assign (pull1, pull0) flash_test_mode_a = 2'h3; |
| |
| // dut |
| flash_ctrl #( |
| .ProgFifoDepth(ProgFifoDepth), |
| .RdFifoDepth(ReadFifoDepth) |
| ) dut ( |
| .clk_i (clk), |
| .rst_ni (rst_n), |
| .rst_shadowed_ni(rst_shadowed_n), |
| .clk_otp_i (clk), |
| .rst_otp_ni (rst_n), |
| |
| // various tlul interfaces |
| .core_tl_i(tl_if.h2d), |
| .core_tl_o(tl_if.d2h), |
| .prim_tl_i(prim_tl_if.h2d), |
| .prim_tl_o(prim_tl_if.d2h), |
| .mem_tl_i (eflash_tl_if.h2d), |
| .mem_tl_o (eflash_tl_if.d2h), |
| |
| // otp interface |
| .otp_i(otp_rsp), |
| .otp_o(otp_req), |
| |
| // various life cycle decode signals |
| .lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en_i(flash_ctrl_if.lc_creator_seed_sw_rw_en), |
| .lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en_i (flash_ctrl_if.lc_owner_seed_sw_rw_en), |
| .lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en_i (flash_ctrl_if.lc_iso_part_sw_rd_en), |
| .lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en_i (flash_ctrl_if.lc_iso_part_sw_wr_en), |
| .lc_seed_hw_rd_en_i (flash_ctrl_if.lc_seed_hw_rd_en), |
| .lc_nvm_debug_en_i (flash_ctrl_if.lc_nvm_debug_en), |
| .lc_escalate_en_i (flash_ctrl_if.lc_escalate_en), |
| |
| // life cycle rma handling |
| .rma_req_i (flash_ctrl_if.rma_req), |
| .rma_seed_i(flash_ctrl_if.rma_seed), |
| .rma_ack_o (flash_ctrl_if.rma_ack), |
| |
| // power manager indication |
| .pwrmgr_o(flash_ctrl_if.pwrmgr), |
| .keymgr_o(flash_ctrl_if.keymgr), |
| |
| // flash prim signals |
| .flash_power_ready_h_i (flash_ctrl_if.power_ready_h), |
| .flash_power_down_h_i (flash_power_down_h), |
| .flash_bist_enable_i (prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False), |
| .flash_test_mode_a_io (flash_test_mode_a), |
| .flash_test_voltage_h_io(flash_test_v), |
| |
| // test |
| .scanmode_i (prim_mubi_pkg::MuBi4False), |
| .scan_rst_ni('0), |
| .scan_en_i ('0), |
| |
| // JTAG |
| .cio_tck_i (flash_ctrl_if.cio_tck), |
| .cio_tms_i (flash_ctrl_if.cio_tms), |
| .cio_tdi_i (flash_ctrl_if.cio_tdi), |
| .cio_tdo_en_o(flash_ctrl_if.cio_tdo_en), |
| .cio_tdo_o (flash_ctrl_if.cio_tdo), |
| |
| // alerts and interrupts |
| .intr_prog_empty_o(intr_prog_empty), |
| .intr_prog_lvl_o (intr_prog_lvl), |
| .intr_rd_full_o (intr_rd_full), |
| .intr_rd_lvl_o (intr_rd_lvl), |
| .intr_op_done_o (intr_op_done), |
| .intr_corr_err_o (intr_err), |
| .alert_rx_i (alert_rx), |
| .alert_tx_o (alert_tx), |
| .flash_alert_o (flash_ctrl_if.flash_alert) |
| ); |
| |
| // Create edge in flash_power_down_h_i, whenever reset is asserted |
| logic init; |
| assign flash_power_down_h = (init ? 1'b1 : 1'b0); |
| initial begin |
| forever begin |
| fork |
| begin : isolation_fork |
| if (rst_n === 1'b1) begin |
| // Fork off a thread to deassert init after 5 clocks. |
| fork |
| begin : deassert_init |
| clk_rst_if.wait_clks(5); |
| init = 1'b0; |
| end : deassert_init |
| join_none |
| end else begin |
| init = 1'b1; |
| end |
| |
| // Wait for the rst_n to change. |
| @(rst_n); |
| disable fork; |
| end : isolation_fork |
| join |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Instantitate the memory backdoor util instances. |
| // |
| // This only applies to the generic eflash. A unique memory backdoor util instance is created for |
| // each type of flash partition in each bank. |
| // |
| // For eflash of a specific vendor implementation, set the hierarchy to the memory element |
| // correctly when creating these instances in the extended testbench. |
| `define FLASH_DATA_MEM_HIER(i) \ |
| tb.dut.u_eflash.u_flash.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.gen_prim_flash_banks[i]. \ |
| u_prim_flash_bank.u_mem.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.mem |
| |
| `define FLASH_DATA_MEM_HIER_STR(i) \ |
| $sformatf({"tb.dut.u_eflash.u_flash.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.", \ |
| "gen_prim_flash_banks[%0d].u_prim_flash_bank.u_mem.gen_generic.", \ |
| "u_impl_generic.mem"}, i) |
| |
| `define FLASH_INFO_MEM_HIER(i, j) \ |
| tb.dut.u_eflash.u_flash.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.gen_prim_flash_banks[i]. \ |
| u_prim_flash_bank.gen_info_types[j].u_info_mem.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.mem |
| |
| `define FLASH_INFO_MEM_HIER_STR(i, j) \ |
| $sformatf({"tb.dut.u_eflash.u_flash.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.", \ |
| "gen_prim_flash_banks[%0d].u_prim_flash_bank.gen_info_types[%0d].", \ |
| "u_info_mem.gen_generic.u_impl_generic.mem"}, i, j) |
| |
| if (`PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL == prim_pkg::ImplGeneric) begin : gen_generic |
| for (genvar i = 0; i < flash_ctrl_pkg::NumBanks; i++) begin : gen_each_bank |
| flash_dv_part_e part = part.first(); |
| |
| initial begin |
| flash_mem_bkdr_util m_mem_bkdr_util; |
| m_mem_bkdr_util = new( |
| .name($sformatf("mem_bkdr_util[%0s][%0d]", part.name(), i)), |
| .path(`FLASH_DATA_MEM_HIER_STR(i)), |
| .depth($size(`FLASH_DATA_MEM_HIER(i))), |
| .n_bits($bits(`FLASH_DATA_MEM_HIER(i))), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccHamming_76_68) |
| ); |
| uvm_config_db#(mem_bkdr_util)::set(null, "*.env", m_mem_bkdr_util.get_name(), |
| m_mem_bkdr_util); |
| part = part.next(); |
| end |
| |
| for (genvar j = 0; j < flash_ctrl_pkg::InfoTypes; j++) begin : gen_each_info_type |
| initial begin |
| flash_mem_bkdr_util m_mem_bkdr_util; |
| m_mem_bkdr_util = new( |
| .name($sformatf("mem_bkdr_util[%0s][%0d]", part.name(), i)), |
| .path(`FLASH_INFO_MEM_HIER_STR(i, j)), |
| .depth($size(`FLASH_INFO_MEM_HIER(i, j))), |
| .n_bits($bits(`FLASH_INFO_MEM_HIER(i, j))), |
| .err_detection_scheme(mem_bkdr_util_pkg::EccHamming_76_68) |
| ); |
| uvm_config_db#(mem_bkdr_util)::set(null, "*.env", m_mem_bkdr_util.get_name(), |
| m_mem_bkdr_util); |
| part = part.next(); |
| end |
| end : gen_each_info_type |
| |
| end : gen_each_bank |
| end : gen_generic |
| |
| |
| // Connect the interrupts |
| assign interrupts[FlashCtrlIntrProgEmpty] = intr_prog_empty; |
| assign interrupts[FlashCtrlIntrProgLvl] = intr_prog_lvl; |
| assign interrupts[FlashCtrlIntrRdFull] = intr_rd_full; |
| assign interrupts[FlashCtrlIntrRdLvl] = intr_rd_lvl; |
| assign interrupts[FlashCtrlIntrOpDone] = intr_op_done; |
| assign interrupts[FlashCtrlIntrErr] = intr_err; |
| |
| initial begin |
| // drive clk and rst_n from clk_if |
| clk_rst_if.set_active(); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env", "clk_rst_vif", clk_rst_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env", |
| "clk_rst_vif_flash_ctrl_eflash_reg_block", clk_rst_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env", |
| "clk_rst_vif_flash_ctrl_prim_reg_block", clk_rst_if); |
| |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual rst_shadowed_if)::set(null, "*.env", "rst_shadowed_vif", |
| rst_shadowed_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(intr_vif)::set(null, "*.env", "intr_vif", intr_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(devmode_vif)::set(null, "*.env", "devmode_vif", devmode_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_tl_agent_flash_ctrl_core_reg_block*", "vif", |
| tl_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_tl_agent_flash_ctrl_eflash_reg_block*", "vif", |
| eflash_tl_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_tl_agent_flash_ctrl_prim_reg_block*", "vif", |
| prim_tl_if); |
| |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual flash_ctrl_if)::set(null, "*.env", "flash_ctrl_vif", flash_ctrl_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual flash_phy_prim_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_fpp_agent*", "vif", fpp_if); |
| uvm_config_db#(virtual flash_ctrl_dv_if)::set(null, "*.env", "flash_ctrl_dv_vif", |
| dut.flash_ctrl_dv_if); |
| $timeformat(-9, 1, " ns", 9); |
| run_test(); |
| end |
| |
| endmodule |