blob: a44d48fa97c2d3f1f50a96fa1f43f707cd87d47f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// tl_${} package generated by `` tool
name_len = max([len( for x in xbar.devices])
package tl_${}_pkg;
% for device in xbar.devices:
## Address
localparam logic [31:0] ADDR_SPACE_${} = 32'h ${"%08x" % device.address_from};
% endfor
% for device in xbar.devices:
## Mask
localparam logic [31:0] ADDR_MASK_${} = 32'h ${"%08x" % (device.address_to -
% endfor
localparam int N_HOST = ${len(xbar.hosts)};
localparam int N_DEVICE = ${len(xbar.devices)};
typedef enum int {
% for device in xbar.devices:
## Create enum type for hosts( or blocks) connecting to the device
## Device Node has one upstream port. So tl_device_h2d can be directly used
u_name = ''.join('_'));
% if loop.last:
Tl${u_name} = ${loop.index}
% else:
Tl${u_name} = ${loop.index},
% endif
% endfor
} tl_device_e;
typedef enum int {
% for host in xbar.hosts:
## Create enum type for downstream connecting to each host
## Host Node has one downstream port. so tl_host_h2d can be directly used
u_name = ''.join('_'));
% if loop.last:
Tl${u_name} = ${loop.index}
% else:
Tl${u_name} = ${loop.index},
% endif
% endfor
} tl_host_e;