blob: 26769130074f21107b4902b47a8c6bbbaacb66a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* @brief <a href="/hw/ip/otp_ctrl/doc/">OTP Controller</a> Device Interface
* Functions
#include <stdint.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/macros.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/mmio.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/dif_base.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/dif/autogen/dif_otp_ctrl_autogen.h"
// Header Extern Guard (so header can be used from C and C++)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* A partition within OTP memory.
typedef enum dif_otp_ctrl_partition {
* The vendor test area.
* This partition is reserved for macro-specific smoke tests.
* The creator software configuration area.
* This partition contains device-specific calibration data.
* The owner software configuration area.
* This partition contains data to e.g. enable ROM hardening features.
* The hardware configuration area.
* The device lifecycle area.
* Scrambled partition 0.
* This paritition contains TEST lifecycle state unlock tokens.
* Scrambled partition 1.
* This partition contains SRAM and flash scrambling keys.
* Scrambled partition 2.
* This partition contains the RMA unlock token and the CreatorRootKey.
} dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t;
* Runtime configuration for OTP.
* This struct describes runtime information for one-time configuration of the
* hardware.
typedef struct dif_otp_ctrl_config {
* The timeout for an integrity or consistency check to succeed, in cycles.
* 100'000 is recommended as a minimum safe value.
uint32_t check_timeout;
* A mask for the pseudo-random integrity check period.
* The value of this mask limits the period of the integrity check; when the
* pseudo-random period is computed, this mask is applied to limit it. For
* example, a value of 0x3'ffff would correspond to a maximum period of about
* 2.8s at 24MHz.
* A value of zero disables the check.
uint32_t integrity_period_mask;
* A mask for the pseudo-random consistency check period.
* The value of this mask limits the period of the consistency check; when the
* pseudo-random period is computed, this mask is applied to limit it. For
* example, a value of 0x3ff'ffff would correspond to a maximum period of
* about 716s at 24MHz.
* A value of zero disables the check.
uint32_t consistency_period_mask;
} dif_otp_ctrl_config_t;
* A hardware-level status code.
typedef enum dif_otp_ctrl_status_code {
// NOTE: This enum's API *requires* that all "error"-like codes (that is,
// those which have associated cause registers) be a prefix of the enum
// values.
// Note furthermore that these enum variants are intended as bit indices, so
// their values should not be randomized.
* Indicates an error occurred in the `VendorTest` partition.
kDifOtpCtrlStatusCodeVendorTestError = 0,
* Indicates an error occurred in the `CreatorSwCfg` partition.
* Indicates an error occurred in the `OwnerSwCfg` partition.
* Indicates an error occurred in the `HwCfg` partition.
* Indicates an error occurred in the `LifeCycle` partition.
* Indicates an error occurred in the `Secret0` partition.
* Indicates an error occurred in the `Secret1` partition.
* Indicates an error occurred in the `Secret2` partition.
* Indicates an error occurred in the direct access interface.
* Indicates an error occurred in the lifecycle interface.
* This is not a status code; rather, it represents the last error code which
* has a corresponding "cause" register.
* See `dif_otp_ctrl_status_t` for information on how to use this.
kDifOtpCtrlStatusCodeHasCauseLast = kDifOtpCtrlStatusCodeLciError,
* Indicates that an integrity or consistency check has timed out.
* This error is unrecoverable.
* Indicates that the LFSR that generates pseudo-random integrity and
* consistency checks is in a bad state.
* This error is unrecoverable.
* Indicates that the scrambling hardware is in a bad state.
* This error is unrecoverable.
* Indicates that the key derivation hardware is in a bad state.
* This error is unrecoverable.
* Indicates a bus integrity error.
* This error will raise an alert.
* Indicates that the direct access interface is idle.
* Indicates that an integrity or consistency check is currently pending.
} dif_otp_ctrl_status_code_t;
* A hardware-level error code, associated with a particular error defined in
* `dif_otp_ctrl_status_t`.
typedef enum dif_otp_ctrl_error {
* Indicates no error.
* Indicates that an OTP macro command was invalid or did not
* complete successfully.
* This error indicates non-recoverable hardware malfunction.
* Indicates a recoverable error during a read operation.
* A followup read should work as expected.
* Indicates an unrecoverable error during a read operation.
* This error indicates non-recoverable hardware malfunction.
* Indicates that the blank write check failed during a write operation.
* Indicates a locked memory region was accessed.
* Indicates a parity, integrity or consistency check failed in the buffer
* registers.
* This error indicates non-recoverable hardware malfunction.
* Indicates that the FSM of the controller is in a bad state or that the
* controller's FSM has been moved into its terminal state due to escalation
* via the alert subsystem.
* This error indicates that the device has been glitched by an attacker.
} dif_otp_ctrl_error_t;
* The overall status of the OTP controller.
* See `dif_otp_ctrl_get_status()`.
typedef struct dif_otp_ctrl_status {
* Currently active statuses, given as a bit vector. To check whether a
* particular status code was returned, write
* bool has_code = ( >> kMyStatusCode) & 1;
* Note that it is possible to quickly check that the controller is idle and
* error-free by writing
* bool is_ok = == (1 << kDifOtpStatusCodeDaiIdle);
uint32_t codes;
* A list of root causes for each error status code.
* If the error status code `error` is present in `codes`, and
* `error <= kDifOtpCtrlStatusHasCauseLast`, then `causes[error]`
* will contain its root cause.
dif_otp_ctrl_error_t causes[kDifOtpCtrlStatusCodeHasCauseLast + 1];
} dif_otp_ctrl_status_t;
* Configures OTP with runtime information.
* This function should need to be called at most once for the lifetime of
* `otp`.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param config Runtime configuration parameters.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_configure(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_config_t config);
* Runs an integrity check on the OTP hardware.
* This function can be used to trigger an integrity check independent of the
* pseudo-random hardware-generated checks.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_check_integrity(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp);
* Runs a consistency check on the OTP hardware.
* This function can be used to trigger a consistency check independent of the
* pseudo-random hardware-generated checks.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_check_consistency(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp);
* Locks out `dif_otp_ctrl_configure()` and the
* `dif_otp_ctrl_check_*()` functions.
* This function is reentrant: calling it while functionality is locked will
* have no effect and return `kDifOtpCtrlOk`.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_lock_config(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp);
* Checks whether `dif_otp_ctrl_configure()` and the `dif_otp_ctrl_check_*()`
* functions are locked-out.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_config_is_locked(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
bool *is_locked);
* Locks out reads to a SW partition.
* This function should only be called on SW partitions; doing otherwise will
* return an error.
* Note that this is distinct from the write-locking performed by calling
* `dif_otp_ctrl_dai_digest()`. In particular, the effects of this function will
* not persist past a system reset.
* This function is reentrant: calling it while functionality is locked will
* have no effect and return `kDifOtpCtrlOk`.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition The SW partition to lock.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_lock_reading(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition);
* Checks whether reads to a SW partition are locked out.
* This function should only be called on SW partitions; doing otherwise will
* return an error.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition the SW partition to check for locking.
* @param[out] is_locked Out-param for the locked state.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_reading_is_locked(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
bool *is_locked);
* Gets the current status of the OTP controller.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param[out] status Out-param for the controller's status.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_get_status(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_status_t *status);
* Schedules a read on the Direct Access Interface.
* Reads are performed relative to a partition; `address` should be given
* relative to the start of `partition`. An error is returned for out-of-bounds
* access.
* Furthermore, `address` must be well-aligned: it must be four-byte aligned for
* normal paritions and eight-byte-aligned for secret partitions. An error is
* returned for unaligned access.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition The partition to read from.
* @param address A partition-relative address to read from.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_dai_read_start(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
uint32_t address);
* Gets the result of a completed 32-bit read operation on the Direct Access
* Interface.
* Whether this function or its 64-bit variant should be called is dependent on
* the most recent partition read from.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param[out] value Out-param for the read value.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_dai_read32_end(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
uint32_t *value);
* Gets the result of a completed 64-bit read operation on the Direct Access
* Interface.
* Whether this function or its 32-bit variant should be called is dependent on
* the most recent partition read from.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param[out] value Out-param for the read value.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_dai_read64_end(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
uint64_t *value);
* Schedules a 32-bit write on the Direct Access Interface.
* Writes are performed relative to a partition; `address` should be given
* relative to the start of `partition`. An error is returned for out-of-bounds
* access.
* Furthermore, `address` must be four-byte-aligned, and `partition` must not be
* a secret partition. An error is returned if neither condition is met.
* Note that this function cannot be used to program the digest at the end of a
* `SW` partition; `dif_otp_ctrl_dai_digest()` must be used instead.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition The partition to program.
* @param address A partition-relative address to program.
* @param value The value to program into the OTP.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_dai_program32(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
uint32_t address, uint32_t value);
* Schedules a 64-bit write on the Direct Access Interface.
* Writes are performed relative to a partition; `address` should be given
* relative to the start of `partition`. An error is returned for out-of-bounds
* access.
* Furthermore, `address` must be eight-byte-aligned, and `partition` must be
* a secret partition. An error is returned if neither condition is met.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition The partition to program.
* @param address A partition-relative address to program.
* @param value The value to program into the OTP.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_dai_program64(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
uint32_t address, uint64_t value);
* Schedules a hardware digest operation on the Direct Access Interface.
* **This operation will also lock writes for the given partition.**
* If `partition` is a SW partition, `digest` must be non-zero; if it is a
* partition with a hardware-managed digest, `digest` *must* be zero (since the
* digest will be generated by the hardware). An error is returned if either
* precondition is not met.
* This function does not work with the lifecycle state partition, and will
* return an error in that case.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition The partition to digest and lock.
* @param digest The digest to program (for SW partitions).
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_dai_digest(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
uint64_t digest);
* Gets the buffered digest value for the given partition.
* Note that this value is only updated when the device is reset; if the digest
* has not been computed yet, or has been computed but not since device reset,
* this function will return an error.
* The lifecycle partition does not have a digest and will result in an error
* being returned.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition The partition to get a digest for.
* @param[out] digest Out-param for the digest.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_get_digest(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
uint64_t *digest);
* Performs a memory-mapped read of the given partition, if it supports them.
* In particular, this function will read `len` words, starting at `address`,
* relative to the start of `partition`.
* The same caveats for `dif_otp_ctrl_dai_read_start()` apply to `address`; in
* addition, `address + len` must also be in-range and must not overflow.
* This function will block until the read completes, unlike Direct Access
* Interface functions.
* @param otp An OTP handle.
* @param partition The partition to read from.
* @param address A partition-relative address to read from.
* @param[out] buf A buffer of words to write read values to.
* @param len The number of words to read.
* @return The result of the operation.
dif_result_t dif_otp_ctrl_read_blocking(const dif_otp_ctrl_t *otp,
dif_otp_ctrl_partition_t partition,
uint32_t address, uint32_t *buf,
size_t len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus