blob: 5abc9401a0264d466550b8a4da0f7171a4eec4b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// ------------------- W A R N I N G: A U T O - G E N E R A T E D C O D E !! -------------------//
// hw/ip/prim/util/
// This package defines common multibit signal types, active high and active low values and
// the corresponding functions to test whether the values are set or not.
package prim_mubi_pkg;
% for n in range(1, n_max_nibbles + 1):
nbits = n * 4
true_val = ''
false_val = ''
for k in range(1,n+1):
true_val = ('A' if (k % 2) else '5') + true_val
false_val = ('5' if (k % 2) else 'A') + false_val
// ${nbits} Bit Multibit Type and Functions //
parameter int MuBi${nbits}Width = ${nbits};
typedef enum logic [MuBi${nbits}Width-1:0] {
MuBi${nbits}True = ${nbits}'h${true_val}, // enabled
MuBi${nbits}False = ${nbits}'h${false_val} // disabled
} mubi${nbits}_e;
// make a typedef such that this can be used as an intersignal type as well
typedef mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_t;
// Return the multibit value to signal "enabled".
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_true_value();
return MuBi${nbits}True;
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_true_value
// Return the multibit value to signal "disabled".
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_false_value();
return MuBi${nbits}False;
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_false_value
// Test whether the multibit value signals an "enabled" condition.
// The strict version of this function requires
// the multibit value to equal True.
function automatic logic mubi${nbits}_test_true_strict(mubi${nbits}_e val);
return MuBi${nbits}True == val;
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_test_true_strict
// Test whether the multibit value signals a "disabled" condition.
// The strict version of this function requires
// the multibit value to equal False.
function automatic logic mubi${nbits}_test_false_strict(mubi${nbits}_e val);
return MuBi${nbits}False == val;
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_test_false_strict
// Test whether the multibit value signals an "enabled" condition.
// The loose version of this function interprets all
// values other than False as "enabled".
function automatic logic mubi${nbits}_test_true_loose(mubi${nbits}_e val);
return MuBi${nbits}False != val;
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_test_true_loose
// Test whether the multibit value signals a "disabled" condition.
// The loose version of this function interprets all
// values other than True as "disabled".
function automatic logic mubi${nbits}_test_false_loose(mubi${nbits}_e val);
return MuBi${nbits}True != val;
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_test_false_loose
// Performs a logical OR operation between two multibit values.
// This treats "act" as logical 1, and all other values are
// treated as 0. Truth table:
// A | B | OUT
// !act | !act | !act
// act | !act | act
// !act | act | act
// act | act | act
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_or(mubi${nbits}_e a, mubi${nbits}_e b, mubi${nbits}_e act);
logic [MuBi${nbits}Width-1:0] a_in, b_in, act_in, out;
a_in = a;
b_in = b;
act_in = act;
for (int k = 0; k < MuBi${nbits}Width; k++) begin
if (act_in[k]) begin
out[k] = a_in[k] || b_in[k];
end else begin
out[k] = a_in[k] && b_in[k];
return mubi${nbits}_e'(out);
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_or
// Performs a logical AND operation between two multibit values.
// This treats "act" as logical 1, and all other values are
// treated as 0. Truth table:
// A | B | OUT
// !act | !act | !act
// act | !act | !act
// !act | act | !act
// act | act | act
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_and(mubi${nbits}_e a, mubi${nbits}_e b, mubi${nbits}_e act);
logic [MuBi${nbits}Width-1:0] a_in, b_in, act_in, out;
a_in = a;
b_in = b;
act_in = act;
for (int k = 0; k < MuBi${nbits}Width; k++) begin
if (act_in[k]) begin
out[k] = a_in[k] && b_in[k];
end else begin
out[k] = a_in[k] || b_in[k];
return mubi${nbits}_e'(out);
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_and
// Performs a logical OR operation between two multibit values.
// This treats "True" as logical 1, and all other values are
// treated as 0.
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_or_hi(mubi${nbits}_e a, mubi${nbits}_e b);
return mubi${nbits}_or(a, b, MuBi${nbits}True);
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_or_hi
// Performs a logical AND operation between two multibit values.
// This treats "True" as logical 1, and all other values are
// treated as 0.
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_and_hi(mubi${nbits}_e a, mubi${nbits}_e b);
return mubi${nbits}_and(a, b, MuBi${nbits}True);
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_and_hi
// Performs a logical OR operation between two multibit values.
// This treats "False" as logical 1, and all other values are
// treated as 0.
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_or_lo(mubi${nbits}_e a, mubi${nbits}_e b);
return mubi${nbits}_or(a, b, MuBi${nbits}False);
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_or_lo
// Performs a logical AND operation between two multibit values.
// Tlos treats "False" as logical 1, and all other values are
// treated as 0.
function automatic mubi${nbits}_e mubi${nbits}_and_lo(mubi${nbits}_e a, mubi${nbits}_e b);
return mubi${nbits}_and(a, b, MuBi${nbits}False);
endfunction : mubi${nbits}_and_lo
% endfor
endpackage : prim_mubi_pkg